ballabio 10f3300bf8 oops... [Gerardo]
git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@1219 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2004-09-02 17:46:55 +00:00
Makefile oops... [Gerardo] 2004-09-02 17:46:55 +00:00
README.WANNIER - further merging of low level subroutine between FPMD and CP 2004-07-19 17:19:16 +00:00
addusdens1d.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
average.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
bands.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
cft.f90 Extensive module cleanup: DP moved from wrong place (parameters) to the 2004-01-23 15:08:03 +00:00
cgracsc.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
chdens.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
dos.f90 Calculation of DOS and of Projected DOS have the same kind of input 2004-06-30 17:01:12 +00:00
dosg.f90 Extensive module cleanup: DP moved from wrong place (parameters) to the 2004-01-23 15:08:03 +00:00
efg.f90 Some typos corrected in the printing of the different tensors 2004-08-19 14:13:38 +00:00
elf.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
ggen1d.f90 Cleanup: pwcom no longer used in PP/ 2004-05-08 10:24:24 +00:00
local_dos.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
local_dos1d.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
openfil_pp.f90 io_base : added read and write of jchi and jjj (ADC) 2004-06-14 15:22:24 +00:00
plan_avg.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
plot_io.f90 Opened file not closed 2004-05-25 13:01:14 +00:00
plot_whole_cell.f90 Extensive module cleanup: DP moved from wrong place (parameters) to the 2004-01-23 15:08:03 +00:00
plotband.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
plotrho.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
poormanwannier.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
postproc.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
projwfc.f90 Variables in namelist should be degauss, ngauss, not degauss1, ngauss1 2004-07-27 06:27:47 +00:00
punch_plot.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
pw2casino.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
pw2wan.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
start_postproc.f90 more init_pool calls removed (already contained in startup) 2004-03-05 17:42:40 +00:00
stm.f90 Misc small changes 2004-08-26 09:33:01 +00:00
stop_pp.f90 the new punch routine, which writes on the .save file (instead of .pun), 2004-05-07 17:21:24 +00:00
voronoy.f90 Machine-dependent definitions are now contained in two different files (both in /include): 2004-06-25 17:25:37 +00:00
wfdd.f90 - further merging of low level subroutine between FPMD and CP 2004-07-19 17:19:16 +00:00
work_function.f90 stm image for nspin=2: core charge was incorrectly added twice in this case 2004-06-17 08:42:46 +00:00
xsf.f90 Extensive module cleanup: DP moved from wrong place (parameters) to the 2004-01-23 15:08:03 +00:00


!		            README.WANNIER				  !
!						Author: Manu Sharma	  !
!						mmanu@Princeton.EDU	  !
! This file explains in some detail (i have tried to make it as complete  !
! as possible)  the structure of the input file for Wannier Function      !
! calculations within Open Sesame. 					  !
! If you need to modify any part of wf.f90, read the comments in the code !
! for an understanding of the logic of the parallel reciprocal space      !
! implementation.                                                         !
! wf.f90 contains all the wannier function and electric field subroutines.!
! Note that other parts of the  code i.e. cplib.f90, cpv.f90/cpr.f90      !
! para.f90 and modules.f90 have also been modified for Wannier Function   !
! and Electric Field calculations. To see where the exact parts have been !
! modified, look for M.S in the source code.                              !
!									  !
!                                                                         !
! This Program is now capable of treating finite Homogeneous Electric     !
! Fields and can do CP Dynamics with Wannier Functions.			  !
! The input is in a file called WANNIER. The program will look for this   !
! file in the current directory and if it is there, will read the         !
! following input. If not, then will simply carry on with a regular       !
! CP run.								  !
! NOTE: Before doing a production run of CP with Wannier Functions, you   !
!       will need to decide what parameters to use for damped dynamics.   !
!       The program wfdd.x is provided for such tests. It is a post -     !
!       processing program and requires the Overlap matrix.               !
!       This can be generated from a CP wavefunction by using the option  !
!       CALWF = 2. See below for the input format for wfdd.x 	          !	
! Here is the sample input for WANNIER  				  !
