
733 lines
20 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program phcg
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
use pwcom
use io_files
use cgcom
use mp, ONLY : mp_end
use global_version
use para
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
implicit none
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: deps_dtau(:,:,:,:), dynout(:,:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: w2(:)
real(kind=DP):: max_seconds = 1.D+6
character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime, code = 'PHCG'
logical :: exst
integer :: i
call check_stop_init ( max_seconds )
call init_clocks(.true.)
call start_clock('phcg')
call startup( nd_nmbr, code, version_number )
call cg_readin
call cg_setup
! calculate eps0, zstar, dynamical matrix for the unperturbed system
allocate ( dynout(3*nat,3*nat))
allocate ( zstar( 3, 3, nat))
allocate ( w2( 3*nat))
call cg_eps0dyn(w2,dynout)
if (raman) then
if (first.eq.1.and.last.eq.nmodes) then
! calculate d eps0/d tau with finite differences
allocate ( deps_dtau( 3, 3, 3, nat))
call cg_deps(deps_dtau)
! calculate nonresonant raman intensities for all modes
if (trans) call raman_cs(dynout,deps_dtau)
! calculate nonresonant raman intensities for selected modes
call raman_cs2(w2,dynout)
end if
end if
call stop_clock('phcg')
call print_clock(' ')
! close everything and stop
if (epsil) then
call seqopn (iubar,'filbar1','unformatted',exst)
call seqopn (iubar,'filbar2','unformatted',exst)
call seqopn (iubar,'filbar3','unformatted',exst)
call seqopn (iudwf,'fildwx1','unformatted',exst)
call seqopn (iudwf,'fildwx2','unformatted',exst)
call seqopn (iudwf,'fildwx3','unformatted',exst)
end if
#ifdef __PARA
! parallel case: delete only once !
if (me.eq.1) then
!!! open (unit=iunres,file='restartph',status='unknown')
!!! close(unit=iunres,status='delete')
!!! open (unit=iunres,file='restart_e',status='unknown')
!!! close(unit=iunres,status='delete')
!!! open (unit=iunres,file='restart_d',status='unknown')
!!! close(unit=iunres,status='delete')
#ifdef __PARA
end if
! call mpi_finalize(i)
call mp_end()
9000 format (/5x,'Program ',a12,' starts ...',/5x, &
& 'Today is ',a9,' at ',a9)
end program phcg
subroutine cg_deps(deps_dtau)
! calculate d eps0/d tau with finite differences
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : iunres
use pwcom
use cgcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: deps_dtau(3,3,3,nat)
real(kind=DP) :: delta4(4), coeff4(4), delta2(2), coeff2(2), &
delta, coeff
integer iudyn, nd, na, ipol, nd_, na_, ipol_, jpol, kpol
data delta2/-1.d0, 1.d0/, coeff2/-0.5d0, 0.5d0/
data delta4/-2.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0, 2.d0/
data coeff4/ 0.08333333333333d0,-0.66666666666666d0, &
& 0.66666666666667d0,-0.08333333333337d0 /
call start_clock('cg_deps')
! Read partial results (if any)
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_d',form='formatted',status='unknown')
read(iunres,*,err=1,end=1) na_,ipol_,nd_
read(iunres,*,err=1,end=1) deps_dtau
if (na_.le.nat) then
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Restarting from atom ",i2,", pol ",i1, &
& ", nd=",i1)') na_,ipol_,nd_
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Reading saved data")')
end if
go to 2
1 close(unit=iunres)
na_ =1
nd_ =1
deps_dtau(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Starting over from the beginning")')
2 continue
do na=na_,nat
do ipol=1,3
if (na.eq.na_.and.ipol.lt.ipol_) go to 11
do nd=1,nderiv
! Skip results from previous run (if any)
if (na.eq.na_.and.ipol.eq.ipol_.and.nd.lt.nd_) go to 12
! choose type of derivative formula (2- or 4-point)
if (nderiv.eq.2) then
end if
! Displaced atomic positions (remember that tau are in units of a0)
tau(ipol,na) = tau(ipol,na) + delta*deltatau/alat
call cg_neweps
tau(ipol,na) = tau(ipol,na) - delta*deltatau/alat
do kpol=1,3
do jpol=1,3
deps_dtau(kpol,jpol,ipol,na) = &
deps_dtau(kpol,jpol,ipol,na) + &
end do
end do
! Save partial results
#ifdef __PARA
! parallel case: write only once !
