
115 lines
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input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -package PWscf -program dos.x {
toc {}
intro {
Purpose of dos.x:
calculates the Density of States (DOS)
(separated into up and down components for lSDA)
See the header of file PP/dos.90 for more info.
Structure of the input data:
namelist INPUTPP {
var prefix -type CHARACTER {
default { 'pwscf' }
info {
prefix of input file produced by pw.x
(wavefunctions are not needed)
var outdir -type CHARACTER {
default { './' }
info {
directory containing the input file
var ngauss -type INTEGER {
default { 0 }
status { optional }
info {
Type of gaussian broadening:
= 0 Simple Gaussian (default)
= 1 Methfessel-Paxton of order 1
= -1 Marzari-Vanderbilt "cold smearing"
=-99 Fermi-Dirac function
var degauss -type REAL {
info {
gaussian broadening, Ry (not eV!) see below
vargroup -type REAL {
var Emin
var Emax
default { band extrema }
info {
min, max energy (eV) for DOS plot
var DeltaE -type REAL {
info {
energy grid step (eV)
var fildos -type CHARACTER {
default { "prefix".dos }
info {
output file containing DOS(E)
section -title Notes {
subsection -title Output {
text {
The total DOS (states/eV plotted vs E in eV) is written to file "fildos"
subsection -title {Important !} {
text {
The tetrahedron method is used if
- the input data file has been produced by pw.x using the option
occupations='tetrahedra', AND
- a value for degauss is not given as input to namelist &inputpp
Gaussian broadening is used in all other cases:
- if degauss is set to some value in namelist &inputpp, that value
(and the optional value for ngauss) is used
- if degauss is NOT set to any value in namelist &inputpp, the
value of degauss and of ngauss are read from the input data
file (they will be the same used in the pw.x calculations)
- if degauss is NOT set to any value in namelist &inputpp, AND
there is no value of degauss and of ngauss in the input data
file, degauss=DeltaE (in Ry) and ngauss=0 will be used