
72 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine checksym (ir, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft, sym, irt)
! This routine receives as input all the atomic positions xau,
! and the rotated rau by the symmetry operation ir. It sets to true
! sym(ir) if for each atom na, it is possible to find an atom nb
! which is of the same type of na, and coincide with it after the
! symmetry operation. Fractional translations are allowed.
! Revised layout 1 may 1995 by A. Dal Corso
USE kinds
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nat, ityp (nat), irt (48, nat), ir
! input: the total number of atoms
! input: the type of each atom
! output: the rotated of each atom
! input: the rotation to be tested
real(DP) :: xau (3, nat), rau (3, nat), ft (3)
! input: the initial vectors
! input: the rotated vectors
! input: the possible fractionary translat
logical :: sym (48)
! output: if true this is a symmetry opera
! few local variables
integer :: na, nb
! counter on atoms
! counter on atoms
logical :: eqvect
! the testing function
external eqvect
do na = 1, nat
do nb = 1, nat
sym (ir) = ityp (na) .eq.ityp (nb) .and.eqvect (rau (1, na), &
xau (1, nb), ft)
if (sym (ir) ) then
! the rotated atom does coincide with one of the like atoms
! keep track of which atom the rotated atom coincides with
irt (ir, na) = nb
goto 10
! the rotated atom does not coincide with any of the like atoms
! s(ir) + ft is not a symmetry operation
10 continue
! s(ir) + ft is a symmetry operation
end subroutine checksym