
324 lines
11 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine stm (wf, sample_bias, z, dz, stm_wfc_matching, stmdos)
! This routine calculates an stm image defined as the local density
! of states at the fermi energy.
! To this end uses a matched exponential behaved wavefunction, in the
! spirit of the Tersoff and Hamann approximation (PRB 31, 805 (1985)
! The matching with the true wavefunction is decided by the variable
! z in celldm(1) units, then stm images are calculated every dz.
! The bias of the sample is decided by sample_bias, states between
! ef and ef + sample_bias are taken into account.
! It needs the workfunction wf. On output wf contains the number of
! states used to compute the image.
! The slab must be oriented with the main axis along celldm(3).
! It may not properly work if the slab has two symmetric surfaces.
#include "machine.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use pwcom
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc, psic
USE io_files, ONLY: iunwfc, nwordwfc
USE constants, ONLY : degspin
implicit none
logical :: stm_wfc_matching
real(kind=DP) :: sample_bias, z, dz, stmdos (nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3)
! the stm density of states
! And here the local variables
logical :: uguale
integer :: istates, igs, npws, ir, ir1, irx, iry, irz, ig, ibnd, &
ik, nbnd_ocp
! the number of states to compute the image
! counter on surface G vectors
! number of surfac g-vectors
! counters on 3D r points
! counter on g vectors
! counter on bands
! counter on k points
real(kind=DP) :: emin, emax, fac, wf, wf1, x, y, zz, &
w1 , w0gauss, up, up1, down, down1, t0, scnds
complex(kind=DP), parameter :: i= (0.d0, 1.d0)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: gs (:,:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: a (:), psi (:,:)
! the coefficients of the matching wfc
! plane stm wfc
external w0gauss
t0 = scnds ()
allocate (gs( 2, npwx))
allocate (a ( npwx))
allocate (psi(nrx1, nrx2))
! if matching is .true. then matches the wfc's and uses their
! exponential behaviour, otherwise uses the true wfc's on fft grid
stmdos(:) = 0.d0
if (.not.stm_wfc_matching) then
rho(:,:) = 0.d0
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Use the true wfcs")')
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Sample bias =",f8.4, &
& " eV")') sample_bias * rytoev
call errore('stm','option stm_wfc_matching does not work',1)
z = z * alat
dz = dz * alat
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Matching plane at z =",f6.2, &
& " alat units")') z / alat
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Next planes every dz =",f6.2, &
& " atomic units")') dz
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Sample bias =",f8.4, &
& " eV")') sample_bias * rytoev
if (.not.lgauss) then
! for semiconductors, add small broadening
nbnd_ocp = nint (nelec) / degspin
if (nbnd.le.nbnd_ocp + 1) call errore ('stm', 'not enough bands', 1)
emin = et (nbnd_ocp + 1, 1)
do ik = 2, nks
emin = min (emin, et (nbnd_ocp + 1, ik) )
#ifdef __PARA
! find the minimum across pools
call poolextreme (emin, - 1)
emax = et (nbnd_ocp, 1)
do ik = 2, nks
emax = max (emax, et (nbnd_ocp, ik) )
#ifdef __PARA
! find the maximum across pools
call poolextreme (emax, 1)
ef = (emin + emax) * 0.5d0
degauss = 0.00001
ngauss = 0
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Occupied bands: ",i6)') nbnd_ocp
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x," Fermi energy: ",f10.2," eV")') ef * rytoev
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x," Gap energy: ",f10.2," eV")') (emax - emin) * rytoev
! take only the states in the energy window above or below the fermi
! energy as determined by the bias of the sample
if (sample_bias.gt.0) then
up = ef + sample_bias
up1 = ef + 3 * sample_bias
down = ef
down1 = ef - 2 * sample_bias
up = ef
up1 = ef - 2 * sample_bias
down = ef + sample_bias
down1 = ef + 3 * sample_bias
do ik = 1, nks
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if (et (ibnd, ik) > down .and. et (ibnd, ik) < up) then
wg (ibnd, ik) = wk (ik)
elseif (et (ibnd, ik) < down) then
wg (ibnd, ik) = wk (ik) * w0gauss ( (down - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss)
elseif (et (ibnd, ik) > up) then
wg (ibnd, ik) = wk (ik) * w0gauss ( (up - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss)
istates = 0
! here we sum for each k point the contribution
! of the wavefunctions to the stm dos
do ik = 1, nks
call gk_sort (xk (1, ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin)
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
! find the surface G vectors, the first is the first G of the list
if (stm_wfc_matching) then
npws = 1
gs (1, npws) = g (1, igk (1) )
gs (2, npws) = g (2, igk (1) )
do ig = 1, npw
uguale = .false.
