
661 lines
23 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE suscept_crystal
! ... Compute the "bare" susceptibility as in Eq.(64-65) of
! ... PRB 63, 245101 (2001)
! ... add more comments
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : nwordwfc, iunwfc
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega, tpiba, tpiba2
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
USE klist, ONLY : nks, nkstot, wk, xk, nelec
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx, npw, igk, wg, g2kin, &
current_k, ecutwfc
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, lsda, isk
USE becmod, ONLY : becp, calbec
USE symme, ONLY : symmatrix
USE parameters, ONLY : lmaxx
USE constants, ONLY : pi
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE smooth_grid_dimensions, ONLY : nrxxs
USE uspp, ONLY : vkb, ap
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : j_bare, b_ind, b_ind_r, tens_fmt, &
q_gipaw, iverbosity, alpha, evq, &
avogadro, filcurr, filfield, &
nbnd_occ, a0_to_cm, isolve, &
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_vkb, paw_becp, paw_nkb, paw_recon
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id, me_pool, root_pool, &
inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
!-- local variables ----------------------------------------------------
complex(dp), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: p_evc, vel_evc, g_vel_evc
complex(dp), allocatable :: aux(:,:)
! Q tensor of eq. (65) (pGv => HH in Paratec, vGv => VV in Paratec)
real(dp) :: q_pGv(3,3,-1:1), q_vGv(3,3,-1:1)
! F tensor of eq. (64)
real(dp) :: f_pGv(3,3,-1:1), f_vGv(3,3,-1:1)
! chi_bare tensor of eq. (64)
real(dp) :: chi_bare_pGv(3,3), chi_bare_vGv(3,3)
! f-sum rule
real(dp) :: f_sum(3,3)
integer :: ia, ib, ik, ipol, jpol, i, ibnd, isign, ispin
real(dp) :: tmp(3,3), q(3), braket, sigma_bare(3,3,nat)
real(dp) :: diamagnetic_corr_tensor(3,3,nat)
real(dp) :: paramagnetic_corr_tensor(3,3,nat)
real(dp) :: sigma_diamagnetic(3,3,nat)
real(dp) :: sigma_paramagnetic(3,3,nat)
complex(dp), external :: zdotc
! allocate memory
allocate ( p_evc(npwx,nbnd,3), vel_evc(npwx,nbnd,3), &
aux(npwx,nbnd), g_vel_evc(npwx,nbnd,3) )
! zero the Q tensors
q_pGv(:,:,:) = 0.0_dp
q_vGv(:,:,:) = 0.0_dp
! zero the current and the field
j_bare(:,:,:,:) = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
b_ind(:,:,:) = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
sigma_diamagnetic = 0.0_dp
sigma_paramagnetic = 0.0_dp
write(stdout, '(5X,"Computing the magnetic susceptibility",$)')
write(stdout, '(5X,"isolve=",I1,4X,"ethr=",E10.4)') isolve, conv_threshold
! loop over k-points
do ik = 1, nks
#ifdef __PARA
if (me_pool == root_pool) &
write(*, '(5X,"k-point #",I5," of ",I5,6X,"pool #",I3)') &
ik, nks, my_pool_id+1
write(stdout, '(5X,"k-point #",I5," of ",I5)') ik, nks
current_k = ik
current_spin = isk(ik)
! initialize at k-point k
call gk_sort(xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc/tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
g2kin(:) = g2kin(:) * tpiba2
call init_us_2(npw,igk,xk(1,ik),vkb)
! read wfcs from file and compute becp
call get_buffer (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik)
! this is the case q = 0 (like the case of the f-sum rule)
q(:) = 0.0_dp
!!!write(*,'("q=",3(F12.4))') q
call compute_u_kq(ik, q)
call init_gipaw_2_no_phase (npw, igk, xk (1, ik), paw_vkb)
!call ccalbec (paw_nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, paw_becp, paw_vkb, evc)
call calbec (npw, paw_vkb, evc, paw_becp)
diamagnetic_corr_tensor = 0.0d0
call diamagnetic_correction ( diamagnetic_corr_tensor )
sigma_diamagnetic = sigma_diamagnetic + diamagnetic_corr_tensor
! compute p_k|evc>, v_k|evc> and G_k v_{k,k}|evc>
call apply_operators
! f-sum rule (pGv term only)
