
1050 lines
37 KiB

! Copyright (C) Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! FFT base Module.
! Written by Carlo Cavazzoni, modified by Paolo Giannozzi
! Rewritten by Stefano de Gironcoli, ported to GPU by Pietro Bonfa'
#if defined(__CUDA)
MODULE fft_scatter_gpu
#if defined(__CUDA)
USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_type_descriptor
USE fft_param
PUBLIC :: fft_type_descriptor
PUBLIC :: fft_scatter_xy_gpu, fft_scatter_yz_gpu, fft_scatter_tg_gpu, &
fft_scatter_tg_opt_gpu, fft_scatter_many_yz_gpu
SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_xy_gpu ( desc, f_in_d, f_aux_d, nxx_, isgn, stream )
! transpose of the fft xy planes across the desc%comm2 communicator
! a) From Y-oriented columns to X-oriented partial slices (isgn > 0)
! Active columns along the Y direction corresponding to a subset of the
! active X values and a range of Z values (in this order) are stored
! consecutively for each processor and are such that the subgroup owns
! all data for a range of Z values.
! The Y pencil -> X-oriented partial slices transposition is performed
! in the subgroup of processors (desc%comm2) owning this range of Z values.
! The transpose takes place in two steps:
! 1) on each processor the columns are sliced into sections along Y
! that are stored one after the other. On each processor, slices for
! processor "iproc2" are desc%nr2p(iproc2)*desc%nr1p(me2)*desc%my_nr3p big.
! 2) all processors communicate to exchange slices (all sectin of columns with
! Y in the slice belonging to "me" must be received, all the others
! must be sent to "iproc2")
! Finally one gets the "partial slice" representation: each processor has
! all the X values of desc%my_nr2p Y and desc%my_nr3p Z values.
! Data are organized with the X index running fastest, then Y, then Z.
! f_in contains the input Y columns, is destroyed on output
! f_aux contains the output X-oriented partial slices.
! b) From planes to columns (isgn < 0)
! Quite the same in the opposite direction
! f_aux contains the input X-oriented partial slices, is destroyed on output
! f_in contains the output Y columns.
USE cudafor
!USE nvtx_fft
USE fft_buffers, ONLY : check_buffers_size, f_in => pin_space_scatter_in, &
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), DEVICE, INTENT(inout) :: f_in_d (nxx_), f_aux_d (nxx_)
INTEGER(kind=cuda_stream_kind), INTENT(IN) :: stream ! cuda stream for the execution
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: ierr, me2, nproc2, iproc2, ncpx, nr1x, my_nr2p, nr2px, ip, ip0
INTEGER :: i, it, j, k, kfrom, kdest, offset, ioff, mc, m1, m3, i1, icompact, sendsize, aux
INTEGER, POINTER, DEVICE :: nr1p__d(:), indx_d(:,:)
INTEGER :: sh(desc%nproc2), rh(desc%nproc2)
!CALL nvtxStartRangeAsync("fft_scatter_xy_gpu", isgn + 5)
me2 = desc%mype2 + 1
nproc2 = desc%nproc2 ; if ( abs(isgn) == 3 ) nproc2 = 1
! This mapping improves readability but, most importantly, it is needed
! in the cuf kernels (as of PGI 18.10) since otherwise, when variables from
! `desc` appear in the body of the do loops, the compiler generates incorrect GPU code.
nr1x = desc%nr1x
! allocate auxiliary array for columns distribution
ALLOCATE ( ncp_(nproc2))
if ( abs (isgn) == 1 ) then ! It's a potential FFT
ncp_ = desc%nr1p * desc%my_nr3p
nr1p__d=> desc%nr1p_d
indx_d => desc%indp_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 2 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT
ncp_ = desc%nr1w * desc%my_nr3p
nr1p__d=> desc%nr1w_d
indx_d => desc%indw_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 3 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT with task group
ncp_ = desc%nr1w_tg * desc%my_nr3p!
nr1p__d=> desc%nr1w_tg_d !
indx_d => desc%indw_tg_d !