if (me.eq.1) then
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_d',form='formatted', &
if (nd.ne.nderiv) then
write(iunres,*) na,ipol,nd+1
else if(ipol.ne.3) then
write(iunres,*) na,ipol+1,1
write(iunres,*) na+1,1,1
end if
write(iunres,*) deps_dtau
#ifdef __PARA
12 continue
end do
11 continue
end do
end do
iudyn = 20
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x, "Raman tensors (atomic)"/)')
write (iudyn,'(/5x,"Raman: D eps_{alpha,beta}/D tau_{s,gamma}"/)')
do na=1,nat
do ipol=1,3
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"D eps(i,j)",5x,3e14.6 &
& /5x,"---------- = ",3e14.6 &
& /5x,"D tau(",i2,")_",i1,4x,3e14.6)') &
& (( deps_dtau(kpol,jpol,ipol,na), jpol=1,3), kpol=1,2),&
& na,ipol, (deps_dtau(3,jpol,ipol,na), jpol=1,3)
write (iudyn,'("atom # ",i4," pol. ",i2)') na, ipol
write (iudyn,'(3e24.12)') &
( (deps_dtau(kpol,jpol,ipol,na), jpol=1,3), kpol=1,3)
end do
end do
WRITE( stdout,*)
close (unit=iudyn)
end subroutine cg_deps
subroutine cg_eps0dyn(w2,dynout)
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau, ityp
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : iunres
use pwcom
use cgcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: w2(3*nat), dynout(3*nat,3*nat)
integer :: na, i,j, nt, iudyn, mode_done
! calculate linear response to macroscopic fields
if (epsil) then
! verify if already calculated
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_e',form='formatted', status='unknown')
read(iunres,*,end=1,err=1) epsilon0
read(iunres,*,end=1,err=1) zstar
go to 2
1 close(unit=iunres)
call macro
call solve_e
! calculate the dielectric tensor and effective charges
call dielec(.true.)
call generate_effective_charges (nat,nsym,s,irt,at,bg, &
! save on file results
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.eq.1) then
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_e',form='formatted',status='unknown')
write(iunres,*) epsilon0
write(iunres,*) zstar
#ifdef __PARA
end if
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"estimated dielectric constants =",3f10.3, &
& /37x,3f10.3/37x,3f10.3)') ((epsilon0(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"z*(",i2,")",3f10.3,/11x,3f10.3/11x,3f10.3)') &
(na, ((zstar(i,j,na),j=1,3),i=1,3), na=1,nat)
end if
2 continue
! calculate linear response to lattice distorsions
if (trans) then
! verify if already calculated
open (unit=iunres,file='restartph',form='formatted', status='unknown')
read (iunres,*,err=10,end=10) mode_done
if (mode_done.eq.nmodes+1) then
read(iunres,*,end=10,err=10) dynout
read(iunres,*,end=10,err=10) w2
go to 20
end if
10 close(unit=iunres)
call solve_ph
! get the complete dynamical matrix from the irreducible part
if (nmodes.eq.3*nat) call generate_dynamical_matrix &
(nat,nsym,s,irt,at,bg, n_diff_sites,equiv_atoms,has_equivalent,dyn)
! impose asr on the dynamical matrix
if (asr) call set_asr(nat,nasr,dyn)
! diagonalize the dynamical matrix
call dyndiar(dyn,3*nat,nmodes,u,nat,ityp,amass,w2,dynout)
! find new equilibrium positions (in the harmonic approximation)
! if (lforce)
! & call equilib(nat,tau,force,nmodes,w2,dyn,3*nat,dtau,alat)
end if
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.ne.1) go to 20
if (trans) call writedyn
open (unit=iunres,file='restartph',form='formatted',status='unknown')
write(iunres,*) nmodes+1
write(iunres,*) dynout
write(iunres,*) w2
20 continue
end subroutine cg_eps0dyn
subroutine cg_neweps
#include "f_defs.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
use pwcom
use cgcom
implicit none
integer :: i, j
real(kind=DP) :: rhotot, dmxc
! recalculate self-consistent potential etc
call newscf
! new derivative of the xc potential
dmuxc(:) = 0.d0
do i = 1,nrxx
rhotot = rho(i,current_spin)+rho_core(i)
if ( rhotot.gt. 1.d-30 ) dmuxc(i)= dmxc( rhotot)
if ( rhotot.lt.-1.d-30 ) dmuxc(i)=-dmxc(-rhotot)
end do
! re-initialize data needed for gradient corrections
call cg_setupdgc
! calculate linear response to macroscopic fields
call macro
call solve_e
call dielec(.false.)
