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! Copyright (C) 2002 CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
module van_parameters
! nlx = combined angular momentum (for s,p,d states: nlx=9)
! lix = max angular momentum l+1 (lix=3 if s,p,d are included)
! lx = max 2*l+1
! mx = 2*lx-1
integer, parameter:: lix=3, nlx=9, lx=2*lix-1, mx=2*lx-1
end module van_parameters
module bhs
! analytical BHS pseudopotential parameters
use parameters, only: nsx
real(kind=8) rc1(nsx), rc2(nsx), wrc1(nsx), wrc2(nsx), &
rcl(3,nsx,3), al(3,nsx,3), bl(3,nsx,3)
integer lloc(nsx)
end module bhs
module core
! nlcc = 0 no core correction on any atom
! rhocb = core charge in G space (box grid)
integer nlcc
real(kind=8), allocatable:: rhocb(:,:)
end module core
module cvan
! ionic pseudo-potential variables
use parameters, only: nsx
use van_parameters
! ap = Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (?)
! lpx = max number of allowed Y_lm
! lpl = composite lm index of Y_lm
real(kind=8) ap(25,nlx,nlx)
integer lpx(nlx,nlx),lpl(nlx,nlx,mx)
! nvb = number of species with Vanderbilt PPs
! nh(is) = number of beta functions, including Y_lm, for species is
! ish(is)= used for indexing the nonlocal projectors betae
! with contiguous indices inl=ish(is)+(iv-1)*na(is)+1
! where "is" is the species and iv=1,nh(is)
! nhx = max value of nh(np)
! nhsavb = total number of Vanderbilt nonlocal projectors
! nhsa = total number of nonlocal projectors for all atoms
integer nvb, nhsavb, ish(nsx), nh(nsx), nhsa, nhx
! nhtol: nhtol(ind,is)=value of l for projector ind of species is
! indv : indv(ind,is) =beta function (without Y_lm) for projector ind
! indlm: indlm(ind,is)=Y_lm for projector ind
integer, allocatable:: nhtol(:,:), indv(:,:), indlm(:,:)
! beta = nonlocal projectors in g space without e^(-ig.r) factor
! qq = ionic Q_ij for each species (Vanderbilt only)
! dvan = ionic D_ij for each species (Vanderbilt only)
real(kind=8), allocatable:: beta(:,:,:), qq(:,:,:), dvan(:,:,:)
end module cvan
module dft_mod
integer lda, blyp, becke, bp88, pw91, pbe
parameter (lda=0, blyp=1, becke=2, bp88=3, pw91=4, pbe=5)
integer dft
end module dft_mod
module elct
implicit none
! f = occupation numbers
! qbac = background neutralizing charge
real(kind=8), allocatable:: f(:)
real(kind=8) qbac
! nspin = number of spins (1=no spin, 2=LSDA)
! nel(nspin) = number of electrons (up, down)
! nupdwn= number of states with spin up (1) and down (2)
! iupdwn= first state with spin (1) and down (2)
! n = total number of electronic states
! nx = if n is even, nx=n ; if it is odd, nx=n+1
! nx is used only to dimension arrays
integer nel(2), nspin, nupdwn(2), iupdwn(2), n, nx
! ispin = spin of each state
integer, allocatable:: ispin(:)
end module elct
module gvec
use reciprocal_vectors, only: &
tpiba, &
tpiba2, &
ng => ngm, &
ngl => ngml, &
ng_g => ngmt, &
gl, g, gx, g2_g, mill_g, mill_l, ig_l2g, igl, bi1, bi2, bi3
! tpiba = 2*pi/alat
! tpiba2 = (2*pi/alat)**2
! ng = number of G vectors for density and potential
! ngl = number of shells of G
! G-vector quantities for the thick grid - see also doc in ggen
! g = G^2 in increasing order (in units of tpiba2=(2pi/a)^2)