my_nr2p=desc%nr2x ! in task group FFTs whole Y colums are distributed
end if
CALL start_clock ('fft_scatt_xy')
! calculate the message size
if ( abs (isgn) == 3 ) then
nr2px = desc%nr2x ! if it's a task group FFT whole planes are distributed
nr2px = MAXVAL ( desc%nr2p ) ! maximum number of Y values to be disributed
end if
ncpx = MAXVAL ( ncp_ ) ! maximum number of Y columns to be disributed
sendsize = ncpx * nr2px ! dimension of the scattered chunks (safe value)
! check host copy allocation of f_in and f_aux
CALL check_buffers_size(desc)
ierr = 0
IF (isgn.gt.0) THEN
IF (nproc2==1) GO TO 10
! "forward" scatter from columns to planes
! step one: store contiguously the slices
offset = 0
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
kdest = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize
kfrom = offset
! The two loops below are performed by a single call to cudaMemcpy2DAsync
! that also moves data from the GPU to the CPU.
! Commented code shows how to implement it without CUDA specific APIs.
! Note that data is not actually moved between the two memory spaces by
! the loop.
!DO k = 1, ncp_(me2)
! DO i = 1, desc%nr2p( iproc2 )
! f_aux ( kdest + i ) = f_in ( kfrom + i )
! kdest = kdest + nr2px
! kfrom = kfrom + desc%nr2x
ierr = cudaMemcpy2DAsync( f_aux(kdest + 1), nr2px, f_in_d(kfrom + 1 ), desc%nr2x, desc%nr2p( iproc2 ), ncp_(me2), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream )
offset = offset + desc%nr2p( iproc2 )
! step two: communication across the nproc3 group
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
kdest = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize
CALL mpi_irecv( f_in( kdest + 1 ), sendsize, &
desc%comm2, rh( iproc2 ), ierr )
CALL mpi_isend( f_aux( kdest + 1 ), sendsize, &
MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, iproc2-1, me2, desc%comm2, &
sh( iproc2 ), ierr )
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_aux(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_in(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
!f_in_d(1:nxx_) = f_in(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in_d, f_in, nxx_, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream )
!f_aux = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
!$cuf kernel do (1) <<<*,*,0,stream>>>
DO i = 1, nxx_
f_aux_d(i) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
IF (nproc2 > 1) THEN
kdest = (iproc2-1)*sendsize
call mpi_wait( rh(iproc2), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
call mpi_wait( sh(iproc2), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in_d(kdest + 1), f_in(kdest + 1 ), sendsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream )
aux = ncp_( iproc2 )
!$cuf kernel do(2) <<<*,*,0,stream>>>
DO i = 1, aux
DO j = 1, my_nr2p
it = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize + (i-1)*nr2px
m3 = (i-1)/nr1p__d(iproc2)+1
i1 = mod(i-1,nr1p__d(iproc2))+1
m1 = indx_d(i1,iproc2)
icompact = m1 + (m3-1)*nr1x*my_nr2p + (j-1)*nr1x
! old do loop started here
!f_aux( m1 + (j-1)*nr1x + (m3-1)*nr1x*my_nr2p ) = f_in( j + it )
f_aux_d( icompact ) = f_in_d( j + it )
!icompact = icompact + nr1x
!it = it + nr2px
! "backward" scatter from planes to columns
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
aux = ncp_( iproc2 )
!$cuf kernel do (2) <<<*,*,0,stream>>>
DO i = 1, aux
DO j = 1, my_nr2p
it = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize + (i-1)*nr2px
m3 = (i-1)/nr1p__d(iproc2)+1 ; i1 = mod(i-1,nr1p__d(iproc2))+1 ; m1 = indx_d(i1,iproc2)
icompact = m1 + (m3-1)*nr1x*my_nr2p + (j-1)*nr1x
!DO j = 1, my_nr2p
!f_in( j + it ) = f_aux( m1 + (j-1)*nr1x + (m3-1)*nr1x*my_nr2p )
f_in_d( j + it ) = f_aux_d( icompact )
! icompact = icompact + nr1x
!it = it + nr2px
IF( nproc2 > 1 ) THEN
kdest = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in(kdest + 1), f_in_d(kdest + 1 ), sendsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream )
IF (nproc2==1) GO TO 20
! step two: communication
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
kdest = (iproc2-1)*sendsize
CALL mpi_irecv( f_aux( ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize + 1 ), sendsize, &
desc%comm2, rh(iproc2), ierr )
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
CALL mpi_isend( f_in( kdest + 1 ), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, iproc2-1, me2, &
desc%comm2, sh( iproc2 ), ierr )
! IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', ' backward receive info<>0', abs(ierr) )
!f_in(1:nxx_) = f_in_d(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpy( f_in, f_in_d, nxx_, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_in(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_aux(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
! step one: store contiguously the columns
! ensures that no garbage is present in the output
! not useless ... clean the array to be returned from the garbage of previous A2A step
!f_in = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP) !
