
115 lines
4.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine phq_recover
! This subroutine tests if a xml restart file and an unformatted
! data file exist for the phonon run, reads data in the xml file,
! writes the appropriate message
! The unformatted file is unit "iunrec". The xml file is in the
! directory prefix.phsave. The xml file contains
! where_rec a string with information of the point where the calculation
! stopped
! rec_code
! integer, state of the calculation
! rec_code > 0 phonon (phq_setup 1 after_diel 2 solve_linter 10 or
! phqscf 20)
! rec_code =-10 to -19 Raman
! rec_code =-20 Electric Field
! dyn, epsilon, zstareu, zstarue0
! arrays containing partial results: dyn
! or calculated in dielec or in zstar_eu: epsilon, zstar*
! (not called after a restart if irr>0)
! if (rec_code>0) done_irr, comp_irr
! info on calculated irreps - overrides initialization in phq_setup
! phq_recover reads up to here. The following data are in the
! unformatted file and are read by
! routines solve_e, solve_e2, solve_linter:
! iter, dr2
! info on status of linear-response calculation for a given irrep.
! IMPORTANT: at convergence, iter is reset to 0 so that if the code
! restarts it will redo the calculation of the given irrep from the
! beginning. The reason for this apparent absurdity is that after
! convergence is achieved, files containing information needed for
! restarting may be lost (files opened by mix_pot for instance)
! or overwritten at the subsequent interation (files containing
! dvpsi and dpsi). While not efficient in some specific case, this
! is the only safe way to restart without trouble.
! dvscfin
! self-consistent potential for current iteration and irrep
! if (okvan) int1, int2, int3
! arrays used with US potentials : int1 and int2 calculated in dvanqq,
! int3 calculatec in newdq (depends upon self-consistency)
! If a valid restart file is found:
! - dynmat0 is not called in any case
! - if rec_code = -20 the electric field calculation (solve_e)
! restarts from the saved value of the potential
! - if -10 < rec_code < -20 solve_e does nothing, the Raman calculation
! (solve_e2), restarts from the saved value of the pot.
! - if rec_code > 0 the entire electric field and Raman section is not
! called, the phonon calculation restarts from irrep irr
! and from the saved value of the potential
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE phcom
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_readfile
implicit none
integer :: irr, ierr
! counter on representations
! error code
logical :: exst, recover_file
character(len=256) :: filename
IF (recover) THEN
CALL ph_readfile('data_u',ierr)
IF (ierr==0) CALL ph_readfile('data',ierr)
IF (where_rec=='solve_e...') THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Electric Field calculation")')
ELSEIF (where_rec=='after_diel') THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart after Electric Field calculation")')
ELSEIF (where_rec=='solve_e2..') then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Raman calculation")')
ELSEIF (where_rec=='phq_setup.') then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Modes are read from file ")')
ELSEIF (where_rec=='solve_lint'.OR.where_rec=='done_drhod') then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Phonon calculation")')
call errore ('phq_recover', 'wrong restart data file', -1)
! open the recover file
iunrec = 99
call seqopn (iunrec, 'recover', 'unformatted', exst)
recover_file = recover .AND. exst .AND. ierr==0
if (.not.recover_file) close (unit = iunrec, status = 'delete')
DO irr = 1, nirr
IF ( (comp_irr (irr) == 1) .AND. (done_irr (irr) == 0) ) all_done=.false.
IF (epsil.and.rec_code < 2) all_done=.false.
END SUBROUTINE phq_recover