
604 lines
17 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 FPMD-CPV groups
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
module para_mod
USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_dlay_descriptor, fft_dlay_allocate, &
fft_dlay_deallocate, fft_dlay_set
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp, dffts
USE mp_global, ONLY: nproc, mygroup => group
character(len=3) :: node
! node: node number, useful for opening files
integer me
! nproc: number of processors
! me: number of this processor
! parallel fft information for the dense grid
! npp: number of plane per processor
! n3: n3(me)+1 = first plane on proc. me
! ncp: number of (density) columns per proc
! ncp0: starting column for each processor
! ncplane: number of columns in a plane
! nct: total number of non-zero columns
! nnr_: local fft data size
! ipc: index saying which proc owns columns in a plane
! icpl: index relating columns and pos. in the plane
! n3 -> dfftp%ipp
! ncplane -> dfftp%nnp
! ncp -> dfftp%nsp
! ncp0 -> dfftp%iss
! npp -> dfftp%npp
! ipc -> dfftp%isind
! icpl -> dfftp%ismap
! nnr_ -> dfftp%nnr
! integer maxproc, ncplanex
! parameter (maxproc=64, ncplanex=37000)
! integer npp(maxproc), n3(maxproc), ncp(maxproc), ncp0(maxproc), &
! ncplane, nct, nnr_, ipc(ncplanex), icpl(ncplanex)
! parallel fft information for the smooth mesh
! npps: number of plane per processor
! ncps: number of (density) columns per proc
! ncpw: number of (wfs) columns per processor
! ncps0: starting column for each processor
! ncplanes:number of columns in a plane (smooth)
! ncts: total number of non-zero columns
! nnrs_: local fft data size
! ipcs: saying which proc owns columns in a plane
! icpls: index relating columns and pos. in the plane
! ncpw -> dffts%ncpw
! n3s -> dffts%ipp
! ncplanes -> dffts%nnp
! ncps -> dffts%nsp
! ncps0 -> dffts%iss
! npps -> dffts%npp
! ipcs -> dffts%isind
! icpls -> dffts%ismap
! nnrs_ -> dffts%nnr
subroutine deallocate_para_mod
use stick_base, only: sticks_deallocate
call fft_dlay_deallocate( dfftp )
call fft_dlay_deallocate( dffts )
call sticks_deallocate()
end subroutine deallocate_para_mod
end module para_mod
subroutine read_rho(unit,nspin,rhor)
! read from file rhor(nnr,nspin) on first node and distribute to other nodes
use para_mod
use parallel_include
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr => nnrx
implicit none
integer unit, nspin
real(8) rhor(nnr,nspin)
integer ir, is
integer root, proc, ierr, n, displs(nproc), sendcount(nproc)
real(8), allocatable:: rhodist(:)
if (me.eq.1) allocate(rhodist(nr1x*nr2x*nr3x))
root = 0
do proc=1,nproc
sendcount(proc) = dfftp%nnp * ( dfftp%npp(proc) )
if (proc.eq.1) then
displs(proc)=displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
end if
end do
do is=1,nspin
! read the charge density from unit "unit" on first node only
if (me.eq.1) read(unit) (rhodist(ir),ir=1,nr1x*nr2x*nr3x)
! distribute the charge density to the other nodes
#if defined __PARA
