
143 lines
4.7 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dvpsi_kb(kpoint,nu)
! calculates dVion/dtau * psi and stores it in dvpsi
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp, nat, ityp, tau
USE kinds, only: DP
use pwcom
USE uspp_param, ONLY: nh, nhm
USE atom, ONLY: nlcc, mesh, dx, r, rab, rho_atc, numeric
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: evc, psic
use cgcom
implicit none
integer :: ibnd, ir, ih, jkb, ik, na, nu, ng, mu, nt, kpoint
complex(kind=DP), pointer:: work(:,:), workcc(:), dvloc(:), dvb_cc(:)
complex(kind=DP) :: exc
real(kind=DP), pointer :: bec1(:,:), bec2(:,:), dv(:)
real(kind=DP) :: gu, gtau
logical :: has_nlcc
call start_clock('dvpsi_kb')
workcc => psic
dv => auxr
dvloc => aux2
dvb_cc => aux3
dvloc(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dvb_cc(:)= (0.d0, 0.d0)
do na = 1,nat
mu = 3*(na-1)
if ( u(mu+1,nu)**2+u(mu+2,nu)**2+u(mu+3,nu)**2.gt. 1.0e-12) then
if (nlcc(nt)) call drhoc (ngm,gg,omega,tpiba2,numeric(nt),&
a_nlcc(nt),b_nlcc(nt),alpha_nlcc(nt), &
has_nlcc = has_nlcc .or. nlcc(nt)
do ng = 1,ngm
gtau = tpi * ( g(1,ng)*tau(1,na) + &
g(2,ng)*tau(2,na) + &
g(3,ng)*tau(3,na) )
gu = tpiba*( g(1,ng)*u(mu+1,nu) + &
g(2,ng)*u(mu+2,nu) + &
g(3,ng)*u(mu+3,nu) )
exc = gu * cmplx(-sin(gtau),-cos(gtau))
dvloc (nl(ng))=dvloc (nl(ng)) + vloc(igtongl(ng),nt)*exc
if (nlcc(nt)) dvb_cc(nl(ng)) = dvb_cc(nl(ng)) + workcc(ng) * exc
end do
end if
end do
do ng = gstart,ngm
dvloc (nlm(ng))=conjg(dvloc(nl(ng)))
end do
! dVloc/dtau in real space
call cft3(dvloc, nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nr2,nr3,+1)
do ir = 1,nrxx
dv(ir) = DREAL(dvloc(ir))
end do
if (has_nlcc) then
do ng = gstart,ngm
dvb_cc (nlm(ng))=conjg(dvb_cc(nl(ng)))
end do
call cft3(dvb_cc,nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nr2,nr3,+1)
do ir = 1,nrxx
dv(ir) = dv(ir) + DREAL(dvb_cc(ir)) * dmuxc(ir)
end do
end if
! vloc_psi calculates dVloc/dtau*psi(G)
dvpsi(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
call vloc_psi(npwx, npw, nbnd, evc, dv, dvpsi)
! nonlocal (Kleinman-Bylander) contribution.
allocate (work( npwx, nhm))
do nt = 1,ntyp
! bec1 and bec2 are allocated with first dimension nh(nt) :
! maybe obsolete ?
allocate (bec1( nh(nt), nbnd))
allocate (bec2( nh(nt), nbnd))
do na = 1,nat
if (ityp(na) == nt .and. nh(nt) > 0) then
mu =3*(na-1)
if ( u(mu+1,nu)**2+u(mu+2,nu)**2+u(mu+3,nu)**2 > 1.0e-12) then
! first term: sum_l sum_G' [ i V_l(G) V^*_l(G') (G'*u) psi(G')
! second term: sum_l sum_G' [-i (G*u) V_l(G) V^*_l(G') psi(G')
do ih = 1,nh(nt)
do ik = 1,npw
work(ik,ih) = vkb(ik,jkb+ih) * &
cmplx(0.d0,-tpiba*( g(1,igk(ik))*u(mu+1,nu) + &
g(2,igk(ik))*u(mu+2,nu) + &
g(3,igk(ik))*u(mu+3,nu) ) )
end do
end do
call pw_gemm ('Y', nh(nt), nbnd, npw, work , npwx, &
evc, npwx, bec1, nh(nt))
call pw_gemm ('Y', nh(nt), nbnd, npw, vkb(1,jkb+1), npwx, &
evc, npwx, bec2, nh(nt))
do ibnd = 1,nbnd
do ih = 1,nh(nt)
bec1(ih,ibnd) = dvan(ih,ih,nt) * bec1(ih,ibnd)
bec2(ih,ibnd) = dvan(ih,ih,nt) * bec2(ih,ibnd)
end do
end do
call DGEMM ('N', 'N', 2*npw, nbnd, nh(nt), 1.d0, vkb(1,jkb+1), &
2*npwx, bec1, max(nh(nt),1), 1.d0, dvpsi, 2*npwx)
call DGEMM ('N', 'N', 2*npw, nbnd, nh(nt), 1.d0, work, &
2*npwx, bec2, max(nh(nt),1), 1.d0, dvpsi, 2*npwx)
end if
jkb = jkb + nh(nt)
end if
end do
end do
if (jkb.ne.nkb) call errore('dvpsi_kb','unexpected error',1)
call stop_clock('dvpsi_kb')
end subroutine dvpsi_kb