
455 lines
15 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cdiisg_nc (ndim, ndmx, nvec, nvecx, evc, e, ethr, &
btype, notcnv, diis_iter, iter, npol)
! iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
! ( H - e S ) * evc = 0
! where H is an hermitean operator, e is a real scalar,
! S is an overlap matrix, evc is a complex vector.
! The band-by-band RMM-DIIS method is used.
#include "f_defs.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
USE g_psi_mod
USE uspp, ONLY: okvan
implicit none
! on INPUT
integer :: ndim, ndmx, nvec, nvecx, btype(nvec), iter, npol
! dimension of the matrix to be diagonalized
! leading dimension of matrix evc, as declared in the calling pgm unit
! integer number of searched low-lying roots
! maximum dimension of the reduced basis set
! (the basis set is refreshed when its dimension would exceed nvecx)
! band type (0=occupied, 1=empty)
! scf iteration
! number of coordinates of wfc
real(DP) :: ethr
! energy threshold for convergence
! root improvement is stopped, when two consecutive estimates of the root
! differ by less than ethr.
complex(DP) :: evc (ndmx, npol, nvec)
! evc contains the refined estimates of the eigenvectors
real(DP) :: e (nvec), diis_iter
! contains the estimated roots.
! average number of iterations performed per band
integer :: notcnv
! number of unconverged roots
! LOCAL variables
integer, parameter :: maxter=20
! maximum number of iterations
integer :: kter, minter, nbase, ib, n, m , np
! counter on iterations
! lower extreme for iteration loop
! dimension of the reduced basis
! counter on the reduced basis vectors
! do-loop counters
complex(DP), allocatable :: rc (:,:), hc (:,:), sc (:,:), &
vc (:), vcn(:,:)
! <res_i|res_j> matrix
! H matrix on the reduced basis
! S matrix on the reduced basis
! the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian
! workspace
complex(DP), allocatable :: psi(:,:,:),hpsi(:,:,:),spsi(:,:,:),res(:,:,:)
! work space, contains psi
! the product of H and psi
! the product of S and psi
! residual vector
complex(DP) :: hevc(ndmx, npol, nvec), sevc(ndmx, npol, nvec)
! the product of H and the best estimate of the eigenvectors evc
! the product of S and the best estimate of the eigenvectors evc
real(DP), allocatable :: ew (:)
! eigenvalues of the reduced hamiltonian
real(DP) :: ec, snorm, snorm0, lam, ew0, denm, x
! dummy variable
! squared norm of current residual
! squared norm of initial residual calculated with the old evc
! initial eigenvalue from previous iteration
! variables for teter preconditioning (not used)
logical :: verb, test_new_preconditioning_nc
! controlling verbosity of printout
complex(DP), external :: ZDOTC
external h_1psi_nc, cdiagh
call start_clock ('diis')
test_new_preconditioning_nc = .true.
verb = .false.
! allocate the work arrays
allocate( psi (ndmx, npol, nvecx))
allocate(hpsi (ndmx, npol, nvecx))
allocate(spsi (ndmx, npol, nvecx))
allocate( res (ndmx, npol, nvecx))
allocate( rc (nvecx, nvecx))
allocate( hc (nvecx, nvecx))
allocate( sc (nvecx, nvecx))
allocate( vc (nvecx))
allocate( vcn(nvecx, nvecx))
allocate( ew (nvecx))
! rotate
call rotate_wfc_nc (ndmx, ndim, nvec, nvec, evc, npol, okvan, evc, e)
notcnv = nvec
lam = 1.d0
minter = 1
! Loop over bands
do ib = 1, nvec
10 continue
! prepare the hamiltonian for the first iteration
nbase = 1
ew (:) = 0.d0
vc (:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
vcn (:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
psi (:, :, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
res (:, :, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
hc (:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
sc (:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
rc (:, :) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
if (minter.eq.1) then
ew0 = 1.d10
snorm0 = 1.d-20
! |psi_1> is the best approximated eigenvector
psi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
hpsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
psi(:, :, nbase) = evc(:, :, ib)
vc(nbase) = (1.d0, 0.d0)
! calculate hpsi=H|psi_1> and spsi=S|psi_1>
call h_1psi_nc (ndmx, ndim, npol, psi(1,1,nbase), hpsi(1,1,nbase), &
! calculate the first element of the reduced hamiltonian
! and overlap matrices
! hc(1,1)=<psi_1|H|psi_1> sc(1,1)=<psi_1|S|psi_1>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