!                                                                         !
!                                                                         !
!        .true. .false.                         EFIELD  SWITCH            !
!        500                                    SW_LEN                    !
!        0.d0 0.d0 0.0d                         EFX0 EFY0 EFZ0            !
!        0.d0 0.d0 0.1d-2                       EFX1 EFY1 EFZ1            !
!        .false.                                WFSD                      !
!        0.1 0.3 10 10                          WFDT MAXWFDT NIT NSD      !
!	 1500. 5. 0.3 100		        Q DT FRIC NSTEPS	  !
!        1.d-8                                  TOLW			  !
!        .true.                                 ADAPT                     !
!	 3   1  40			        CALWF  NWF WFFORT	  !
!	 21				  	IWF			  !
!        .false.                                WRITEV                    !
!                                                                         !
! EFIELD   : If dynamics will be done in the presence of a field          !
! SWITCH   : Whether to turn on the field adiabatically (adiabatic switch)!
!            if true, then nbeg is set to 0.				  !
! SW_LEN   : No. of iterations over which the field will be turned on     !
!            to its final value. Starting value is 0.0                    ! 
!            If SW_LEN .le. 0, then it is set to 1. 			  !
!	     If you want to just optimize structures on the presence of a !
!	     field, then you may set this to 1 and run a regular geometry !
! 	     optimization.						  !
! EFX0 EFY0 EFZ0 :Initial values of the field along x y and z directions  !
! EFX1 EFY1 EFZ1 : Final values of the field along x y and z directions   !
! WFSD     : Whether to do Steepest descent / Conjugate gradient          !
!            localization for the Wannier function calculation            !
!            if TRUE, then yes, else damped dynamics.                     !
!            Remember, this is consistent with all the CALWF options      !
!            as well as the TOLW (see below) .                            !
!            Not a good idea to Wannier dynamics with this if you are     !
!            using restart='from_scratch' option, since the spreads       !
!            converge fast in the beginning and ortho goes bananas.       !            
! WFDT     : The minimum step size to take in the SD/CG direction         !
! MAXWFDT  : The maximum step size to take in the SD/CG direction         !
!            The code calculates an optimum step size, but that may be    !
!            either too small (takes forever to converge)  or too large   !
!            (code goes crazy) . This option keeps the step size between  !
!            WFDT and MAXWFDT. In my experience 0.1 and 0.5 work quite    !
!            well. (but dont blame me if it doesnt work for you !         ! 
! NIT      : Number of iterations to do for Wannier Convergence           !
! NSD      : Out of a total of NIT iteratons, NSD will be Steepest        !
!            Descent and NIT-NSD will be Conjugate gradient               !
! Q	   : Fictitious Mass of the A matrix used for obtaining 	  !
!	     Maximally localized Wannier Functions. The Unitary		  !
!	     transformation matrux U is written as exp(A) where 	  !
!	     A is a hermitian matrix. The Damped Dynamics is performed    !
!	     in terms of the A matrix, and then U is computed from A.	  !
!	     Usually a value between 1500 and 2500 works fine, but should !
!	     be tested.							  !
! DT	   : Time step to be taken for Damped Dynamics.         	  ! 
! FRIC	   : Damping coefficient for Damped dynamics.			  !
! NSTEPS   : Number of Damped Dynamics steps to be performed per CP       !
!            iteration.							  !
! TOLW     : Convergence criterion for Localization                       !
! ADAPT    : Whether to adapt the damping parameter dynamically           !
! CALWF    : Wannier Function Options, can be 1,2,3,4,5			  !
!                                                                         !
!          1. Output the Wannier function density, NWF, WFFORT and IWF    !
!             are used for this option. see below.		          !
!          2. Output the Overlap matrix O_i,j=<w_i|exp{iGr}|w_j>. O is    !
!	      written to unit 38. For details on how O is constructed,    !
!             see below.						  !
!          3. Perform NSTEPS of Wannier Dynamics per CP iteration, the    !
!	      orbitals are now Wannier Functions, not Kohn-Sham orbitals. !
