
155 lines
4.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE d3_readin()
! This routine reads the control variables for the program phononq. T
! input is read from unit 5. A namelist is used on the machine which
! allows it. A second routine readfile reads the variables saved
! on the data file by the self-consistent program.
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp
USE pwcom
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
USE phcom
USE d3com
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
INTEGER :: ios, ipol, iter, na, it, ii
! counters
CHARACTER(len=256) :: outdir
NAMELIST / inputph / ethr_ph, amass, iverbosity, outdir, prefix, &
fildyn, fildrho, fild0rho, q0mode_todo, wraux, recv, istop, &
testflag, testint, testreal
! convergence threshold
! atomic masses
! write control
! directory for temporary files
! the punch file produced by pwscf
! the file with the dynamical matrix
! the file with the deltarho
! the file with q=0 deltarho
! list of the q=0 modes to be computed
! .true.==> writes some auxiliary
! .true.==> this is a recover run
! to stop the program at a given point
! variables used for testing purposes
IF ( ionode ) THEN
! Read the first line of the input file
READ (5, '(a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) title_ph
100 CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'reading title ', ABS (ios) )
! set default values for variables in namelist
ethr_ph = 1.d-5
iverbosity = 0
outdir = './'
prefix = 'pwscf'
fildyn = 'd3dyn'
fildrho = ' '
fild0rho = ' '
DO ii = 1, 300
q0mode_todo (ii) = 0
wraux = .FALSE.
recv = .FALSE.
istop = 0
DO ii = 1, 50
testflag (ii) = .FALSE.
! reading the namelist inputph
#ifdef CRAYY
! The Cray does not accept "err" and "iostat" together with a namelist
READ (5, inputph)
ios = 0
! Note: for AIX machine (xlf compiler version 3.0 or higher):
! The variable XLFRTEOPTS must be set to "namelist=old"
! in order to have "&end" to end the namelist
READ (5, inputph, err = 200, iostat = ios)
200 CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'reading inputph namelist', ABS (ios) )
! Check all namelist variables
IF (ethr_ph.LE.0.d0) CALL errore (' d3_readin', ' Wrong ethr_ph ', 1)
IF (iverbosity.NE.0.AND.iverbosity.NE.1) &
CALL errore ('d3_readin', ' Wrong iverbosity ', 1)
IF (fildrho.EQ.' ') CALL errore ('d3_readin', ' Wrong fildrho ', 1)
IF (fild0rho.EQ.' ') CALL errore ('d3_readin', ' Wrong fild0rho ', 1)
! reads the q point
READ (5, *, err = 300, iostat = ios) (xq (ipol), ipol = 1, 3)
300 CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'reading xq', ABS (ios) )
lgamma = xq (1) .EQ.0.d0.AND.xq (2) .EQ.0.d0.AND.xq (3) .EQ.0.d0
tmp_dir = TRIM(outdir)
CALL bcast_d3_input()
xqq (:) = xq(:)
! Here we finished the reading of the input file.
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
CALL read_file
IF (lgamma) THEN
nksq = nks
nksq = nks / 2
IF (lsda) CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'lsda not implemented', 1)
IF (okvan) CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'US not implemented', 1)
! There might be other variables in the input file which describe
! partial computation of the dynamical matrix. Read them here
CALL allocate_part
!IF (.NOT.(lphonon.OR.lgamma)) &
! CALL errore ('d3_readin', ' Wrong calculation ', 1 )
DO it = 1, ntyp
IF (amass (it) .LE.0.d0) CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'Wrong masses', &
IF (MOD (nks, 2) .NE.0.AND..NOT.lgamma) CALL errore ('d3_readin', &
'k-points are odd', nks)
! q0mode, and q0mode_todo are not allocated dynamically. Their
! dimension is fixed to 300
IF (3 * nat.GT.300) CALL errore ('d3_readin', 'wrong dimension of &
&q0mode variable', 1)
DO ii = 1, 3 * nat
IF (q0mode_todo (ii) .GT.3 * nat) CALL errore ('d3_readin', ' wrong &
& q0mode_todo ', 1)