
854 lines
26 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE mp_global
USE mp, ONLY : mp_comm_free, mp_size, mp_rank, mp_sum, mp_barrier, &
mp_bcast, mp_start, mp_end
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, io_global_start, meta_ionode_id, meta_ionode
USE parallel_include
! ... World group (all processors)
INTEGER :: mpime = 0 ! processor index (starts from 0 to nproc-1)
INTEGER :: root = 0 ! index of the root processor
INTEGER :: nproc = 1 ! number of processors
INTEGER :: world_comm = 0 ! communicator
! ... Image groups (processors within an image)
INTEGER :: nimage = 1 ! number of images
INTEGER :: me_image = 0 ! index of the processor within an image
INTEGER :: root_image= 0 ! index of the root processor within an image
INTEGER :: my_image_id=0 ! index of my image
INTEGER :: nproc_image=1 ! number of processors within an image
INTEGER :: inter_image_comm = 0 ! inter image communicator
INTEGER :: intra_image_comm = 0 ! intra image communicator
! ... Pool groups (processors within a pool of k-points)
INTEGER :: npool = 1 ! number of "k-points"-pools
INTEGER :: me_pool = 0 ! index of the processor within a pool
INTEGER :: root_pool = 0 ! index of the root processor within a pool
INTEGER :: my_pool_id = 0 ! index of my pool
INTEGER :: nproc_pool = 1 ! number of processors within a pool
INTEGER :: inter_pool_comm = 0 ! inter pool communicator
INTEGER :: intra_pool_comm = 0 ! intra pool communicator
! ... Band groups (processors within a pool of bands)
INTEGER :: nbgrp = 1 ! number of band groups
INTEGER :: me_bgrp = 0 ! index of the processor within a band group
INTEGER :: root_bgrp = 0 ! index of the root processor within a band group
INTEGER :: my_bgrp_id = 0 ! index of my band group
INTEGER :: nproc_bgrp = 1 ! number of processor within a band group
INTEGER :: inter_bgrp_comm = 0 ! inter band group communicator
INTEGER :: intra_bgrp_comm = 0 ! intra band group communicator
INTEGER :: ibnd_start = 0 !starting band index
INTEGER :: ibnd_end = 0 !ending band index
! ... ortho (or linear-algebra) groups
INTEGER :: np_ortho(2) = 1 ! size of the processor grid used in ortho
INTEGER :: me_ortho(2) = 0 ! coordinates of the processors
INTEGER :: me_ortho1 = 0 ! task id for the ortho group
INTEGER :: nproc_ortho = 1 ! size of the ortho group:
INTEGER :: leg_ortho = 1 ! the distance in the father communicator
! of two neighbour processors in ortho_comm
INTEGER :: ortho_comm = 0 ! communicator for the ortho group
INTEGER :: ortho_comm_id= 0 ! id of the ortho_comm
#if defined __SCALAPACK
INTEGER :: me_blacs = 0 ! BLACS processor index starting from 0
INTEGER :: np_blacs = 1 ! BLACS number of processor
INTEGER :: world_cntx = -1 ! BLACS context of all processor
INTEGER :: ortho_cntx = -1 ! BLACS context for ortho_comm
! ... "task" groups (for band parallelization of FFT)
INTEGER :: ntask_groups = 1 ! number of proc. in an orbital "task group"
! ... Misc parallelization info
INTEGER :: kunit = 1 ! granularity of k-point distribution
! ... number of processors written in the data file for checkin purposes:
INTEGER :: nproc_file = 1 ! world group
INTEGER :: nproc_image_file = 1 ! in an image
INTEGER :: nproc_pool_file = 1 ! in a pool
PRIVATE :: init_pools, init_bands, init_ortho
PRIVATE :: ntask_groups
SUBROUTINE mp_startup ( )
! ... This subroutine initializes MPI
! ... Processes are organized in NIMAGE images each dealing with a subset of
! ... images used to discretize the "path" (only in "path" optimizations)
! ... Within each image processes are organized in NPOOL pools each dealing
! ... with a subset of kpoints.
! ... Within each pool R & G space distribution is performed.
! ... NPROC is read from command line or can be set with the appropriate
! ... environment variable ( for example use 'setenv MP_PROCS 8' on IBM SP
! ... machine to run on NPROC=8 processors ); NIMAGE and NPOOL are read from
! ... command line.
