
265 lines
9.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
PROGRAM voronoy
! Calculates charges on atoms by dividing the space into Voronoy
! polyhedra. A Voronoy polyhedron around a given atom is defined
! as the region of space that is closer to that atom than to the others
! Note that this is a very rough way to associate charges to atoms
! and that it is well defined only if all atoms are of the same type!
! Codes computing Voronoy polyhedra can be found at:
! http://netlib.bell-labs.com/netlib/voronoi/hull.html
! http://www.csb.yale.edu/userguides/datamanip/volume/volume_descrip.html
! http://www.qhull.org/
! There is also an example (F35.F, A (2D) and B(3D), programs on
! microfiche) in the book M. P. Allen, D. J. Tildesley, Computer
! Simulation of Liquids (cubic box with periodic boundary conditions).
! On input: nr1big, nr2bug, nr3big are FFT grid dimensions larger than
! the original ones (the largest, the more accurate the integration)
USE constants, ONLY : pi
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds
USE char, ONLY : title
USE cell_base, ONLY : ibrav, celldm, at, bg, alat, omega, tpiba, tpiba2
USE ions_base, ONLY : atm, zv, nat, tau, ityp, ntyp=>nsp
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE gvect, ONLY : ecutwfc, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrxx, gcutm, ngm, g, nl, &
dual, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE fft_scalar, ONLY : good_fft_dimension
USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr
USE mp_global, ONLY : mpime, root
INTEGER :: nr1big, nr2big, nr3big, nrx1big
INTEGER :: n, i, j, ng, na, plot_num
REAL(DP) :: total_charge, rhodum
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: partial_charge (:)
CHARACTER(len=256) :: filename
CALL start_postproc (nd_nmbr)
! Works for parallel machines but only for one processor !!!
IF ( mpime == root ) THEN
PRINT '(" Input file > ",$)'
READ (5, '(a)') filename
! read file header and allocate objects
CALL read_io_header (filename, title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, &
ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, plot_num)
ALLOCATE(tau(3, nat))
CALL latgen (ibrav, celldm, at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), omega )
alat = celldm (1) ! define alat
at = at / alat ! bring at in units of alat
tpiba = 2.d0 * pi / alat
tpiba2 = tpiba**2
CALL recips (at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), bg (1, 1), bg (1, 2) &
, bg (1, 3) )
CALL volume (alat, at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), omega)
CALL set_fft_dim
nrxx = nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3
nspin = 1
CALL allocate_fft
! read data from file
CALL plot_io (filename, title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, plot_num, &
atm, ityp, zv, tau, rho%of_r, - 1)
! calculate g-vectors
CALL ggen
! interpolate on a larger grid
PRINT '(" nr1big, nr2big, nr3big (min: ",3i4," ) > ",$)', nr1, &
nr2, nr3
READ (5, * ) nr1big, nr2big, nr3big
nrx1big = good_fft_dimension (nr1big)
ALLOCATE (nlbig( ngm))
CALL get_fftindex (g, ngm, nr1big, nr2big, nr3big, nrx1big, &
nr2big, nr3big, at, nlbig)
ALLOCATE (rhobig(nrx1big * nr2big * nr3big))
CALL rhor_to_rhobig (ngm, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nl, rho%of_r, nr1big, &
nr2big, nr3big, nrx1big, nlbig, rhobig)
ALLOCATE (partial_charge(nat))
CALL calculate_partial_charges (nat, tau, at, bg, nrx1big, nr1big, &
nr2big, nr3big, rhobig, partial_charge)
WRITE( stdout, '(" nr1, nr2, nr3 = ",3i4)') nr1big, nr2big, nr3big
total_charge = 0.0d0
DO na = 1, nat
partial_charge (na) = partial_charge (na) * omega / (nr1big * &
nr2big * nr3big)
WRITE( stdout, '(" Atom # ",i2," tau = ",3f8.4, &