!$cuf kernel do (1) <<<*,*,0,stream>>>
do i = 1, nxx_
f_in_d(i) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
end do
offset = 0
DO iproc2 = 1, nproc2
kdest = ( iproc2 - 1 ) * sendsize
kfrom = offset
call mpi_wait( rh(iproc2), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
call mpi_wait( sh(iproc2), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
!DO k = 1, ncp_(me2)
! DO i = 1, desc%nr2p( iproc2 )
! f_in ( kfrom + i ) = f_aux ( kdest + i )
! kdest = kdest + nr2px
! kfrom = kfrom + desc%nr2x
ierr = cudaMemcpy2DAsync( f_in_d(kfrom +1 ), desc%nr2x, f_aux(kdest + 1), nr2px, desc%nr2p( iproc2 ), ncp_(me2), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream )
offset = offset + desc%nr2p( iproc2 )
!CALL nvtxEndRangeAsync()
CALL stop_clock ('fft_scatt_xy')
99 format ( 20 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_xy_gpu
SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_yz_gpu ( desc, f_in_d, f_aux_d, nxx_, isgn )
! transpose of the fft yz planes across the desc%comm3 communicator
! a) From Z-oriented columns to Y-oriented colums (isgn > 0)
! Active columns (or sticks or pencils) along the Z direction for each
! processor are stored consecutively and are such that they correspond
! to a subset of the active X values.
! The pencil -> slices transposition is performed in the subgroup
! of processors (desc%comm3) owning these X values.
! The transpose takes place in two steps:
! 1) on each processor the columns are sliced into sections along Z
! that are stored one after the other. On each processor, slices for
! processor "iproc3" are desc%nr3p(iproc3)*desc%nsw/nsp(me) big.
! 2) all processors communicate to exchange slices (all columns with
! Z in the slice belonging to "me" must be received, all the others
! must be sent to "iproc3")
! Finally one gets the "slice" representation: each processor has
! desc%nr3p(mype3) Z values of all the active pencils along Y for the
! X values of the current group. Data are organized with the Y index
! running fastest, then the reordered X values, then Z.
! f_in contains the input Z columns, is destroyed on output
! f_aux contains the output Y colums.
! b) From planes to columns (isgn < 0)
! Quite the same in the opposite direction
! f_aux contains the input Y columns, is destroyed on output
! f_in contains the output Z columns.
USE cudafor
!USE nvtx_fft
USE fft_buffers, ONLY : check_buffers_size, f_in => pin_space_scatter_in, &
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), DEVICE, INTENT(inout) :: f_in_d (nxx_), f_aux_d (nxx_)
! INTEGER(kind=cuda_stream_kind), INTENT(IN) :: stream ! cuda stream for the execution
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER, DEVICE, POINTER :: desc_ismap_d(:)
INTEGER :: ierr, me, me2, me2_start, me2_end, me3, nproc3, iproc3, ncpx, nr3px, ip, ip0
INTEGER :: nr1x, nr2x, nr3, nr3x
INTEGER :: i, it, it0, k, kfrom, kdest, offset, ioff, mc, m1, m2, i1, sendsize, aux
INTEGER :: my_nr1p_
INTEGER :: sh(desc%nproc3), rh(desc%nproc3)
TYPE(cudaEvent) :: zero_event
!CALL nvtxStartRangeAsync("fft_scatter_yz_gpu", isgn + 5)
ierr = cudaEventCreate( zero_event )
me = desc%mype + 1
me2 = desc%mype2 + 1
me3 = desc%mype3 + 1
nproc3 = desc%nproc3
! This mapping improves readability but, most importantly, it is needed
! in the cuf kernels (as of PGI 18.10) since otherwise, when variables from
! `desc` appear in the body of the do loops, the compiler generates incorrect GPU code.