! gl = shells of G^2 ( " " " " " )
! gx = G-vectors ( " " " tpiba =(2pi/a) )
! g2_g = all G^2 in increasing order, replicated on all procs
! mill_g = miller index of G vecs (increasing order), replicated on all procs
! mill_l = miller index of G vecs local to the processors
! ig_l2g = "l2g" means local to global, this array convert a local
! G-vector index into the global index, in other words
! the index of the G-v. in the overall array of G-vectors
! bi? = base vector used to generate the reciprocal space
! np = fft index for G>
! nm = fft index for G<
! in1p,in2p,in3p = G components in crystal axis
integer,allocatable:: np(:), nm(:), in1p(:),in2p(:),in3p(:)
end module gvec
module ions_module
use parameters, only: nsx, natx
! nsp = number of species
! na(is) = number of atoms of species is
! nas = max number of atoms of a given species
! nat = total number of atoms of all species
! ipp(is) = PP type for species is (see INPUT)
integer nat, nas, nsp, na(nsx), ipp(nsx)
! zv(is) = (pseudo-)atomic charge
! pmass(is) = mass (converted to a.u.) of ions
! rcmax(is) = Ewald radius (for ion-ion interactions)
real(kind=8) zv(nsx), pmass(nsx), rcmax(nsx)
end module ions_module
module ncprm
use parameters, only: nsx, mmaxx, nqfx=>nqfm, nbrx, lqx=>lqmax
use van_parameters
! lqx : maximum angular momentum of Q (Vanderbilt augmentation charges)
! nqfx : maximum number of coefficients in Q smoothing
! nbrx : maximum number of distinct radial beta functions
! mmaxx: maximum number of points in the radial grid
! ifpcor 1 if "partial core correction" of louie, froyen,
! & cohen to be used; 0 otherwise
! nbeta number of beta functions (sum over all l)
! kkbeta last radial mesh point used to describe functions
! which vanish outside core
! nqf coefficients in Q smoothing
! nqlc angular momenta present in Q smoothing
! lll lll(j) is l quantum number of j'th beta function
integer ifpcor(nsx), nbeta(nsx), kkbeta(nsx), &
nqf(nsx), nqlc(nsx), lll(nbrx,nsx)
! rscore partial core charge (Louie, Froyen, Cohen)
! dion bare pseudopotential D_{\mu,\nu} parameters
! (ionic and screening parts subtracted out)
! betar the beta function on a r grid (actually, r*beta)
! qqq Q_ij matrix
! qfunc Q_ij(r) function (for r>rinner)
! rinner radius at which to cut off partial core or Q_ij
! qfcoef coefficients to pseudize qfunc for different total
! angular momentum (for r<rinner)
! rucore bare local potential
real(kind=8) rscore(mmaxx,nsx), dion(nbrx,nbrx,nsx), &
betar(mmaxx,nbrx,nsx), qqq(nbrx,nbrx,nsx), &
qfunc(mmaxx,nbrx,nbrx,nsx), rucore(mmaxx,nbrx,nsx), &
qfcoef(nqfx,lqx,nbrx,nbrx,nsx), rinner(lqx,nsx)
! qrl q(r) functions
real(kind=8) qrl(mmaxx,nbrx,nbrx,lx,nsx)
! mesh number of radial mesh points
! r logarithmic radial mesh
! rab derivative of r(i) (used in numerical integration)
! cmesh used only for Herman-Skillman mesh (old format)
integer mesh(nsx)
real(kind=8) r(mmaxx,nsx), rab(mmaxx,nsx), cmesh(nsx)
end module ncprm
module parm
use cell_base, only: alat ! alat = lattice parameter
real(kind=8) :: omega ! omega = unit cell volume
! nr1 ,nr2 ,nr3 = dense grid in real space (fft)
! nr1x,nr2x,nr3x = fft dimensions - may differ from fft transform