do ia = 1, 3
do ib = 1, 3
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ(ik)
braket = 2.0_dp*real(zdotc(npw, p_evc(1,ibnd,ia), 1, &
g_vel_evc(1,ibnd,ib), 1), DP)
f_sum(ia,ib) = f_sum(ia,ib) + wg(ibnd,ik) * braket
! pGv and vGv contribution to chi_{bare}
do i = 1, 3
call add_to_tensor(q_pGv(:,:,0), p_evc, g_vel_evc)
call add_to_tensor(q_vGv(:,:,0), vel_evc, g_vel_evc)
! loop over -q and +q
do isign = -1, 1, 2
! loop over cartesian directions
do i = 1, 3
! set the q vector
q(:) = 0.0_dp
q(i) = dble(isign) * q_gipaw
!!!write(*,'("q=",3(F12.4))') q
! compute the wfcs at k+q
call compute_u_kq(ik, q)
! compute p_k|evc>, v_k|evc> and G_{k+q} v_{k+q,k}|evc>
call apply_operators
call init_gipaw_2_no_phase (npw, igk, xk(:,ik)+q(:), paw_vkb)
call paramagnetic_correction ( paramagnetic_corr_tensor )
call add_to_sigma_para ( paramagnetic_corr_tensor, sigma_paramagnetic )
! pGv and vGv contribution to chi_bare
call add_to_tensor(q_pGv(:,:,isign), p_evc, g_vel_evc)
call add_to_tensor(q_vGv(:,:,isign), vel_evc, g_vel_evc)
! now the j_bare term
call add_to_current(j_bare(:,:,:,current_spin), evc, g_vel_evc)
enddo ! i
enddo ! isign
enddo ! ik
#ifdef __PARA
! reduce over G-vectors
call mp_sum( f_sum, intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( q_pGv, intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( q_vGv, intra_pool_comm )
#ifdef __PARA
! reduce over k-points
call mp_sum( f_sum, inter_pool_comm)
call mp_sum( q_pGv, inter_pool_comm)
call mp_sum( q_vGv, inter_pool_comm)
call mp_sum( j_bare, inter_pool_comm)
call mp_sum( sigma_diamagnetic, inter_pool_comm)
call mp_sum( sigma_paramagnetic, inter_pool_comm)
! print out results
write(stdout,'(5X,"End of magnetic susceptibility calculation")')
! f-sum rule
if (iverbosity > 0) then
write(stdout, '(5X,"f-sum rule:")')
write(stdout, tens_fmt) f_sum
call symmatrix (f_sum)
write(stdout, '(5X,"f-sum rule (symmetrized):")')
write(stdout, tens_fmt) f_sum
! F_{ij} = (2 - \delta_{ij}) Q_{ij}
do ipol = 1, 3
do jpol = 1, 3
f_pGv(ipol,jpol,:) = 2.0_dp*q_pGv(ipol,jpol,:)
if (ipol == jpol) f_pGv(ipol,jpol,:) = q_pGv(ipol,jpol,:)
f_vGv(ipol,jpol,:) = 2.0_dp*q_vGv(ipol,jpol,:)
if (ipol == jpol) f_vGv(ipol,jpol,:) = q_vGv(ipol,jpol,:)
! compute chi_bare both pGv and vGv terms
chi_bare_pGv(:,:) = f_pGv(:,:,1) - 2.0_dp*f_pGv(:,:,0) + f_pGv(:,:,-1)
chi_bare_pGv(:,:) = -0.5_dp * chi_bare_pGv(:,:) * alpha ** 2 &
/ ( q_gipaw * tpiba)**2
if (iverbosity > 0) then
write(stdout, '(5X,"chi_bare pGv (HH) in paratec units:")')
write(stdout, '(3(5X,3(F12.6,2X)/))') chi_bare_pGv(:,:) / alpha ** 2
call symmatrix (chi_bare_pGv)
if (iverbosity > 0) then
write(stdout, '(3(5X,3(F12.6,2X)/))') chi_bare_pGv(:,:) / alpha ** 2
chi_bare_vGv(:,:) = f_vGv(:,:,1) - 2.0_dp*f_vGv(:,:,0) + f_vGv(:,:,-1)
chi_bare_vGv(:,:) = -0.5_dp * chi_bare_vGv(:,:) * alpha ** 2 &
/ ( q_gipaw * tpiba)**2
if (iverbosity > 0) then
write(stdout, '(5X,"chi_bare vGv (VV) in paratec units:")')
write(stdout, '(3(5X,3(F12.6,2X)/))') chi_bare_vGv(:,:) / alpha ** 2
call symmatrix(chi_bare_vGv)
if (iverbosity > 0) then
write(stdout, '(3(5X,3(F12.6,2X)/))') chi_bare_vGv(:,:) / alpha ** 2
! convert from atomic units to 10^{-6} cm^3 / mol
tmp(:,:) = chi_bare_pGv(:,:) * 1e6_dp * a0_to_cm**3.0_dp * avogadro
write(stdout, '(5X,"chi_bare pGv (HH) in 10^{-6} cm^3/mol:")')
write(stdout, tens_fmt) tmp(:,:)
tmp(:,:) = chi_bare_vGv(:,:) * 1e6_dp * a0_to_cm**3.0_dp * avogadro
write(stdout, '(5X,"chi_bare vGv (VV) in 10^{-6} cm^3/mol:")')
write(stdout, tens_fmt) tmp(:,:)
! now get the current, induced field and chemical shifts
chi_bare_pGv(:,:) = chi_bare_pGv(:,:) / omega
j_bare(:,:,:,:) = j_bare(:,:,:,:) * alpha &
/ ( 2.0_dp * q_gipaw * tpiba * omega )
!nsym = 1
! either you symmetrize the current ...
