
383 lines
13 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine write_upf(ounps)
use ld1inc, only: nlcc, rel
integer :: ounps
call write_pseudo_comment(ounps)
call write_pseudo_header(ounps)
call write_pseudo_mesh(ounps)
if (nlcc) call write_pseudo_nlcc(ounps)
call write_pseudo_local(ounps)
call write_pseudo_nl(ounps)
call write_pseudo_pswfc(ounps)
call write_pseudo_rhoatom(ounps)
if (rel == 2) call write_pseudo_addinfo(ounps)
end subroutine write_upf
subroutine write_pseudo_comment (ounps)
! This routine writes the comments of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: nb, ios
character(len=80) :: generated, date_author, comment
character(len=9) :: day, hour
call date_and_tim(day,hour)
generated='Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso &
& (espresso distribution)'
date_author='Author: anonymous Generation date: '// day
write (ounps, '(a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_INFO>"
write (ounps, '(a75)', err = 100, iostat = ios) generated
write (ounps, '(a75)', err = 100, iostat = ios) date_author
if (trim(comment) /= ' ') then
write (ounps, '(a75)', err = 100, iostat = ios) comment
end if
if (rel==2) then
write (ounps, '(i5,t14,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) rel,&
&"The Pseudo was generated with a Fully-Relativistic Calculation"
else if (rel==1) then
write (ounps, '(i5,t14,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) rel,&
&"The Pseudo was generated with a Scalar-Relativistic Calculation"
write (ounps, '(i5,t14,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) rel, &
& "The Pseudo was generated with a Non-Relativistic Calculation"
write (ounps, '(i5,1pe14.7,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
lloc, rcloc, "L component and cutoff radius for Local Potential"
write (ounps, '(a2,2a3,a6,3a19)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "nl", &
&" pn", "l", "occ", "Rcut", "Rcut US", "E pseu"
do nb = 1, nwfs
write (ounps, '(a2,2i3,f6.2,3f19.11)') els (nb) , nns (nb) , &
lls (nb) , ocs (nb) , rcut (nb) , rcutus (nb) , enls(nb)
write (ounps, '(a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_INFO>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_comment', 'Writing pseudo file', abs ( &
end subroutine write_pseudo_comment
subroutine write_pseudo_header (ounps)
! This routine writes the header of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
use funct, only : get_iexch, get_icorr, get_igcx, get_igcc, dft_name
use kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: ounps
character (len=4) :: shortname
character (len=2), external :: atom_name
character (len=20) :: dft
real(DP) ecutrho, ecutwfc
integer :: nb, ios, nv
integer :: iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
write (ounps, '(//a11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_HEADER>"
write (ounps, '(t3,i2,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) nv, &
"Version Number"
write (ounps, '(t3,a,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
atom_name(nint(zed)), "Element"
if (pseudotype == 1.or.pseudotype == 2) then
write (ounps, '(a5,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "NC", &
"Norm - Conserving pseudopotential"
else if (pseudotype == 3) then
write (ounps, '(a5,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "US", &
"Ultrasoft pseudopotential"
call errore ('write_pseudo_header',&
'Unknown PP type: ', 1)
write (ounps, '(l5,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) nlcc , &
"Nonlinear Core Correction"
iexch = get_iexch()
icorr = get_icorr()
igcx = get_igcx()
igcc = get_igcc()
call dft_name (iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc, dft, shortname)
write (ounps, '(a,t24,a4,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
dft, shortname," Exchange-Correlation functional"
write (ounps, '(f17.11,t24,a)') zval , "Z valence"
write (ounps, '(f17.11,t24,a)') etots, "Total energy"
write (ounps, '(2f11.7,t24,a)') ecutrho, ecutwfc, &
"Suggested cutoff for wfc and rho"
write (ounps, '(i5,t24,a)') lmax, "Max angular momentum component"
write (ounps, '(i5,t24,a)') mesh, "Number of points in mesh"
write (ounps, '(2i5,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) nwfts, &
nbeta , "Number of Wavefunctions, Number of Projectors"
write (ounps, '(a,t24,a2,a3,a6)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
" Wavefunctions", "nl", "l", "occ"
do nb = 1, nwfts
write (ounps, '(t24,a2,i3,f6.2)') elts(nb), llts(nb), octs(nb)
!---> End header writing
write (ounps, '(a12)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_HEADER>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_header','Writing pseudo file', abs(ios) )
end subroutine write_pseudo_header
subroutine write_pseudo_mesh (ounps)
! This routine writes the atomic charge density to the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: ir, ios
write (ounps, '(//a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_MESH>"
write (ounps, '(t3,a6)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_R>"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) (r(ir), ir=1,mesh )
write (ounps, '(t3,a7)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_R>"
write (ounps, '(t3,a8)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_RAB>"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) (rab(ir), ir=1,mesh )
write (ounps, '(t3,a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_RAB>"
