
374 lines
11 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine core_charge_ftr( tpre )
! Compute the fourier trasform of the core charge, from the radial
! mesh to the reciprocal space
use kinds, ONLY : DP
use ions_base, ONLY : nsp
use atom, ONLY : rgrid
use uspp_param, ONLY : upf
use gvecb, ONLY : ngb, gb
use small_box, ONLY : omegab, tpibab
use pseudo_base, ONLY : compute_rhocg
use cp_interfaces, ONLY : build_cctab, chkpstab
use pseudopotential, ONLY : tpstab, rhoc1_sp, rhocp_sp
use cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba2, tpiba
USE splines, ONLY : spline
use reciprocal_vectors, ONLY : ngm, g, gstart
USE core, ONLY : rhocb, rhocg, drhocg, nlcc_any
INTEGER :: is, ig
REAL(DP) :: xg, cost1
IF( .NOT. nlcc_any ) RETURN
IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( rgrid ) ) &
CALL errore( ' core_charge_ftr ', ' rgrid not allocated ', 1 )
IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( upf ) ) &
CALL errore( ' core_charge_ftr ', ' upf not allocated ', 1 )
IF( tpstab ) THEN
CALL build_cctab( )
do is = 1, nsp
if( upf(is)%nlcc ) then
CALL compute_rhocg( rhocb(:,is), rhocb(:,is), rgrid(is)%r, &
rgrid(is)%rab, upf(is)%rho_atc(:), gb, omegab, tpibab**2, &
rgrid(is)%mesh, ngb, 0 )
IF( tpre ) THEN
IF( tpstab ) THEN
cost1 = 1.0d0/omega
IF( gstart == 2 ) THEN
rhocg (1,is) = rhoc1_sp(is)%y( 1 ) * cost1
drhocg(1,is) = 0.0d0
DO ig = gstart, SIZE( rhocg, 1 )
xg = SQRT( g(ig) ) * tpiba
rhocg (ig,is) = spline( rhoc1_sp(is), xg ) * cost1
drhocg(ig,is) = spline( rhocp_sp(is), xg ) * cost1
CALL compute_rhocg( rhocg(:,is), drhocg(:,is), rgrid(is)%r, &
rgrid(is)%rab, upf(is)%rho_atc(:), g, &
omega, tpiba2, rgrid(is)%mesh, ngm, 1 )
end do
end subroutine core_charge_ftr
subroutine add_cc( rhoc, rhog, rhor )
! add core correction to the charge density for exch-corr calculation
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
use electrons_base, only: nspin
use control_flags, only: iprsta
use io_global, only: stdout
use mp_global, only: intra_image_comm
use cell_base, only: omega
use recvecs_indexes, only: np
USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum
! this isn't really needed, but if I remove it, ifc 7.1
! gives an "internal compiler error"
use reciprocal_vectors, only: gstart
use gvecp, only: ngm
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnrx
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY: fwfft
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
implicit none
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rhoc( nnrx )
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT):: rhor( nnrx, nspin )
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT):: rhog( ngm, nspin )
integer :: ig, ir, iss, isup, isdw
REAL(DP) :: rsum
IF( iprsta > 2 ) THEN
rsum = SUM( rhoc ) * omega / DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
CALL mp_sum( rsum, intra_image_comm )
WRITE( stdout, 10 ) rsum
10 FORMAT( 3X, 'Core Charge = ', D14.6 )
! In r-space:
if ( nspin .eq. 1 ) then
call daxpy(nnrx,1.d0,rhoc,1,rhor(1,iss),1)
call daxpy(nnrx,0.5d0,rhoc,1,rhor(1,isup),1)
call daxpy(nnrx,0.5d0,rhoc,1,rhor(1,isdw),1)
end if
! rhoc(r) -> rhoc(g) (wrk1 is used as work space)
allocate( wrk1( nnrx ) )
wrk1(:) = rhoc(:)
call fwfft('Dense',wrk1, dfftp )
! In g-space:
if (nspin.eq.1) then
do ig=1,ngm
end do
do ig=1,ngm
end do
end if
deallocate( wrk1 )
end subroutine add_cc
subroutine force_cc(irb,eigrb,vxc,fion1)
! core correction force: f = \int V_xc(r) (d rhoc(r)/d R_i) dr
! same logic as in newd - uses box grid. For parallel execution:
! the sum over node contributions is done in the calling routine
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
use electrons_base, only: nspin
use gvecb, only: gxb, ngb, npb, nmb
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1, nr2, nr3, nnr => nnrx
use cell_base, only: omega
use ions_base, only: nsp, na, nat
use small_box, only: tpibab
use uspp_param, only: upf
use core, only: rhocb
