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*** README file for HELPDOC ***
Short: transform INPUT_*.def into INPUT_*.xml|html|txt
HELPDOC is a small utility (located in ../dev-tools/) that
transforms INPUT_*.def files into INPUT_*.txt and INPUT_*.xml
files, and the latter are accordingly transformed into HTML format.
The idea is to enhance/replace the plain ascii descriptions of
input file syntax (i.e. INPUT_* files) with more structured and
descriptive format yielding an enhanced documentation + better
input syntax definition.
Helpdoc depends on tclsh, tcllib, and xsltproc. For example, to
install these packages in GNU/Linux Debian-based distributions,
execute as root (or sudo):
apt-get install tcl tcllib xsltproc
or, on RedHat-based distributions, the analogous command
yum install tcl tcllib xsltproc
Perhaps the first choice for a markup would be XML, yet its markup
is not very practical from typing point of view. Therefore *.def
files use a markup that involves less typing (i.e. like wiki's use
more practical markup than HTML).
Consider an XML example:
<var name="etot_conv_thr" type="REAL">
<default> 1.0D-4 </default>
convergence threshold on total energy (a.u) for ionic ...
The DEF markup (*.def) is more compact---involves less syntactic
sugar---but is otherwise equally well-defined:
var etot_conv_thr -type REAL {
default { 1.0D-4 }
info {
convergence threshold on total energy (a.u) for ionic ...
Full correspondence between XML and DEF markup is:
XML: <element attribute="value"> ... </element>
DEF: element -attribute value { ... }
Technically, DEF files are Tcl-scripts (hence they use the Tcl
3.1 Differences between DEF and XML:
* some elements must have a name attribute (e.g. variable and namelist
must always have a name). For such elements the markup is simplified
from "element -name ident ..." to "element ident ..."
(i.e. -name is skipped).
* attributes must be specified on a single line:
# this is OK
elem1 -attr1 value1 -attr2 value2 { ... }
# this is BAD
elem1 -attr1 value1
-attr2 value2 { ... }
# but this is OK (because of line-continuation character "\")
elem1 -attr1 value1 \
-attr2 value2 { ... }
* separator between elements is either newline character or
semicolon (;). E.g.:
# this is OK
element1 -attribute1 value1 { ... }; element2 -attribute2 value2 { ... }
# this is BAD
element1 -attribute1 value1 { ... } element2 -attribute2 value2 { ... }
# this is OK
element1 -attribute1 value1 { ... }
element2 -attribute2 value2 { ....}
The DEF markup (elements and attributes) is defined in file
./helpdoc.schema (which uses its own schema language that was
inspired by RELAX NG schema language).
Making use of an element and/or attribute in *.def files which is
not defined in helpdoc.schema file, will produce an error during
def-->xml conversion (otherwise the helpdoc is not a full
To transform INPUT_*.def file to INPUT_*.xml and INPUT_*.html
file, execute
../dev-tools/helpdoc INPUT_whatever.def
or simply:
make INPUT_whatever.html
To convert all *.def to *.html files, use: make helpdoc
During execution, the helpdoc transforms the *.def file into *.xml
file and calls the xsltproc program that transforms the latter into
*.html file. The instructions for doing that are provided by an XSL
stylesheet (file: ./input_xx.xsl).
5. TO DO ...
Put here more descriptions on the markup ...