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"displaced atomic positions :")')
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,3f12.6)') ((tau(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,nat)
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"estimated dielectric constants =",3f10.3, &
& /37x,3f10.3/37x,3f10.3)') ((epsilon0(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
WRITE( stdout,*)
end subroutine cg_neweps
subroutine newscf
use pwcom
use funct
USE io_files, ONLY : iunigk, iunwfc, input_drho, output_drho
USE control_flags, ONLY : restart, reduce_io, lscf, istep, iprint, &
order, david, max_cg_iter, isolve, tr2, &
ethr, mixing_beta, nmix, niter
implicit none
integer :: iter
call start_clock('PWSCF')
! set all kind of stuff needed by self-consistent (re-)calculation
dft='Same as Before'
restart =.false.
input_drho=' '
output_drho=' '
! since we use only Gamma we don't need symmetries
! these must be tuned for fast convergence
david = 4
nbndx = max (nbndx, david*nbnd)
tr2 =1.d-8
call openfil
call hinit1
call electrons
close(unit=iunwfc, status='keep')
close(unit=iunigk, status='delete')
call stop_clock('PWSCF')
end subroutine newscf
subroutine raman_cs(dynout,deps_dtau)
! calculate Raman cross section
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use pwcom
use cgcom
real(kind=DP) :: dynout(3*nat,3*nat), deps_dtau(3,3,3,nat)
integer :: nu, na, ipol, jpol, lpol
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: raman_activity(:,:,:)
allocate ( raman_activity( 3, 3, nmodes))
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x, "Raman tensor for mode nu : dX_{alpha,beta}/d nu"/)')
do nu=1,nmodes
do jpol=1,3
do ipol=1,3
raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu) = 0.0
do na=1,nat
do lpol=1,3
raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu) = raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu) +&
deps_dtau(ipol,jpol,lpol,na) * dynout((na-1)*3+lpol,nu)
end do
end do
end do
end do
WRITE( stdout,'(i5,3x,3e14.6,2(/8x,3e14.6))') &
nu,( ( raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu),jpol=1,3), ipol=1,3)
end do
end subroutine raman_cs
subroutine raman_cs2(w2,dynout)
! calculate d eps0/d u (u=phonon mode) with finite differences
#include "f_defs.h"
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : iunres
use pwcom
use cgcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: dynout(3*nat,3*nat), w2(3*nat)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: raman_activity(:,:,:), infrared(:)
real(kind=DP) :: delta4(4), coeff4(4), delta2(2), coeff2(2), &
delta, norm, coeff
integer iudyn, nd, nu, nd_, nu_, na, ipol, jpol
data delta2/-1.d0, 1.d0/, coeff2/-0.5d0, 0.5d0/
data delta4/-2.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0, 2.d0/
data coeff4/ 0.08333333333333d0,-0.66666666666666d0, &
& 0.66666666666667d0,-0.08333333333337d0 /
real(kind=8):: polar(3), rydcm1, cm1thz, freq, r1fac, r2fac, irfac
real(kind=8):: alpha, beta2
call start_clock('raman_cs2')
! Read partial results (if any)
allocate ( raman_activity( 3, 3, last-first+1))
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_d',form='formatted',status='unknown')
read(iunres,*,err=1,end=1) nu_,nd_
read(iunres,*,err=1,end=1) raman_activity
if (nu_.le.last) then
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Restarting from mode ",i3,", nd=",i1)') &
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Reading saved data")')
end if
go to 2
1 close(unit=iunres)
raman_activity(:,:,:) = 0.d0
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Starting over from the beginning")')
2 continue
do nu=first,last
if (nu.lt.nu_) go to 11
! eigendisplacements are normalized as <u|M|U>=1
! we want to add a normalized eigendisplacement instead: <u|u>=1
norm = 0
do na=1,nat
do ipol=1,3
norm = norm + dynout(3*(na-1)+ipol,nu)**2
end do
end do
norm = sqrt(norm)
do nd=1,nderiv
! Skip results from previous run (if any)
if (nu.eq.nu_.and.nd.lt.nd_) go to 12
! choose type of derivative formula (2- or 4-point)
if (nderiv.eq.2) then
end if
! Displaced atomic positions (remember that tau are in units of a0)
do na=1,nat
do ipol=1,3
tau(ipol,na) = tau(ipol,na) + delta * deltatau * &
dynout(3*(na-1)+ipol,nu) / norm / alat
end do
end do
call cg_neweps
! reset atomic positions to equilibrium value
do na=1,nat
do ipol=1,3
tau(ipol,na) = tau(ipol,na) - delta * deltatau * &
dynout(3*(na-1)+ipol,nu) / norm / alat
end do
end do
! calculate derivative, multiply by norm in order to have
! raman cross section for a mode normalized as <u|M|u>=1
do ipol=1,3
do jpol=1,3
raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu-first+1) = &
raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu-first+1) + &
epsilon0(ipol,jpol)*coeff/deltatau * norm
end do
end do
! Save partial results
#ifdef __PARA
! parallel case: write only once !
