
205 lines
5.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE openfild3
! This subroutine opens all the files necessary for the
! third derivative calculation.
USE pwcom
USE phcom
USE d3com
USE control_flags, ONLY : twfcollect
USE io_files, ONLY : iunigk, prefix
USE restart_module, ONLY : readfile_new
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : kunit, me_pool, root_pool
INTEGER :: ios
! integer variable for I/O control
CHARACTER (len=256) :: filint
! the name of the file
LOGICAL :: exst
! logical variable to check file existe
INTEGER :: ndr, kunittmp, ierr
REAL(KIND=DP) :: edum(1,1), wdum(1,1)
IF (LEN_TRIM(prefix) == 0) CALL errore ('openfild3', 'wrong prefix', 1)
! The file with the wavefunctions
iuwfc = 20
lrwfc = 2 * nbnd * npwx
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.wfc'
CALL diropn (iuwfc, filint, lrwfc, exst)
IF (.NOT.exst) THEN
ndr = 4
kunittmp = 1
kunittmp = kunit
CALL readfile_new( 'wave', ndr, edum, wdum, kunittmp, lrwfc, &
iuwfc, ierr )
IF ( ierr > 0 ) &
CALL errore ('openfild3', 'file '//filint//' not found', 1)
! The file with deltaV_{bare} * psi
iubar = 21
lrbar = 2 * nbnd * npwx
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.bar'
CALL diropn (iubar, filint, lrbar, exst)
IF (recover.AND..NOT.exst) CALL errore ('openfild3', 'file bar not &
&found', 1)
! The file with the solution delta psi
iudwf = 22
lrdwf = 2 * nbnd * npwx
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.dwf'
CALL diropn (iudwf, filint, lrdwf, exst)
IF (recover.AND..NOT.exst) CALL errore ('openfild3', 'file dwf not &
&found', 1)
! Here the sequential files
! The igk at a given k (and k+q if q!=0)
iunigk = 24
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.igk'
CALL seqopn (iunigk, filint, 'unformatted', exst)
! a formatted file which contains the dynamical matrix in cartesian
! coordinates is opened in the current directory
! ... by the first node only, other nodes write on unit 6 (i.e. /dev/null)
IF ( ionode ) THEN
iudyn = 26
OPEN (unit = iudyn, file = fildyn, status = 'unknown', err = 110, &
iostat = ios)
110 CALL errore ('openfild3', 'opening file'//fildyn, ABS (ios) )
REWIND (iudyn)
iudyn = 6
! Variation of the charge density with respect to a perturbation
! with a generic q
iudrho = 25
iud0rho = 33
IF (lgamma) iud0rho = iudrho
lrdrho = 2 * nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3 * nspin
! is opened only by the first task of each pool
IF ( me_pool == root_pool ) THEN
filint = TRIM(fildrho)//".u"
CALL diropn (iudrho, filint, lrdrho, exst)
! Variation of the charge density with respect to a perturbation with q=
! Not needed if q=0
IF (.NOT.lgamma) THEN
filint = TRIM(fild0rho)//".u"
CALL diropn (iud0rho, filint, lrdrho, exst)
! If q=0, we need only one file with the variation of the wavefunctions
iud0qwf = iudwf
iudqwf = iudwf
IF (.NOT.lgamma) THEN
! Open the file with the solution q=0 delta psi
iud0qwf = 34
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.d0wf'
CALL diropn (iud0qwf, filint, lrdwf, exst)
! Open the file with the solution q=0 delta psi
iudqwf = 35
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.dqwf'
CALL diropn (iudqwf, filint, lrdwf, exst)
! The file with <psi| dqV |psi>
iupdqvp = 36
lrpdqvp = 2 * nbnd * nbnd
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.pdp'
CALL diropn (iupdqvp, filint, lrpdqvp, exst)
! The file with <psi| d0V |psi>
iupd0vp = iupdqvp
IF (.NOT.lgamma) THEN
iupd0vp = 37
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.p0p'
CALL diropn (iupd0vp, filint, lrpdqvp, exst)
IF (degauss.NE.0.d0) THEN
! The file with <dqpsi| dqV |psi> (only in the metallic case)
iudpdvp_1 = 38
lrdpdvp = 2 * nbnd * nbnd
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.pv1'
CALL diropn (iudpdvp_1, filint, lrdpdvp, exst)
! The file with <dqpsi| d0V |psi>
iudpdvp_2 = iudpdvp_1
iudpdvp_3 = iudpdvp_1
IF (.NOT.lgamma) THEN
iudpdvp_2 = 39
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.pv2'
CALL diropn (iudpdvp_2, filint, lrdpdvp, exst)
! The file with <d0psi| dqV |psi>
iudpdvp_3 = 40
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.pv3'
CALL diropn (iudpdvp_3, filint, lrdpdvp, exst)
! The file containing the variation of the FermiEnergy ef_sh
! opened only by the first task of the first pool
IF ( ionode ) THEN
iuef = 41
filint = TRIM(prefix) //'.efs'
CALL seqopn (iuef, filint, 'unformatted', exst)