nr1x = desc%nr1x
nr2x = desc%nr2x
nr3 = desc%nr3
nr3x = desc%nr3x
! allocate auxiliary array for columns distribution
ALLOCATE ( ncp_( desc%nproc) )
me2_start = me2 ; me2_end = me2
if ( abs (isgn) == 1 ) then ! It's a potential FFT
ncp_ = desc%nsp
my_nr1p_ = count (desc%ir1p > 0)
ir1p__d => desc%ir1p_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 2 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT
ncp_ = desc%nsw
my_nr1p_ = count (desc%ir1w > 0)
ir1p__d => desc%ir1w_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 3 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT with task group
ncp_ = desc%nsw
my_nr1p_ = count (desc%ir1w_tg > 0)
ir1p__d => desc%ir1w_tg_d
me2_start = 1 ; me2_end = desc%nproc2
end if
CALL start_clock ('fft_scatt_yz')
! calculate the message size
nr3px = MAXVAL ( desc%nr3p ) ! maximum number of Z values to be exchanged
ncpx = MAXVAL ( ncp_ ) ! maximum number of Z columns to be exchanged
if (abs(isgn)==3) then
ncpx = ncpx * desc%nproc2 ! if it's a task group FFT groups of columns are exchanged
end if
sendsize = ncpx * nr3px ! dimension of the scattered chunks
! check host copy allocation of f_in and f_aux
CALL check_buffers_size(desc)
desc_ismap_d => desc%ismap_d
ierr = 0
IF (isgn.gt.0) THEN
IF (nproc3==1) GO TO 10
! "forward" scatter from columns to planes
! step one: store contiguously the slices
offset = 0
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
kdest = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
kfrom = offset
DO me2 = me2_start, me2_end
ip = desc%iproc(me2,me3)
! DO k = 1, ncp_ (ip) ! was ncp_(me3)
! DO i = 1, desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
! f_aux ( kdest + i ) = f_in ( kfrom + i )
! kdest = kdest + nr3px
! kfrom = kfrom + desc%nr3x
ierr = cudaMemcpy2DAsync( f_aux(kdest + 1), nr3px, f_in_d(kfrom + 1 ), nr3x, desc%nr3p( iproc3 ), ncp_(ip), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3) )
kdest = kdest + nr3px*ncp_ (ip)
kfrom = kfrom + nr3x*ncp_ (ip)
offset = offset + desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
! ensures that no garbage is present in the output
! useless; the later accessed elements are overwritten by the A2A step
! step two: communication across the nproc3 group
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3))
CALL mpi_irecv( f_in( ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize + 1 ), sendsize, &
desc%comm3, rh( iproc3 ), ierr )
CALL mpi_isend( f_aux( ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize + 1 ), sendsize, &
MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, iproc3-1, me3, desc%comm3, &
sh( iproc3 ), ierr )
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_aux(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_in(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm3, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
!f_in_d(1:nxx_) = f_in(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpy( f_in_d, f_in, nxx_, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )
!f_aux = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP) !
