
1810 lines
57 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine slater (rs, ex, vx)
! Slater exchange with alpha=2/3
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ex, vx
real(DP), parameter :: f= -0.687247939924714d0, alpha = 2.0d0/3.0d0
! f = -9/8*(3/2pi)^(2/3)
ex = f * alpha / rs
vx = 4.d0 / 3.d0 * f * alpha / rs
end subroutine slater
subroutine slater1(rs, ex, vx)
! Slater exchange with alpha=1, corresponding to -1.374/r_s Ry
! used to recover old results
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ex, vx
real(DP), parameter :: f= -0.687247939924714d0, alpha = 1.0d0
ex = f * alpha / rs
vx = 4.d0 / 3.d0 * f * alpha / rs
end subroutine slater1
subroutine slater_rxc (rs, ex, vx)
! Slater exchange with alpha=2/3 and Relativistic exchange
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : pi, c_au
real (DP):: rs, ex, vx
real(DP), PARAMETER :: ZERO=0.D0, ONE=1.D0, PFIVE=.5D0, &
OPF=1.5D0 !, C014=0.014D0
real (DP):: trd, ftrd, tftm, a0, alp, z, fz, fzp, vxp, xp, &
beta, sb, alb, c014
TRD = ONE/3.d0
FTRD = 4.d0*TRD
TFTM = 2**FTRD-2.d0
A0 = (4.d0/(9.d0*PI))**TRD
C014= 1.0_DP/a0/c_au
! X-alpha parameter:
ALP = 2.d0 * TRD
VXP = -3.d0*ALP/(2.d0*PI*A0*RS)
XP = 3.d0*VXP/4.d0
BETA = C014/RS
XP = XP * (ONE-OPF*((BETA*SB-ALB)/BETA**2)**2)
! VXF = 2**TRD*VXP
! EXF = 2**TRD*XP
subroutine slaterKZK (rs, ex, vx, vol)
! Slater exchange with alpha=2/3, Kwee, Zhang and Krakauer KE
! correction
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ex, vx, dL, vol, ga, pi, a0
real(DP), parameter :: a1 = -2.2037d0, &
a2 = 0.4710d0, a3 = -0.015d0, ry2h = 0.5d0
real(DP), parameter :: f= -0.687247939924714d0, alpha = 2.0d0/3.0d0
! f = -9/8*(3/2pi)^(2/3)
pi = 4.d0 * atan(1.d0)
a0 = f * alpha * 2.d0
dL = vol**(1.d0/3.d0)
ga = 0.5d0 * dL *(3.d0 /pi)**(1.d0/3.d0)
if ( rs .le. ga) then
ex = a0 / rs + a1 * rs / dL**2.d0 + a2 * rs**2.d0 / dL**3.d0
vx = (4.d0 * a0 / rs + 2.d0 * a1 * rs / dL**2.d0 + &
a2 * rs**2.d0 / dL**3.d0 ) / 3.d0
ex = a0 / ga + a1 * ga / dL**2.d0 + a2 * ga**2.d0 / dL**3.d0 ! solids
vx = ex
! ex = a3 * dL**5.d0 / rs**6.d0 ! molecules
! vx = 3.d0 * ex
ex = ry2h * ex ! Ry to Hartree
vx = ry2h * vx
end subroutine slaterKZK
subroutine pz (rs, iflag, ec, vc)
! LDA parameterization from Monte Carlo data
! iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and A. Zunger, PRB 23, 5048 (1981)
! iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
integer :: iflag
real(DP) :: a (2), b (2), c (2), d (2), gc (2), b1 (2), b2 (2)
real(DP) :: lnrs, rs12, ox, dox
data a / 0.0311d0, 0.031091d0 /, b / -0.048d0, -0.046644d0 /, &
c / 0.0020d0, 0.00419d0 /, d / -0.0116d0, -0.00983d0 /
data gc / -0.1423d0, -0.103756d0 /, b1 / 1.0529d0, 0.56371d0 /, &
b2 / 0.3334d0, 0.27358d0 /
if (rs.lt.1.0d0) then
! high density formula
lnrs = log (rs)
ec = a (iflag) * lnrs + b (iflag) + c (iflag) * rs * lnrs + d ( &
iflag) * rs
vc = a (iflag) * lnrs + (b (iflag) - a (iflag) / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / &
3.d0 * c (iflag) * rs * lnrs + (2.d0 * d (iflag) - c (iflag) ) &
/ 3.d0 * rs
! interpolation formula
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
ox = 1.d0 + b1 (iflag) * rs12 + b2 (iflag) * rs
dox = 1.d0 + 7.d0 / 6.d0 * b1 (iflag) * rs12 + 4.d0 / 3.d0 * &
b2 (iflag) * rs
ec = gc (iflag) / ox
vc = ec * dox / ox
end subroutine pz
subroutine pzKZK (rs, ec, vc, vol)
! LDA parameterization from Monte Carlo data
! iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and A. Zunger, PRB 23, 5048 (1981)
! iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc, ec0 (2), vc0(2), ec0p
integer :: iflag, kr
real(DP) :: a (2), b (2), c (2), d (2), gc (2), b1 (2), b2 (2)
real(DP) :: lnrs, rs12, ox, dox, lnrsk, rsk
real(DP) :: a1, grs, g1, g2, g3, g4, dL, vol, gh, gl, grsp
real(DP) :: f3, f2, f1, f0, pi
real(DP) :: D1, D2, D3, P1, P2, ry2h
data a / 0.0311d0, 0.031091d0 /, b / -0.048d0, -0.046644d0 /, &
c / 0.0020d0, 0.00419d0 /, d / -0.0116d0, -0.00983d0 /
data gc / -0.1423d0, -0.103756d0 /, b1 / 1.0529d0, 0.56371d0 /, &
b2 / 0.3334d0, 0.27358d0 /
data a1 / -2.2037 /, g1 / 0.1182 /, g2 / 1.1656 /, g3 / -5.2884 /, &
g4 / -1.1233 /
data ry2h / 0.5d0 /
iflag = 1
pi = 4.d0 * atan(1.d0)
dL = vol**(1.d0/3.d0)
gh = 0.5d0 * dL / (2.d0 * pi)**(1.d0/3.d0)
gl = dL * (3.d0 / 2.d0 / pi)**(1.d0/3.d0)
rsk = gh
do kr = 1, 2
lnrsk = log (rsk)
if (rsk.lt.1.0d0) then
! high density formula
ec0(kr) = a(iflag) *lnrsk + b(iflag) + c(iflag) * rsk * lnrsk + d( &
iflag) * rsk
vc0(kr) = a(iflag) * lnrsk + (b(iflag) - a(iflag) / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / &
3.d0 * c (iflag) * rsk * lnrsk + (2.d0 * d (iflag) - c (iflag) ) &
/ 3.d0 * rsk
! interpolation formula
rs12 = sqrt (rsk)
ox = 1.d0 + b1 (iflag) * rs12 + b2 (iflag) * rsk
dox = 1.d0 + 7.d0 / 6.d0 * b1 (iflag) * rs12 + 4.d0 / 3.d0 * &
b2 (iflag) * rsk
ec0(kr) = gc (iflag) / ox
vc0(kr) = ec0(kr) * dox / ox
grs = g1 * rsk * lnrsk + g2 * rsk + g3 * rsk**1.5d0 + g4 * rsk**2.d0
grsp = g1 * lnrsk + g1 + g2 + 1.5d0 * g3 * rsk**0.5d0 + &
2.d0 * g4 * rsk
ec0(kr) = ec0(kr) + (-a1 * rsk / dL**2.d0 + grs / dL**3.d0) * ry2h
vc0(kr) = vc0(kr) + (-2.d0 * a1 * rsk / dL**2.d0 / 3.d0 + &
grs / dL**3.d0 - grsp * rsk / 3.d0 / dL**3.d0) * ry2h
rsk = rs
lnrs = log (rs)
if (rs .le. gh) then
ec = ec0(2)
vc = vc0(2)
if ( rs .le. gl) then
ec0p = 3.d0 * (ec0(1) - vc0(1)) / gh
P1 = 3.d0 * ec0(1) - gh * ec0p
P2 = ec0p
D1 = gl - gh
D2 = gl**2.d0 - gh**2.d0
D3 = gl**3.d0 - gh**3.d0
f2 = 2.d0 * gl**2.d0 * P2 * D1 + D2 * P1
f2 = f2 / (-(2.d0*gl*D1)**2.d0 + 4.d0*gl*D1*D2 - D2**2.d0 )
f3 = - (P2 + 2.d0*D1*f2) / (3.d0 * D2)
f1 = - (P1 + D2 * f2) / (2.d0 * D1)
f0 = - gl * (gl * f2 + 2.d0 * f1) / 3.d0
ec = f3 * rs**3.d0 + f2 * rs**2.d0 + f1 * rs + f0
vc = f2 * rs**2.d0 / 3.d0 + f1 * 2.d0 * rs / 3.d0 + f0
