
431 lines
12 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine data_structure( lgamma )
! this routine sets the data structure for the fft arrays
! (both the smooth and the hard mesh)
! In the parallel case, it distributes columns to processes, too
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : bg, tpiba, tpiba2
USE klist, ONLY : xk, nks
USE gvect, ONLY : nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, &
ngm, ngm_l, ngm_g, gcutm, ecutwfc
USE gsmooth, ONLY : nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, nrxxs, &
ngms, ngms_l, ngms_g, gcutms
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_max
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, nproc_pool, me_pool, my_image_id, &
nogrp, nproc, inter_pool_comm
USE stick_base
USE fft_scalar, ONLY : good_fft_dimension
USE fft_types, ONLY : fft_dlay_allocate, fft_dlay_set, fft_dlay_scalar
USE control_flags, ONLY : use_task_groups
USE task_groups, ONLY : task_groups_init
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: lgamma
integer :: n1, n2, n3, i1, i2, i3
! counters on G space
real(DP) :: amod
! modulus of G vectors
integer, allocatable :: stw(:,:)
! sticks maps
integer :: ub(3), lb(3)
! upper and lower bounds for maps
real(DP) :: gkcut
! cut-off for the wavefunctions
integer :: ncplane, nxx
integer :: ncplanes, nxxs
#ifdef __PARA
integer, allocatable :: st(:,:), sts(:,:)
! sticks maps
integer, allocatable :: ngc (:), ngcs (:), ngkc (:)
integer :: ncp (nproc), nct, nkcp (nproc), ncts, ncps(nproc)
integer :: ngp (nproc), ngps(nproc), ngkp (nproc), ncp_(nproc),&
i, j, jj, idum
! nxx ! local fft data dim
! ncplane, &! number of columns in a plane
! nct, &! total number of non-zero columns
! ncp(nproc), &! number of (density) columns per proc
logical :: tk = .TRUE.
! map type: true for full space sticks map, false for half space sticks map
integer, allocatable :: in1(:), in2(:), idx(:)
! sticks coordinates
! Subroutine body
tk = .NOT. lgamma
! set the values of fft arrays
nrx1 = good_fft_dimension (nr1)
nrx1s = good_fft_dimension (nr1s)
! nrx2 is there just for compatibility
nrx2 = nr2
nrx2s = nr2s
nrx3 = good_fft_dimension (nr3)
nrx3s = good_fft_dimension (nr3s)
! compute number of columns per plane for each processor
ncplane = nrx1 * nrx2
ncplanes = nrx1s * nrx2s
! check the number of plane per process
if ( nr3 < nproc_pool ) &
call infomsg ('data_structure', 'some processors have no planes ')
if ( nr3s < nproc_pool ) &
call infomsg ('data_structure', 'some processors have no smooth planes ')
! compute gkcut calling an internal procedure
call calculate_gkcut()
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"ecutrho & ecutwfc",2f12.2)') tpiba2 * gcutm, &
tpiba2 * gkcut
! Now compute for each point of the big plane how many column have
! non zero vectors on the smooth and thick mesh
n1 = nr1 + 1
n2 = nr2 + 1
n3 = nr3 + 1
ub = (/ n1, n2, n3 /)
lb = (/ -n1, -n2, -n3 /)
ALLOCATE( stw ( lb(1) : ub(1), lb(2) : ub(2) ) )
ALLOCATE( st ( lb(1) : ub(1), lb(2) : ub(2) ) )
ALLOCATE( sts ( lb(1) : ub(1), lb(2) : ub(2) ) )
! ... Fill in the stick maps, for given g-space base (b1,b2,b3)
! ... and cut-offs
! ... The value of the element (i,j) of the map ( st ) is equal to the
! ... number of G-vector belonging to the (i,j) stick.