!$cuf kernel do (1) <<<*,*,0,desc%stream_scatter_yz(1)>>>
DO i = 1, desc%my_nr3p*my_nr1p_*nr2x
f_aux_d(i) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
ierr = cudaEventRecord ( zero_event, desc%stream_scatter_yz(1) )
DO iproc3 = 1, desc%nproc3
it0 = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
IF (nproc3 > 1) THEN
CALL mpi_wait( rh(iproc3), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
CALL mpi_wait( sh(iproc3), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in_d(it0+1), f_in(it0+1), sendsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3) )
IF (iproc3 == 2) ierr = cudaEventSynchronize( zero_event )
DO me2 = me2_start, me2_end
ip = desc%iproc( me2, iproc3)
ioff = desc%iss(ip)
aux = ncp_( ip )
!$cuf kernel do(2) <<<*,*,0,desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3)>>>
DO i = 1, aux ! was ncp_(iproc3)
DO k = 1, desc%my_nr3p
it = it0 + (i-1)*nr3px
mc = desc_ismap_d( i + ioff ) ! this is m1+(m2-1)*nr1x of the current pencil
m1 = mod (mc-1,nr1x) + 1 ; m2 = (mc-1)/nr1x + 1
i1 = m2 + ( ir1p__d(m1) - 1 ) * nr2x + (k-1)*nr2x*my_nr1p_
f_aux_d( i1 ) = f_in_d( k + it )
!i1 = i1 + desc%nr2x*my_nr1p_
it0 = it0 + ncp_( ip )*nr3px
! "backward" scatter from planes to columns
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
it0 = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
DO me2 = me2_start, me2_end
ip = desc%iproc(me2, iproc3)
ioff = desc%iss(ip)
aux = ncp_( ip )
!$cuf kernel do(2) <<<*,*,0,desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3)>>>
DO i = 1, aux
DO k = 1, desc%my_nr3p
it = it0 + (i-1)*nr3px
mc = desc_ismap_d( i + ioff ) ! this is m1+(m2-1)*nr1x of the current pencil
m1 = mod (mc-1,nr1x) + 1 ; m2 = (mc-1)/nr1x + 1
i1 = m2 + ( ir1p__d(m1) - 1 ) * nr2x + (k-1)*(nr2x * my_nr1p_)
f_in_d( k + it ) = f_aux_d( i1 )
!i1 = i1 + desc%nr2x * my_nr1p_
!it = it + nr3px
it0 = it0 + ncp_( ip )*nr3px
IF( nproc3 > 1 ) THEN
kdest = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in(kdest + 1), f_in_d(kdest + 1 ), sendsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3) )
IF( nproc3 == 1 ) GO TO 20
! step two: communication
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
CALL mpi_irecv( f_aux( (iproc3 - 1) * sendsize + 1 ), sendsize, &
desc%comm3, rh(iproc3), ierr )
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3))
CALL mpi_isend( f_in( ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize + 1 ), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, iproc3-1, &
me3, desc%comm3, sh( iproc3 ), ierr )
!f_in(1:nxx_) = f_in_d(1:nxx_)
!ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr = cudaMemcpy( f_in, f_in_d, nxx_, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost )
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_in(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_aux(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm3, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
! step one: store contiguously the columns
offset = 0
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
kdest = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
IF( nproc3 > 1 ) THEN
call mpi_wait( rh(iproc3), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
call mpi_wait( sh(iproc3), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
kfrom = offset
DO me2 = me2_start, me2_end
ip = desc%iproc(me2,me3)
! DO k = 1, ncp_ (ip)
! DO i = 1, desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
! f_in ( kfrom + i ) = f_aux ( kdest + i )
! kdest = kdest + nr3px
! kfrom = kfrom + desc%nr3x
ierr = cudaMemcpy2DAsync( f_in_d(kfrom +1 ), nr3x, f_aux(kdest + 1), nr3px, desc%nr3p( iproc3 ), ncp_ (ip), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3) )
kdest = kdest + nr3px*ncp_ (ip)
kfrom = kfrom + nr3x*ncp_ (ip)
offset = offset + desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(desc%stream_scatter_yz(iproc3))
! clean extra array elements in each stick
IF( nr3x /= nr3 ) THEN
aux = ncp_ ( desc%mype+1 )
!$cuf kernel do(2) <<<*,*>>>
DO k = 1, aux
DO i = nr3, nr3x
f_in_d( (k-1)*nr3x + i ) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
!CALL nvtxEndRangeAsync()
CALL stop_clock ('fft_scatt_yz')
98 format ( 10 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
99 format ( 20 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_yz_gpu
SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_tg_gpu ( desc, f_in_d, f_aux_d, nxx_, isgn, stream )
! task group wavefunction redistribution