ec = 0.d0
vc = 0.d0
end subroutine pzKZK
subroutine vwn (rs, ec, vc)
! S.H. Vosko, L. Wilk, and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(DP) :: a, b, c, x0
parameter (a = 0.0310907d0, b = 3.72744d0, c = 12.9352d0, x0 = -0.10498d0)
real(DP) :: q, f1, f2, f3, rs12, fx, qx, tx, tt
q = sqrt (4.d0 * c - b * b)
f1 = 2.d0 * b / q
f2 = b * x0 / (x0 * x0 + b * x0 + c)
f3 = 2.d0 * (2.d0 * x0 + b) / q
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
fx = rs + b * rs12 + c
qx = atan (q / (2.d0 * rs12 + b) )
ec = a * (log (rs / fx) + f1 * qx - f2 * (log ( (rs12 - x0) **2 / &
fx) + f3 * qx) )
tx = 2.d0 * rs12 + b
tt = tx * tx + q * q
vc = ec - rs12 * a / 6.d0 * (2.d0 / rs12 - tx / fx - 4.d0 * b / &
tt - f2 * (2.d0 / (rs12 - x0) - tx / fx - 4.d0 * (2.d0 * x0 + b) &
/ tt) )
end subroutine vwn
subroutine lyp (rs, ec, vc)
! C. Lee, W. Yang, and R.G. Parr, PRB 37, 785 (1988)
! LDA part only
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(DP) :: a, b, c, d, pi43
parameter (a = 0.04918d0, b = 0.132d0 * 2.87123400018819108d0)
! pi43 = (4pi/3)^(1/3)
parameter (pi43 = 1.61199195401647d0, c = 0.2533d0 * pi43, d = &
0.349d0 * pi43)
real(DP) :: ecrs, ox
ecrs = b * exp ( - c * rs)
ox = 1.d0 / (1.d0 + d * rs)
ec = - a * ox * (1.d0 + ecrs)
vc = ec - rs / 3.d0 * a * ox * (d * ox + ecrs * (d * ox + c) )
end subroutine lyp
subroutine pw (rs, iflag, ec, vc)
! iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and Y. Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
! iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
integer :: iflag
real(DP) :: a, b1, b2, c0, c1, c2, c3, d0, d1
parameter (a = 0.031091d0, b1 = 7.5957d0, b2 = 3.5876d0, c0 = a, &
c1 = 0.046644d0, c2 = 0.00664d0, c3 = 0.01043d0, d0 = 0.4335d0, &
d1 = 1.4408d0)
real(DP) :: lnrs, rs12, rs32, rs2, om, dom, olog
real(DP) :: a1 (2), b3 (2), b4 (2)
data a1 / 0.21370d0, 0.026481d0 /, b3 / 1.6382d0, -0.46647d0 /, &
b4 / 0.49294d0, 0.13354d0 /
! high- and low-density formulae implemented but not used in PW case
! (reason: inconsistencies in PBE/PW91 functionals)
if (rs.lt.1d0.and.iflag.eq.2) then
! high density formula
lnrs = log (rs)
ec = c0 * lnrs - c1 + c2 * rs * lnrs - c3 * rs
vc = c0 * lnrs - (c1 + c0 / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * c2 * rs * &
lnrs - (2.d0 * c3 + c2) / 3.d0 * rs
elseif (rs.gt.100.d0.and.iflag.eq.2) then
! low density formula
ec = - d0 / rs + d1 / rs**1.5d0
vc = - 4.d0 / 3.d0 * d0 / rs + 1.5d0 * d1 / rs**1.5d0
! interpolation formula
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
rs32 = rs * rs12
rs2 = rs**2
om = 2.d0 * a * (b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + b3 (iflag) * rs32 + b4 ( &
iflag) * rs2)
dom = 2.d0 * a * (0.5d0 * b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + 1.5d0 * b3 ( &
iflag) * rs32 + 2.d0 * b4 (iflag) * rs2)
olog = log (1.d0 + 1.0d0 / om)
ec = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 (iflag) * rs) * olog
vc = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a1 (iflag) * rs) &
* olog - 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 (iflag) * rs) * dom / &
(om * (om + 1.d0) )
end subroutine pw
subroutine wigner (rs, ec, vc)
! Wigner correlation
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(DP) :: pi34, rho13
parameter (pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), rho13=rho^(1/3)
rho13 = pi34 / rs
vc = - rho13 * ( (0.943656d0 + 8.8963d0 * rho13) / (1.d0 + &
12.57d0 * rho13) **2)
ec = - 0.738d0 * rho13 * (0.959d0 / (1.d0 + 12.57d0 * rho13) )
end subroutine wigner
subroutine hl (rs, ec, vc)
! L. Hedin and B.I. Lundqvist, J. Phys. C 4, 2064 (1971)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(DP) :: a, x
a = log (1.0d0 + 21.d0 / rs)
x = rs / 21.0d0
ec = a + (x**3 * a - x * x) + x / 2.d0 - 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
ec = - 0.0225d0 * ec
vc = - 0.0225d0 * a
end subroutine hl
subroutine gl (rs, ec, vc)
! O. Gunnarsson and B. I. Lundqvist, PRB 13, 4274 (1976)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rs, vc, ec
real(DP) :: c, r, x
parameter (c = 0.0333d0, r = 11.4d0)
! c=0.0203, r=15.9 for the paramagnetic case
x = rs / r
vc = - c * log (1.d0 + 1.d0 / x)
ec = - c * ( (1.d0 + x**3) * log (1.d0 + 1.d0 / x) - 1.0d0 / &
3.0d0 + x * (0.5d0 - x) )
end subroutine gl
subroutine becke88 (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! Becke exchange: A.D. Becke, PRA 38, 3098 (1988)
! only gradient-corrected part, no Slater term included
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(DP) :: beta, third, two13
parameter (beta = 0.0042d0)
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, two13 = 1.259921049894873d0)
! two13 = 2^(1/3)
real(DP) :: rho13, rho43, xs, xs2, sa2b8, shm1, dd, dd2, ee
rho13 = rho**third
rho43 = rho13**4
xs = two13 * sqrt (grho) / rho43
xs2 = xs * xs
sa2b8 = sqrt (1.0d0 + xs2)
shm1 = log (xs + sa2b8)
dd = 1.0d0 + 6.0d0 * beta * xs * shm1
dd2 = dd * dd
ee = 6.0d0 * beta * xs2 / sa2b8 - 1.d0
sx = two13 * grho / rho43 * ( - beta / dd)
v1x = - (4.d0 / 3.d0) / two13 * xs2 * beta * rho13 * ee / dd2
v2x = two13 * beta * (ee-dd) / (rho43 * dd2)
end subroutine becke88
subroutine ggax (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91), exchange part:
! J.P. Perdew et al.,PRB 46, 6671 (1992)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(DP) :: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5
parameter (f1 = 0.19645d0, f2 = 7.7956d0, f3 = 0.2743d0, f4 = &
0.1508d0, f5 = 0.004d0)
real(DP) :: fp1, fp2
parameter (fp1 = -0.019292021296426d0, fp2 = 0.161620459673995d0)
! fp1 = -3/(16 pi)*(3 pi^2)^(-1/3)
! fp2 = (1/2)(3 pi^2)**(-1/3)
real(DP) :: rhom43, s, s2, s3, s4, exps, as, sa2b8, shm1, bs, das, &
dbs, dls