do ispin = 1, nspin
#ifdef __PARA
call psymmetrize_field(j_bare(:,:,:,ispin),1)
call symmetrize_field(j_bare(:,:,:,ispin),1)
! compute induced field
do ipol = 1, 3
call biot_savart(ipol)
do i = 1, nspin
if (trim(filcurr) /= ' ') &
call write_tensor_field(filcurr, i, j_bare(1,1,1,i))
if (trim(filfield) /= ' ') &
call write_tensor_field(filfield, 0, b_ind_r)
! ... or you symmetrize the induced field
!call symmetrize_field(b_ind_r,0)
!call field_to_reciprocal_space
! compute chemical shifts
call compute_sigma_bare( chi_bare_pGv, sigma_bare )
call compute_sigma_diamagnetic( sigma_diamagnetic )
call compute_sigma_paramagnetic( sigma_paramagnetic )
call print_sigma_total(sigma_bare, sigma_paramagnetic, sigma_diamagnetic )
deallocate( p_evc, vel_evc, aux, g_vel_evc, j_bare, b_ind )
! compute p_k|evc>, v_k|evc> and G_k v_{k+q,k}|evc>
SUBROUTINE apply_operators
implicit none
integer ipol
do ipol = 1, 3
call apply_p(evc, p_evc(1,1,ipol), ik, ipol, q)
call apply_vel(evc, vel_evc(1,1,ipol), ik, ipol, q)
! necessary because aux is overwritten by subroutine greenfunction
aux(:,:) = vel_evc(:,:,ipol)
call greenfunction(ik, aux, g_vel_evc(1,1,ipol), q)
END SUBROUTINE apply_operators
! add contribution the Q tensors
! Q_{\alpha,\beta} += <(e_i \times ul)_\alpha | (e_i \times ur)_\beta>
SUBROUTINE add_to_tensor(qt, ul, ur)
implicit none
real(dp), intent(inout) :: qt(3,3)
complex(dp), intent(in) :: ul(npwx,nbnd,3), ur(npwx,nbnd,3)
real(dp) :: braket
integer :: ibnd, ia, ib, comp_ia, comp_ib, ind(3,3), mult(3,3)
! index for the cross product
ind(:,1) = (/ 1, 3, 2/); mult(:,1) = (/ 0,-1, 1 /)
ind(:,2) = (/ 3, 2, 1/); mult(:,2) = (/ 1, 0,-1 /)
ind(:,3) = (/ 2, 1, 3/); mult(:,3) = (/-1, 1, 0 /)
do ia = 1, 3 ! ia = alpha
comp_ia = ind(ia,i)
if (mult(ia,i) == 0) cycle
do ib = 1, 3 ! ib = beta
comp_ib = ind(ib,i)
if (mult(ib,i) == 0) cycle
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ(ik)
braket = real(zdotc(npw, ul(1,ibnd,comp_ia), 1, &
ur(1,ibnd,comp_ib), 1), DP)
qt(ia,ib) = qt(ia,ib) + wg(ibnd,ik) * &
braket * mult(ia,i) * mult(ib,i)
enddo ! ibnd
enddo ! ib
enddo ! ia
!#ifdef __PARA
! call mp_sum( qt, intra_pool_comm )
END SUBROUTINE add_to_tensor
! add contribution the the current
! j(r)_{\alpha,\beta} += <ul|J(r)|(B\times e_i \cdot ur)>
SUBROUTINE add_to_current(j, ul, ur)
implicit none
real(dp), intent(inout) :: j(nrxxs,3,3)
complex(dp), intent(in) :: ul(npwx,nbnd), ur(npwx,nbnd,3)
real(dp) :: braket, fact
integer :: ibdir, icomp, ind(3,3), mult(3,3)
! index for the cross product
ind(:,1) = (/ 1, 3, 2/); mult(:,1) = (/ 0,-1, 1 /)
ind(:,2) = (/ 3, 2, 1/); mult(:,2) = (/ 1, 0,-1 /)
ind(:,3) = (/ 2, 1, 3/); mult(:,3) = (/-1, 1, 0 /)
! loop over B direction
do ibdir = 1, 3
if (i == ibdir) cycle
icomp = ind(ibdir, i)
fact = real(mult(ibdir,i)*isign)
call j_para(fact, ul(1,1), ur(1,1,icomp), ik, q, j(1,1,ibdir))
END SUBROUTINE add_to_current
! ...