! a) (isgn >0 ) From many-wfc partial-plane arrangement to single-wfc whole-plane one
! b) (isgn <0 ) From single-wfc whole-plane arrangement to many-wfc partial-plane one
! in both cases:
! f_in contains the input data, is overwritten with the desired output
! f_aux is used as working array, may contain garbage in output
USE cudafor
USE fft_buffers, ONLY : check_buffers_size, f_in => pin_space_scatter_in, &
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), DEVICE, INTENT(inout) :: f_in_d (nxx_), f_aux_d (nxx_)
INTEGER(kind=cuda_stream_kind), INTENT(IN) :: stream ! cuda stream for the execution
INTEGER :: ierr
CALL start_clock ('fft_scatt_tg')
if ( abs (isgn) /= 3 ) call fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter_tg', 'wrong call', 1 )
! get pinned memory buffers for ALLTOALL, check allocation
CALL check_buffers_size(desc)
#if defined(__MPI)
! == OPTIMIZE, replace this with overlapped comunication on host and device,
! or possibly use GPU MPI?
!f_aux(1:nxx_) = f_in_d(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_aux, f_in_d, nxx_, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream )
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
if ( isgn > 0 ) then
CALL MPI_ALLTOALLV( f_aux, desc%tg_snd, desc%tg_sdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, &
f_in, desc%tg_rcv, desc%tg_rdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( 'fft_scatter_tg', ' alltoall error 1 ', abs(ierr) )
CALL MPI_ALLTOALLV( f_aux, desc%tg_rcv, desc%tg_rdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, &
f_in, desc%tg_snd, desc%tg_sdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( 'fft_scatter_tg', ' alltoall error 2 ', abs(ierr) )
end if
!f_in_d(1:nxx_) = f_in(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in_d, f_in, nxx_, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream )
!ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
CALL stop_clock ('fft_scatt_tg')
99 format ( 20 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_tg_gpu
SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_tg_opt_gpu ( desc, f_in_d, f_out_d, nxx_, isgn, stream )
! task group wavefunction redistribution
! a) (isgn >0 ) From many-wfc partial-plane arrangement to single-wfc whole-plane one
! b) (isgn <0 ) From single-wfc whole-plane arrangement to many-wfc partial-plane one
! in both cases:
! f_in contains the input data
! f_out contains the output data
USE cudafor
USE fft_buffers, ONLY : check_buffers_size, f_in => pin_space_scatter_in, &
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), DEVICE, INTENT(inout) :: f_in_d (nxx_), f_out_d (nxx_)
INTEGER(kind=cuda_stream_kind), INTENT(IN) :: stream ! cuda stream for the execution
INTEGER :: ierr
CALL start_clock ('fft_scatt_tg')
if ( abs (isgn) /= 3 ) call fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter_tg', 'wrong call', 1 )
! check host copy allocation of f_in and f_aux
CALL check_buffers_size(desc)
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_in, f_in_d, nxx_, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream )
ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
#if defined(__MPI)
if ( isgn > 0 ) then
CALL MPI_ALLTOALLV( f_in, desc%tg_snd, desc%tg_sdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, &
f_out, desc%tg_rcv, desc%tg_rdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( 'fft_scatter_tg', ' alltoall error 1 ', abs(ierr) )
CALL MPI_ALLTOALLV( f_in, desc%tg_rcv, desc%tg_rdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, &
f_out, desc%tg_snd, desc%tg_sdsp, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm2, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( 'fft_scatter_tg', ' alltoall error 2 ', abs(ierr) )
end if
!f_out_d(1:nxx_) = f_out(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpyAsync( f_out_d, f_out, nxx_, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream )
!ierr = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream)
CALL stop_clock ('fft_scatt_tg')
99 format ( 20 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_tg_opt_gpu
SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_many_yz_gpu ( desc, f_in_d, f_aux_d, nxx_, isgn, howmany )
! transpose of the fft yz planes across the desc%comm3 communicator
! a) From Z-oriented columns to Y-oriented colums (isgn > 0)
! Active columns (or sticks or pencils) along the Z direction for each
! processor are stored consecutively and are such that they correspond
! to a subset of the active X values.
