
54 lines
1.9 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine write_epsilon_and_zeu (zstareu, epsilon, nat, iudyn)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! input variables
integer :: iudyn, nat
! unit number
! number of atom in the unit cell
real(kind=DP) :: zstareu (3, 3, nat), epsilon (3, 3)
! the effective charges
! the dielectric tensor
! local variables
integer :: na, icar, jcar
! counter on atoms
! cartesian coordinate counters
! write dielectric tensor and Z(E,Us) effective charges on iudyn
write (iudyn, '(/,5x,"Dielectric Tensor:",/)')
write (iudyn, '(3e24.12)') ( (epsilon (icar, jcar) , jcar = 1, 3) &
, icar = 1, 3)
write (iudyn, '(/5x, "Effective Charges E-U: Z_{alpha}{s,beta}",/)')
do na = 1, nat
write (iudyn, '(5x,"atom # ",i4)') na
write (iudyn, '(3e24.12)') ( (zstareu (icar, jcar, na) , jcar=1, 3), &
icar = 1, 3)
! write dielectric tensor and Z(E,Us) effective charges on standard output
WRITE( stdout, '(/,10x,"Dielectric constant in cartesian axis ",/)')
WRITE( stdout, '(10x,"(",3f15.5," )")') ( (epsilon (icar, jcar) , &
jcar = 1, 3) , icar = 1, 3)
WRITE( stdout, '(/,10x,"Effective charges E-U in cartesian axis ",/)')
WRITE( stdout, '(10x, " Z_{alpha}{s,beta} ",/)')
do na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, '(10x," Atom ",i5)') na
WRITE( stdout, '(10x,"(",3f15.5," )")') ( (zstareu (icar, jcar, na) &
, jcar = 1, 3) , icar = 1, 3)
end subroutine write_epsilon_and_zeu