rhom43 = rho** ( - 4.d0 / 3.d0)
s = fp2 * sqrt (grho) * rhom43
s2 = s * s
s3 = s2 * s
s4 = s2 * s2
exps = f4 * exp ( - 100.d0 * s2)
as = f3 - exps - f5 * s2
sa2b8 = sqrt (1.0d0 + f2 * f2 * s2)
shm1 = log (f2 * s + sa2b8)
bs = 1.d0 + f1 * s * shm1 + f5 * s4
das = (200.d0 * exps - 2.d0 * f5) * s
dbs = f1 * (shm1 + f2 * s / sa2b8) + 4.d0 * f5 * s3
dls = (das / as - dbs / bs)
sx = fp1 * grho * rhom43 * as / bs
v1x = - 4.d0 / 3.d0 * sx / rho * (1.d0 + s * dls)
v2x = fp1 * rhom43 * as / bs * (2.d0 + s * dls)
end subroutine ggax
subroutine rPW86 (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! PRB 33, 8800 (1986) and J. Chem. Theory comp. 5, 2754 (2009)
USE kinds
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: rho, grho
real(DP), intent(out) :: sx, v1x, v2x
real(DP) :: s, s_2, s_3, s_4, s_5, s_6, fs, grad_rho, df_ds
real(DP) :: a, b, c, s_prefactor, Ax, four_thirds
parameter( a = 1.851d0, b = 17.33d0, c = 0.163d0, s_prefactor = 6.18733545256027d0, &
Ax = -0.738558766382022d0, four_thirds = 4.d0/3.d0)
grad_rho = sqrt(grho)
s = grad_rho/(s_prefactor*rho**(four_thirds))
s_2 = s**2
s_3 = s_2 * s
s_4 = s_2**2
s_5 = s_3 * s_2
s_6 = s_2 * s_4
!! Calculation of energy
fs = (1 + a*s_2 + b*s_4 + c*s_6)**(1.d0/15.d0)
sx = Ax * rho**(four_thirds) * fs
!! Calculation of the potential
df_ds = (1.d0/(15.d0*fs**(14)))*(2*a*s + 4*b*s_3 + 6*c*s_5)
v1x = Ax*(four_thirds)*(rho**(1.d0/3.d0)*fs &
-grad_rho/(s_prefactor * rho)*df_ds)
v2x = Ax * df_ds/(s_prefactor*grad_rho)
end subroutine rPW86
subroutine perdew86 (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Perdew gradient correction on correlation: PRB 33, 8822 (1986)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(DP) :: p1, p2, p3, p4, pc1, pc2, pci
parameter (p1 = 0.023266d0, p2 = 7.389d-6, p3 = 8.723d0, p4 = &
parameter (pc1 = 0.001667d0, pc2 = 0.002568d0, pci = pc1 + pc2)
real(DP) :: third, pi34
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3)
real(DP) :: rho13, rho43, rs, rs2, rs3, cna, cnb, cn, drs
real(DP) :: dcna, dcnb, dcn, phi, ephi
rho13 = rho**third
rho43 = rho13**4
rs = pi34 / rho13
rs2 = rs * rs
rs3 = rs * rs2
cna = pc2 + p1 * rs + p2 * rs2
cnb = 1.d0 + p3 * rs + p4 * rs2 + 1.d4 * p2 * rs3
cn = pc1 + cna / cnb
drs = - third * pi34 / rho43
dcna = (p1 + 2.d0 * p2 * rs) * drs
dcnb = (p3 + 2.d0 * p4 * rs + 3.d4 * p2 * rs2) * drs
dcn = dcna / cnb - cna / (cnb * cnb) * dcnb
phi = 0.192d0 * pci / cn * sqrt (grho) * rho** ( - 7.d0 / 6.d0)
! SdG: in the original paper 1.745*0.11=0.19195 is used
ephi = exp ( - phi)
sc = grho / rho43 * cn * ephi
v1c = sc * ( (1.d0 + phi) * dcn / cn - ( (4.d0 / 3.d0) - (7.d0 / &
6.d0) * phi) / rho)
v2c = cn * ephi / rho43 * (2.d0 - phi)
end subroutine perdew86
subroutine glyp (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Lee Yang Parr: gradient correction part
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(DP) :: a, b, c, d
parameter (a = 0.04918d0, b = 0.132d0, c = 0.2533d0, d = 0.349d0)
real(DP) :: rhom13, rhom43, rhom53, om, xl, ff, dom, dxl
rhom13 = rho** ( - 1.d0 / 3.d0)
om = exp ( - c * rhom13) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13)
xl = 1.d0 + (7.d0 / 3.d0) * (c * rhom13 + d * rhom13 / (1.d0 + d * &
rhom13) )
ff = a * b * grho / 24.d0
rhom53 = rhom13**5
sc = ff * rhom53 * om * xl
dom = - om * (c + d+c * d * rhom13) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13)
dxl = (7.d0 / 3.d0) * (c + d+2.d0 * c * d * rhom13 + c * d * d * &
rhom13**2) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13) **2
rhom43 = rhom13**4
v1c = - ff * rhom43 / 3.d0 * (5.d0 * rhom43 * om * xl + rhom53 * &
dom * xl + rhom53 * om * dxl)
v2c = 2.d0 * sc / grho
end subroutine glyp
subroutine ggac (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91) correlation part
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(DP) :: al, pa, pb, pc, pd, cx, cxc0, cc0
parameter (al = 0.09d0, pa = 0.023266d0, pb = 7.389d-6, pc = &
8.723d0, pd = 0.472d0)
parameter (cx = -0.001667d0, cxc0 = 0.002568d0, cc0 = - cx + cxc0)
real(DP) :: third, pi34, nu, be, xkf, xks
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
parameter (nu = 15.755920349483144d0, be = nu * cc0)
parameter (xkf = 1.919158292677513d0, xks = 1.128379167095513d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), nu=(16/pi)*(3 pi^2)^(1/3)
! xkf=(9 pi/4)^(1/3), xks= sqrt(4/pi)
real(DP) :: kf, ks, rs, rs2, rs3, ec, vc, t, expe, af, bf, y, xy, &
qy, s1
real(DP) :: h0, dh0, ddh0, ee, cn, dcn, cna, dcna, cnb, dcnb, h1, &
dh1, ddh1
rs = pi34 / rho**third
rs2 = rs * rs
rs3 = rs * rs2
call pw (rs, 1, ec, vc)
kf = xkf / rs
ks = xks * sqrt (kf)
t = sqrt (grho) / (2.d0 * ks * rho)
expe = exp ( - 2.d0 * al * ec / (be * be) )
af = 2.d0 * al / be * (1.d0 / (expe-1.d0) )
bf = expe * (vc - ec)
y = af * t * t
xy = (1.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y)
qy = y * y * (2.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y) **2
s1 = 1.d0 + 2.d0 * al / be * t * t * xy
h0 = be * be / (2.d0 * al) * log (s1)
dh0 = be * t * t / s1 * ( - 7.d0 / 3.d0 * xy - qy * (af * bf / &
be-7.d0 / 3.d0) )
ddh0 = be / (2.d0 * ks * ks * rho) * (xy - qy) / s1
ee = - 100.d0 * (ks / kf * t) **2
cna = cxc0 + pa * rs + pb * rs2
dcna = pa * rs + 2.d0 * pb * rs2
cnb = 1.d0 + pc * rs + pd * rs2 + 1.d4 * pb * rs3
dcnb = pc * rs + 2.d0 * pd * rs2 + 3.d4 * pb * rs3
cn = cna / cnb - cx
dcn = dcna / cnb - cna * dcnb / (cnb * cnb)
h1 = nu * (cn - cc0 - 3.d0 / 7.d0 * cx) * t * t * exp (ee)
dh1 = - third * (h1 * (7.d0 + 8.d0 * ee) + nu * t * t * exp (ee) &
* dcn)
ddh1 = 2.d0 * h1 * (1.d0 + ee) * rho / grho
sc = rho * (h0 + h1)
v1c = h0 + h1 + dh0 + dh1
v2c = ddh0 + ddh1
end subroutine ggac
subroutine pbex (rho, grho, iflag, sx, v1x, v2x)
! PBE exchange (without Slater exchange):
