
101 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2021 Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE init_tab_qrad (omega, intra_bgrp_comm)
! Compute interpolation table qrad(i,nm,l+1,nt) = Q^{(L)}_{nm,nt}(q_i)
! of angular momentum L, for atom of type nt, on grid q_i, where
! nm = combined (n,m) index; n,m = 1,...,nbeta (number of beta functions)
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : dp
USE upf_const, ONLY : fpi
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, lmaxq, nbetam, nsp
USE uspp_data, ONLY : nqxq, dq, qrad, qrad_d
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
real(DP), intent(in) :: omega
integer, intent(in) :: intra_bgrp_comm
INTEGER :: ndm, startq, lastq, nt, l, nb, mb, ijv, iq, ir
! various indices
REAL(dp) :: prefr
! the prefactor of the Q functions
REAL(dp) :: q
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: aux (:), besr (:)
! various work space
prefr = fpi / omega
ndm = MAXVAL ( upf(:)%kkbeta )
ALLOCATE (aux ( ndm))
ALLOCATE (besr( ndm))
CALL divide (intra_bgrp_comm, nqxq, startq, lastq)
qrad(:,:,:,:)= 0.d0
DO nt = 1, nsp
if ( upf(nt)%tvanp ) then
DO l = 0, upf(nt)%nqlc -1
! l is the true (combined) angular momentum
! Note that the index of array qfuncl runs from 0 to l,
! while the same index for qrad runs from 1 to l+1
! FIXME: qrad has "holes" if USPP/PAW do not precede NCPP
DO iq = startq, lastq
q = (iq - 1) * dq
! here we compute the spherical bessel function for each q_i
CALL sph_bes ( upf(nt)%kkbeta, rgrid(nt)%r, q, l, besr)
DO nb = 1, upf(nt)%nbeta
! the Q are symmetric with respect to nb,nm indices
DO mb = nb, upf(nt)%nbeta
ijv = mb * (mb - 1) / 2 + nb
IF ( ( l >= abs(upf(nt)%lll(nb) - upf(nt)%lll(mb)) ) .AND. &
( l <= upf(nt)%lll(nb) + upf(nt)%lll(mb) ) .AND. &
(mod(l+upf(nt)%lll(nb)+upf(nt)%lll(mb),2)==0) ) THEN
DO ir = 1, upf(nt)%kkbeta
aux (ir) = besr (ir) * upf(nt)%qfuncl(ir,ijv,l)
! and then we integrate with all the Q functions
CALL simpson ( upf(nt)%kkbeta, aux, rgrid(nt)%rab, &
qrad(iq,ijv,l+1, nt) )
! igl
! l
qrad (:, :, :, nt) = qrad (:, :, :, nt)*prefr
CALL mp_sum ( qrad (:, :, :, nt), intra_bgrp_comm )
! nsp
! update GPU memory (taking care of zero-dim allocations)
#if defined __CUDA
if ( nbetam > 0 .and. lmaxq > 0 ) qrad_d=qrad
END SUBROUTINE init_tab_qrad