! The pencil -> slices transposition is performed in the subgroup
! of processors (desc%comm3) owning these X values.
! The transpose takes place in two steps:
! 1) on each processor the columns are sliced into sections along Z
! that are stored one after the other. On each processor, slices for
! processor "iproc3" are desc%nr3p(iproc3)*desc%nsw/nsp(me) big.
! 2) all processors communicate to exchange slices (all columns with
! Z in the slice belonging to "me" must be received, all the others
! must be sent to "iproc3")
! Finally one gets the "slice" representation: each processor has
! desc%nr3p(mype3) Z values of all the active pencils along Y for the
! X values of the current group. Data are organized with the Y index
! running fastest, then the reordered X values, then Z.
! f_in contains the input Z columns, is destroyed on output
! f_aux contains the output Y colums.
! b) From planes to columns (isgn < 0)
! Quite the same in the opposite direction
! f_aux contains the input Y columns, is destroyed on output
! f_in contains the output Z columns.
USE cudafor
!USE nvtx_fft
USE fft_buffers, ONLY : check_buffers_size, f_in => pin_space_scatter_in, &
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: desc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), DEVICE, INTENT(inout) :: f_in_d (nxx_), f_aux_d (nxx_)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: howmany
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER, DEVICE, POINTER :: desc_ismap_d(:)
INTEGER :: ierr, me, me2, me3, nproc3, iproc3, ncpx, nr3px, ip, ip0, me2_start, me2_end
INTEGER :: nr1x, nr2x, nr3, nr3x, nnr
INTEGER :: i, j, it, it0, k, kfrom, kdest, offset, ioff, mc, m1, m2, i1, sendsize, aux
INTEGER :: my_nr1p_
INTEGER :: sh(desc%nproc3), rh(desc%nproc3)
!CALL nvtxStartRangeAsync("fft_scatter_many_yz_gpu", isgn + 5)
me = desc%mype + 1
me2 = desc%mype2 + 1
me3 = desc%mype3 + 1
nproc3 = desc%nproc3
! This mapping improves readability but, most importantly, it is needed
! in the cuf kernels (as of PGI 18.10) since otherwise, when variables from
! `desc` appear in the body of the do loops, the compiler generates incorrect GPU code.
nr1x = desc%nr1x
nr2x = desc%nr2x
nr3 = desc%nr3
nr3x = desc%nr3x
nnr = desc%nnr
! allocate auxiliary array for columns distribution
ALLOCATE ( ncp_( desc%nproc) )
me2_start = me2 ; me2_end = me2
if ( abs (isgn) == 1 ) then ! It's a potential FFT
ncp_ = desc%nsp
my_nr1p_ = count (desc%ir1p > 0)
ir1p__d => desc%ir1p_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 2 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT
ncp_ = desc%nsw
my_nr1p_ = count (desc%ir1w > 0)
ir1p__d => desc%ir1w_d
else if ( abs (isgn) == 3 ) then ! It's a wavefunction FFT with task group
print *, "ERRORE, this should never happen!"
end if
CALL start_clock ('fft_scatt_many_yz')
! calculate the message size
nr3px = MAXVAL ( desc%nr3p ) ! maximum number of Z values to be exchanged
ncpx = MAXVAL ( ncp_ ) ! maximum number of Z columns to be exchanged
sendsize = howmany * ncpx * nr3px ! dimension of the scattered chunks
! check dimensions of f_in and f_aux
CALL check_buffers_size(desc, howmany)
desc_ismap_d => desc%ismap_d
ierr = 0
IF (isgn.gt.0) THEN
IF (nproc3==1) GO TO 10
! "forward" scatter from columns to planes
! step one: store contiguously the slices
offset = 0
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
kdest = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
kfrom = offset
ierr = cudaMemcpy2D( f_aux(kdest + 1), nr3px, f_in_d(kfrom + 1 ), nr3x, desc%nr3p( iproc3 ), howmany*ncpx, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
offset = offset + desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
! ensures that no garbage is present in the output
! useless; the later accessed elements are overwritten by the A2A step
! step two: communication across the nproc3 group
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_aux(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_in(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm3, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
!f_in_d(1:nxx_) = f_in(1:nxx_)
ierr = cudaMemcpy( f_in_d, f_in, nxx_, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
!f_aux = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP) !