if (me.eq.1) then
open (unit=iunres,file='restart_d',form='formatted', &
if (nd.ne.nderiv) then
write(iunres,*) nu,nd+1
write(iunres,*) nu+1,1
end if
write(iunres,*) raman_activity
#ifdef __PARA
12 continue
end do
11 continue
end do
do nu=first,last
WRITE( stdout,'(i5,3x,3e14.6,2(/8x,3e14.6))') &
nu,( ( raman_activity(ipol,jpol,nu-first+1),jpol=1,3), ipol=1,3)
end do
! conversion factors RYD=>THZ, RYD=>1/CM e 1/CM=>THZ
rydcm1 = 13.6058*8065.5
cm1thz = 241.796/8065.5
! conversion factor for IR cross sections from
! (Ry atomic units * e^2) to (Debye/A)^2/amu
! 1 Ry mass unit = 2 * mass of one electron = 2 amu
! 1 e = 4.80324x10^(-10) esu = 4.80324 Debye/A
! (1 Debye = 10^(-18) esu*cm = 0.2081928 e*A)
irfac = 4.80324**2/2.d0
! conversion factor for Raman cross sections from Ry atomic units
! to A^4/amu
r1fac = 0.529177**4/2.d0
! derivatives of epsilon are translated into derivatives of molecular
! polarizabilities by assuming a Clausius-Mossotti behavior
! (for anisotropic system epsilon is replaced by its trace)
r2fac = 3.d0*omega/(4.d0*3.1415926) * &
3.d0 / ( 2.d0 + (epsilon0(1,1) + epsilon0(2,2) + epsilon0(3,3))/3.d0 )
allocate (infrared(3*nat))
do nu = 1,3*nat
do ipol=1,3
end do
do na=1,nat
do ipol=1,3
do jpol=1,3
polar(ipol) = polar(ipol) + &
end do
end do
end do
! infrared is in units of e^2/(Ry mass unit)
infrared(nu) = polar(1)**2+polar(2)**2+polar(3)**2
end do
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"IR cross sections are in (D/A)^2/amu units")')
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"(multiplied by 1000)")')
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Raman cross sections are in A^4/amu units")')
WRITE( stdout,'(/"# mode [cm-1] [THz] IR Raman")')
do nu = 1,3*nat
freq = sqrt(abs(w2(nu)))*rydcm1
if (w2(nu).lt.0.0) freq = -freq
! alpha, beta2: see PRB 54, 7830 (1996) and refs quoted therein
if( nu >= first .and. nu<= last ) then
nu_ = nu-first+1
alpha = (raman_activity(1,1,nu_) + &
raman_activity(2,2,nu_) + &
beta2 = ( (raman_activity(1,1,nu_) - raman_activity(2,2,nu_))**2 + &
(raman_activity(1,1,nu_) - raman_activity(3,3,nu_))**2 + &
(raman_activity(2,2,nu_) - raman_activity(3,3,nu_))**2 + &
6.d0 * (raman_activity(1,2,nu_)**2 + &
raman_activity(1,3,nu_)**2 + &
raman_activity(2,3,nu_)**2) )/2.d0
alpha = 0
beta2 = 0
end if
WRITE( stdout,'(i5,f10.2,f12.4,2f10.4)') &
nu, freq, freq*cm1thz, infrared(nu)*irfac*1000, &
(45.d0*alpha**2 + 7.0d0*beta2)*r1fac*r2fac
end do
deallocate (infrared)
deallocate (raman_activity)
end subroutine raman_cs2