
157 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2006 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine qvan2 (ngy, ih, jh, np, qmod, qg, ylmk0)
! This routine computes the fourier transform of the Q functions
! The interpolation table for the radial fourier trasform is stored
! in qrad.
! The formula implemented here is
! q(g,i,j) = sum_lm (-i)^l ap(lm,i,j) yr_lm(g^) qrad(g,l,i,j)
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE us, ONLY: dq, qrad
USE uspp_param, ONLY: lmaxq, nbetam
USE uspp, ONLY: nlx, lpl, lpx, ap, indv, nhtolm
implicit none
! Input variables
integer :: ngy, ih, jh, np
! ngy : number of G vectors to compute
! ih, jh: first and second index of Q
! np : index of pseudopotentials
real(DP) :: ylmk0 (ngy, lmaxq * lmaxq), qmod (ngy)
! ylmk0 : spherical harmonics
! qmod : moduli of the q+g vectors
! output: the fourier transform of interest
real(DP) :: qg (2,ngy)
! here the local variables
real (DP) :: sig
! the nonzero real or imaginary part of (-i)^L
real (DP), parameter :: sixth = 1.d0 / 6.d0
integer :: nb, mb, ijv, ivl, jvl, ig, lp, l, lm, i0, i1, i2, i3, ind
! nb,mb : atomic index corresponding to ih,jh
! ijv : combined index (nb,mb)
! ivl,jvl: combined LM index corresponding to ih,jh
! ig : counter on g vectors
! lp : combined LM index
! l-1 is the angular momentum L
! lm : all possible LM's compatible with ih,jh
! i0-i3 : counters for interpolation table
! ind : ind=1 if the results is real (l even), ind=2 if complex (l odd)
real(DP) :: dqi, qm, px, ux, vx, wx, uvx, pwx, work
! 1 divided dq
! qmod/dq
! measures for interpolation table
! auxiliary variables for intepolation
! auxiliary variable
LOGICAL :: ltest
! compute the indices which correspond to ih,jh
dqi = 1 / dq
nb = indv (ih, np)
mb = indv (jh, np)
if (nb.ge.mb) then
ijv = nb * (nb - 1) / 2 + mb
ijv = mb * (mb - 1) / 2 + nb
ivl = nhtolm(ih, np)
jvl = nhtolm(jh, np)
if (nb > nbetam .OR. mb > nbetam) &
call errore (' qvan2 ', ' wrong dimensions (1)', MAX(nb,mb))
if (ivl > nlx .OR. jvl > nlx) &
call errore (' qvan2 ', ' wrong dimensions (2)', MAX(ivl,jvl))
qg = 0.d0
! and make the sum over the non zero LM
do lm = 1, lpx (ivl, jvl)
lp = lpl (ivl, jvl, lm)
if ( lp < 1 .or. lp > 49 ) call errore (' qvan ', ' lp wrong ', max(lp,1))
! find angular momentum l corresponding to combined index lp
if (lp == 1) then
l = 1
sig = 1.0d0
ind = 1
elseif ( lp <= 4) then
l = 2
sig =-1.0d0
ind = 2
elseif ( lp <= 9 ) then
l = 3
sig =-1.0d0
ind = 1
elseif ( lp <= 16 ) then
l = 4
sig = 1.0d0
ind = 2
elseif ( lp <= 25 ) then
l = 5
sig = 1.0d0
ind = 1
elseif ( lp <= 36 ) then
l = 6
sig =-1.0d0
ind = 2
l = 7
sig =-1.0d0
ind = 1
sig = sig * ap (lp, ivl, jvl)
do ig = 1, ngy
! calculate quantites depending on the module of G only when needed
IF ( ig > 1 ) ltest = ABS( qmod(ig) - qmod(ig-1) ) > 1.0D-6
IF ( ig == 1 .OR. ltest ) THEN
qm = qmod (ig) * dqi
px = qm - int (qm)
ux = 1.d0 - px
vx = 2.d0 - px
wx = 3.d0 - px
i0 = INT( qm ) + 1
i1 = i0 + 1
i2 = i0 + 2
i3 = i0 + 3
uvx = ux * vx * sixth
pwx = px * wx * 0.5d0
work = qrad (i0, ijv, l, np) * uvx * wx + &
qrad (i1, ijv, l, np) * pwx * vx - &
qrad (i2, ijv, l, np) * pwx * ux + &
qrad (i3, ijv, l, np) * px * uvx
qg (ind,ig) = qg (ind,ig) + sig * ylmk0 (ig, lp) * work
end subroutine qvan2