SUBROUTINE diamagnetic_correction ( diamagnetic_tensor )
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : radial_integral_diamagnetic
implicit none
! Arguments
real(dp), intent(inout):: diamagnetic_tensor(3,3,nat)
integer :: l1, m1, lm1, l2, m2, lm2, ih, ikb, nbs1, jh, jkb, nbs2
integer :: nt, ibnd, na, lm, nrc, ijkb0
complex(dp) , allocatable :: dia_corr(:,:)
complex(dp) :: bec_product
allocate ( dia_corr(lmaxx**2,nat) )
dia_corr = 0.0_dp
! calculation of the reconstruction part
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if ( ityp(na) == nt ) then
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
nbs1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(ih)
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(ih)
m1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(ih)
lm1 = m1 + l1**2
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
nbs2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(jh)
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(jh)
m2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(jh)
bec_product = paw_becp(jkb,ibnd) &
* CONJG( paw_becp(ikb,ibnd) )
!<apsi> s/non-trace-zero component
! 2/3 to separate the non-trace vanishing component
! 1/(2c^2) from the equation (59) in PM-PRB
IF ( l1 == l2 .AND. m1 == m2 ) THEN
diamagnetic_tensor(1,1,na) &
= diamagnetic_tensor(1,1,na) &
+ 2.0_dp / 3.0_dp * bec_product &
* radial_integral_diamagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2 / 2.0_dp
diamagnetic_tensor(2,2,na) &
= diamagnetic_tensor(2,2,na) &
+ 2.0_dp / 3.0_dp * bec_product &
* radial_integral_diamagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2 / 2.0_dp
diamagnetic_tensor(3,3,na) &
= diamagnetic_tensor(3,3,na) &
+ 2.0_dp / 3.0_dp * bec_product &
* radial_integral_diamagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2 / 2.0_dp
! 2/3 to separate the non-trace vanishing component
do lm = 5, 9
dia_corr(lm,na) = dia_corr(lm,na) &
+ bec_product / 3.0_dp &
* radial_integral_diamagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* ap(lm,lm1,lm2) * wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2 &
/ 2.0_dp
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
if ( iverbosity > 20 ) then
write(6,'("DDD1",5F14.8)') dia_corr(5:9,1)
write(6,'("DDD2",5F14.8)') dia_corr(5:9,MAX(1,nat))
end if
! transform in cartesian coordinates
dia_corr(5:9,:nat) = - sqrt(4.0_dp * pi/5.0_dp) * dia_corr(5:9,:nat)
diamagnetic_tensor(1,1,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(1,1,:) &
+ sqrt(3.0_dp) * dia_corr(8,:) - dia_corr(5,:)
diamagnetic_tensor(2,2,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(2,2,:) &
- sqrt(3.0_dp) * dia_corr(8,:) - dia_corr(5,:)
diamagnetic_tensor(3,3,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(3,3,:) &
+ dia_corr(5,:) * 2.0_dp
diamagnetic_tensor(1,2,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(1,2,:) &
+ dia_corr(9,:) * sqrt(3.0_dp)
diamagnetic_tensor(2,1,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(1,2,:)
diamagnetic_tensor(1,3,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(1,3,:) &
- dia_corr(6,:) * sqrt(3.0_dp)
diamagnetic_tensor(3,1,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(1,3,:)
diamagnetic_tensor(2,3,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(2,3,:) &
- dia_corr(7,:) * sqrt(3.0_dp)
diamagnetic_tensor(3,2,:) = diamagnetic_tensor(2,3,:)
! dia_corr(5,:) = 3z^2-1
! dia_corr(6,:) = -xz
! dia_corr(7,:) = -yz
! dia_corr(8,:) = x^2-y^2
! dia_corr(9,:) = xy
deallocate ( dia_corr )
END SUBROUTINE diamagnetic_correction
! ...
