
159 lines
4.4 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 FPMD-CPV groups
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine dipol_matrix(tau0,h,rho, dipol)
!questa subroutine calcola l'elemento di dipolo tra due stati, gli
!stati sono dati da rho(r)=Psi_1(r)*Psi_2(r)
!NB tutti gli stati sono reali
use parameters, only: nsx, natx
use ions_base, only: nsp, na, pmass
use para_mod
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr => nnrx
use io_global, only: ionode
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
include 'mpif.h'
integer specie(100)!specie atomica da modificare
integer i, j, k, ir, ia, is, ityp(natx), nat00, tp(3), isa
integer ir1, ir2, ir3, ip1, ip2, ip3, ipn
real(8) tau0(3,natx), tau00(3,natx), rho(nnr)
real(8) h(3,3), l1, l2, l3, shift(3), maxr, minr, cm(3)
real(8) ll1, ll2, ll3, tot_m
real(8) rho_aux
real(8) dipol(3)!vettore di dipolo Int_R rho(r)r
#ifdef __PARA
integer ip, ierr, incr(nproc), displs(nproc)
real(8), allocatable:: rhow(:)
l1 = h(1,1) + h(2,1) + h(3,1)
l2 = h(1,2) + h(2,2) + h(3,2)
l3 = h(1,3) + h(2,3) + h(3,3)
ll1 = dsqrt(h(1,1)**2+h(1,2)**2+h(1,3)**2)
ll2 = dsqrt(h(2,1)**2+h(2,2)**2+h(2,3)**2)
ll3 = dsqrt(h(3,1)**2+h(3,2)**2+h(3,3)**2)
nat00 = 0
tot_m = 0.d0
do i = 1,3
cm(i) = 0.d0
end do
isa = 0
do is = 1,nsp
do ia = 1,na(is)
tot_m = tot_m + pmass(is)
nat00 = nat00 + 1
isa = isa + 1
do i = 1,3
tau00(i,nat00) = tau0(i,isa)
cm(i) = cm(i) + tau00(i,nat00)*pmass(is)
end do
ityp(nat00) = is
end do
end do
do i = 1,3
cm(i) = cm(i)/tot_m
end do
! to center the plot of the charge density at the center of the unit cell where also
! the center of mass of the system is moved
shift(1) = 0.5d0*l1 - cm(1)
tp(1) = nint(shift(1)*DBLE(nr1)/ll1)
shift(1) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(1))*ll1/DBLE(nr1)
shift(2) = 0.5d0*l2 - cm(2)
tp(2) = nint(shift(2)*DBLE(nr2)/ll2)
shift(2) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(2))*ll2/DBLE(nr2)
shift(3) = 0.5d0*l3 - cm(3)
tp(3) = nint(shift(3)*DBLE(nr3)/ll3)
shift(3) = 0.d0 !DBLE(tp(3))*ll3/DBLE(nr3)
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.eq.1) allocate(rhow(nr1x*nr2x*nr3x))
do ip=1,nproc
incr(ip) = dfftp%nnp * ( dfftp%npp(ip) )
if (ip.eq.1) then
displs(ip)=displs(ip-1) + incr(ip)
end if
end do
call mpi_barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_gatherv (rho, incr(me), MPI_REAL8, &
& rhow,incr, displs, MPI_REAL8, &
& 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr.ne.0) call errore('mpi_gatherv','ierr<>0',ierr)
! in parallel execution, only the first nodes writes
if (me.eq.1) then
maxr = 0.d0
minr = 10.d0
do ir3 = 1,nr3
if ((ir3-tp(3)).le.0) then
ip3 = (ir3-tp(3))+nr3
ip3 = (ir3-tp(3))
end if
do ir2 = 1,nr2
if ((ir2-tp(2)).le.0) then
ip2 = (ir2-tp(2))+nr2
ip2 = (ir2-tp(2))
end if
do ir1 = 1,nr1
if ((ir1-tp(1)).le.0) then
ip1 = (ir1-tp(1))+nr1
ip1 = (ir1-tp(1))
end if
ir = ir1 + (ir2-1)*nr1 + (ir3-1)*nr2*nr1
ipn = ip1 + (ip2-1)*nr1 + (ip3-1)*nr2*nr1
#ifdef __PARA
rho_aux = rhow(ir) !rhow(ipn)
rho_aux = rho(ir) !rho(ipn)
end do
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
deallocate (rhow)
#ifdef __PARA
end if
end subroutine dipol_matrix