
73 lines
1.9 KiB

subroutine dvex(nu,dvy)
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE constants, ONLY: e2
USE ld1inc, ONLY: nwf, psi, ll, oc, sl3, nspin, isw, grid
use radial_grids, only: ndmx, hartree
implicit none
! I/O variables
integer :: nu
real (DP) :: dvy(ndmx)
! local variables
integer :: i, mu, l0, l1, l2, l3
real (DP) :: wrk(ndmx), wrk1(ndmx)
real (DP) :: fac, sss, ocs, doc, half
do i=1,grid%mesh
end do
l1 = ll(nu)
half = 2.d0 * l1 + 1.d0
do mu=1,nwf
! only wfc with the same spin contribute to exchange term
if (isw(mu) /= isw(nu) ) cycle
ocs = oc(mu) * (0.5d0 * nspin)
! write (*,*) mu, oc(mu), ocs
if ( mu == nu ) then
doc = 0.d0
if( (l1 /= 0) .and. (ocs > 0.d0) ) then
i = int(ocs)
doc = (i*(2.d0*ocs-i-1.d0)/(half-1.d0) - ocs*ocs/half) * half/ocs
end if
ocs = ocs + doc
! if (doc /= 0.d0) write (*,*) "DOC ",nu, doc
end if
l2 = ll(mu)
do i=1,grid%mesh
wrk(i) = psi(i,1,mu)*psi(i,1,nu)
end do
do l3=l0,l1+l2
sss = sl3(l1,l2,l3)
! write (*,*) l1,l2,l3,sss
if (abs(sss).gt.1.0d-10) then
call hartree(l3,l1+l2+2,grid%mesh,grid,wrk,wrk1)
fac =-e2*ocs*sss/2.0d0
do i=1,grid%mesh
dvy(i)= dvy(i) + fac*wrk1(i)*psi(i,1,mu)
end do
end if
end do
!- spurious hartree part
if (mu == nu ) then
call hartree(0,2,grid%mesh,grid,wrk,wrk1)
fac = doc*e2
do i=1,grid%mesh
dvy(i)= dvy(i) + fac*wrk1(i)*psi(i,1,mu)
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine dvex