
267 lines
7.8 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! ... written by J. Tobik
! Changes 30/06/2003 (ADC) :
! Calculation of corrections to energy and forces due
! to the field.
! Added possibility to subtract the dipole field
! for slab or molecule calculation.
! (See Bengtsson PRB 59, 12 301 (1999) and
! Meyer and Vanderbilt, PRB 63, 205426 (2001).)
! 25/06/2009 (Riccardo Sabatini)
! reformulation using a unique saw(x) function (included in
! cell_base) in all e-field related routines and inclusion of
! a macroscopic electronic dipole contribution in the mixing
! scheme.
SUBROUTINE add_efield(vpoten,etotefield,rho,iflag)
! This routine adds an electric field to the local potential. The
! field is made artificially periodic by introducing a saw-tooth
! potential. The field is parallel to a reciprocal lattice vector bg,
! according to the index edir.
! if dipfield is false the electric field correction is added to the
! potential given as input (the bare local potential) only
! at the first call to this routine. In the following calls
! the routine exit.
! if dipfield is true the dipole moment per unit surface is calculated
! and used to cancel the electric field due to periodic boundary
! conditions. This potential is added to the Hartree and xc potential
! in v_of_rho. NB: in this case the electric field contribution to the
! band energy is subtracted by deband.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : fpi, eps8, e2
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, zv
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, at, omega, bg, saw
USE extfield, ONLY : tefield, dipfield, edir, eamp, emaxpos, &
eopreg, forcefield
USE force_mod, ONLY : lforce
USE gvect, ONLY : nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout,ionode
USE control_flags, ONLY : mixing_beta
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_image_comm, me_pool, intra_pool_comm
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
! I/O variables
REAL(DP),INTENT(INOUT) :: vpoten(nrxx) ! the ef is added to this potential
REAL(DP),INTENT(INOUT) :: etotefield ! the contribution to etot due to ef
REAL(DP),INTENT(IN) :: rho(nrxx,nspin) ! the density whose dipole is computed
LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: iflag ! set to true to force recalculation of field
! local variables
INTEGER :: index, index0, i, j, k
INTEGER :: ir, na, ipol
REAL(DP) :: length, vamp, value, sawarg, e_dipole, ion_dipole
REAL(DP) :: tot_dipole, bmod, debye
LOGICAL :: first=.TRUE.
SAVE first
! Execution control
IF (.NOT.tefield) RETURN
! efield only needs to be added on the first iteration, if dipfield
! is not used. note that for relax calculations it has to be added
! again on subsequent relax steps.
IF ((.NOT.dipfield).AND.(.NOT.first) .AND..NOT. iflag) RETURN
IF ((edir.lt.1).or.(edir.gt.3)) THEN
CALL errore('add_efield',' wrong edir',1)
! Variable initialization
debye = 2.54176D0
e_dipole =0._dp
! Calculate dipole
if (dipfield) then
! dipole correction is active
CALL compute_el_dip(emaxpos, eopreg, edir, rho, e_dipole)
CALL compute_ion_dip(emaxpos, eopreg, edir, ion_dipole)
tot_dipole = -e_dipole + ion_dipole
#ifdef __PARA
CALL mp_bcast(tot_dipole, 0, intra_image_comm)
! E_{TOT} = -e^{2} \left( eamp - dip \right) dip \frac{\Omega}{4\pi}
! Define forcefield
! F_{s} = e^{2} \left( eamp - dip \right) z_{v}\cross\frac{\vec{b_{3}}}{bmod}
IF (lforce) THEN
DO na=1,nat
DO ipol=1,3
forcefield(ipol,na)= e2 *(eamp - tot_dipole) &
! dipole correction is not active
CALL compute_ion_dip(emaxpos, eopreg, edir, ion_dipole)
! E_{TOT} = -e^{2} eamp * iondip \frac{\Omega}{4\pi}
! Define forcefield
! F_{s} = e^{2} eamp z_{v}\cross\frac{\vec{b_{3}}}{bmod}
IF (lforce) THEN
DO na=1,nat
DO ipol=1,3
forcefield(ipol,na)= e2 *eamp &
end if
! Calcualte potential and print values
IF (ionode) THEN
! Output data
WRITE( stdout,*)
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Adding external electric field":)')
IF (dipfield) then
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Computed dipole along edir(",i1,") : ")' ) edir
! If verbose prints also the different components
IF (iverbosity>0) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(8X,"Elec. dipole ",1F15.4," Ry au, ", 1F15.4," Debye")' ) &
e_dipole, (e_dipole*debye)
WRITE( stdout, '(8X,"Ion. dipole ",1F15.4," Ry au,", 1F15.4," Debye")' ) &
ion_dipole, (ion_dipole*debye)
WRITE( stdout, '(8X,"Dipole ",1F15.4," Ry au, ", 1F15.4," Debye")' ) &
(tot_dipole* (omega/fpi)), &
((tot_dipole* (omega/fpi))*debye)
WRITE( stdout, '(8x,"Dipole field ", f11.4," Ry au")') tot_dipole
WRITE( stdout,*)
IF (abs(eamp)>0._dp) WRITE( stdout, &
'(8x,"E field amplitude [Ha a.u.]: ", es11.4)') eamp
WRITE( stdout,'(8x,"Potential amp. ", f11.4," Ry")') vamp
WRITE( stdout,'(8x,"Total length ", f11.4," bohr")') length
WRITE( stdout,*)
! Add potential
! V\left(ijk\right) = e^{2} \left( eamp - dip \right) z_{v}
! Saw\left( \frac{k}{nr3} \right) \frac{alat}{bmod}
! Index for parallel summation
index0 = 0
#if defined (__PARA)
DO i = 1, me_pool
index0 = index0 + nrx1*nrx2*dfftp%npp(i)
! Loop in the charge array
DO ir = 1, nrxx
! ... three dimensional indexes
index = index0 + ir - 1
k = index / (nrx1*nrx2)
index = index - (nrx1*nrx2)*k
j = index / nrx1
index = index - nrx1*j
i = index
if (edir.eq.1) sawarg = (i*1._dp)/(nr1*1._dp)
if (edir.eq.2) sawarg = (j*1._dp)/(nr2*1._dp)
if (edir.eq.3) sawarg = (k*1._dp)/(nr3*1._dp)
value = e2*(eamp - tot_dipole)*saw(emaxpos,eopreg,sawarg) * (alat/bmod)
vpoten(ir) = vpoten(ir) + value