
57 lines
1.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine save_in_ions
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE io_files, ONLY: iunres, prefix
USE klist, ONLY: nks
USE control_flags, ONLY: io_level, lscf, tr2, ethr
USE wvfct, ONLY: nbnd, et
#ifdef EXX
USE funct, ONLY: exx_is_active
USE exx, ONLY: fock0, fock1, fock2, dexx, x_occupation
implicit none
character :: where * 20
! are we in the right place?
integer :: ik, ibnd, ik_, iter
! counters
! last completed kpoint
! last completed iteration
logical :: exst
real(DP) :: dr2
if ( io_level < 2 .or. .not.lscf ) return
! open recover file
call seqopn (iunres, 'restart', 'unformatted', exst)
! save restart information
where = 'ELECTRONS'
iter = 0
ik_ = 0
dr2 = 0.0d0
write (iunres) where
write (iunres) ( (et (ibnd, ik), ibnd = 1, nbnd), ik = 1, nks)
write (iunres) iter, ik_, dr2, tr2, ethr
#ifdef EXX
write (iunres) exx_is_active(), fock0, fock1, fock2, dexx
write (iunres) ( (x_occupation (ibnd, ik), ibnd = 1, nbnd), ik = 1, nks)
close (unit = iunres, status = 'keep')
end subroutine save_in_ions