! iflag=1 J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)
! iflag=2 "revised' PBE: Y. Zhang et al., PRL 80, 890 (1998)
! iflag=3 PBEsol: J.P.Perdew et al., PRL 100, 136406 (2008)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : pi
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
! input: charge and squared gradient
! output: energy
! output: potential
integer :: iflag
! local variables
real(DP) :: kf, agrho, s1, s2, ds, dsg, exunif, fx
! (3*pi2*|rho|)^(1/3)
! |grho|
! |grho|/(2*kf*|rho|)
! s^2
! n*ds/dn
! n*ds/d(gn)
! exchange energy LDA part
! exchange energy gradient part
real(DP) :: dxunif, dfx, f1, f2, f3, dfx1
! numerical coefficients (NB: c2=(3 pi^2)^(1/3) )
real(DP) :: third, c1, c2, c5
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, c1 = 0.75d0 / pi , &
c2 = 3.093667726280136d0, c5 = 4.d0 * third)
! parameters of the functional
real(DP) :: k (3), mu(3)
data k / 0.804d0, 1.2450D0, 0.804d0 /, &
mu/ 0.21951d0, 0.21951d0, 0.12345679012345679012d0 /
agrho = sqrt (grho)
kf = c2 * rho**third
dsg = 0.5d0 / kf
s1 = agrho * dsg / rho
s2 = s1 * s1
ds = - c5 * s1
! Energy
f1 = s2 * mu(iflag) / k (iflag)
f2 = 1.d0 + f1
f3 = k (iflag) / f2
fx = k (iflag) - f3
exunif = - c1 * kf
sx = exunif * fx
! Potential
dxunif = exunif * third
dfx1 = f2 * f2
dfx = 2.d0 * mu(iflag) * s1 / dfx1
v1x = sx + dxunif * fx + exunif * dfx * ds
v2x = exunif * dfx * dsg / agrho
sx = sx * rho
end subroutine pbex
subroutine pbex_vec (rho, grho, iflag, sx, v1x, v2x, length, small)
! PBE exchange (without Slater exchange):
! iflag=1 J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)
! iflag=2 "revised' PBE: Y. Zhang et al., PRL 80, 890 (1998)
! iflag=3 PBEsol: J.P.Perdew et al., PRL 100, 136406 (2008)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : pi
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: length
integer, intent(in) :: iflag
real(DP), intent(in) :: small
real(DP), intent(in) :: rho(length), grho(length)
real(DP), intent(out) :: sx(length), v1x(length), v2x(length)
! local variables
integer :: i
real(DP) :: kf, agrho, s1, dsg, exunif, fx
! (3*pi2*|rho|)^(1/3)
! |grho|
! |grho|/(2*kf*|rho|)
! n*ds/d(gn)
! exchange energy LDA part
! exchange energy gradient part
real(DP) :: dfx, f1, f2
! numerical coefficients (NB: c2=(3 pi^2)^(1/3) )
real(DP) :: third, c1, c2, c5
parameter (third = 1.0_dp / 3.0_dp, c1 = 0.75_dp / pi , &
c2 = 3.093667726280136_dp, c5 = 4.0_dp * third)
! parameters of the functional
real(DP) :: k (3), mu(3)
data k / 0.804_dp, 1.245_dp, 0.804_dp /, &
mu/ 0.21951_dp, 0.21951_dp, 0.12345679012345679012_dp /
do i=1,length
if ((rho(i).gt.small).and.(grho(i).gt.small**2)) then
agrho = sqrt(grho(i))
kf = c2 * rho(i)**third
dsg = 0.5_dp / kf
s1 = agrho * dsg / rho(i)
! Energy
f1 = s1*s1 * mu(iflag) / k(iflag)
f2 = 1.0_dp / (1.0_dp + f1)
fx = k(iflag) * (1.0_dp - f2)
exunif = - c1 * kf
sx(i) = exunif * fx
! Potential
dfx = 2.0_dp * mu(iflag) * s1 *f2*f2
v1x(i) = sx(i) + exunif * (third * fx - c5 * dfx * s1)
v2x(i) = exunif * dfx * dsg / agrho
sx(i) = sx(i) * rho(i)
v1x(i) = 0.0_dp
v2x(i) = 0.0_dp
sx(i) = 0.0_dp
end if
end do
end subroutine pbex_vec
subroutine pbec (rho, grho, iflag, sc, v1c, v2c)
! PBE correlation (without LDA part)
! iflag=1: J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996).
! iflag=2: J.P.Perdew et al., PRL 100, 136406 (2008).
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iflag
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(DP) :: ga, be (2)
parameter (ga = 0.031091d0)
data be / 0.066725d0, 0.046d0 /
real(DP) :: third, pi34, xkf, xks
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
parameter (xkf = 1.919158292677513d0, xks = 1.128379167095513d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), xkf=(9 pi/4)^(1/3), xks= sqrt(4/pi)
real(DP) :: kf, ks, rs, ec, vc, t, expe, af, bf, y, xy, qy
real(DP) :: s1, h0, dh0, ddh0
rs = pi34 / rho**third
call pw (rs, 1, ec, vc)
kf = xkf / rs
ks = xks * sqrt (kf)
t = sqrt (grho) / (2.d0 * ks * rho)
expe = exp ( - ec / ga)
af = be(iflag) / ga * (1.d0 / (expe-1.d0) )
bf = expe * (vc - ec)
y = af * t * t
xy = (1.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y)
qy = y * y * (2.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y) **2
s1 = 1.d0 + be(iflag) / ga * t * t * xy
h0 = ga * log (s1)
dh0 = be(iflag) * t * t / s1 * ( - 7.d0 / 3.d0 * xy - qy * (af * bf / &
be(iflag)-7.d0 / 3.d0) )
ddh0 = be(iflag) / (2.d0 * ks * ks * rho) * (xy - qy) / s1
sc = rho * h0
v1c = h0 + dh0
v2c = ddh0
end subroutine pbec
! ==================================================================
subroutine hcth(rho,grho,sx,v1x,v2x)
! ==================================================================
! HCTH/120, JCP 109, p. 6264 (1998)
! Parameters set-up after N.L. Doltsisnis & M. Sprik (1999)
! Present release: Mauro Boero, Tsukuba, 11/05/2004
! rhoa = rhob = 0.5 * rho
! grho is the SQUARE of the gradient of rho! --> gr=sqrt(grho)
! sx : total exchange correlation energy at point r
! v1x : d(sx)/drho (eq. dfdra = dfdrb in original)
! v2x : 1/gr*d(sx)/d(gr) (eq. 0.5 * dfdza = 0.5 * dfdzb in original)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY: pi
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(DP), parameter :: o3=1.0d0/3.0d0, o34=4.0d0/3.0d0, fr83=8.d0/3.d0
real(DP) :: cg0(6), cg1(6), caa(6), cab(6), cx(6)
real(DP) :: r3q2, r3pi, gr, rho_o3, rho_o34, xa, xa2, ra, rab, &
dra_drho, drab_drho, g, dg, era1, dera1_dra, erab0, derab0_drab, &
ex, dex_drho, uaa, uab, ux, ffaa, ffab, dffaa_drho, dffab_drho,&
denaa, denab, denx, f83rho, bygr, gaa, gab, gx, taa, tab, txx, &
dgaa_drho, dgab_drho, dgx_drho, dgaa_dgr, dgab_dgr, dgx_dgr
!.....coefficients for pw correlation......................................