!	      This is a Unitary transformation of the occupied subspace   !
!             and doesnot leave the CP Lagrangian invariant. Expectation  !
!	      values remain the same. So you will **NOT** have a constant !
!	      of motion during the run. Don't freak out, its normal.      !
!          4. This option starts for the KS states and does 1 CP iteration!
!             and NSTEPS of damped dynamics to generate Maximally         !
! 	      Localized Wannier functions. Its useful when you have the   !
!	      converged KS groundstate and want to get to the converged   !
!	      Wannier Function Groundstate in 1 CP Iteration. 		  !
!          5. This option is similar to CALWF 1, except that the output is!
!	      the Wannier Function/wafefunction, and not the orbital      !
!             density. See NWF and IWF below.				  !
!	   ANY OTHER NUMBER does a regular CP Dynamics and doesen't do    !
!             anything with the Wannier Functions.			  !
!									  !
! NWF     :  This option is used with CALWF 1 and CALWF 5. with CALWF=1,  !
!	     it tells the code how many Orbital densities are to be       !
! 	     output. With CALWF=5, set this to 1(i.e CALWF=5 only writes  !
!	     one state during one run. so if you want 10 states, you have !
!	     to run the code 10 times). With CALWF=1, you can print many  !
!	     orbital densities in a singel run.				  !
! WFFORT :   This tells the code where to dump the orbital densities. Used!
!            only with CALWF=1. for e.g. if you want to print 2 orbital   !
!            densities, set CALWF=1, NWF=2 and WFFORT to an appropriate   !
!            number (e.g. 40) then the first orbital density will be      !
!            output to fort.40, the second to fort.41 and so on. Note that!
!            in the current implementation, the following units are used  !
!            21,22,24,25,26,27,28,38,39,77,78 and whatever you define as  !
!            ndr and ndw. so use number other than these.                 !
! IWF    :   These are the indices of the state that you want to output.  !
!	     Also used with CALWF=1 and 5. If CALWF=1, then you need NWF  !
!	     indices here (each in a new line). If CALWF=5, then just one !
!            index in needed.     					  !
! WRITEV :   Outout the charge density (g-space) and the list of g-vectors!
!            This is useful if you want to reconstruct the electrostatic  !
!            potential using the poisson equation. If .true. then the     !
!	     code will output the g-space charge density and the list     !
!            if G-vectors, and STOP.                                      !
!            Charge density is written to : CH_DEN_G_PARA.ispin (1 or 2   !
!            depending on the number of spin types) or CH_DEN_G_SERL.ispin!
!            depending on if the code is being run in parallel or serial  !
!            G-vectors are written to G_PARA or G_SERL.                   !
!                                                                         !
! Nota Bene 1: For CALWF = 5, WFFORT is not used. The 			  !
!	       Wannier/Wave(function) coefficients are written to unit 22 !
!	       and the corresponding g-vectors (basis vectors) are        !
! 	       written to unit 21. This option gives the g-vecs and       !
!	       their coeffs. in reciprocal space, and the coeffs. are     !
!              complex. You will have to convert them to real space       !
!              if you want to plot them for visualization. CALWF=1 gives  !
!	       the orbital densities in real space, and this is usually   !
!              good enough for visualization.				  !
!									  !
! Nota Bene 2: Even if you are using CALWF .ne. 1 or 5, note that NWF and !
!	       WFFORT must be a part if the input file and depending on   !
!	       what NWF is, the appropriate IWFs must follow.             !
!									  !
! Nota Bene 3: Before doing a production run of CP with Wannier Functions,!
!              you will need to decide what parameters to use for damped  !
!              dynamics. The program wfdd.x is provided for such tests.   !
!              It is a post-processing program and requires the Overlap   !
!              matrix. See below for the input format for wfdd.x          !
!									  !
! Units used by Wannier Function options are the following 		  !
! 								          !	
!      fort.21: Used only when CALWF=5, contains the full list of g-vecs. !
!      fort.22: Used Only when CALWF=5, contains the coeffs. corresponding!
!               to the g-vectors in fort.21				  !