call mpi_barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_scatterv(rhodist, sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& rhor(1,is),sendcount(me), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('mpi_scatterv','ierr<>0',ierr)
! just in case: set to zero unread elements (if any)
do ir=sendcount(me)+1,nnr
end do
end do
if (me.eq.1) deallocate(rhodist)
end subroutine read_rho
subroutine write_rho(unit,nspin,rhor)
! collect rhor(nnr,nspin) on first node and write to file
use para_mod
use parallel_include
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr => nnrx
use gvecw , only : ngw
implicit none
integer unit, nspin
real(8) rhor(nnr,nspin)
integer ir, is
integer root, proc, ierr, displs(nproc), recvcount(nproc)
real(8), allocatable:: rhodist(:)
if (me.eq.1) allocate(rhodist(nr1x*nr2x*nr3x))
root = 0
do proc=1,nproc
recvcount(proc) = dfftp%nnp * ( dfftp%npp(proc) )
if (proc.eq.1) then
displs(proc)=displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end if
end do
do is=1,nspin
! gather the charge density on the first node
#if defined __PARA
call mpi_barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_gatherv (rhor(1,is), recvcount(me), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& rhodist,recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('mpi_gatherv','ierr<>0',ierr)
! write the charge density to unit "unit" from first node only
if (me.eq.1) write(unit) (rhodist(ir),ir=1,nr1x*nr2x*nr3x)
! if (me.eq.1) write(unit,'(f12.7)') (rhodist(ir),ir=1,nr1x*nr2x*nr3x)
end do
if (me.eq.1) deallocate(rhodist)
end subroutine write_rho
subroutine parabox(nr3b,irb3,nr3,imin3,imax3)
! find if box grid planes in the z direction have component on the dense
! grid on this processor, and if, which range imin3-imax3
use para_mod
! input
integer nr3b,irb3,nr3
! output
integer imin3,imax3
! local
integer ir3, ibig3
do ir3=1,nr3b
if(ibig3.lt.1.or.ibig3.gt.nr3) &
& call errore('cfftpb','ibig3 wrong',ibig3)
if (ibig3.gt.0.and.ibig3.le.dfftp%npp(me)) then
end if
end do
end subroutine parabox
subroutine reduce(size,ps)
! sums a distributed variable s(size) over the processors.
! This version uses a fixed-length buffer of appropriate (?) size
use para_mod
use parallel_include
implicit none
integer size
real(8) ps(size)
integer ierr, n, nbuf
integer, parameter:: MAXB=10000
real(8) buff(MAXB)
if (nproc.le.1) return
if (size.le.0) return
call start_clock( 'reduce' )
! syncronize processes
#if defined __PARA
call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('reduce','error in barrier',ierr)
do n=1,nbuf
call mpi_allreduce (ps(1+(n-1)*MAXB), buff, MAXB, &
if (ierr.ne.0) &
& call errore('reduce','error in allreduce1',ierr)
call DCOPY(MAXB,buff,1,ps(1+(n-1)*MAXB),1)
end do
! possible remaining elements < maxb
if (size-nbuf*MAXB.gt.0) then
call mpi_allreduce (ps(1+nbuf*MAXB), buff, size-nbuf*MAXB, &
if (ierr.ne.0) &
& call errore('reduce','error in allreduce2',ierr)
call DCOPY(size-nbuf*MAXB,buff,1,ps(1+nbuf*MAXB),1)
call stop_clock( 'reduce' )
end subroutine reduce
subroutine nrbounds(ngw,nr1s,nr2s,nr3s,mill,nmin,nmax)
! find the bounds for (i,j,k) indexes of all wavefunction G-vectors
