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! Program: chdens.x
! Purpose: charge density/polarization plotting program
! The input data of this program are read from standard input
! or from a file and have the following format.
!-&input Namelist &input; contains
! nfile the number of data files (OPTIONAL, default: 1)
!----FOR i = 1, nfile:
! filepp(i) file containing the 3D charge (produced by pp.x)
! (AT LEAST filepp(1) REQUIRED)
! weight(i) weight - The quantity to be plotted will be
! weight(1)*rho(1) + weight(2)*rho(2) + weight(3)*rho(3)+...
! (OPTIONAL: default weight(1)=1.0)
! BEWARE: atomic coordinates are read from the first file;
! if their number is different for different files,
! the first file must have the largest number of atoms
! iflag 1 if a 1D plot is required (DEFAULT)
! 2 if a 2D plot is required
! 3 if a 3D plot is required
! 4 if a 2D polar plot on a sphere is required
! plot_out 0 plot the spherical average of the charge density
! 1 plot the charge density (DEFAULT)
! 2 plot the induced polarization along x
! 3 plot the induced polarization along y
! 4 plot the induced polarization along z
! output_format (ignored on 1D plot)
! 0 format suitable for gnuplot (1D) (DEFAULT)
! 1 format suitable for contour.x (2D)
! 2 format suitable for plotrho (2D)
! 3 format suitable for XCRYSDEN (1D, 2D, 3D)
! 4 format suitable for gOpenMol (3D)
! (formatted: convert to unformatted *.plt)
! 5 format suitable for XCRYSDEN (3D)
! 6 format as gaussian cube file (3D)
! (can be read by many programs)
!-IF iflag = 1
! e1 3D vector which determines the plotting line
! x0 3D vector, origin of the line
! nx number of points in the line:
! rho(i) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1) ), i=1, nx
!-ELSEIF iflag = 2
! e1, e2 3D vectors which determine the plotting plane
! (must be orthogonal)
! x0 3D vector, origin of the plane
! nx, ny number of points in the plane:
! rho(i,j) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1)
! + e2 * (j-1)/(ny-1) ), i=1,nx ; j=1,ny
!-ELSEIF iflag = 3
! e1, e2, e3 3D vectors which determine the plotting parallelepiped
! (if present, must be orthogonal)
! x0 3D vector, origin of the parallelepiped
! nx,ny,nz number of points in the parallelepiped:
! rho(i,j,k) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1)
! + e2 * (j-1)/(ny-1)
! + e3 * (k-1)/(nz-1) ),
! i = 1, nx ; j = 1, ny ; k = 1, nz
! - If output_format = 3 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
! are used to determine the grid to plot.
! - If output_format = 5 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
! are ignored, the entire FFT grid is written in the
! XCRYSDEN format - works for any crystal axis (VERY FAST)
! - If e1, e2, e3, x0 are present, e1 e2 e3 are parallel
! to xyz and parallel to crystal axis, a subset of the
! FFT grid that approximately covers the parallelepiped
! defined by e1, e2, e3, x0, is written (presently only
! in gopenmol "formatted" file format) - works only
! if the crystal axis are parallel to xyz
! - Otherwise, the required 3D grid is generated from the
! Fourier components (may be VERY slow)
!-ELSEIF iflag = 4
! radius Radius of the sphere (alat units), centered at (0,0,0)
! nx, ny number of points in the polar plane:
! phi(i) = 2 pi * (i - 1)/(nx-1), i=1, nx
! theta(j)= pi * (j - 1)/(ny-1), j=1, ny
! !!! x0, e1, e2, e3 are in alat units !!!
! fileout name of the file to which the plot is written
! (DEFAULT: standard output)
!----IF plot_out=2,3,4:
! epsilon the dielectric constant for polarization computation
! filepol name of an output file to which the induced polarization
! is written (in postproc format) for further processing
! (macroscopic average)
!----IF iflag=3 and plot_out=1 (OPTIONAL)
! idpol 1 the ionic and electronic dipole moment of the charge
! is computed.
! 2 only the electronic dipole moment is computed
! NB: This option is to be used for an isolated molecule in
! a box and the molecule must be at the center of the box.
! The code computes the dipole on the Wigner-Seitz cell of
! the Bravais lattice. The 3d box must contain this cell
! otherwise meaningless numbers are printed.
!----Makov-Payne correction for charged supercells (OPTIONAL)
! makov .true. the 1st and 2d order corrections are
! computed (default: .false.)
! WARNING: - not thoroughly tested
! - the correction works only for clusters
! embedded within a cubic supercell
! - the cluster MUST be CENTRED within the 3d
! plotting box, otherwise meaningless results
! are printed
! - always check that the printed total charge
! is the right one
! - for impurities in bulk crystals the
! correction should work as well, but the
! Madelung constant of the considered lattice
! must be used and the correction has to be
! divided by the crystal dielectric constant.
! Ref.: G. Makov and M.C. Payne, PRB 51, 4014 (1995).
! Contributed by Giovanni Cantele
!-/ END of namelist &input