cg0(1)= 0.031091d0
cg0(2)= 0.213700d0
cg0(3)= 7.595700d0
cg0(4)= 3.587600d0
cg0(5)= 1.638200d0
cg0(6)= 0.492940d0
cg1(1)= 0.015545d0
cg1(2)= 0.205480d0
cg1(4)= 6.197700d0
cg1(5)= 3.366200d0
cg1(6)= 0.625170d0
caa(1)= 0.489508d+00
caa(2)= -0.260699d+00
caa(3)= 0.432917d+00
caa(4)= -0.199247d+01
caa(5)= 0.248531d+01
caa(6)= 0.200000d+00
cab(1)= 0.514730d+00
cab(2)= 0.692982d+01
cab(3)= -0.247073d+02
cab(4)= 0.231098d+02
cab(5)= -0.113234d+02
cab(6)= 0.006000d+00
cx(1) = 0.109163d+01
cx(2) = -0.747215d+00
cx(3) = 0.507833d+01
cx(4) = -0.410746d+01
cx(5) = 0.117173d+01
cx(6)= 0.004000d+00
call pwcorr(ra,cg1,g,dg)
call pwcorr(rab,cg0,g,dg)
! mb-> i-loop removed
denx =1.d0/(1.0d0+cx(6)*xa2)
taa=denaa*uaa*(caa(2)+uaa*(2.d0*caa(3)+uaa &
tab=denab*uab*(cab(2)+uab*(2.d0*cab(3)+uab &
txx=denx*ux*(cx(2)+ux*(2.d0*cx(3)+ux &
! mb
v1x=dex_drho*gx+ex*dgx_drho &
+dffaa_drho*gaa+ffaa*dgaa_drho &
end subroutine hcth
subroutine pwcorr(r,c,g,dg)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: r, g, dg, c(6)
real(DP) :: r12, r32, r2, rb, drb, sb
end subroutine pwcorr
! ==================================================================
subroutine optx(rho,grho,sx,v1x,v2x)
! OPTX, Handy et al. JCP 116, p. 5411 (2002) and refs. therein
! Present release: Mauro Boero, Tsukuba, 10/9/2002
! rhoa = rhob = 0.5 * rho in LDA implementation
! grho is the SQUARE of the gradient of rho! --> gr=sqrt(grho)
! sx : total exchange correlation energy at point r
! v1x : d(sx)/drho
! v2x : 1/gr*d(sx)/d(gr)
use kinds, only: DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(DP), parameter :: small=1.D-30, smal2=1.D-10
!.......coefficients and exponents....................
real(DP), parameter :: o43=4.0d0/3.0d0, two13=1.259921049894873D0, &
two53=3.174802103936399D0, gam=0.006D0, a1cx=0.9784571170284421D0,&
real(DP) :: gr, rho43, xa, gamx2, uden, uu
!.......OPTX in compact form..........................
if(rho <= small) then
gr = max(grho,SMAL2)
end subroutine optx
subroutine wcx (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! Wu-Cohen exchange (without Slater exchange):
! Z. Wu and R. E. Cohen, PRB 73, 235116 (2006)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : pi
implicit none
real(DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
! input: charge and squared gradient
! output: energy
! output: potential
! local variables
real(DP) :: kf, agrho, s1, s2, es2, ds, dsg, exunif, fx
! (3*pi2*|rho|)^(1/3)
! |grho|
! |grho|/(2*kf*|rho|)
! s^2
! n*ds/dn
! n*ds/d(gn)
! exchange energy LDA part
! exchange energy gradient part
real(DP) :: dxunif, dfx, f1, f2, f3, dfx1, x1, x2, x3, &
dxds1, dxds2, dxds3
! numerical coefficients (NB: c2=(3 pi^2)^(1/3) )
real(DP) :: third, c1, c2, c5, c6, teneightyone
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, c1 = 0.75d0 / pi , &
c2 = 3.093667726280136d0, c5 = 4.d0 * third, &
teneightyone = 0.123456790123d0)
! parameters of the functional
real(DP) :: k, mu, cwc
parameter (k = 0.804d0, mu = 0.2195149727645171d0, cwc = 0.00793746933516d0)
agrho = sqrt (grho)
kf = c2 * rho**third
dsg = 0.5d0 / kf
s1 = agrho * dsg / rho
s2 = s1 * s1
es2 = exp(-s2)
ds = - c5 * s1
! Energy
! x = 10/81 s^2 + (mu - 10/81) s^2 e^-s^2 + ln (1 + c s^4)
x1 = teneightyone * s2
x2 = (mu - teneightyone) * s2 * es2
x3 = log(1.d0 + cwc * s2 * s2)
f1 = (x1 + x2 + x3) / k
f2 = 1.d0 + f1
f3 = k / f2
fx = k - f3
exunif = - c1 * kf
sx = exunif * fx
! Potential
dxunif = exunif * third
dfx1 = f2 * f2
dxds1 = teneightyone
dxds2 = (mu - teneightyone) * es2 * (1.d0 - s2)
dxds3 = 2.d0 * cwc * s2 / (1.d0 + cwc * s2 *s2)
dfx = 2.d0 * s1 * (dxds1 + dxds2 + dxds3) / dfx1
v1x = sx + dxunif * fx + exunif * dfx * ds
v2x = exunif * dfx * dsg / agrho
sx = sx * rho
end subroutine wcx
function dpz (rs, iflg)
! derivative of the correlation potential with respect to local density
! Perdew and Zunger parameterization of the Ceperley-Alder functional
use kinds, only: DP
USE constants, ONLY: pi, fpi
implicit none
real(DP), intent (in) :: rs
integer, intent(in) :: iflg
real(DP) :: dpz
! local variables
! a,b,c,d,gc,b1,b2 are the parameters defining the functional
real(DP), parameter :: a = 0.0311d0, b = -0.048d0, c = 0.0020d0, &
d = -0.0116d0, gc = -0.1423d0, b1 = 1.0529d0, b2 = 0.3334d0,&
a1 = 7.0d0 * b1 / 6.d0, a2 = 4.d0 * b2 / 3.d0
real(DP) :: x, den, dmx, dmrs
if (iflg == 1) then
dmrs = a / rs + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * c * (log (rs) + 1.d0) + &
(2.d0 * d-c) / 3.d0
x = sqrt (rs)
den = 1.d0 + x * (b1 + x * b2)
dmx = gc * ( (a1 + 2.d0 * a2 * x) * den - 2.d0 * (b1 + 2.d0 * &
b2 * x) * (1.d0 + x * (a1 + x * a2) ) ) / den**3
dmrs = 0.5d0 * dmx / x
dpz = - fpi * rs**4.d0 / 9.d0 * dmrs
end function dpz
! HSE (wPBE) stabbing starts HERE
! Note, that you can get PBEhole functional,
! M. Ernzerhof, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 3313 (1998),
! from this by just setting OMEGA=0
! These are wrappers to the reference implementation
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
sx = 0.5D0*(SXA+SXB)
V2XA = 2.D0*V2XA
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
! INCLUDE 'cnst.inc'
use kinds, ONLY : DP
PARAMETER(US=0.161620459673995492D0,AX=-0.738558766382022406D0, &
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: f1 = -1.10783814957303361_DP, alpha = 2.0_DP/3.0_DP
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
RS = RHO**(1.0_DP/3.0_DP)