! ... NPOOL must be a whole divisor of NPROC
INTEGER :: world, nproc_ortho_in
INTEGER :: root = 0
! ... get the basic parameters from communications sub-system
! ... to handle processors
! ... mpime = processor number, starting from 0
! ... nproc = number of processors
! ... world = group index of all processors
CALL mp_start( nproc, mpime, world )
! ... now initialize processors and groups variables
! ... set global coordinate for this processor
! ... root = index of the root processor
CALL mp_global_start( root, mpime, world, nproc )
! ... initialize input/output, set (and get) the I/O nodes
CALL io_global_start( mpime, root )
meta_ionode = ( mpime == root )
meta_ionode_id = root
IF ( meta_ionode ) THEN
! ... How many parallel images ?
CALL get_arg_nimage( nimage )
nimage = MAX( nimage, 1 )
nimage = MIN( nimage, nproc )
! ... How many band groups?
CALL get_arg_nbgrp( nbgrp )
nbgrp = MAX( nbgrp, 1 )
nbgrp = MIN( nbgrp, nproc )
! ... How many k-point pools ?
CALL get_arg_npool( npool )
npool = MAX( npool, 1 )
npool = MIN( npool, nproc )
! ... How many task groups ?
CALL get_arg_ntg( ntask_groups )
! ... How many processors involved in diagonalization of Hamiltonian ?
CALL get_arg_northo( nproc_ortho_in )
nproc_ortho_in = MAX( nproc_ortho_in, 1 )
nproc_ortho_in = MIN( nproc_ortho_in, nproc )
CALL mp_barrier()
! ... broadcast input parallelization options to all processors
CALL mp_bcast( npool, meta_ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nimage, meta_ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nbgrp, meta_ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ntask_groups, meta_ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nproc_ortho_in, meta_ionode_id )
! ... initialize images, band, k-point, ortho groups in sequence
CALL init_images( world_comm )
CALL init_pools( intra_image_comm )
CALL init_bands( intra_pool_comm )
CALL init_ortho( nproc_ortho_in, intra_bgrp_comm )
SUBROUTINE mp_global_start( root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i
root = root_i
mpime = mpime_i
world_comm = group_i
nproc = nproc_i
nproc_pool = nproc_i
nproc_image = nproc_i
nproc_bgrp = nproc_i
my_pool_id = 0
my_image_id = 0
my_bgrp_id = 0
me_pool = mpime
me_image = mpime
me_bgrp = mpime
root_pool = root
root_image = root
root_bgrp = root
inter_pool_comm = group_i
intra_pool_comm = group_i
inter_image_comm = group_i
intra_image_comm = group_i
inter_bgrp_comm = group_i
intra_bgrp_comm = group_i
ortho_comm = group_i
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_start
SUBROUTINE mp_startup_new (root, world )
! ... This subroutine initializes MPI
! ... Processes are organized in NIMAGE images each dealing with a subset of
! ... images used to discretize the "path" (only in "path" optimizations)
! ... Within each image processes are organized in NPOOL pools each dealing
! ... with a subset of kpoints.
! ... Within each pool R & G space distribution is performed.
! ... NPROC is read from command line or can be set with the appropriate
! ... environment variable ( for example use 'setenv MP_PROCS 8' on IBM SP
! ... machine to run on NPROC=8 processors ); NIMAGE and NPOOL are read from
! ... command line.
! ... NPOOL must be a whole divisor of NPROC
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: world, root
INTEGER :: nproc_ortho_in
INTEGER :: myrank, npe
! ... now initialize processors and groups variables
! ... set global coordinate for this processor
! ... root = index of the root processor
myrank = mp_rank(world)
npe = mp_size(world)
CALL mp_global_start_new( root, myrank, world, npe )
! ... initialize input/output, set (and get) the I/O nodes
CALL io_global_start( myrank, root )
IF ( myrank == root ) THEN
! ... How many band groups?
CALL get_arg_nbgrp( nbgrp )
nbgrp = MAX( nbgrp, 1 )
nbgrp = MIN( nbgrp, nproc )
! ... How many k-point pools ?
CALL get_arg_npool( npool )
npool = MAX( npool, 1 )
npool = MIN( npool, nproc )
! ... How many task groups ?
CALL get_arg_ntg( ntask_groups )
! ... How many processors involved in diagonalization of Hamiltonian ?