write (ounps, '(a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_MESH>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_rhoatom','Writing pseudo file',abs(ios))
end subroutine write_pseudo_mesh
subroutine write_pseudo_nlcc (ounps)
! This routine writes the core charge for the nonlinear core
! correction of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
use kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: ir, ios
real(DP) :: fpi
write (ounps, '(//a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_NLCC>"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
( rhoc(ir)/fpi/r2(ir), ir = 1, mesh )
write (ounps, '(a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_NLCC>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_nlcc', 'Writing pseudo file', abs (ios))
end subroutine write_pseudo_nlcc
subroutine write_pseudo_local (ounps)
! This routine writes the local part of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: ir, ios
write (ounps, '(//a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_LOCAL>"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
( vpsloc(ir), ir = 1, mesh )
write (ounps, '(a11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_LOCAL>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_local', 'Writing pseudo file', abs(ios) )
end subroutine write_pseudo_local
subroutine write_pseudo_nl (ounps)
! This routine writes the non local part of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: nb, mb, n, ir, nd, i, lp, nqf, ios
write (ounps, '(//a13)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_NONLOCAL>"
do nb = 1, nbeta
write (ounps, '(t3,a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_BETA>"
write (ounps, '(2i5,t24,a)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
nb, lls(nb), "Beta L"
write (ounps, '(i6)', err=100, iostat=ios) ikk (nb)
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
( betas(ir,nb), ir=1,ikk(nb) )
write (ounps, '(t3,2f6.2)', err=100,iostat=ios) rcut(nb), rcutus(nb)
write (ounps, '(t3,a2)', err=100, iostat=ios) els(nb)
write (ounps, '(t3,a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_BETA>"
write (ounps, '(t3,a8)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_DIJ>"
nd = 0
do nb = 1, nbeta
do mb = nb, nbeta
if ( abs(bmat(nb,mb)) .gt. 1.0e-12_dp ) nd = nd + 1
write (ounps, '(1p,i5,t24,a)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
nd, "Number of nonzero Dij"
do nb = 1, nbeta
do mb = nb, nbeta
if ( abs(bmat(nb,mb)) .gt. 1.0e-12_dp ) &
write(ounps,'(1p,2i5,e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
nb, mb, bmat(nb,mb)
write (ounps, '(t3,a9)', err=100, iostat=ios) "</PP_DIJ>"
if (pseudotype == 3) then
write (ounps, '(t3,a8)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_QIJ>"
write (ounps, '(i5,a)',err=100, iostat=ios) nqf," nqf.&
& If not zero, Qij's inside rinner are computed using qfcoef's"
do nb = 1, nbeta
do mb = nb, nbeta
write (ounps, '(3i5,t24,a)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
nb, mb, lls(mb) , "i j (l(j))"
write (ounps, '(1pe19.11,t24,a)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
qq(nb,mb), "Q_int"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
( qvan (n,nb,mb), n=1,mesh )
write (ounps, '(t3,a9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_QIJ>"
write (ounps, '(a14)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_NONLOCAL>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_nl', 'Writing pseudo file', abs (ios) )
end subroutine write_pseudo_nl
subroutine write_pseudo_pswfc (ounps)
! This routine writes the pseudo atomic functions
! of the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: nb, ir, ios
write (ounps, '(//a10)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_PSWFC>"
do nb = 1, nwfts
write (ounps,'(a2,i5,f6.2,t24,a)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
elts(nb), llts(nb), octs(nb), "Wavefunction"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios) &
( phits(ir,nb), ir=1,mesh )
write (ounps, '(a11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_PSWFC>"
100 call errore ('write_pseudo_pswfc', 'Writing pseudo file', abs(ios) )
end subroutine write_pseudo_pswfc
subroutine write_pseudo_rhoatom (ounps)
! This routine writes the atomic charge density to the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: ir, ios
write (ounps, '(//a12)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_RHOATOM>"
write (ounps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
( rhos(ir,1), ir=1,mesh )
write (ounps, '(a13)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_RHOATOM>"
100 call errore('write_pseudo_rhoatom','Writing pseudo file',abs(ios))
end subroutine write_pseudo_rhoatom
subroutine write_pseudo_addinfo (ounps)
! This routine writes the atomic charge density to the new UPF file
use ld1inc
implicit none
integer :: ounps
integer :: nb, ios
write (ounps, '(//a12)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "<PP_ADDINFO>"
do nb=1,nwfts
write (ounps, '(a2,2i3,2f6.2)',err=100, iostat=ios) &
& elts(nb), nnts(nb), llts (nb), jjts(nb), octs (nb)
do nb=1,nbeta
write (ounps, '(i5,f6.2)', err=100,iostat=ios) lls(nb), jjs(nb)
write(ounps, '(4f15.8)') xmin, rmax, zmesh, dx
write (ounps, '(a13)', err = 100, iostat = ios) "</PP_ADDINFO>"
100 call errore('write_pseudo_addinfo','Writing pseudo file',abs(ios))
end subroutine write_pseudo_addinfo