!$cuf kernel do (1) <<<*,*>>>
do i = 1, nxx_
f_aux_d(i) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
end do
DO iproc3 = 1, desc%nproc3
it0 = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
ioff = desc%iss(iproc3)
aux = ncp_( iproc3 )
!$cuf kernel do(3) <<<*,*>>>
DO j=0, howmany-1
DO i = 1, aux ! was ncp_(iproc3)
DO k = 1, desc%my_nr3p
it = it0 + (i-1)*nr3px + j*ncpx*nr3px !desc%nnr !aux*nr3px
mc = desc_ismap_d( i + ioff ) ! this is m1+(m2-1)*nr1x of the current pencil
m1 = mod (mc-1,nr1x) + 1 ; m2 = (mc-1)/nr1x + 1
i1 = m2 + ( ir1p__d(m1) - 1 ) * nr2x + (k-1)*nr2x*my_nr1p_
f_aux_d( i1 + j*nnr ) = f_in_d( k + it )
!i1 = i1 + nr2x*my_nr1p_
!it0 = it0 + ncp_( ip )*nr3px
! "backward" scatter from planes to columns
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
it0 = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
ip = desc%iproc(me2, iproc3)
ioff = desc%iss(ip)
aux = ncp_( ip )
!$cuf kernel do(3) <<<*,*>>>
DO j = 0, howmany - 1
DO i = 1, aux
DO k = 1, desc%my_nr3p
it = it0 + (i-1)*nr3px + j*ncpx*nr3px
mc = desc_ismap_d( i + ioff ) ! this is m1+(m2-1)*nr1x of the current pencil
m1 = mod (mc-1,nr1x) + 1 ; m2 = (mc-1)/nr1x + 1
i1 = m2 + ( ir1p__d(m1) - 1 ) * nr2x + (k-1)*(nr2x * my_nr1p_)
f_in_d( k + it ) = f_aux_d( i1 + j*nnr )
!i1 = i1 + desc%nr2x * my_nr1p_
!it = it + nr3px
!it0 = it0 + ncp_( ip )*nr3px
IF( nproc3 == 1 ) GO TO 20
! step two: communication
ierr = cudaMemcpy( f_in, f_in_d, nxx_, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost )
CALL mpi_alltoall (f_in(1), sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, f_aux(1), &
sendsize, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, desc%comm3, ierr)
IF( abs(ierr) /= 0 ) CALL fftx_error__ ('fft_scatter', 'info<>0', abs(ierr) )
! step one: store contiguously the columns
offset = 0
DO iproc3 = 1, nproc3
kdest = ( iproc3 - 1 ) * sendsize
kfrom = offset
ierr = cudaMemcpy2D( f_in_d(kfrom +1 ), nr3x, f_aux(kdest + 1), nr3px, desc%nr3p( iproc3 ), howmany * ncpx, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
offset = offset + desc%nr3p( iproc3 )
! clean extra array elements in each stick
IF( nr3x /= nr3 ) THEN
aux = ncp_ ( desc%mype+1 )
!$cuf kernel do(3) <<<*,*>>>
DO j=0, howmany-1
DO k = 1, aux
DO i = nr3, nr3x
f_in_d( j*ncpx*nr3x + (k-1)*nr3x + i) = 0.0d0
!CALL nvtxEndRangeAsync()
CALL stop_clock ('fft_scatt_many_yz')
98 format ( 10 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
99 format ( 20 ('(',2f12.9,')') )
END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter_many_yz_gpu
END MODULE fft_scatter_gpu
! defined (__CUDA)