CALL get_arg_northo( nproc_ortho_in )
nproc_ortho_in = MAX( nproc_ortho_in, 1 )
nproc_ortho_in = MIN( nproc_ortho_in, nproc )
CALL mp_barrier(world)
! ... broadcast input parallelization options to all processors
CALL mp_bcast( npool, root, world )
CALL mp_bcast( nbgrp, root, world )
CALL mp_bcast( ntask_groups, root, world )
CALL mp_bcast( nproc_ortho_in, root, world )
! ... initialize images, band, k-point, ortho groups in sequence
CALL init_pools( intra_image_comm )
CALL init_bands( intra_pool_comm )
CALL init_ortho( nproc_ortho_in, intra_bgrp_comm )
END SUBROUTINE mp_startup_new
SUBROUTINE mp_global_start_new( root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i
root = root_i
mpime = mpime_i
world_comm = group_i
nproc = nproc_i
nproc_pool = nproc_i
nproc_bgrp = nproc_i
my_pool_id = 0
my_bgrp_id = 0
me_pool = mpime
me_bgrp = mpime
root_pool = root
root_bgrp = root
inter_pool_comm = group_i
intra_pool_comm = group_i
inter_bgrp_comm = group_i
intra_bgrp_comm = group_i
ortho_comm = group_i
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_start_new
SUBROUTINE mp_global_end ( )
CALL mp_barrier()
CALL mp_end ()
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_end
SUBROUTINE mp_global_group_start( mep, myp, nprocp, num_of_pools )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mep, myp, nprocp, num_of_pools
me_pool = mep
my_pool_id = myp
nproc_pool = nprocp
npool = num_of_pools
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_group_start
SUBROUTINE init_images ( parent_comm )
! ... This routine divides all MPI processors into images
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parent_comm
INTEGER :: ierr = 0
INTEGER :: parent_nproc = 1
INTEGER :: parent_mype = 0
#if defined (__MPI)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
parent_mype = mp_rank( parent_comm )
IF ( nimage < 1 .OR. nimage > parent_nproc ) &
CALL errore( 'init_images', 'invalid number of images, out of range', 1 )
IF ( MOD( nproc, nimage ) /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_images', 'n. of images must be divisor of parent_nproc', 1 )
! ... set number of cpus per image
nproc_image = parent_nproc / nimage
! ... set index of image for this processor ( 0 : nimage - 1 )
my_image_id = parent_mype / nproc_image
! ... set index of processor within the image ( 0 : nproc_image - 1 )
me_image = MOD( parent_mype, nproc_image )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the intra_image_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, my_image_id, parent_mype, intra_image_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore &
( 'init_images', 'intra image communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the inter_image_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, me_image, parent_mype, inter_image_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore &
( 'init_images', 'inter image communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
END SUBROUTINE init_images
SUBROUTINE init_bands( parent_comm )
! ... This routine divides parent_comm into band pools
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parent_comm
INTEGER :: ierr = 0
INTEGER :: parent_nproc = 1
INTEGER :: parent_mype = 0
#if defined (__MPI)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
parent_mype = mp_rank( parent_comm )
IF ( nbgrp < 1 .OR. nbgrp > parent_nproc ) &
CALL errore( 'init_bands', 'invalid number of band groups, out of range', 1 )
IF ( MOD( parent_nproc, nbgrp ) /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_bands', 'n. of band groups must be divisor of parent_nproc', 1 )
! ... Set number of processors per band group
nproc_bgrp = parent_nproc / nbgrp
! ... set index of band group for this processor ( 0 : nbgrp - 1 )
my_bgrp_id = parent_mype / nproc_bgrp
! ... set index of processor within the image ( 0 : nproc_image - 1 )
me_bgrp = MOD( parent_mype, nproc_bgrp )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the intra_bgrp_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, my_bgrp_id, parent_mype, intra_bgrp_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_bands', 'intra band group communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the inter_bgrp_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, me_bgrp, parent_mype, inter_bgrp_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_bands', 'inter band group communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
SUBROUTINE init_pools( parent_comm )
! ... This routine divides band groups into k-point pools
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parent_comm
INTEGER :: ierr = 0
INTEGER :: parent_nproc = 1
INTEGER :: parent_mype = 0
#if defined (__MPI)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
parent_mype = mp_rank( parent_comm )
! ... number of cpus per pool of k-points (they are created inside each image)
nproc_pool = parent_nproc / npool
IF ( MOD( parent_nproc, npool ) /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_pools', 'invalid number of pools, parent_nproc /= nproc_pool * npool', 1 )
! ... my_pool_id = pool index for this processor ( 0 : npool - 1 )
! ... me_pool = processor index within the pool ( 0 : nproc_pool - 1 )
my_pool_id = parent_mype / nproc_pool
me_pool = MOD( parent_mype, nproc_pool )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the intra_pool_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, my_pool_id, parent_mype, intra_pool_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_pools', 'intra pool communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the inter_pool_comm communicator is created
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( parent_comm, me_pool, parent_mype, inter_pool_comm, ierr )
IF ( ierr /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( 'init_pools', 'inter pool communicator initialization', ABS(ierr) )
SUBROUTINE init_ortho( nproc_ortho_in, parent_comm )
! ... Ortho group initialization
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nproc_ortho_in
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parent_comm ! communicator of the parent group
INTEGER :: nproc_ortho_try
INTEGER :: parent_nproc ! nproc of the parent group
INTEGER :: ierr = 0
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
#if defined __SCALAPACK
! define a 1D grid containing all MPI task of MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator
CALL BLACS_PINFO( me_blacs, np_blacs )
CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, world_cntx )
CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( world_cntx, 'Row', 1, np_blacs )
IF( nproc_ortho_in > 1 ) THEN
! use the command line value ensuring that it falls in the proper range.