! The (i,j,k) indexes are defined as: G=i*g(1)+j*g(2)+k*g(3)
! where g(1), g(2), g(3) are basis vectors of the reciprocal lattice
use parallel_include
use mp, only: mp_min, mp_max
implicit none
! input
integer ngw,nr1s,nr2s,nr3s,mill(3,*)
! output
integer nmin(3), nmax(3)
! local
integer nmin0(3), nmax0(3), ig, ierr
nmin0(1)= nr1s
nmax0(1)= -nr1s
nmin0(2)= nr2s
nmax0(2)= -nr2s
nmin0(3)= nr3s
nmax0(3)= -nr3s
do ig=1,ngw
nmin0(1) = min(nmin0(1),mill(1,ig))
nmin0(2) = min(nmin0(2),mill(2,ig))
nmin0(3) = min(nmin0(3),mill(3,ig))
nmax0(1) = max(nmax0(1),mill(1,ig))
nmax0(2) = max(nmax0(2),mill(2,ig))
nmax0(3) = max(nmax0(3),mill(3,ig))
end do
! find minima and maxima for the FFT box across all nodes
CALL mp_min( nmin0 )
CALL mp_max( nmax0 )
nmin = nmin0
nmax = nmax0
end subroutine nrbounds
subroutine write_pot(unit,rhos2)
! - To write the hartree potential
! M.S
! collect rhos2(nnrs) on first node and write to file
use para_mod
use smooth_grid_dimensions , nnrs => nnrsx
use parallel_include
implicit none
integer unit, nspin
real(8) rhos2(nnrs)
integer ir, is
integer root, proc, ierr, displs(nproc), recvcount(nproc)
real(8), allocatable:: rhodist(:)
if (me.eq.1) allocate(rhodist(nr1sx*nr2sx*nr3sx))
root = 0
do proc=1,nproc
recvcount(proc) = dffts%nnp * dffts%npp(proc)
if (proc.eq.1) then
displs(proc)=displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end if
end do
! do is=1,nspin
! gather the charge density on the first node
#if defined __PARA
call mpi_barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_gatherv (rhos2, recvcount(me), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& rhodist,recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
& root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('mpi_gatherv','ierr<>0',ierr)
! write the charge density to unit "unit" from first node only
if (me.eq.1) write(unit,'(f12.6)') (rhodist(ir),ir=1,nr1sx*nr2sx*nr3sx)
! end do
if (me.eq.1) deallocate(rhodist)
end subroutine write_pot
! Copyright (C) 2002 CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine write_rho_xsf(tau0,h,rho)
use ions_base, only: nsp, na, pmass
use parameters
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr => nnrx
use para_mod
use io_global, only: ionode
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
include 'mpif.h'
integer specie(100)!specie atomica da modificare
integer i, j, k, ir, ia, is, ityp(natx), nat00, tp(3)
integer ir1, ir2, ir3, ip1, ip2, ip3, ipn
real(8) tau0(3,natx), tau00(3,natx), rho(nnr)
real(8) h(3,3), l1, l2, l3, shift(3), maxr, minr, cm(3)
real(8) ll1, ll2, ll3, tot_m
real(8), allocatable:: rho_aux(:)
integer :: isa
#ifdef __PARA
integer ip, ierr, incr(nproc), displs(nproc)
real(8), allocatable:: rhow(:)
#ifdef __PARA
! in parallel execution, only the first nodes writes
if (me.eq.1) then
write(40,*) ' DIM-GROUP'
write(40,*) ' 3 1'
write(40,*) ' PRIMVEC'
do i = 1,3
write(40,'(3(1x,f12.6))') (h(j,i)*0.529177d0,j=1,3)
end do
write(40,*) ' PRIMCOORD'
do ir = 1,nr1*10
write(26,*) ir, rho(ir)
end do
#ifdef __PARA
end if
do i=1,100
l1 = h(1,1) + h(2,1) + h(3,1)
