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! Copyright (C) 2002-2003 PWSCF+CP group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
real(kind=8) function erf (x)
! Error function - computed from the rational approximations of
! W. J. Cody, Math. Comp. 22 (1969), pages 631-637.
! for abs(x) le 0.47 erf is calculated directly
! for abs(x) gt 0.47 erf is calculated via erf(x)=1-erfc(x)
implicit none
real(kind=8) :: x, x2, p1 (4), q1 (4)
real(kind=8), external :: erfc
data p1 / 2.42667955230532d2, 2.19792616182942d1, &
6.99638348861914d0, -3.56098437018154d-2 /
data q1 / 2.15058875869861d2, 9.11649054045149d1, &
1.50827976304078d1, 1.00000000000000d0 /
if (abs (x) .gt.6.d0) then
! erf(6)=1-10^(-17) cannot be distinguished from 1 with 16-byte words
erf = sign (1.d0, x)
if (abs (x) .le.0.47d0) then
x2 = x**2
erf = x * (p1 (1) + x2 * (p1 (2) + x2 * (p1 (3) + x2 * p1 ( &
4) ) ) ) / (q1 (1) + x2 * (q1 (2) + x2 * (q1 (3) + x2 * q1 ( &
4) ) ) )
erf = 1.d0 - erfc (x)
end function erf
real(kind=8) function erfc (x)
! erfc(x) = 1-erf(x) - See comments in erf
implicit none
real(kind=8) :: x, ax, x2, xm2, p2 (8), q2 (8), p3 (5), q3 (5), pim1
real(kind=8), external :: erf
data p2 / 3.00459261020162d2, 4.51918953711873d2, &
3.39320816734344d2, 1.52989285046940d2, 4.31622272220567d1, &
7.21175825088309d0, 5.64195517478974d-1, -1.36864857382717d-7 /
data q2 / 3.00459260956983d2, 7.90950925327898d2, &
9.31354094850610d2, 6.38980264465631d2, 2.77585444743988d2, &
7.70001529352295d1, 1.27827273196294d1, 1.00000000000000d0 /
data p3 / -2.99610707703542d-3, -4.94730910623251d-2, &
-2.26956593539687d-1, -2.78661308609648d-1, -2.23192459734185d-2 &
data q3 / 1.06209230528468d-2, 1.91308926107830d-1, &
1.05167510706793d0, 1.98733201817135d0, 1.00000000000000d0 /
data pim1 / 0.564189583547756d0 /
! ( pim1= sqrt(1/pi) )
ax = abs (x)
if (ax.gt.26.d0) then
! erfc(26.0)=10^(-296); erfc( 9.0)=10^(-37);
erfc = 0.d0
elseif (ax.gt.4.d0) then
x2 = x**2
xm2 = (1.d0 / ax) **2
erfc = (1.d0 / ax) * exp ( - x2) * (pim1 + xm2 * (p3 (1) &
+ xm2 * (p3 (2) + xm2 * (p3 (3) + xm2 * (p3 (4) + xm2 * p3 (5) &
) ) ) ) / (q3 (1) + xm2 * (q3 (2) + xm2 * (q3 (3) + xm2 * &
(q3 (4) + xm2 * q3 (5) ) ) ) ) )
elseif (ax.gt.0.47d0) then
x2 = x**2
erfc = exp ( - x2) * (p2 (1) + ax * (p2 (2) + ax * (p2 (3) &
+ ax * (p2 (4) + ax * (p2 (5) + ax * (p2 (6) + ax * (p2 (7) &
+ ax * p2 (8) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) / (q2 (1) + ax * (q2 (2) + ax * &
(q2 (3) + ax * (q2 (4) + ax * (q2 (5) + ax * (q2 (6) + ax * &
(q2 (7) + ax * q2 (8) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
erfc = 1.d0 - erf (ax)
! erf(-x)=-erf(x) => erfc(-x) = 2-erfc(x)
if (x.lt.0.d0) erfc = 2.d0 - erfc
end function erfc
real(kind=8) function gauss_freq (x)
! gauss_freq(x) = (1+erf(x/sqrt(2)))/2 = erfc(-x/sqrt(2))/2
! - See comments in erf
real(kind=8) :: x
real(kind=8), parameter :: c = 0.707106781186548d0
! ( c= sqrt(1/2) )
real(kind=8), external :: erfc
gauss_freq = 0.5d0 * erfc ( - x * c)
end function gauss_freq