nproc_ortho_try = MIN( nproc_ortho_in , parent_nproc )
! here we can play with custom architecture specific default definitions
#if defined __SCALAPACK
nproc_ortho_try = MAX( parent_nproc/2, 1 )
nproc_ortho_try = 1
! the ortho group for parallel linear algebra is a sub-group of the pool,
! then there are as many ortho groups as pools.
CALL init_ortho_group( nproc_ortho_try, parent_comm )
SUBROUTINE init_ortho_group( nproc_try_in, comm_all )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nproc_try_in, comm_all
LOGICAL, SAVE :: first = .true.
INTEGER :: ierr, color, key, me_all, nproc_all, nproc_try
#if defined __SCALAPACK
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: blacsmap(:,:)
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ortho_cntx_pe(:,:,:)
INTEGER :: nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol, i, j, k
INTEGER :: nparent=1
INTEGER :: total_nproc=1
INTEGER :: total_mype=0
INTEGER :: nproc_parent=1
INTEGER :: my_parent_id=0
#if defined __MPI
me_all = mp_rank( comm_all )
nproc_all = mp_size( comm_all )
nproc_try = MIN( nproc_try_in, nproc_all )
nproc_try = MAX( nproc_try, 1 )
IF( .NOT. first ) THEN
! free resources associated to the communicator
CALL mp_comm_free( ortho_comm )
#if defined __SCALAPACK
IF( ortho_comm_id > 0 ) THEN
ortho_cntx = -1
! find the square closer (but lower) to nproc_try
CALL grid2d_dims( 'S', nproc_try, np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2) )
! now, and only now, it is possible to define the number of tasks
! in the ortho group for parallel linear algebra
nproc_ortho = np_ortho(1) * np_ortho(2)
IF( nproc_all >= 4*nproc_ortho ) THEN
! here we choose a processor every 4, in order not to stress memory BW
! on multi core procs, for which further performance enhancements are
! possible using OpenMP BLAS inside regter/cegter/rdiaghg/cdiaghg
! (to be implemented)
color = 0
IF( me_all < 4*nproc_ortho .AND. MOD( me_all, 4 ) == 0 ) color = 1
leg_ortho = 4
ELSE IF( nproc_all >= 2*nproc_ortho ) THEN
! here we choose a processor every 2, in order not to stress memory BW
color = 0
IF( me_all < 2*nproc_ortho .AND. MOD( me_all, 2 ) == 0 ) color = 1
leg_ortho = 2
! here we choose the first processors
color = 0
IF( me_all < nproc_ortho ) color = 1
leg_ortho = 1
key = me_all
! initialize the communicator for the new group by splitting the input communicator
CALL MPI_COMM_SPLIT( comm_all, color, key, ortho_comm, ierr )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( " init_ortho_group ", " initializing ortho group communicator ", ierr )
! Computes coordinates of the processors, in row maior order
me_ortho1 = mp_rank( ortho_comm )
IF( me_all == 0 .AND. me_ortho1 /= 0 ) &
CALL errore( " init_ortho_group ", " wrong root task in ortho group ", ierr )
if( color == 1 ) then
ortho_comm_id = 1
CALL GRID2D_COORDS( 'R', me_ortho1, np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2), me_ortho(1), me_ortho(2) )
CALL GRID2D_RANK( 'R', np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2), me_ortho(1), me_ortho(2), ierr )
IF( ierr /= me_ortho1 ) &
CALL errore( " init_ortho_group ", " wrong task coordinates in ortho group ", ierr )
IF( me_ortho1*leg_ortho /= me_all ) &
CALL errore( " init_ortho_group ", " wrong rank assignment in ortho group ", ierr )
ortho_comm_id = 0
me_ortho(1) = me_ortho1