l2 = h(1,2) + h(2,2) + h(3,2)
l3 = h(1,3) + h(2,3) + h(3,3)
ll1 = dsqrt(h(1,1)**2+h(1,2)**2+h(1,3)**2)
ll2 = dsqrt(h(2,1)**2+h(2,2)**2+h(2,3)**2)
ll3 = dsqrt(h(3,1)**2+h(3,2)**2+h(3,3)**2)
nat00 = 0
tot_m = 0.d0
do i = 1,3
cm(i) = 0.d0
end do
isa = 0
do is = 1,nsp
do ia = 1,na(is)
tot_m = tot_m + pmass(is)
nat00 = nat00 + 1
isa = isa + 1
do i = 1,3
tau00(i,nat00) = tau0(i,isa)
cm(i) = cm(i) + tau00(i,nat00)*pmass(is)
end do
ityp(nat00) = is
end do
end do
do i = 1,3
cm(i) = cm(i)/tot_m
end do
! to center the plot of the charge density at the center of the unit cell where also
! the center of mass of the system is moved
shift(1) = 0.5d0*l1 - cm(1)
tp(1) = nint(shift(1)*DBLE(nr1)/ll1)
shift(1) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(1))*ll1/DBLE(nr1)
shift(2) = 0.5d0*l2 - cm(2)
tp(2) = nint(shift(2)*DBLE(nr2)/ll2)
shift(2) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(2))*ll2/DBLE(nr2)
shift(3) = 0.5d0*l3 - cm(3)
tp(3) = nint(shift(3)*DBLE(nr3)/ll3)
shift(3) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(3))*ll3/DBLE(nr3)
#ifdef __PARA
! in parallel execution, only the first nodes writes
if (me.eq.1) then
write(40,*) ' ',nat00,' 1'
do i = 1,nat00
write(40,'(2x,i2,2x,3(f12.6,1x))') mod(10*ityp(i),70)+ityp(i), &
& (((tau00(j,i)+shift(j))*0.529177d0),j=1,3)
end do
write(40,*) ' ATOMS'
do i = 1,nat00
write(40,'(2x,i2,2x,3(f12.6,1x))') mod(10*ityp(i),70)+ityp(i), &
& (((tau00(j,i)+shift(j))*0.529177d0),j=1,3)
end do
write(40,*) ' 3D_PWSCF'
write(40,*) ' DATAGRID_3D_UNKNOWN'
write(40,*) nr1, nr2, nr3
write(40,'(3(1x,f10.6))') -0.0d0*l1*0.529177d0,-0.0d0*l2*0.529177d0, &
& -0.0d0*l3*0.529177d0
do i = 1,3
write(40,'(3(1x,f10.6))') (h(j,i)*0.529177d0,j=1,3)
end do
#ifdef __PARA
end if
if (me.eq.1) allocate(rhow(nr1x*nr2x*nr3x))
do ip=1,nproc
incr(ip) = dfftp%nnp * ( dfftp%npp(ip) )
if (ip.eq.1) then
displs(ip)=displs(ip-1) + incr(ip)
end if
end do
call mpi_barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_gatherv (rho, incr(me), MPI_REAL8, &
& rhow,incr, displs, MPI_REAL8, &
& 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('mpi_gatherv','ierr<>0',ierr)
! in parallel execution, only the first nodes writes
if (me.eq.1) then
maxr = 0.d0
minr = 10.d0
do ir3 = 1,nr3
if ((ir3-tp(3)).le.0) then
ip3 = (ir3-tp(3))+nr3
ip3 = (ir3-tp(3))
end if
do ir2 = 1,nr2
if ((ir2-tp(2)).le.0) then
ip2 = (ir2-tp(2))+nr2
ip2 = (ir2-tp(2))
end if
do ir1 = 1,nr1
if ((ir1-tp(1)).le.0) then
ip1 = (ir1-tp(1))+nr1
ip1 = (ir1-tp(1))
end if
ir = ir1 + (ir2-1)*nr1 + (ir3-1)*nr2*nr1
ipn = ip1 + (ip2-1)*nr1 + (ip3-1)*nr2*nr1
#ifdef __PARA
rho_aux(ir) = rhow(ir) !rhow(ipn)
rho_aux(ir) = rho(ir) !rho(ipn)
maxr = max(rho_aux(ir),maxr)
minr = min(rho_aux(ir),minr)
end do
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
deallocate (rhow)
write(6,*) 'minr1 = ', minr
write(6,*) 'maxr1 = ', maxr
write(40,'(6e13.5)') &
& (((rho_aux((k-1)*nr1*nr2+(j-1)*nr1+i), &
& i=1,nr1),j=1,nr2),k=1,nr3)
deallocate (rho_aux)
write(40,*) ' END_DATAGRID_3D'
write(40,*) ' END_BLOCK_DATAGRID3D'
#ifdef __PARA
end if
end subroutine write_rho_xsf