! lengths nr1,nr2,nr3 for efficiency reasons
! nnr,nnrs,nnrb = data size of fft arrays the for dense grid
! NOTA BENE: nnr .ne. nr1*nr2*nr3
! nnr = nr1x*nr2x*nr3x only for scalar case
integer nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr
! direct and reciprocal lattice vectors
real(kind=8) a1(3),a2(3),a3(3), ainv(3,3)
end module parm
module parmb
! as in module "parm", for the box grid
real(kind=8) tpibab, omegab
integer nr1b,nr2b,nr3b,nnrb,nr1bx,nr2bx,nr3bx
real(kind=8) a1b(3),a2b(3),a3b(3), ainvb(3,3)
end module parmb
module parms
! as in module "parm", for the smooth grid
integer nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nr1sx, nr2sx, nr3sx, nnrs
end module parms
module pseu
! rhops = ionic pseudocharges (for Ewald term)
! vps = local pseudopotential in G space for each species
real(kind=8), allocatable:: rhops(:,:), vps(:,:)
end module pseu
module psfiles
use parameters, only: nsx
! psfile = name of files containing pseudopotential
character(len=80) :: pseudo_dir, psfile(nsx)
end module psfiles
module qgb_mod
complex(kind=8), allocatable:: qgb(:,:,:)
end module qgb_mod
module qradb_mod
real(kind=8), allocatable:: qradb(:,:,:,:,:)
end module qradb_mod
module timex_mod
integer maxclock
parameter (maxclock=32)
real(kind=8) cputime(maxclock), elapsed(maxclock)
integer ntimes(maxclock)
character(len=10) routine
dimension routine(maxclock)
data routine / 'total time', &
'initialize', &
' formf ', &
' rhoofr ', &
' vofrho ', &
' dforce ', &
' calphi ', &
' ortho ', &
' updatc ', &
' graham ', &
' newd ', &
' calbec ', &
' prefor ', &
' strucf ', &
' nlfl ', &
' nlfq ', &
' set_cc ', &
' rhov ', &
' nlsm1 ', &
' nlsm2 ', &
' forcecc', &
' fft ', &
' ffts ', &
' fftw ', &
' fftb ', &
' rsg ', &
'setfftpara', &
'fftscatter', &
'reduce ', &
'test1 ','test2 ','test3 ' /
end module timex_mod
module wfc_atomic
use parameters, only:nsx
use ncprm, only:mmaxx
! nchix= maximum number of pseudo wavefunctions
! nchi = number of atomic (pseudo-)wavefunctions
! lchi = angular momentum of chi
! chi = atomic (pseudo-)wavefunctions
integer nchix
parameter (nchix=6)
real(kind=8) chi(mmaxx,nchix,nsx)
integer lchi(nchix,nsx), nchi(nsx)
end module wfc_atomic
module work1
complex(kind=8), allocatable, target:: wrk1(:)
end module work1
module work_box
complex(kind=8), allocatable, target:: qv(:)
end module work_box
module work_fft
complex(kind=8), allocatable:: aux(:)
end module work_fft
module work2
complex(kind=8), allocatable, target:: wrk2(:,:)
end module work2
! Variable cell
module derho
complex(kind=8),allocatable:: drhog(:,:,:,:)
real(kind=8),allocatable:: drhor(:,:,:,:)
end module derho
module dener
real(kind=8) detot(3,3), dekin(3,3), dh(3,3), dps(3,3), &
& denl(3,3), dxc(3,3), dsr(3,3)
end module dener
module dqgb_mod
complex(kind=8),allocatable:: dqgb(:,:,:,:,:)
end module dqgb_mod
module dpseu
real(kind=8),allocatable:: dvps(:,:), drhops(:,:)
end module dpseu
module cdvan
real(kind=8),allocatable:: dbeta(:,:,:,:,:), dbec(:,:,:,:), &
end module cdvan
module pres_mod
use gvecw, only: agg => ecutz, sgg => ecsig, e0gg => ecfix
real(kind=8),allocatable:: ggp(:)
end module pres_mod