VX = (4.0_DP/3.0_DP)*f1*alpha*RS
! RR = RHO**(-4.0_DP/3.0_DP)
RR = 1.0_DP/(RHO*RS)
S = SQRT(S2)
S = 8.572844D0 - 18.796223D0/S2
CALL wpbe_analy_erfc_approx_grad(RHO,S,OMEGA,FX,D1X,D2X)
sx = EX*FX ! - EX
DSDN = -4.D0/3.D0*S/RHO
V1X = VX*FX + (DSDN*D2X+D1X)*EX ! - VX
! NOTE, here sx is the total energy density,
! not just the gradient correction energy density as e.g. in pbex()
! And the same goes for the potentials V1X, V2X
! ==--------------------------------------------------------------==
SUBROUTINE wpbe_analy_erfc_approx_grad(rho,s,omega,Fx_wpbe, &
! wPBE Enhancement Factor (erfc approx.,analytical, gradients)
Implicit None
Real*8 rho,s,omega,Fx_wpbe,d1sfx,d1rfx
Real*8 f12,f13,f14,f18,f23,f43,f32,f72,f34,f94,f1516,f98
Real*8 pi,pi2,pi_23,srpi
Real*8 Three_13
Real*8 ea1,ea2,ea3,ea4,ea5,ea6,ea7,ea8
Real*8 eb1
Real*8 A,B,C,D,E
Real*8 Ha1,Ha2,Ha3,Ha4,Ha5
Real*8 Fc1,Fc2
Real*8 EGa1,EGa2,EGa3
Real*8 EGscut,wcutoff,expfcutoff
Real*8 xkf, xkfrho
Real*8 w,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8
Real*8 d1rw
Real*8 A2,A3,A4,A12,A32,A52,A72
Real*8 X
Real*8 s2,s3,s4,s5,s6
Real*8 H,F
Real*8 Hnum,Hden,d1sHnum,d1sHden
Real*8 d1sH,d1sF
Real*8 G_a,G_b,EG
Real*8 d1sG_a,d1sG_b,d1sEG
Real*8 Hsbw,Hsbw2,Hsbw3,Hsbw4,Hsbw12,Hsbw32,Hsbw52,Hsbw72
Real*8 DHsbw,DHsbw2,DHsbw3,DHsbw4,DHsbw5
Real*8 DHsbw12,DHsbw32,DHsbw52,DHsbw72,DHsbw92
Real*8 d1sHsbw,d1rHsbw
Real*8 d1sDHsbw,d1rDHsbw
Real*8 HsbwA94,HsbwA9412
Real*8 HsbwA942,HsbwA943,HsbwA945
Real*8 piexperf,expei
Real*8 piexperfd1,expeid1
Real*8 d1spiexperf,d1sexpei
Real*8 d1rpiexperf,d1rexpei
Real*8 expei1,expei2,expei3,expei4
Real*8 DHs,DHs2,DHs3,DHs4,DHs72,DHs92,DHsw,DHsw2,DHsw52,DHsw72
Real*8 d1sDHs,d1rDHsw
Real*8 np1,np2
Real*8 d1rnp1,d1rnp2
Real*8 t1,t2t9,t10,t10d1
Real*8 f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9
Real*8 f2d1,f3d1,f4d1,f5d1,f6d1,f8d1,f9d1
Real*8 d1sf2,d1sf3,d1sf4,d1sf5,d1sf6,d1sf7,d1sf8,d1sf9
Real*8 d1rf2,d1rf3,d1rf4,d1rf5,d1rf6,d1rf7,d1rf8,d1rf9
Real*8 d1st1,d1rt1
Real*8 d1st2t9,d1rt2t9
Real*8 d1st10,d1rt10
Real*8 d1sterm1,d1rterm1,term1d1
Real*8 d1sterm2
Real*8 d1sterm3,d1rterm3
Real*8 d1sterm4,d1rterm4
Real*8 d1sterm5,d1rterm5
Real*8 term1,term2,term3,term4,term5
Real*8 ax,um,uk,ul
Real*8 gc1,gc2
Real*8, external :: qe_erf, qe_erfc
! Real*8 ei
Real*8, external :: expint
Real*8 Zero,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten
Real*8 Fifteen,Sixteen
Real*8 r12,r64,r36,r81,r256,r384,r864,r1944,r4374
Real*8 r20,r25,r27,r48,r120,r128,r144,r288,r324,r512,r729
Real*8 r30,r32,r75,r243,r2187,r6561,r40,r105,r54,r135
Real*8 r1215,r15309
Save Zero,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten
Data Zero,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten &
/ 0D0,1D0,2D0,3D0,4D0,5D0,6D0,7D0,8D0,9D0,10D0 /
Save Fifteen,Sixteen
Data Fifteen,Sixteen / 1.5D1, 1.6D1 /
Save r36,r64,r81,r256,r384,r864,r1944,r4374
Data r36,r64,r81,r256,r384,r864,r1944,r4374 &
/ 3.6D1,6.4D1,8.1D1,2.56D2,3.84D2,8.64D2,1.944D3,4.374D3 /
Save r27,r48,r120,r128,r144,r288,r324,r512,r729
Data r27,r48,r120,r128,r144,r288,r324,r512,r729 &
/ 2.7D1,4.8D1,1.2D2,1.28D2,1.44D2,2.88D2,3.24D2,5.12D2,7.29D2 /
Save r20,r32,r243,r2187,r6561,r40
Data r20,r32,r243,r2187,r6561,r40 &
/ 2.0d1,3.2D1,2.43D2,2.187D3,6.561D3,4.0d1 /
Save r12,r25,r30,r54,r75,r105,r135,r1215,r15309
Data r12,r25,r30,r54,r75,r105,r135,r1215,r15309 &
/ 1.2D1,2.5d1,3.0d1,5.4D1,7.5d1,1.05D2,1.35D2,1.215D3,1.5309D4 /
! General constants
f12 = 0.5d0
f13 = One/Three
f14 = 0.25d0
f18 = 0.125d0
f23 = Two * f13
f43 = Two * f23
f32 = 1.5d0
f72 = 3.5d0
f34 = 0.75d0
f94 = 2.25d0
f98 = 1.125d0
f1516 = Fifteen / Sixteen
pi = ACos(-One)
pi2 = pi*pi
pi_23 = pi2**f13
srpi = sqrt(pi)
Three_13 = Three**f13
! Constants from fit
ea1 = -1.128223946706117d0
ea2 = 1.452736265762971d0
ea3 = -1.243162299390327d0
ea4 = 0.971824836115601d0
ea5 = -0.568861079687373d0
ea6 = 0.246880514820192d0
ea7 = -0.065032363850763d0
ea8 = 0.008401793031216d0
eb1 = 1.455915450052607d0
! Constants for PBE hole
A = 1.0161144d0
B = -3.7170836d-1
C = -7.7215461d-2
D = 5.7786348d-1
E = -5.1955731d-2
X = - Eight/Nine
! Constants for fit of H(s) (PBE)
Ha1 = 9.79681d-3
Ha2 = 4.10834d-2
Ha3 = 1.87440d-1
Ha4 = 1.20824d-3
Ha5 = 3.47188d-2
! Constants for F(H) (PBE)
Fc1 = 6.4753871d0
Fc2 = 4.7965830d-1
! Constants for polynomial expansion for EG for small s
EGa1 = -2.628417880d-2
EGa2 = -7.117647788d-2
EGa3 = 8.534541323d-2
! Constants for large x expansion of exp(x)*ei(-x)
expei1 = 4.03640D0
expei2 = 1.15198D0
expei3 = 5.03627D0
expei4 = 4.19160D0
! Cutoff criterion below which to use polynomial expansion
EGscut = 8.0d-2
wcutoff = 1.4D1
expfcutoff = 7.0D2
! Calculate prelim variables
xkf = (Three*pi2*rho) ** f13
xkfrho = xkf * rho
A2 = A*A
A3 = A2*A
A4 = A3*A
A12 = Sqrt(A)
A32 = A12*A
A52 = A32*A
A72 = A52*A
w = omega / xkf
w2 = w * w
w3 = w2 * w
w4 = w2 * w2
w5 = w3 * w2
w6 = w5 * w
w7 = w6 * w
w8 = w7 * w
d1rw = -(One/(Three*rho))*w
X = - Eight/Nine
s2 = s*s
s3 = s2*s
s4 = s2*s2
s5 = s4*s
s6 = s5*s
! Calculate wPBE enhancement factor
Hnum = Ha1*s2 + Ha2*s4
Hden = One + Ha3*s4 + Ha4*s5 + Ha5*s6
H = Hnum/Hden
d1sHnum = Two*Ha1*s + Four*Ha2*s3
d1sHden = Four*Ha3*s3 + Five*Ha4*s4 + Six*Ha5*s5
d1sH = (Hden*d1sHnum - Hnum*d1sHden) / (Hden*Hden)
F = Fc1*H + Fc2
d1sF = Fc1*d1sH
! Change exponent of Gaussian if we're using the simple approx.
if(w .gt. wcutoff) then
eb1 = 2.0d0
! Calculate helper variables (should be moved later on...)