SUBROUTINE paramagnetic_correction ( paramagnetic_tensor )
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : lx, ly, lz, radial_integral_paramagnetic, &
implicit none
! Arguments
real(dp), intent(inout):: paramagnetic_tensor(3,3,nat)
integer :: l1, m1, lm1, l2, m2, lm2, ih, ikb, nbs1, jh, jkb, nbs2
integer :: nt, ibnd, na, lm, j, ijkb0, ipol
complex(dp) :: bec_product
complex(dp) , allocatable :: para_corr(:,:)
integer, parameter :: ng_ = 27, lmax2_ = 16
integer :: mg, i1, i2, i3
real(DP) :: g_ (3, ng_), gg_ (ng_)
real(DP) :: ylm_ (ng_,lmax2_)
allocate (para_corr(3,nat))
! calculation of the reconstruction part
do ipol = 1, 3
if ( ipol == i ) cycle !TESTTESTTEST
!call ccalbec (paw_nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, paw_becp2, paw_vkb, &
! g_vel_evc(1,1,ipol))
call calbec (npw, paw_vkb, g_vel_evc(:,:,ipol), paw_becp2)
para_corr = 0.0_dp
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
nbs1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(ih)
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(ih)
m1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(ih)
lm1 = m1 + l1**2
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
nbs2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(jh)
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(jh)
m2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(jh)
if ( l1 /= l2 ) cycle
bec_product = CONJG(paw_becp(ikb,ibnd)) &
* paw_becp2(jkb,ibnd)
para_corr(1,na) = para_corr(1,na) &
+ bec_product &
* radial_integral_paramagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* lx ( lm1, lm2 ) * wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2
para_corr(2,na) = para_corr(2,na) &
+ bec_product &
* radial_integral_paramagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* ly ( lm1, lm2 ) * wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2
para_corr(3,na) = para_corr(3,na) &
+ bec_product &
* radial_integral_paramagnetic(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* lz ( lm1, lm2 ) * wg(ibnd,ik) * alpha ** 2
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
paramagnetic_tensor ( :, ipol, : ) = REAL ( para_corr, dp )
if ( iverbosity > 20 ) then
write(6,'("DDD1",2I3,3(F16.7,2X))') &
ipol, i*isign, REAL ( para_corr(1:3,1) ) * 1e6
write(6,'("DDD2",2I3,3(F16.7,2X))') &
ipol, i*isign, REAL ( para_corr(1:3,MAX(1,nat)) ) * 1e6
end if
end do
deallocate( para_corr )
END SUBROUTINE paramagnetic_correction
! ...
SUBROUTINE add_to_sigma_para( paramagnetic_correction, sigma_paramagnetic )
implicit none
real(dp), intent(in) :: paramagnetic_correction(3,3,nat)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: sigma_paramagnetic(3,3,nat)
real(dp) :: fact
integer :: ibdir, icomp, ipol, ind(3,3), mult(3,3)
! index for the cross product
ind(:,1) = (/ 1, 3, 2/); mult(:,1) = (/ 0,-1, 1 /)
ind(:,2) = (/ 3, 2, 1/); mult(:,2) = (/ 1, 0,-1 /)
ind(:,3) = (/ 2, 1, 3/); mult(:,3) = (/-1, 1, 0 /)
! loop over B direction
do ibdir = 1, 3
if (i == ibdir) cycle
icomp = ind(ibdir, i)
fact = real(mult(ibdir,i)*isign)
do ipol = 1, 3
sigma_paramagnetic ( ipol, icomp, : ) &
= sigma_paramagnetic ( ipol, icomp, : ) &
+ fact * paramagnetic_correction ( ipol, ibdir, : ) &
/ ( 2 * q_gipaw * tpiba )
! Do iq=1, 3 ! loop over all q-points
! ...
! Do iperm0 =1,-1,-2
! b0 = Mod(iq+iperm0+2,3) +1 ! gives different b0 for iperm0
! p0 = Mod(iq-iperm0+2,3) +1 ! gives p0 = abs(q x b0)
! ...
! Call take_nonloc_deriv_kq_k(p0,k_gspace, rk(1),u_k(1,i),&
! ...
! para_corr_shift_tot(b0,:,:,:) = para_corr_shift_tot(b0,:,:,:)-&
! Real(iperm0,dp)*Real(iqsign,dp)*para_corr_shift*&
! kpoints%w(irk)/qmag/dtwo/Real(crys%nspin,dp)
end do
END SUBROUTINE add_to_sigma_para
END SUBROUTINE suscept_crystal