
427 lines
13 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine kpoint_grid ( nrot, time_reversal, s, t_rev, bg, npk, &
k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, wk)
! Automatic generation of a uniform grid of k-points
USE kinds, only: DP
USE input_parameters, only: lecrpa
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: nrot, npk, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, &
t_rev(48), s(3,3,48)
logical, intent(in):: time_reversal
real(DP), intent(in):: bg(3,3)
integer, intent(out) :: nks
real(DP), intent(out):: xk(3,npk)
real(DP), intent(out):: wk(npk)
real(DP), parameter :: eps=1.0d-5
real(DP) :: xkr(3), fact, xx, yy, zz
real(DP), allocatable:: xkg(:,:), wkk(:)
integer :: nkr, i,j,k, ns, n, nk
integer, allocatable :: equiv(:)
logical :: in_the_list
allocate (xkg( 3,nkr),wkk(nkr))
allocate (equiv( nkr))
do i=1,nk1
do j=1,nk2
do k=1,nk3
! this is nothing but consecutive ordering
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
! xkg are the components of the complete grid in crystal axis
xkg(1,n) = DBLE(i-1)/nk1 + DBLE(k1)/2/nk1
xkg(2,n) = DBLE(j-1)/nk2 + DBLE(k2)/2/nk2
xkg(3,n) = DBLE(k-1)/nk3 + DBLE(k3)/2/nk3
end do
end do
end do
! equiv(nk) =nk : k-point nk is not equivalent to any previous k-point
! equiv(nk)!=nk : k-point nk is equivalent to k-point equiv(nk)
do nk=1,nkr
end do
if ( .not.lecrpa ) then
do nk=1,nkr
! check if this k-point has already been found equivalent to another
if (equiv(nk) == nk) then
wkk(nk) = 1.0d0
! check if there are equivalent k-point to this in the list
! (excepted those previously found to be equivalent to another)
! check both k and -k
do ns=1,nrot
do i=1,3
xkr(i) = s(i,1,ns) * xkg(1,nk) &
+ s(i,2,ns) * xkg(2,nk) &
+ s(i,3,ns) * xkg(3,nk)
xkr(i) = xkr(i) - nint( xkr(i) )
end do
if(t_rev(ns).eq.1) xkr = -xkr
xx = xkr(1)*nk1 - 0.5d0*k1
yy = xkr(2)*nk2 - 0.5d0*k2
zz = xkr(3)*nk3 - 0.5d0*k3
in_the_list = abs(xx-nint(xx)).le.eps .and. &
abs(yy-nint(yy)).le.eps .and. &
if (in_the_list) then
i = mod ( nint ( xkr(1)*nk1 - 0.5d0*k1 + 2*nk1), nk1 ) + 1
j = mod ( nint ( xkr(2)*nk2 - 0.5d0*k2 + 2*nk2), nk2 ) + 1
k = mod ( nint ( xkr(3)*nk3 - 0.5d0*k3 + 2*nk3), nk3 ) + 1
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
if (n.gt.nk .and. equiv(n).eq.n) then
equiv(n) = nk
if (equiv(n).ne.nk .or. n.lt.nk ) call errore('kpoint_grid', &
'something wrong in the checking algorithm',1)
end if
end if
if ( time_reversal ) then
xx =-xkr(1)*nk1 - 0.5d0*k1
yy =-xkr(2)*nk2 - 0.5d0*k2
zz =-xkr(3)*nk3 - 0.5d0*k3
in_the_list=abs(xx-nint(xx)).le.eps.and.abs(yy-nint(yy)).le.eps &
.and. abs(zz-nint(zz)).le.eps
if (in_the_list) then
i = mod ( nint (-xkr(1)*nk1 - 0.5d0 * k1 + 2*nk1), nk1 ) + 1
j = mod ( nint (-xkr(2)*nk2 - 0.5d0 * k2 + 2*nk2), nk2 ) + 1
k = mod ( nint (-xkr(3)*nk3 - 0.5d0 * k3 + 2*nk3), nk3 ) + 1
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
if (n.gt.nk .and. equiv(n).eq.n) then
equiv(n) = nk
if (equiv(n).ne.nk.or.n.lt.nk) call errore('kpoint_grid', &
'something wrong in the checking algorithm',2)
end if
end if
end do
end if
end do
call infomsg('kpoint_grid', 'ATTENTION: skip check of k-points equivalence')
wkk = 1.d0
end if
! count irreducible points and order them
do nk=1,nkr
if (equiv(nk).eq.nk) then