Hsbw = s2*H + eb1*w2
Hsbw2 = Hsbw*Hsbw
Hsbw3 = Hsbw2*Hsbw
Hsbw4 = Hsbw3*Hsbw
Hsbw12 = Sqrt(Hsbw)
Hsbw32 = Hsbw12*Hsbw
Hsbw52 = Hsbw32*Hsbw
Hsbw72 = Hsbw52*Hsbw
d1sHsbw = d1sH*s2 + Two*s*H
d1rHsbw = Two*eb1*d1rw*w
DHsbw = D + s2*H + eb1*w2
DHsbw2 = DHsbw*DHsbw
DHsbw3 = DHsbw2*DHsbw
DHsbw4 = DHsbw3*DHsbw
DHsbw5 = DHsbw4*DHsbw
DHsbw12 = Sqrt(DHsbw)
DHsbw32 = DHsbw12*DHsbw
DHsbw52 = DHsbw32*DHsbw
DHsbw72 = DHsbw52*DHsbw
DHsbw92 = DHsbw72*DHsbw
HsbwA94 = f94 * Hsbw / A
HsbwA942 = HsbwA94*HsbwA94
HsbwA943 = HsbwA942*HsbwA94
HsbwA945 = HsbwA943*HsbwA942
HsbwA9412 = Sqrt(HsbwA94)
DHs = D + s2*H
DHs2 = DHs*DHs
DHs3 = DHs2*DHs
DHs4 = DHs3*DHs
DHs72 = DHs3*sqrt(DHs)
DHs92 = DHs72*DHs
d1sDHs = Two*s*H + s2*d1sH
DHsw = DHs + w2
DHsw2 = DHsw*DHsw
DHsw52 = sqrt(DHsw)*DHsw2
DHsw72 = DHsw52*DHsw
d1rDHsw = Two*d1rw*w
if(s .gt. EGscut) then
G_a = srpi * (Fifteen*E + Six*C*(One+F*s2)*DHs + &
Four*B*(DHs2) + Eight*A*(DHs3)) &
* (One / (Sixteen * DHs72)) &
- f34*pi*sqrt(A) * exp(f94*H*s2/A) * &
(One - qe_erf(f32*s*sqrt(H/A)))
d1sG_a = (One/r32)*srpi * &
((r36*(Two*H + d1sH*s) / (A12*sqrt(H/A))) &
+ (One/DHs92) * &
(-Eight*A*d1sDHs*DHs3 - r105*d1sDHs*E &
-r30*C*d1sDHs*DHs*(One+s2*F) &
+r12*DHs2*(-B*d1sDHs + C*s*(d1sF*s + Two*F))) &
- ((r54*exp(f94*H*s2/A)*srpi*s*(Two*H+d1sH*s)* &
qe_erfc(f32*sqrt(H/A)*s)) &
/ A12))
G_b = (f1516 * srpi * s2) / DHs72
d1sG_b = (Fifteen*srpi*s*(Four*DHs - Seven*d1sDHs*s)) &
/ (r32*DHs92)
EG = - (f34*pi + G_a) / G_b
d1sEG = (-Four*d1sG_a*G_b + d1sG_b*(Four*G_a + Three*pi)) &
/ (Four*G_b*G_b)
EG = EGa1 + EGa2*s2 + EGa3*s4
d1sEG = Two*EGa2*s + Four*EGa3*s3
! Calculate the terms needed in any case
term2 = (DHs2*B + DHs*C + Two*E + DHs*s2*C*F + Two*s2*EG) / &
d1sterm2 = (-Six*d1sDHs*(EG*s2 + E) &
+ DHs2 * (-d1sDHs*B + s*C*(d1sF*s + Two*F)) &
+ Two*DHs * (Two*EG*s - d1sDHs*C &
+ s2 * (d1sEG - d1sDHs*C*F))) &
/ (Two*DHs4)
term3 = - w * (Four*DHsw2*B + Six*DHsw*C + Fifteen*E &
+ Six*DHsw*s2*C*F + Fifteen*s2*EG) / &
d1sterm3 = w * (Two*d1sDHs*DHsw * (Four*DHsw2*B &
+ Six*DHsw*C + Fifteen*E &
+ Three*s2*(Five*EG + Two*DHsw*C*F)) &
+ DHs * (r75*d1sDHs*(EG*s2 + E) &
+ Four*DHsw2*(d1sDHs*B &
- Three*s*C*(d1sF*s + Two*F)) &
- Six*DHsw*(-Three*d1sDHs*C &
+ s*(Ten*EG + Five*d1sEG*s &
- Three*d1sDHs*s*C*F)))) &
/ (Sixteen*DHs2*DHsw72)
d1rterm3 = (-Two*d1rw*DHsw * (Four*DHsw2*B &
+ Six*DHsw*C + Fifteen*E &
+ Three*s2*(Five*EG + Two*DHsw*C*F)) &
+ w * d1rDHsw * (r75*(EG*s2 + E) &
+ Two*DHsw*(Two*DHsw*B + Nine*C &
+ Nine*s2*C*F))) &
/ (Sixteen*DHs*DHsw72)
term4 = - w3 * (DHsw*C + Five*E + DHsw*s2*C*F + Five*s2*EG) / &
d1sterm4 = (w3 * (Four*d1sDHs*DHsw * (DHsw*C + Five*E &
+ s2 * (Five*EG + DHsw*C*F)) &
+ DHs * (r25*d1sDHs*(EG*s2 + E) &
- Two*DHsw2*s*C*(d1sF*s + Two*F) &
+ DHsw * (Three*d1sDHs*C + s*(-r20*EG &
- Ten*d1sEG*s &
+ Three*d1sDHs*s*C*F))))) &
/ (Four*DHs3*DHsw72)
d1rterm4 = (w2 * (-Six*d1rw*DHsw * (DHsw*C + Five*E &
+ s2 * (Five*EG + DHsw*C*F)) &
+ w * d1rDHsw * (r25*(EG*s2 + E) + &
Three*DHsw*C*(One + s2*F)))) &
/ (Four*DHs2*DHsw72)
term5 = - w5 * (E + s2*EG) / &
d1sterm5 = (w5 * (Six*d1sDHs*DHsw*(EG*s2 + E) &
+ DHs * (-Two*DHsw*s * (Two*EG + d1sEG*s) &
+ Five*d1sDHs * (EG*s2 + E)))) &
/ (Two*DHs4*DHsw72)
d1rterm5 = (w4 * Five*(EG*s2 + E) * (-Two*d1rw*DHsw &
+ d1rDHsw * w)) &
/ (Two*DHs3*DHsw72)
if((s.gt.0.0d0).or.(w.gt.0.0d0)) then
t10 = (f12)*A*Log(Hsbw / DHsbw)
t10d1 = f12*A*(One/Hsbw - One/DHsbw)
d1st10 = d1sHsbw*t10d1
d1rt10 = d1rHsbw*t10d1
! Calculate exp(x)*f(x) depending on size of x
if(HsbwA94 .lt. expfcutoff) then
piexperf = pi*Exp(HsbwA94)*qe_erfc(HsbwA9412)
! expei = Exp(HsbwA94)*Ei(-HsbwA94)
expei = Exp(HsbwA94)*(-expint(1,HsbwA94))
! print *,rho,s," LARGE HsbwA94"
piexperf = pi*(One/(srpi*HsbwA9412) &
- One/(Two*Sqrt(pi*HsbwA943)) &
+ Three/(Four*Sqrt(pi*HsbwA945)))
expei = - (One/HsbwA94) * &
(HsbwA942 + expei1*HsbwA94 + expei2) / &
(HsbwA942 + expei3*HsbwA94 + expei4)
! Calculate the derivatives (based on the orig. expression)
! --> Is this ok? ==> seems to be ok...