CALL sticks_maps( tk, ub, lb, bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3), gcutm, gkcut, gcutms, st, stw, sts )
nct = COUNT( st > 0 )
ncts = COUNT( sts > 0 )
if ( nct > ncplane ) &
& call errore('data_structure','too many sticks',1)
if ( ncts > ncplanes ) &
& call errore('data_structure','too many sticks',2)
if ( nct == 0 ) &
& call errore('data_structure','number of sticks 0', 1)
if ( ncts == 0 ) &
& call errore('data_structure','number smooth sticks 0', 1)
! local pointers deallocated at the end
ALLOCATE( in1( nct ), in2( nct ) )
ALLOCATE( ngc( nct ), ngcs( nct ), ngkc( nct ) )
ALLOCATE( idx( nct ) )
! ... initialize the sticks indexes array ist
! ... nct counts columns containing G-vectors for the dense grid
! ... ncts counts columns contaning G-vectors for the smooth grid
CALL sticks_countg( tk, ub, lb, st, stw, sts, in1, in2, ngc, ngkc, ngcs )
CALL sticks_sort( ngc, ngkc, ngcs, nct, idx )
CALL sticks_dist( tk, ub, lb, idx, in1, in2, ngc, ngkc, ngcs, nct, &
ncp, nkcp, ncps, ngp, ngkp, ngps, st, stw, sts )
CALL sticks_pairup( tk, ub, lb, idx, in1, in2, ngc, ngkc, ngcs, nct, &
ncp, nkcp, ncps, ngp, ngkp, ngps, st, stw, sts )
! set the total number of G vectors
IF( tk ) THEN
ngm = ngp ( me_pool + 1 )
ngms = ngps( me_pool + 1 )
IF( st( 0, 0 ) == ( me_pool + 1 ) ) THEN
ngm = ngp ( me_pool + 1 ) / 2 + 1
ngms = ngps( me_pool + 1 ) / 2 + 1
ngm = ngp ( me_pool + 1 ) / 2
ngms = ngps( me_pool + 1 ) / 2
CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, nproc_pool, nrx1, nrx2 )
CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, nproc_pool, nrx1s, nrx2s )
! here set the fft data layout structures for dense and smooth mesh,
! according to stick distribution
CALL fft_dlay_set( dfftp, &
tk, nct, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, (me_pool+1), &
nproc_pool, nogrp, ub, lb, idx, in1(:), in2(:), ncp, nkcp, ngp, ngkp, st, stw)
CALL fft_dlay_set( dffts, &
tk, ncts, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, (me_pool+1), &
nproc_pool, nogrp, ub, lb, idx, in1(:), in2(:), ncps, nkcp, ngps, ngkp, sts, stw)
! if tk = .FALSE. only half reciprocal space is considered, then we
! need to correct the number of sticks
IF( .NOT. tk ) THEN
nct = nct*2 - 1
ncts = ncts*2 - 1
! set the number of plane per process
! npp ( 1 : nproc_pool ) = dfftp%npp ( 1 : nproc_pool )
! npps( 1 : nproc_pool ) = dffts%npp ( 1 : nproc_pool )
if ( dfftp%nnp /= ncplane ) &
& call errore('data_structure','inconsistent plane dimension on dense grid', ABS(dfftp%nnp-ncplane) )
if ( dffts%nnp /= ncplanes ) &
& call errore('data_structure','inconsistent plane dimension on smooth grid', ABS(dffts%nnp-ncplanes) )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Planes per process (thick) : nr3 =", &
& i3," npp = ",i3," ncplane =",i5)') nr3, dfftp%npp (me_pool + 1) , ncplane
if ( nr3s /= nr3 ) WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Planes per process (smooth): nr3s=",&
&i3," npps= ",i3," ncplanes=",i5)') nr3s, dffts%npp (me_pool + 1) , ncplanes
WRITE( stdout,*)
WRITE( stdout,'(5X, &
& "Proc/ planes cols G planes cols G columns G"/5X, &
& "Pool (dense grid) (smooth grid) (wavefct grid)")')
do i=1,nproc_pool
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,i4,1x,2(i5,i7,i9),i7,i9)') i, dfftp%npp(i), ncp(i), ngp(i), &
& dffts%npp(i), ncps(i), ngps(i), nkcp(i), ngkp(i)
end do
IF ( nproc_pool > 1 ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"tot",2x,2(i5,i7,i9),i7,i9)') &
SUM(dfftp%npp(1:nproc_pool)), SUM(ncp(1:nproc_pool)), SUM(ngp(1:nproc_pool)), &
SUM(nkcp(1:nproc_pool)), SUM(ngkp(1:nproc_pool))
WRITE( stdout,*)
