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  • State of the separation of upflib from the rest of QE: the following routines or utilities have been copied inside upflib

    • splinelib Given that its prevalent usage is for PPs, I have removed the one in Modules/
    • randy in module uspp, file uspp.f90
    • invmat simplified version, in module upf_invmat, file upf_invmat.f90
    • capital, lowercase, isnumeric, matches, version_compare in module upf_utils, file upf_utils.f90
    • qe_erf as upf_erf, in file upf_erf.f90
    • errore and infomsg as upf_error, in file upf_error.f90 The following modules have been (partially) duplicated:
      • kinds => upf_kinds
      • parameters => upf_params
      • constants => upf_const Makefile simplified
  • upflib restructuring:

    • shall we keep just one src folder ? or structure it a bit more, such as

    upflib/baselib all basic data structures and io
    upflib/advlib advanced initializations (init_us_0,1,2) upflib/tools tools from upftools

    AF: probably structuring is not the highest priority now, though it can be useful to organize the material. PG: agreed