piexperfd1 = - (Three*srpi*sqrt(Hsbw/A))/(Two*Hsbw) &
+ (Nine*piexperf)/(Four*A)
d1spiexperf = d1sHsbw*piexperfd1
d1rpiexperf = d1rHsbw*piexperfd1
expeid1 = f14*(Four/Hsbw + (Nine*expei)/A)
d1sexpei = d1sHsbw*expeid1
d1rexpei = d1rHsbw*expeid1
if (w .eq. Zero) then
! Fall back to original expression for the PBE hole
t1 = -f12*A*expei
d1st1 = -f12*A*d1sexpei
d1rt1 = -f12*A*d1rexpei
! write(*,*) s, t1, t10, d1st1,d1rt1,d1rt10
if(s .gt. 0.0D0) then
term1 = t1 + t10
d1sterm1 = d1st1 + d1st10
d1rterm1 = d1rt1 + d1rt10
Fx_wpbe = X * (term1 + term2)
d1sfx = X * (d1sterm1 + d1sterm2)
d1rfx = X * d1rterm1
Fx_wpbe = 1.0d0
! TODO This is checked to be true for term1
! How about the other terms???
d1sfx = 0.0d0
d1rfx = 0.0d0
elseif(w .gt. wcutoff) then
! Use simple Gaussian approximation for large w
! print *,rho,s," LARGE w"
term1 = -f12*A*(expei+log(DHsbw)-log(Hsbw))
term1d1 = - A/(Two*DHsbw) - f98*expei
d1sterm1 = d1sHsbw*term1d1
d1rterm1 = d1rHsbw*term1d1
Fx_wpbe = X * (term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5)
d1sfx = X * (d1sterm1 + d1sterm2 + d1sterm3 &
+ d1sterm4 + d1sterm5)
d1rfx = X * (d1rterm1 + d1rterm3 + d1rterm4 + d1rterm5)
! For everything else, use the full blown expression
! First, we calculate the polynomials for the first term
np1 = -f32*ea1*A12*w + r27*ea3*w3/(Eight*A12) &
- r243*ea5*w5/(r32*A32) + r2187*ea7*w7/(r128*A52)
d1rnp1 = - f32*ea1*d1rw*A12 + (r81*ea3*d1rw*w2)/(Eight*A12) &
- (r1215*ea5*d1rw*w4)/(r32*A32) &
+ (r15309*ea7*d1rw*w6)/(r128*A52)
np2 = -A + f94*ea2*w2 - r81*ea4*w4/(Sixteen*A) &
+ r729*ea6*w6/(r64*A2) - r6561*ea8*w8/(r256*A3)
d1rnp2 = f12*(Nine*ea2*d1rw*w) &
- (r81*ea4*d1rw*w3)/(Four*A) &
+ (r2187*ea6*d1rw*w5)/(r32*A2) &
- (r6561*ea8*d1rw*w7)/(r32*A3)
! The first term is
t1 = f12*(np1*piexperf + np2*expei)
d1st1 = f12*(d1spiexperf*np1 + d1sexpei*np2)
d1rt1 = f12*(d1rnp2*expei + d1rpiexperf*np1 + &
d1rexpei*np2 + d1rnp1*piexperf)
! The factors for the main polynomoal in w and their derivatives
f2 = (f12)*ea1*srpi*A / DHsbw12
f2d1 = - ea1*srpi*A / (Four*DHsbw32)
d1sf2 = d1sHsbw*f2d1
d1rf2 = d1rHsbw*f2d1
f3 = (f12)*ea2*A / DHsbw
f3d1 = - ea2*A / (Two*DHsbw2)
d1sf3 = d1sHsbw*f3d1
d1rf3 = d1rHsbw*f3d1
f4 = ea3*srpi*(-f98 / Hsbw12 &
+ f14*A / DHsbw32)
f4d1 = ea3*srpi*((Nine/(Sixteen*Hsbw32))- &
d1sf4 = d1sHsbw*f4d1
d1rf4 = d1rHsbw*f4d1
f5 = ea4*(One/r128) * (-r144*(One/Hsbw) &
+ r64*(One/DHsbw2)*A)
f5d1 = ea4*((f98/Hsbw2)-(A/DHsbw3))
d1sf5 = d1sHsbw*f5d1
d1rf5 = d1rHsbw*f5d1
f6 = ea5*(Three*srpi*(Three*DHsbw52*(Nine*Hsbw-Two*A) &
+ Four*Hsbw32*A2)) &
/ (r32*DHsbw52*Hsbw32*A)
f6d1 = ea5*srpi*((r27/(r32*Hsbw52))- &
(r81/(r64*Hsbw32*A))- &
d1sf6 = d1sHsbw*f6d1
d1rf6 = d1rHsbw*f6d1
f7 = ea6*(((r32*A)/DHsbw3 &
+ (-r36 + (r81*s2*H)/A)/Hsbw2)) / r32
d1sf7 = ea6*(Three*(r27*d1sH*DHsbw4*Hsbw*s2 + &
Eight*d1sHsbw*A*(Three*DHsbw4 - Four*Hsbw3*A) + &
r54*DHsbw4*s*(Hsbw - d1sHsbw*s)*H))/ &
d1rf7 = ea6*d1rHsbw*((f94/Hsbw3)-((Three*A)/DHsbw4) &
f8 = ea7*(-Three*srpi*(-r40*Hsbw52*A3 &
+Nine*DHsbw72*(r27*Hsbw2-Six*Hsbw*A+Four*A2))) &
/ (r128 * DHsbw72*Hsbw52*A2)
f8d1 = ea7*srpi*((r135/(r64*Hsbw72)) + (r729/(r256*Hsbw32*A2)) &
-(r243/(r128*Hsbw52*A)) &
d1sf8 = d1sHsbw*f8d1
d1rf8 = d1rHsbw*f8d1
f9 = (r324*ea6*eb1*DHsbw4*Hsbw*A &
+ ea8*(r384*Hsbw3*A3 + DHsbw4*(-r729*Hsbw2 &
+ r324*Hsbw*A - r288*A2))) / (r128*DHsbw4*Hsbw3*A2)
f9d1 = -((r81*ea6*eb1)/(Sixteen*Hsbw3*A)) &
+ ea8*((r27/(Four*Hsbw4))+(r729/(r128*Hsbw2*A2)) &
-(r81/(Sixteen*Hsbw3*A)) &
d1sf9 = d1sHsbw*f9d1
d1rf9 = d1rHsbw*f9d1
t2t9 = f2*w + f3*w2 + f4*w3 + f5*w4 + f6*w5 &
+ f7*w6 + f8*w7 + f9*w8
d1st2t9 = d1sf2*w + d1sf3*w2 + d1sf4*w3 + d1sf5*w4 &
+ d1sf6*w5 + d1sf7*w6 + d1sf8*w7 &
+ d1sf9*w8
d1rt2t9 = d1rw*f2 + d1rf2*w + Two*d1rw*f3*w &
+ d1rf3*w2 + Three*d1rw*f4*w2 &
+ d1rf4*w3 + Four*d1rw*f5*w3 &
+ d1rf5*w4 + Five*d1rw*f6*w4 &
+ d1rf6*w5 + Six*d1rw*f7*w5 &
+ d1rf7*w6 + Seven*d1rw*f8*w6 &
+ d1rf8*w7 + Eight*d1rw*f9*w7 + d1rf9*w8
! The final value of term1 for 0 < omega < wcutoff is:
term1 = t1 + t2t9 + t10
d1sterm1 = d1st1 + d1st2t9 + d1st10
d1rterm1 = d1rt1 + d1rt2t9 + d1rt10
! The final value for the enhancement factor and its
! derivatives is:
Fx_wpbe = X * (term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5)
d1sfx = X * (d1sterm1 + d1sterm2 + d1sterm3 &
+ d1sterm4 + d1sterm5)
d1rfx = X * (d1rterm1 + d1rterm3 + d1rterm4 + d1rterm5)
END SUBROUTINE wpbe_analy_erfc_approx_grad