
66 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine symv (vect, nsym, s, sname, t_rev, at, bg)
! This routine symmetrizes a vector keeping only the component that
! remains invariant under the symmetry operations of the crystal.
! On input and on output vect is in cartesian coordinates.
! The vector is supposed to be axial: inversion does not change it.
! Time reversal changes its sign. Note that only groups compatible with
! a finite magnetization give an nonzero output vector.
USE kinds
implicit none
! I/O variables first
integer, intent(in) :: & !
nsym, & ! input: the number of symmetries
t_rev(48), & ! input: the time reversal informations
s (3, 3, 48) ! input: the rotation matrices
real(DP), intent(in) :: at(3,3), bg(3,3)
real(DP), intent(inout) :: vect(3) ! inp/out: the vector to rotate
CHARACTER(LEN=45), INTENT(IN) :: sname(48) ! name of the symmetries
! the local variables
integer :: isym ! counter on symmetries
real(DP) :: work (3), segno
if (nsym.eq.1) return
! The vector is transformed in crystal axis
work(:) = vect(1)*at(1,:) + vect(2)*at(2,:) + vect(3)*at(3,:)
vect = work
! It is symmetrized
work = 0.d0
do isym = 1, nsym
IF (sname(isym)(1:3)=='inv') segno=-1.0_DP
IF (t_rev(isym)==1) segno=-1.0_DP*segno
work (:) = work (:) + segno * &
s (:, 1, isym) * vect (1) + &
s (:, 2, isym) * vect (2) + &
s (:, 3, isym) * vect (3)
! And back in cartesian coordinates.
vect(:) = work(1) * bg(:,1) + work(2) * bg(:,2) + work(3) * bg(:,3)
end subroutine symv