
136 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! This routine is a f90 translation of the routine present in
! Vanderbilt code.
subroutine cfdsol(zz,yy,jj1,jj2,idim1)
! routine for solving coupled first order differential equations
! d yy(x,1)
! --------- = zz(x,1,1) * yy(x,1) + zz(x,1,2) * yy(2,1)
! dx
! d yy(x,2)
! --------- = zz(x,2,1) * yy(x,1) + zz(x,2,2) * yy(2,1)
! dx
! using fifth order predictor corrector algorithm
! routine integrates from jj1 to jj2 and can cope with both cases
! jj1 < jj2 and jj1 > jj2. first five starting values of yy must
! be provided by the calling program.
use kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: idim1, jj1, jj2, ip
real(DP):: zz(idim1,2,2),yy(idim1,2)
real(DP):: fa(0:5),fb(0:5),abp(1:5),amc(0:4)
real(DP):: arp, brp
integer :: isgn, i, j
! i n i t i a l i s a t i o n
! decide whether integrating from:
! left to right ---> isgn = + 1
! or right to left ---> isgn = - 1
isgn = ( jj2 - jj1 ) / iabs( jj2 - jj1 )
! run some test just to be conservative
if ( isgn .eq. + 1 ) then
if ( jj1 .le. 5 .or. jj2 .gt. idim1 ) then
write(6,10) isgn,jj1,jj2,idim1
call errore('cfdsol','stopping jj1 to small or jj2 to large',1)
elseif ( isgn .eq. - 1 ) then
if ( jj1 .ge. ( idim1 - 4 ) .or. jj2 .lt. 1 ) then
write(6,10) isgn,jj1,jj2,idim1
call errore('cfdsol','stopping jj1 to large or jj2 too small',1)
write(6,10) isgn,jj1,jj2,idim1
10 format(' ***error in subroutine cfdsol',/, &
& ' isgn =',i2,' jj1 =',i5,' jj2 =',i5,' idim1 =',i5, &
& ' are not allowed')
! integration coefficients
abp(1) = 1901.0_dp / 720.0_dp
abp(2) = -1387.0_dp / 360.0_dp
abp(3) = 109.0_dp / 30.0_dp
abp(4) = -637.0_dp / 360.0_dp
abp(5) = 251.0_dp / 720.0_dp
amc(0) = 251.0_dp / 720.0_dp
amc(1) = 323.0_dp / 360.0_dp
amc(2) = -11.0_dp / 30.0_dp
amc(3) = 53.0_dp / 360.0_dp
amc(4) = -19.0_dp / 720.0_dp
! set up the arrays of derivatives
do j = 1,5
ip = jj1 - isgn * j
fa(j) = zz(ip,1,1) * yy(ip,1) + zz(ip,1,2) * yy(ip,2)
fb(j) = zz(ip,2,1) * yy(ip,1) + zz(ip,2,2) * yy(ip,2)
! i n t e g r a t i o n l o o p
do j = jj1,jj2,isgn
! predictor (adams-bashforth)
arp = yy(j-isgn,1)
brp = yy(j-isgn,2)
do i = 1,5
arp = arp + DBLE(isgn) * abp(i) * fa(i)
brp = brp + DBLE(isgn) * abp(i) * fb(i)
fa(0) = zz(j,1,1) * arp + zz(j,1,2) * brp
fb(0) = zz(j,2,1) * arp + zz(j,2,2) * brp
! corrector (adams-moulton)
yy(j,1) = yy(j-isgn,1)
yy(j,2) = yy(j-isgn,2)
do i = 0,4,1
yy(j,1) = yy(j,1) + DBLE(isgn) * amc(i) * fa(i)
yy(j,2) = yy(j,2) + DBLE(isgn) * amc(i) * fb(i)
! book keeping
do i = 5,2,-1
fa(i) = fa(i-1)
fb(i) = fb(i-1)
fa(1) = zz(j,1,1) * yy(j,1) + zz(j,1,2) * yy(j,2)
fb(1) = zz(j,2,1) * yy(j,1) + zz(j,2,2) * yy(j,2)
end subroutine cfdsol