do igs = 1, npws
! if the surface part of G is equal to at least one of the
! surface vectors already found then uguale = .true.
uguale = uguale .or. (g (1, igk (ig) ) == gs (1, igs) .and. &
g (2, igk (ig) ) == gs (2, igs) )
if (uguale) exit
! if G is not equal to any surface vector then G is a new
! surface vector
if (.not.uguale) then
npws = npws + 1
gs (1, npws) = g (1, igk (ig) )
gs (2, npws) = g (2, igk (ig) )
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
w1 = wg (ibnd, ik) / omega
if (et (ibnd, ik) > up1 .or. et (ibnd, ik) < down1) goto 10
WRITE( stdout, * ) w1, ibnd, ik
! istates is a counter on the states used to compute the image
istates = istates + 1
! find the coefficients of the matching wfcs
if (stm_wfc_matching) then
! for this state the work function is modified accordingly
! to its energy
wf1 = wf - (et (ibnd, ik) - ef - sample_bias)
do igs = 1, npws
a (igs) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
fac = exp (z * sqrt (wf1 + ( (xk(1, ik) + gs(1, igs))**2 + &
(xk(2, ik) + gs(2, igs))**2 ) * &
tpiba2) )
do ig = 1, npw
! sum over the z-component of the G vector
if (g (1, igk (ig) ) == gs (1, igs) .and. &
g (2, igk (ig) ) == gs (2, igs) ) then
a (igs) = a (igs) + evc (ig, ibnd) * fac * &
exp (i * z * (xk(3, ik) + g(3, igk(ig)) ) * tpiba)
! reconstruct the wfc for the z of interest for this k-point
! and this band. Uses nr3/2 planes only, the other nr3/2 are
! empty -> only the upper surface is used.
! N.B. it may not properly work if the upper surface
! is connected to the lower surface by a symmetry operation
! (one should take the average of the two surfaces...).
do irz = 2, nr3 / 2
! zz is the new z
zz = z + dz * (irz - 2)
psi(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do igs = 1, npws
fac = exp ( - sqrt (wf1 + ( (xk(1, ik) + gs(1, igs) )**2 + &
(xk(2, ik) + gs(2, igs) )**2 ) * &
tpiba2) * zz)
do iry = 1, nr2
do irx = 1, nr1
! works for the z axis orthogonal to the xy plane
x = at (1,1) * real (irx-1) / nr1 + at (1,2) * &
real (iry-1) / nr2
y = at (2,1) * real (irx-1) / nr1 + at (2,2) * &
real (iry-1) / nr2
! psi is the wfc in the plane xy at height zz
psi (irx, iry) = psi (irx, iry) + a (igs) * fac * &
exp (tpi * i * ( (xk(1, ik) + gs(1, igs) ) * x + &
(xk(2, ik) + gs(2, igs) ) * y) )
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * nrx1 * nrx2, psi)
! now sum for each k-point and for each band the square
! modulus of the wfc times the weighting factor
do iry = 1, nr2
do irx = 1, nr1
ir = irx + (iry - 1) * nrx1 + (irz - 1) * nrx1 * nrx2
stmdos (ir) = stmdos (ir) + &
w1 * psi (irx, iry) * conjg (psi (irx, iry) )
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'end of if (1)'
! do not match
psic(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig = 1, npw
psic (nl (igk (ig) ) ) = evc (ig, ibnd)
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
do ir = 1, nrxx
rho (ir, 1) = rho (ir, 1) + w1 * (real (psic (ir) ) **2 + &
DIMAG (psic (ir) ) **2)
10 continue
! symmetrization of the stm dos
#ifdef __PARA
if (stm_wfc_matching) then
call poolreduce (nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3, stmdos)
call symrho (stmdos, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, &
call poolreduce (nrxx, rho)
call psymrho (rho, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, &
call gather (rho, stmdos)
if (.not.stm_wfc_matching) call DCOPY (nrxx, rho, 1, stmdos, 1)
call symrho (stmdos, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nsym, s, ftau)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"stm took ",f10.2," cpu secs")') scnds ()-t0
! use wf to store istates
wf = istates
#ifdef __PARA
call poolreduce (1, wf)
z = z / alat
dz = dz / alat
end subroutine stm