if (nks.gt.npk) call errore('kpoint_grid','too many k-points',1)
wk(nks) = wkk(nk)
fact = fact+wk(nks)
! bring back into to the first BZ
do i=1,3
xk(i,nks) = xkg(i,nk)-nint(xkg(i,nk))
end do
end if
end do
! go to cartesian axis (in units 2pi/a0)
call cryst_to_cart(nks,xk,bg,1)
! normalize weights to one
do nk=1,nks
wk(nk) = wk(nk)/fact
end do
end subroutine kpoint_grid
subroutine tetrahedra ( nsym, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, k1,k2,k3, &
nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, wk, ntetra, tetra )
! Tetrahedron method according to P. E. Bloechl et al, PRB49, 16223 (1994)
USE kinds, only: DP
implicit none
integer nks, nsym, s(3,3,48), npk, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, ntetra
logical minus_q
real(DP) :: at(3,3), bg(3,3), xk(3,npk), wk(npk)
integer tetra(4,ntetra)
real(DP) :: xkr(3), deltap(3), deltam(3)
real(DP), parameter:: eps=1.0d-5
real(DP), allocatable :: xkg(:,:)
integer :: nkr, i,j,k, ns, n, nk, ip1,jp1,kp1, &
integer, allocatable:: equiv(:)
! Re-generate a uniform grid of k-points xkg
! ntetra=6*nkr
allocate (xkg( 3,nkr))
allocate (equiv( nkr))
do i=1,nk1
do j=1,nk2
do k=1,nk3
! this is nothing but consecutive ordering
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
! xkg are the components of the complete grid in crystal axis
xkg(1,n) = DBLE(i-1)/nk1 + DBLE(k1)/2/nk1
xkg(2,n) = DBLE(j-1)/nk2 + DBLE(k2)/2/nk2
xkg(3,n) = DBLE(k-1)/nk3 + DBLE(k3)/2/nk3
end do
end do
end do
! locate k-points of the uniform grid in the list of irreducible k-points
! that was previously calculated
! bring irreducible k-points to crystal axis
call cryst_to_cart (nks,xk,at,-1)
do nk=1,nkr
do n=1,nks
do ns=1,nsym
do i=1,3
xkr(i) = s(i,1,ns) * xk(1,n) + &
s(i,2,ns) * xk(2,n) + &
s(i,3,ns) * xk(3,n)
end do
! xkr is the n-th irreducible k-point rotated wrt the ns-th symmetry
do i=1,3
deltap(i) = xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) )
deltam(i) = xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) )
end do
! deltap is the difference vector, brought back in the first BZ
! deltam is the same but with k => -k (for time reversal)
if ( sqrt ( deltap(1)**2 + &
deltap(2)**2 + &
deltap(3)**2 ) .lt. eps .or. ( minus_q .and. &
sqrt ( deltam(1)**2 + &
deltam(2)**2 + &
deltam(3)**2 ) .lt. eps ) ) then
! equivalent irreducible k-point found
equiv(nk) = n
go to 15
end if
end do
end do
! equivalent irreducible k-point found - something wrong
call errore('tetrahedra','cannot locate k point',nk)
15 continue
end do
do n=1,nks
do nk=1,nkr
if (equiv(nk).eq.n) go to 20
end do
! this failure of the algorithm may indicate that the displaced grid
! (with k1,k2,k3.ne.0) does not have the full symmetry of the lattice
call errore('tetrahedra','cannot remap grid on k-point list',n)
20 continue
end do
! bring irreducible k-points back to cartesian axis
call cryst_to_cart (nks,xk,bg, 1)
! construct tetrahedra
do i=1,nk1
do j=1,nk2
do k=1,nk3
! n1-n8 are the indices of k-point 1-8 forming a cube
ip1 = mod(i,nk1)+1
jp1 = mod(j,nk2)+1
kp1 = mod(k,nk3)+1
