
82 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2010 Quantm-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine run_lda_half
! This routine is a driver to correct pseudopotentials with LDA-1/2
! Courtesy of Leonardo Matheus Marion jorge, University of Sao Paolo (Brazil)
! L. G. Ferreira, M. Marques and L. K. Teles, Phys. Rev. B 78 125116 (2008)
use kinds, only : dp
use io_global, only : ionode, ionode_id, stdout
use mp, only : mp_bcast
use radial_grids
use ld1_parameters, only : nwfx
use ld1inc, only : file_tests, prefix, nconf, rel, etot0, &
nbeta, grid, psi, pseudotype, els, zed, bmat, &
rcut, rcutus, rcutts, rcutusts, etot, etots0, etots, &
nwf, lls, ikk, betas, ll, file_potscf, oc, el, &
nwfts, nnts, llts, jjts, iswts, octs, elts, nstoaets, &
nwftsc, nntsc, lltsc, jjtsc, iswtsc, octsc, eltsc,nstoaec, &
file_wavefunctions, file_logder, file_pseudopw, &
file_wavefunctionsps, file_logderps, vpot, vpsloc, rcutv
implicit none
integer &
n, & ! counter on wavefunctions
n1,& ! counter on mesh points
ir,& ! counter on mesh points
im,& ! position of the maximum
nc,& ! counter on configurations
nb ! counter on betas
integer :: &
nn_old(nwfx), ll_old(nwfx), nwf_old, isw_old(nwfx), lsd_old
real(DP) :: &
jj_old(nwfx), oc_old(nwfx), enl_old(nwfx), psi_old(ndmx,2,nwfx), beta2, f
logical :: &
integer :: ios, ncut
character(len=1) :: nch
real(DP) :: dum, wrcutv
real(DP) :: dvpot(ndmx,2)
! file_tests = trim(prefix)//'.test'
! if (ionode) &
! open(unit=13, file=file_tests, iostat=ios, err=1111, status='unknown')
!1111 call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id)
! call errore('ld1_setup','opening file_tests',abs(ios))
do nc=1,nconf
write (nch, '(i1)') nc
call set_conf(nc)
call all_electron(.true.,nc)
if (nc.eq.1) then
dvpot = vpot
elseif (nc .eq. 2) then
dvpot = dvpot - vpot
ncut = 8
do ir=1, grid%mesh
if (grid%r(ir).le.rcutv) then
wrcutv = (1.0_dp - (grid%r(ir)/rcutv)**ncut)**3
dvpot(ir,1) = dvpot(ir,1)*wrcutv
vpsloc(ir) = vpsloc(ir) - dvpot(ir,1)
! re-call set conf to write in the pseudo file the Valence
! config without LDA-1/2
call set_conf(1)
end subroutine run_lda_half