!      fort.24: Used with CALWF=3,contains the average spread 	          !
!      fort.25: Used with CALWF=3, contains the individual Wannier        !
!               Function Spread of each state 		                  !
!      fort.26: Used with CALWF=3, contains the wannier centers along a   !
!               trajectory. **NOTE** that the centers are in Angstroms    !
!               and are in a box -L/2 to L/2. So you will have to         !
! 	        periodize then appropriately to do anything useful with   !
!               them.                                                     !
!      fort.27: Used with CALWF=3 and 4,  contains some general runtime   !
!               information from ddyn, the subroutine that actually       !
!               does the localization of the orbitals.                    !
!      fort.28: Used only if EFIELD=.true. , contains the polarization    !
!               contribution to the total energy.			  !
!									  !
! Also, The center of mass is fixed during the Molecular Dynamics.        !
!									  !
!          EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF STATES.                                 !
!                                                                         !
!                                                       Manu Sharma       !
!                                                       March 18, 2004    !
!                       INPUT FORMAT FOR WFDD.X                           !
! This code was originally written by Yudong Wu and later modified by     !
! Manu Sharma. This was intended to be a post-processing code, but        !
! has more functionality in the sense that the search for the appropriate !
! Unitary transformation can be done using not only damped-dynamics, but  !
! also Steepest descent and conjugate gradient algorithms. The advantage  !
! is that SD/CG can serve as benchmarks to make sure that the DD is       !
! converging to the correct values (in deciding the parameters Q and DT   !
! for the DD). The disadvantage is that SD/CG schemes are slower than     !
! the DD. It is useful however, before using DD in production runs, to    !
! make sure that the parameters (Q and DT) give the same answer as the SD !
! or CG. This code requires as input, the overlap matrix. This can be     !
! calculated from the CP code by setting CALWF to 2. This option outputs  !
! the overlap matrix to unit 38, and wfdd.x reads it from the same file.  !
! In addition to that, you need an input file of the following form.      !
!									  !
!									  !
! 1       0.3    0.5    100  10       CGORDD  WFDT MAXWFDT  NIT  NSD      !    
! 1500 5.0  0.3 .true.  100  1.0d-8   Q   DT   FRIC  ADAPT  NSTEPS   TOLW !
! .true.                              RESTART				  !
!									  !
! CGORDD : Whether to do SD/CG optimization of damped dynamics            !
!          Can take the values 1 or 2. 1 means SD/CG and 2 means DD       !
! WFDT   : Used when GCORDD=1. This is the step length you take in the    !
!          direction of steepest descent.                                 !
! MAXWFDT: Used when CGORDD=1. This is the maximum step length you take   !
!          in the direction if steepest descent. if WFDT or MAXWFDT are   !
!          large, the calculation will not converge. The code uses the    !
!          parabolic approximation to estimate the appropriate step length!
!          and if it is less than WFDT, then WFDT is taken as the step    !
!          length and if more than MAXWFDT then MAXWFDT is taken as the   !
!          Step length.                                                   !
! NIT    : Used when CGORDD=1. This is the maxumum number of iterations   !
!          to do.							  !
! NSD    : Used whdn CGORDD=1. This is the number of Steepest descent     !
!          steps to do. If NSD = NIT then it is a pure SD optimization    !
!          If NSD < NIT, then the code first does NSD Steepest descent    !
!          steps and then NIT-NSD Conjugate gradient steps.               !
! RESTART: Use this option to continue a SD/CG/DD optimization. This      !
!          option reads the Unitray transform from fort.39, written at the!
!          end of the last run and continues from there.                  !
!									  !
! The other parameters are used for the Damped dynamics and are  defined  !
! above in the WANNIER Section.                                           !
!								  	  !
! The program may be compiled by make wfdd.x and then run as follows      !
!       ./wfdd.x < [input-filename] > [output-filename] &                 !
! The output file will contain the inverse spread (which is the functional!
! that is actually maximized in the code rather than minimizing the       !
! spread) at each step of the optimization.                               !
!  									  !
!                                                      Manu Sharma        !
!                                                      October 16th, 2003 !