hc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndim, psi (1, 1, 1), 1, hpsi (1, 1, 1), 1)
sc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndim, psi (1, 1, 1), 1, spsi (1, 1, 1), 1)
hc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndmx*npol, psi (1, 1, 1), 1, hpsi (1, 1, 1), 1)
sc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndmx*npol, psi (1, 1, 1), 1, spsi (1, 1, 1), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2, hc(1, 1))
call reduce (2, sc(1, 1))
! calculate the residual vector |R>=H|psi> - e S|psi>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0.d0), spsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, CMPLX(- e(ib), 0.d0), res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0.d0), spsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx*npol)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, CMPLX(- e(ib), 0.d0), &
res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx*npol)
! calculate the first element of the <res_i|res_j> matrix
IF (npol == 1) THEN
rc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndim, res (1, 1, 1), 1, res (1, 1, 1), 1)
rc (1, 1) = ZDOTC (ndmx*npol, res (1, 1, 1), 1, res (1, 1, 1), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 , rc(1, 1))
! iterate
do kter = minter, maxter
! preconditionate the residual vector |P_n>= K*|R_n>
! and add it to the basis => |psi_n+1>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim , 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0.d0) , res, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , psi (1, 1, nbase+1), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol , 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0.d0) , res, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , &
psi (1, 1, nbase+1), ndmx*npol)
call g_psi_nc( ndmx, ndim, 1, npol, psi (1, 1, nbase+1), e(ib) )
! add a new vector to the basis: kresse method
! |psi_n+1> = |psi_n> + \lambda * K * |res_n>
! call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0.d0), psi, &
! ndmx, vc , nvecx, CMPLX (lam, 0.d0) , &
! psi (1, 1, nbase+1), ndmx)
nbase = nbase + 1
! normalize new basis vector
IF (npol == 1) THEN
ec = DBLE(ZDOTC (ndim, psi (1, 1, nbase), 1, psi (1, 1, nbase), 1))
ec = DBLE(ZDOTC(ndmx*npol,psi (1, 1,nbase),1,psi(1, 1, nbase),1))
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1 , ec)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZSCAL (ndim, CMPLX (1/dsqrt(ec), 0.d0), psi (1,1,nbase), 1)
call ZSCAL (ndmx*npol, CMPLX(1/dsqrt(ec),0.d0), psi (1,1,nbase), 1)
! new eigenvector, normalize eigenvectors
vc(nbase) = (1.d0, 0.d0)
ec = DBLE(ZDOTC (nbase, vc , 1, vc , 1))
call ZSCAL (nvecx, CMPLX (1/dsqrt(ec), 0.d0), vc, 1)
! calculate hpsi=H|psi> and spsi=S|psi>
call h_1psi_nc (ndmx, ndim, npol, psi(1,1,nbase), hpsi(1,1,nbase), &
! orthogonalize
call cgramg1_nc (ndmx, nvecx, ndim, 1, nbase, psi, spsi, hpsi, npol)
! calculate the new elements of the reduced hamiltonian
! and overlap matrices
! hc(i,j) =<psi_i|H|psi_j> and sc(i,j)=<psi_i|S|psi_j>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndim, (1.d0, 0.d0) , psi, &
ndmx, hpsi (1, 1, nbase) , ndmx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , hc (1, nbase), &
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndim, (1.d0, 0.d0) , psi, &
ndmx, spsi (1, 1, nbase) , ndmx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , sc (1, nbase), &
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndmx*npol, (1.d0, 0.d0) , psi, &
ndmx*npol, hpsi (1, 1, nbase) , ndmx*npol, (0.d0, 0.d0) , &
hc (1, nbase), nvecx)
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndmx*npol, (1.d0, 0.d0) , psi, &
ndmx*npol, spsi (1, 1, nbase) , ndmx*npol, &
(0.d0, 0.d0) , sc (1, nbase), &
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * nvecx, hc(1, nbase))
call reduce (2 * nvecx, sc(1, nbase))
! calculate the residual vector |R>=H|psi> - e S|psi>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0 , 0.d0), spsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, CMPLX (-e(ib), 0.d0), res (1,1,nbase), ndmx)
! calculate the new elements of the <res_i|res_j> matrix
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndim, (1.d0, 0.d0) , &
res , ndmx, res (1, 1, nbase) , ndmx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , &
rc (1, nbase) , nvecx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0 , 0.d0), spsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), res (1, 1, nbase), ndmx*npol)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, CMPLX (-e(ib), 0.d0), &
res (1,1,nbase), ndmx*npol)
! calculate the new elements of the <res_i|res_j> matrix
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', nbase, 1, ndmx*npol, (1.d0, 0.d0) , &
res , ndmx*npol, res (1,1,nbase) , ndmx*npol, (0.d0, 0.d0) , &
rc (1, nbase) , nvecx)
ew(nbase) = rc (nbase, nbase)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * nvecx, rc(1, nbase))
! rc, hc, and sc are hermitian
do n = 1, nbase
! the diagonal of rc and sc must be strictly real
rc (n, n) = CMPLX ( DBLE (rc (n, n) ), 0.d0)
hc (n, n) = CMPLX ( DBLE (hc (n, n) ), 0.d0)
sc (n, n) = CMPLX ( DBLE (sc (n, n) ), 0.d0)
do m = n + 1, nbase
rc (m, n) = CONJG (rc (n, m) )
hc (m, n) = CONJG (hc (n, m) )
sc (m, n) = CONJG (sc (n, m) )
if (verb) then
WRITE( stdout,*) 'overlap'
WRITE( stdout,*) ((m,n,sc(n,m), n=1,nbase), m=1,nbase)
WRITE( stdout,*)
WRITE( stdout,*) 'rc'
WRITE( stdout,*) ((m,n,rc(n,m), n=1,nbase), m=1,nbase)
WRITE( stdout,*)
WRITE( stdout,*) 'eigval'
! diagonalize the reduced hamiltonian
call cdiaghg (nbase, 1, rc, sc, nvecx, ew, vcn )
call ZCOPY (nvecx, vcn (1, 1), 1, vc, 1 )
if (verb) then
do n=1, nbase
WRITE( stdout,*) n,ew(n)
WRITE( stdout,*)
do n=1,nbase
WRITE( stdout,*) 'eigvec'
do n=1, nbase
WRITE( stdout,*) n, vc(n)
! squared norm of current residual
snorm = ew(1)
! calculate new eigenvalues
vcn(:,:)= (0.d0,0.d0)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', nbase, 1, nbase, (1.d0 , 0.d0), hc, &
nvecx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), vcn (1, 1), nvecx)
ec = DBLE( ZDOTC (nvecx, vc, 1, vcn (1, 1), 1) )
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', nbase, 1, nbase, (1.d0 , 0.d0), sc, &
nvecx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), vcn (1, 1), nvecx)
ec = ec / DBLE( ZDOTC (nvecx, vc, 1, vcn (1, 1), 1) )
if (verb) WRITE( stdout,*) 'NORM RES=',snorm,'DELTA EIG=',ec-e(ib)
! Convergence?
! Non occupied levels are converged with a lower precision than
! occupied ones.
if (btype(ib) .eq. 0) then
if ( (snorm.lt.snorm0*0.3 .or. abs(ec-e(ib)).lt.ethr) &
.and. ec.le.ew0) goto 20
if ( (snorm.lt.snorm0*0.3 .or. abs(ec-e(ib)).lt.max(ethr*50.0,1.D-4)) &
.and. ec.le.ew0) goto 20
if (minter.eq.1) then
snorm0 = snorm
ew0 = ec
e(ib) = ec
! Size of reduced basis is exceeded: refresh
if (nbase.ge.nvecx) then
IF (npol ==1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), psi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), evc (1, 1, ib), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), psi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), evc (1, 1, ib), ndmx*npol)
if (verb) WRITE( stdout,*) 'rotate band ',ib
minter = kter + 1
goto 10
enddo ! iterate
20 continue
e(ib) = ec
diis_iter = diis_iter + kter
if (kter .gt. maxter) then
! WRITE( stdout, '(" WARNING: eigenvalue ",i5," not converged")') &
! ib
notcnv = notcnv - 1
minter = 1
if (verb) then
WRITE( stdout,*) 'BAND ',ib, ' CONVERGED'
WRITE( stdout,*)
! calculate best approximated wavefunction and corresponding hpsi and spsi
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), psi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), evc (1, 1, ib), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), hevc (1, 1, ib), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndim, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), spsi, &
ndmx, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), sevc (1, 1, ib), ndmx)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), psi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), evc (1, 1, ib), ndmx*npol)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), hpsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), hevc (1, 1, ib), ndmx*npol)
call ZGEMM ('n', 'n', ndmx*npol, 1, nbase, (1.d0, 0d0), spsi, &
ndmx*npol, vc , nvecx, (0.d0, 0.d0), sevc (1, 1, ib), ndmx*npol)
enddo ! loop over bands
diis_iter = diis_iter / nvec
deallocate( psi )
deallocate(hpsi )
deallocate(spsi )
deallocate( res )
deallocate( rc )
deallocate( hc )
deallocate( sc )
deallocate( vc )
deallocate(vcn )
deallocate( ew )
! orthonormalize bands
! if (mod(iter,6).eq.0) &
call cgramg1_nc (ndmx, nvec, ndim, 1, nvec, evc, sevc, hevc, npol)
call stop_clock ('diis')
end subroutine cdiisg_nc