me_ortho(2) = me_ortho1
#if defined __SCALAPACK
! This part is used to eliminate the image dependency from ortho groups
! SCALAPACK is now independent of whatever level of parallelization
! is present on top of pool parallelization
total_nproc = mp_size(mpi_comm_world)
total_mype = mp_rank(mpi_comm_world)
nparent = total_nproc/npool/nproc_pool
nproc_parent = total_nproc/nparent
my_parent_id = total_mype/nproc_parent
ALLOCATE( ortho_cntx_pe( npool, nbgrp, nparent ) )
ALLOCATE( blacsmap( np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2) ) )
DO j = 1, nparent
DO k = 1, nbgrp
DO i = 1, npool
CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, ortho_cntx_pe( i, k, j ) ) ! take a default value
blacsmap = 0
nprow = np_ortho(1)
npcol = np_ortho(2)
IF( ( j == ( my_parent_id + 1 ) ) .and. ( k == ( my_bgrp_id + 1 ) ) .and. &
( i == ( my_pool_id + 1 ) ) .and. ( ortho_comm_id > 0 ) ) THEN
blacsmap( me_ortho(1) + 1, me_ortho(2) + 1 ) = BLACS_PNUM( world_cntx, 0, me_blacs )
! All MPI tasks defined in world comm take part in the definition of the BLACS grid
CALL mp_sum( blacsmap )
CALL BLACS_GRIDMAP( ortho_cntx_pe(i,k,j), blacsmap, nprow, nprow, npcol )
CALL BLACS_GRIDINFO( ortho_cntx_pe(i,k,j), nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol )
IF( ( j == ( my_parent_id + 1 ) ) .and. ( k == ( my_bgrp_id + 1 ) ) .and. &
( i == ( my_pool_id + 1 ) ) .and. ( ortho_comm_id > 0 ) ) THEN
IF( np_ortho(1) /= nprow ) &
CALL errore( ' init_ortho_group ', ' problem with SCALAPACK, wrong no. of task rows ', 1 )
IF( np_ortho(2) /= npcol ) &
CALL errore( ' init_ortho_group ', ' problem with SCALAPACK, wrong no. of task columns ', 1 )
IF( me_ortho(1) /= myrow ) &
CALL errore( ' init_ortho_group ', ' problem with SCALAPACK, wrong task row ID ', 1 )
IF( me_ortho(2) /= mycol ) &
CALL errore( ' init_ortho_group ', ' problem with SCALAPACK, wrong task columns ID ', 1 )
ortho_cntx = ortho_cntx_pe(i,k,j)
DEALLOCATE( blacsmap )
DEALLOCATE( ortho_cntx_pe )
ortho_comm_id = 1
first = .false.
END SUBROUTINE init_ortho_group
SUBROUTINE distribute_over_bgrp( i2g, nl, nx )
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: i2g ! global index of the first local element
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nl ! local number of elements
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx ! dimension of the global array to be distributed
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: ldim_block, gind_block
nl = ldim_block( nx, nbgrp, my_bgrp_id )
i2g = gind_block( 1, nx, nbgrp, my_bgrp_id )
END SUBROUTINE distribute_over_bgrp
SUBROUTINE init_index_over_band(comm,nbnd)
#if defined (__MPI)
include 'mpif.h'
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm, nbnd
INTEGER :: npe, myrank, ierror, rest, k
myrank = mp_rank(comm)
npe = mp_size(comm)
! call mpi_comm_rank(comm, mp_rank, ierror)
! call mpi_comm_size(comm, mp_size, ierror)
rest = mod(nbnd, npe)
k = int(nbnd/npe)
if(rest > myrank)then
ibnd_start = (myrank)*k + (myrank+1)
ibnd_end = (myrank+1)*k + (myrank+1)
ibnd_start = (myrank)*k + rest + 1
ibnd_end = (myrank+1)*k + rest
ibnd_start = 1
ibnd_end = nbnd
END SUBROUTINE init_index_over_band
FUNCTION get_ntask_groups()
INTEGER :: get_ntask_groups
get_ntask_groups = ntask_groups
END FUNCTION get_ntask_groups
END MODULE mp_global