use cp_interfaces, only: invfft
use fft_base, only: dfftb
use reciprocal_vectors, only: gstart
use smallbox_grid_dimensions, only: nr1b, nr2b, nr3b, &
nr1bx, nr2bx, nr3bx, nnrb => nnrbx
implicit none
! input
integer, intent(in) :: irb(3,nat)
complex(8), intent(in):: eigrb(ngb,nat)
real(8), intent(in) :: vxc(nnr,nspin)
! output
real(8), intent(inout):: fion1(3,nat)
! local
integer iss, ix, ig, is, ia, nfft, isa
real(8) fcc(3,nat), fac, boxdotgrid
complex(8) ci, facg
complex(8), allocatable :: qv(:)
external boxdotgrid
call start_clock( 'forcecc' )
ci = (0.d0,1.d0)
fac = omega/DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3*nspin)
fcc = 0.d0
allocate( qv( nnrb ) )
isa = 0
do is=1,nsp
if( .not. upf(is)%nlcc ) go to 10
#ifdef __PARA
do ia=1,na(is)
if ( dfftb%np3( ia + isa ) <= 0 ) go to 15
do ia=1,na(is),2
! two fft's on two atoms at the same time (when possible)
if(ia.eq.na(is)) nfft=1
do ix=1,3
qv(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
if (nfft.eq.2) then
do ig=1,ngb
facg = tpibab*CMPLX(0.d0,gxb(ix,ig),kind=DP)*rhocb(ig,is)
qv(npb(ig)) = eigrb(ig,ia+isa )*facg &
& + ci * eigrb(ig,ia+isa+1)*facg
qv(nmb(ig)) = CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia+isa )*facg) &
& + ci * CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia+isa+1)*facg)
end do
do ig=1,ngb
facg = tpibab*CMPLX(0.d0,gxb(ix,ig),kind=DP)*rhocb(ig,is)
qv(npb(ig)) = eigrb(ig,ia+isa)*facg
qv(nmb(ig)) = CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia+isa)*facg)
end do
end if
call invfft('Box',qv,dfftb,ia+isa)
! note that a factor 1/2 is hidden in fac if nspin=2
do iss=1,nspin
fcc(ix,ia+isa) = fcc(ix,ia+isa) + fac * &
& boxdotgrid(irb(1,ia +isa),1,qv,vxc(1,iss))
if (nfft.eq.2) &
& fcc(ix,ia+1+isa) = fcc(ix,ia+1+isa) + fac * &
& boxdotgrid(irb(1,ia+1+isa),2,qv,vxc(1,iss))
end do
end do
15 continue
end do
10 continue
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
do ia = 1, nat
fion1(:,ia) = fion1(:,ia) + fcc(:,ia)
end do
deallocate( qv )
call stop_clock( 'forcecc' )
end subroutine force_cc
subroutine set_cc( irb, eigrb, rhoc )
! Calculate core charge contribution in real space, rhoc(r)
! Same logic as for rhov: use box grid for core charges
use ions_base, only: nsp, na, nat
use uspp_param, only: upf
use grid_dimensions, only: nr3, nnr => nnrx
use gvecb, only: ngb, npb, nmb
use control_flags, only: iprint
use core, only: rhocb
use cp_interfaces, only: invfft
use fft_base, only: dfftb
use smallbox_grid_dimensions, only: nr1b, nr2b, nr3b, &
nr1bx, nr2bx, nr3bx, nnrb => nnrbx
implicit none
! input
integer, intent(in) :: irb(3,nat)
complex(8), intent(in):: eigrb(ngb,nat)
! output
real(8), intent(out) :: rhoc(nnr)
! local
integer nfft, ig, is, ia, isa
complex(8) ci
complex(8), allocatable :: wrk1(:)
complex(8), allocatable :: qv(:)
call start_clock( 'set_cc' )
allocate( qv ( nnrb ) )
allocate( wrk1 ( nnr ) )
wrk1 (:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
isa = 0
do is=1,nsp
if (.not.upf(is)%nlcc) go to 10
#ifdef __PARA
do ia=1,na(is)
if ( dfftb%np3( ia + isa ) <= 0 ) go to 15
do ia=1,na(is),2
if( ia.eq.na(is) ) nfft=1
! two ffts at the same time, on two atoms (if possible: nfft=2)
qv(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig=1,ngb
qv(npb(ig))= eigrb(ig,ia +isa)*rhocb(ig,is) &
& + ci*eigrb(ig,ia+1+isa)*rhocb(ig,is)
qv(nmb(ig))= CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia +isa)*rhocb(ig,is)) &
& + ci*CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia+1+isa)*rhocb(ig,is))
end do
do ig=1,ngb
qv(npb(ig)) = eigrb(ig,ia+isa)*rhocb(ig,is)
qv(nmb(ig)) = CONJG(eigrb(ig,ia+isa)*rhocb(ig,is))
end do
call invfft('Box',qv,dfftb,isa+ia)
call box2grid(irb(1,ia+isa),1,qv,wrk1)
if (nfft.eq.2) call box2grid(irb(1,ia+1+isa),2,qv,wrk1)
15 continue
end do
10 continue
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
call dcopy(nnr,wrk1,2,rhoc,1)
deallocate( qv )
deallocate( wrk1 )
call stop_clock( 'set_cc' )
end subroutine set_cc