
186 lines
5.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum-espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program xctest
USE mp, ONLY: mp_start, mp_end
use kinds, only: DP
use funct, only: set_dft_from_indices
implicit none
integer :: nnr = 1000
integer :: nspin = 2
real(DP), allocatable :: rhor( :, : )
real(DP), allocatable :: grhor( :, :, : )
integer iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc
CALL mp_start()
call set_dft_from_indices(iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc)
read(17) nnr, nspin
allocate(rhor( nnr, nspin ))
allocate(grhor( nnr, 3, nspin ))
read(17) rhor
read(17) grhor
!CALL test_gcxc( nnr, nspin, rhor, grhor )
CALL test_xc( nnr, nspin, rhor, grhor )
CALL mp_end()
end program xctest
subroutine test_gcxc( nnr, nspin, rhor, grhor )
use kinds, only: DP
! use funct, only: gcxc
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nnr, nspin
real(DP) :: rhor( nnr, nspin )
real(DP) :: grhor( nnr, 3, nspin )
real(DP), parameter :: epsr = 1.0d-10, epsg = 1.0d-10
real(DP), parameter :: e2 = 1.0d0
real(DP) :: grho2( nspin )
real(DP) :: arho, segno
real(DP) :: sx_w, sc_w, v1x_w, v2x_w, v1c_w, v2c_w
real(DP) :: sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c
real(DP) :: sx_m, sc_m, v1x_m, v2x_m, v1c_m, v2c_m
real(DP) :: sx_d, sc_d, v1x_d, v2x_d, v1c_d, v2c_d
integer :: k, is, ipol
do k = 1, nnr
do is = 1, nspin
grho2 (is) = grhor(k, 1, is)**2 + grhor(k, 2, is)**2 + grhor(k, 3, is)**2
if (nspin == 1) then
! This is the spin-unpolarised case
arho = abs (rhor (k, 1) )
segno = sign (1.d0, rhor (k, 1) )
if (arho > epsr .and. grho2 (1) > epsg) then
! call gcxc (arho, grho2(1), sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c)
call becke88 (arho, grho2(1), sx, v1x, v2x)
call wrap_b88 (arho, grho2(1), sx_w, v1x_w, v2x_w) ! DEBUG
call glyp (arho, grho2(1), sc, v1c, v2c)
call wrap_glyp (arho, grho2(1), sc_w, v1c_w, v2c_w) ! DEBUG
sx_d = (sx_w - sx) / (abs(sx) + abs(sx_w))
sc_d = (sc_w - sc) / (abs(sc) + abs(sc_w))
v1x_d = (v1x_w - v1x) / (abs(v1x) + abs(v1x_w))
v1c_d = (v1c_w - v1c) / (abs(v1c) + abs(v1c_w))
v2x_d = (v2x_w - v2x) / (abs(v2x) + abs(v2x_w))
v2c_d = (v2c_w - v2c) / (abs(v2c) + abs(v2c_w))
write(18,*) arho,grho2(1), sx_d, sc_d
write(19,*) arho,grho2(1), v1x_d, v1c_d
write(20,*) arho,grho2(1), v2x_w, v2x, v2x_d
write(21,*) arho,grho2(1), v2c_w, v2c, v2c_d
! first term of the gradient correction : D(rho*Exc)/D(rho)
! v (k, 1) = v (k, 1) + e2 * (v1x + v1c)
! HERE h contains D(rho*Exc)/D(|grad rho|) / |grad rho|
! h (k, 1, 1) = e2 * (v2x + v2c)
! etxc = etxc + e2 * (sx + sc) * segno
! h (k, 1, 1) = 0.d0
sx = 0.0d0
sc = 0.0d0
end do
end subroutine test_gcxc
subroutine test_xc( nnr, nspin, rhor, grhor )
use kinds, only: DP
use funct, only: get_iexch, get_icorr, get_igcx, get_igcc
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nnr, nspin
real(DP) :: rhor( nnr, nspin )
real(DP) :: grhor( nnr, 3, nspin )
real(DP) :: rhon( nnr, nspin )
real(DP) :: grhon( nnr, 3, nspin )
real(DP) :: exc, excn, rhod, grhod
integer :: ir, is, ipol
integer iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc
iexch = get_iexch()
icorr = get_icorr()
igcx = get_igcx()
igcc = get_igcc()
rhon = rhor
grhon = grhor
! original CP xc selection
if (iexch==1.and.icorr==1.and.igcx==0.and.igcc==0) then
! LDA (Perdew-Zunger)
call expxc(nnr,nspin,rhor,exc)
else if (iexch==1.and.icorr==4.and.igcx==2.and.igcc==2) then
! PW91
call ggapwold(nnr,nspin,grhor,rhor,exc)
else if (iexch==1.and.icorr==3.and.igcx==1.and.igcc==3) then
call ggablyp4(nnr,nspin,grhor,rhor,exc)
else if (iexch==1.and.icorr==4.and.igcx==3.and.igcc==4) then
call ggapbe(nnr,nspin,grhor,rhor,exc)
call errore('exc-cor','no such exch-corr',1)
end if
! Wrapper to PW xc selection
call exch_corr_cp(nnr,nspin,grhon,rhon,excn)
write(6,*) 'EXC = ', exc, excn
do is = 1, nspin
do ir = 1, nnr
rhod = abs( rhor( ir, is ) - rhon( ir, is ) ) / ( abs( rhor( ir, is ) ) + abs( rhon( ir, is ) ) )
WRITE(18,100) ir,is,rhod
end do
end do
do is = 1, nspin
do ir = 1, nnr
do ipol = 1, 3
grhod = abs( grhor( ir, ipol, is ) - grhon( ir, ipol, is ) ) / &
( abs( grhor( ir, ipol, is ) ) + abs( grhon( ir, ipol, is ) ) )
WRITE(19,100) ir,is,grhod
end do
end do
end do
100 FORMAT( I5, I2, 1X, E15.8, 1X, E15.8 )
end subroutine test_xc