n1 = ( k-1) + ( j-1)*nk3 + ( i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n2 = ( k-1) + ( j-1)*nk3 + (ip1-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n3 = ( k-1) + (jp1-1)*nk3 + ( i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n4 = ( k-1) + (jp1-1)*nk3 + (ip1-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n5 = (kp1-1) + ( j-1)*nk3 + ( i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n6 = (kp1-1) + ( j-1)*nk3 + (ip1-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n7 = (kp1-1) + (jp1-1)*nk3 + ( i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
n8 = (kp1-1) + (jp1-1)*nk3 + (ip1-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
! there are 6 tetrahedra per cube (and nk1*nk2*nk3 cubes)
n = 6 * ( (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk3*nk2 )
tetra (1,n+1) = equiv(n1)
tetra (2,n+1) = equiv(n2)
tetra (3,n+1) = equiv(n3)
tetra (4,n+1) = equiv(n6)
tetra (1,n+2) = equiv(n2)
tetra (2,n+2) = equiv(n3)
tetra (3,n+2) = equiv(n4)
tetra (4,n+2) = equiv(n6)
tetra (1,n+3) = equiv(n1)
tetra (2,n+3) = equiv(n3)
tetra (3,n+3) = equiv(n5)
tetra (4,n+3) = equiv(n6)
tetra (1,n+4) = equiv(n3)
tetra (2,n+4) = equiv(n4)
tetra (3,n+4) = equiv(n6)
tetra (4,n+4) = equiv(n8)
tetra (1,n+5) = equiv(n3)
tetra (2,n+5) = equiv(n6)
tetra (3,n+5) = equiv(n7)
tetra (4,n+5) = equiv(n8)
tetra (1,n+6) = equiv(n3)
tetra (2,n+6) = equiv(n5)
tetra (3,n+6) = equiv(n6)
tetra (4,n+6) = equiv(n7)
end do
end do
end do
! check
do n=1,ntetra
do i=1,4
if ( tetra(i,n).lt.1 .or. tetra(i,n).gt.nks ) &
call errore ('tetrahedra','something wrong',n)
end do
end do
end subroutine tetrahedra
subroutine kpoint_grid_efield (at, bg, npk, &
k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, wk, nspin)
! Automatic generation of a uniform grid of k-points, for Berry's phase electric field
USE kinds, only : DP
USE bp, only : nppstr_3d, nx_el, l3dstring, efield_cart, efield_cry,&
USE io_global, only : stdout
implicit none
integer, intent(in):: npk, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3,nspin
real(DP), intent(in):: bg(3,3), at(3,3)
integer, intent(out) :: nks
real(DP), intent(out):: xk(3,npk)
real(DP), intent(out):: wk(npk)
integer :: i,j,k,n,nk,m
integer :: nppstr_max
real(DP) :: fact, sca
real(DP) :: cry_to_cart(3,3)
do i=1,nk1
do j=1,nk2
do k=1,nk3
! this is nothing but consecutive ordering
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
! xkg are the components of the complete grid in crystal axis
xk(1,n) = DBLE(i-1)/nk1 + DBLE(k1)/2/nk1
xk(2,n) = DBLE(j-1)/nk2 + DBLE(k2)/2/nk2
xk(3,n) = DBLE(k-1)/nk3 + DBLE(k3)/2/nk3
end do
end do
end do
! go to cartesian axis (in units 2pi/a0)
call cryst_to_cart(nks,xk,bg,1)
! normalize weights to one
do nk=1,nks
wk(nk) = fact
end do
!setup nppstr_3d
!allocate and set up correspondence
!establih correspondence
do i=1,nk1
do j=1,nk2
do k=1,nk3
n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1
m = (i-1) + (k-1)*nk1 + (j-1)*nk3*nk1 + 1
m = (j-1) + (i-1)*nk2 + (k-1)*nk1*nk2 + 1
end do
end do
end do
if(nspin==2) then
do i=1,nks
!setup transfromation matrix
do i=1,3
call invmat (3, cry_to_cart, transform_el, sca)
!set up electric field
!calculate EFFECTIVE electric field on crystal axis
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
! efield_cry(:)=0.d0
! efield_cry(1)=0.000d0
! efield_cry(2)=0.00d0
! efield_cry(3)=0.001d0
! write(*,*) 'nx_el1', nx_el(1:nks,1)
! write(*,*) 'nx_el2', nx_el(1:nks,2)
! write(*,*) 'nx_el3', nx_el(1:nks,3)
end subroutine kpoint_grid_efield