DEALLOCATE( stw, st, sts, in1, in2, idx, ngc, ngcs, ngkc )
! ncp0 = starting column for each processor
! ncp0( 1:nproc_pool ) = dfftp%iss( 1:nproc_pool )
! ncp0s( 1:nproc_pool ) = dffts%iss( 1:nproc_pool )
! array ipc and ipcl ( ipc contain the number of the
! column for that processor or zero if the
! column do not belong to the processor,
! ipcl contains the point in the plane for
! each column)
! ipc ( 1:ncplane ) = > dfftp%isind( 1:ncplane )
! icpl( 1:nct ) = > dfftp%ismap( 1:nct )
! ipcs ( 1:ncplanes ) = > dffts%isind( 1:ncplanes )
! icpls( 1:ncts ) = > dffts%ismap( 1:ncts )
nrxx = dfftp%nnr
nrxxs = dffts%nnr
nrxx = MAX( nrxx, nrxxs )
! nxx is just a copy
nxx = nrxx
nxxs = nrxxs
nrx1 = good_fft_dimension (nr1)
nrx1s = good_fft_dimension (nr1s)
! nrx2 and nrx3 are there just for compatibility
nrx2 = nr2
nrx3 = nr3
nrxx = nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3
nrx2s = nr2s
nrx3s = nr3s
nrxxs = nrx1s * nrx2s * nrx3s
! nxx is just a copy
nxx = nrxx
nxxs = nrxxs
CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, nproc_pool, MAX(nrx1, nrx3), nrx2 )
CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, nproc_pool, MAX(nrx1s, nrx3s), nrx2s )
CALL calculate_gkcut()
! compute the number of g necessary to the calculation
n1 = nr1 + 1
n2 = nr2 + 1
n3 = nr3 + 1
ngm = 0
ngms = 0
ub = (/ n1, n2, n3 /)
lb = (/ -n1, -n2, -n3 /)
ALLOCATE( stw ( lb(2):ub(2), lb(3):ub(3) ) )
stw = 0
do i1 = - n1, n1
! Gamma-only: exclude space with x<0
if (lgamma .and. i1 < 0) go to 10
do i2 = - n2, n2
! Gamma-only: exclude plane with x=0, y<0
if(lgamma .and. i1 == 0.and. i2 < 0) go to 20
do i3 = - n3, n3
! Gamma-only: exclude line with x=0, y=0, z<0
if(lgamma .and. i1 == 0 .and. i2 == 0 .and. i3 < 0) go to 30
amod = (i1 * bg (1, 1) + i2 * bg (1, 2) + i3 * bg (1, 3) ) **2 + &
(i1 * bg (2, 1) + i2 * bg (2, 2) + i3 * bg (2, 3) ) **2 + &
(i1 * bg (3, 1) + i2 * bg (3, 2) + i3 * bg (3, 3) ) **2
if (amod <= gcutm) ngm = ngm + 1
if (amod <= gcutms) ngms = ngms + 1
if (amod <= gkcut ) then
stw( i2, i3 ) = 1
if (lgamma) stw( -i2, -i3 ) = 1
end if
30 continue
20 continue
10 continue
call fft_dlay_scalar( dfftp, ub, lb, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, stw )
call fft_dlay_scalar( dffts, ub, lb, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, stw )
deallocate( stw )
IF( nxx < dfftp%nnr ) &
CALL errore( ' data_structure ', ' inconsistent value for nxx ', ABS( nxx - dfftp%nnr ) )
IF( nxxs /= dffts%nnr ) &
CALL errore( ' data_structure ', ' inconsistent value for nxxs ', ABS( nxxs - dffts%nnr ) )
! compute the global number of g, i.e. the sum over all processors
! within a pool
ngm_l = ngm
ngms_l = ngms
ngm_g = ngm
ngms_g = ngms
call mp_sum( ngm_g , intra_pool_comm )
call mp_sum( ngms_g, intra_pool_comm )
IF( use_task_groups ) THEN
! Initialize task groups.
! Note that this call modify dffts adding task group data.
CALL task_groups_init( dffts )
subroutine calculate_gkcut()
integer :: kpoint
if (nks == 0) then
! if k-points are automatically generated (which happens later)
! use max(bg)/2 as an estimate of the largest k-point
gkcut = sqrt (ecutwfc) / tpiba + 0.5d0 * max ( &
sqrt (bg (1, 1) **2 + bg (2, 1) **2 + bg (3, 1) **2), &
sqrt (bg (1, 2) **2 + bg (2, 2) **2 + bg (3, 2) **2), &
sqrt (bg (1, 3) **2 + bg (2, 3) **2 + bg (3, 3) **2) )
gkcut = 0.0d0
do kpoint = 1, nks
gkcut = max (gkcut, sqrt (ecutwfc) / tpiba + sqrt ( &
xk (1, kpoint) **2 + xk (2, kpoint) **2 + xk (3, kpoint) **2) )
gkcut = gkcut**2
! ... find maximum value among all the processors
call mp_max (gkcut, inter_pool_comm )
end subroutine calculate_gkcut
end subroutine data_structure