& " charge: ",f8.4) ') na, (tau (i, na) , i = 1, 3) , &
partial_charge (na)
total_charge = total_charge+partial_charge (na)
WRITE( stdout, '(" Check: total charge = ",f8.4)') total_charge
CALL stop_pp
SUBROUTINE get_fftindex (g, ngm, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, at, nl)
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
INTEGER :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, ngm
REAL(DP) :: g (3, ngm), at (3, 3)
INTEGER :: nl (ngm)
INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3, ng
DO ng = 1, ngm
n1 = NINT (g (1, ng) * at (1, 1) + g (2, ng) * at (2, 1) + g (3, &
ng) * at (3, 1) ) + 1
IF (n1.LT.1) n1 = n1 + nr1
n2 = NINT (g (1, ng) * at (1, 2) + g (2, ng) * at (2, 2) + g (3, &
ng) * at (3, 2) ) + 1
IF (n2.LT.1) n2 = n2 + nr2
n3 = NINT (g (1, ng) * at (1, 3) + g (2, ng) * at (2, 3) + g (3, &
ng) * at (3, 3) ) + 1
IF (n3.LT.1) n3 = n3 + nr3
IF (n1.LE.nr1.AND.n2.LE.nr2.AND.n3.LE.nr3) THEN
nl (ng) = n1 + (n2 - 1) * nrx1 + (n3 - 1) * nrx1 * nrx2
STOP ' Mesh too small '
END SUBROUTINE get_fftindex
SUBROUTINE rhor_to_rhobig (ngm, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nl, rho, &
nr1big, nr2big, nr3big, nrx1big, nlbig, rhobig)
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
INTEGER :: ngm, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nl (ngm), nr1big, nr2big, &
nr3big, nrx1big, nlbig (ngm)
REAL(DP) :: rho (nrx1 * nr2 * nr3)
COMPLEX(DP) :: rhobig (nrx1big * nr2big * nr3big)
INTEGER :: nr, ng
ALLOCATE (aux(nrx1 * nr2 * nr3))
DO nr = 1, nrx1 * nr2 * nr3
aux (nr) = rho (nr)
CALL cft3 (aux, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nr2, nr3, - 1)
DO nr = 1, nrx1big * nr2big * nr3big
rhobig (nr) = 0.0d0
DO ng = 1, ngm
rhobig (nlbig (ng) ) = aux (nl (ng) )
CALL cft3 (rhobig, nr1big, nr2big, nr3big, nrx1big, nr2big, &
nr3big, 1)
END SUBROUTINE rhor_to_rhobig
SUBROUTINE calculate_partial_charges (nat, tau, at, bg, nrx1big, &
nr1big, nr2big, nr3big, rhobig, partial_charge)
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
INTEGER :: nat, nrx1big, nr1big, nr2big, nr3big
REAL(DP) :: at (3, 3), bg (3, 3), tau (3, nat), partial_charge(nat)
COMPLEX(DP) :: rhobig (nrx1big, nr2big, nr3big)
INTEGER :: atom (nat), equidistant, n1, n2, n3, na, i
REAL(DP) :: r (3), dr (3), distance (nat), relative_distance
DO na = 1, nat
partial_charge (na) = 0.0d0
DO n3 = 1, nr3big
DO n2 = 1, nr2big
DO n1 = 1, nr1big
! r is the position of point (n1,n2,n3) on the grid
DO i = 1, 3
r (i) = (n1 - 1) * at (i, 1) / nr1big + (n2 - 1) * at (i, 2) &
/ nr2big + (n3 - 1) * at (i, 3) / nr3big
DO na = 1, nat
! dr is the distance between r and this atom, in crystal axis
DO i = 1, 3
dr (i) = (r (1) - tau (1, na) ) * bg (1, i) + &
(r (2) - tau (2, na) ) * bg (2, i) + &
(r (3) - tau (3, na) ) * bg (3, i)
! this brings dr back into the unit cell
dr (i) = dr (i) - NINT (dr (i) )
! distance is in cartesioan axis
distance (na) = (dr (1) * at (1, 1) + dr (2) * at (1, 2) + dr (3) &
* at (1, 3) ) **2 + (dr (1) * at (2, 1) + dr (2) * at (2, 2) &
+ dr (3) * at (2, 3) ) **2 + (dr (1) * at (3, 1) + dr (2) * at (3, &
2) + dr (3) * at (3, 3) ) **2
! initialization needed by hpsort
atom (1) = 0
! sort distances in increasing order
CALL hpsort (nat, distance, atom)
! find if some atoms are equidistant
equidistant = 1
DO na = 2, nat
relative_distance = distance (na) - distance (1)
IF (relative_distance.GT.1.0e-4) GOTO 10
equidistant = equidistant + 1
! the charge is assigned to the closest atom or shared among equidistant
DO na = 1, equidistant
partial_charge (atom (na) ) = partial_charge (atom (na) ) + &
DBLE ( rhobig (n1, n2, n3) ) / equidistant
END SUBROUTINE calculate_partial_charges