
133 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dvloc_of_g (mesh, msh, rab, r, vloc_at, zp, tpiba2, ngl, gl, &
omega, dvloc)
! dvloc = D Vloc (g^2) / D g^2 = (1/2g) * D Vloc(g) / D g
USE kinds
USE constants , ONLY : pi, fpi, e2, eps8
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer, intent(in) :: ngl, mesh, msh
! the number of shell of G vectors
! max number of mesh points
! number of mesh points for radial integration
real(DP), intent(in) :: zp, rab (mesh), r (mesh), vloc_at (mesh), &
tpiba2, omega, gl (ngl)
! valence pseudocharge
! the derivative of the radial grid
! the radial grid
! the pseudo on the radial grid
! 2 pi / alat
! the volume of the unit cell
! the moduli of g vectors for each s
real(DP), intent(out) :: dvloc (ngl)
! the fourier transform dVloc/dG
real(DP) :: vlcp, g2a, gx
real(DP), allocatable :: aux (:), aux1 (:)
real(DP), external :: qe_erf
integer :: i, igl, igl0
! counter on erf functions or gaussians
! counter on g shells vectors
! first shell with g != 0
! the G=0 component is not computed
if (gl (1) < eps8) then
dvloc (1) = 0.0d0
igl0 = 2
igl0 = 1
! Pseudopotentials in numerical form (Vloc contains the local part)
! In order to perform the Fourier transform, a term erf(r)/r is
! subtracted in real space and added again in G space
allocate (aux( mesh))
allocate (aux1( mesh))
! This is the part of the integrand function
! indipendent of |G| in real space
do i = 1, msh
aux1 (i) = r (i) * vloc_at (i) + zp * e2 * qe_erf (r (i) )
do igl = igl0, ngl
gx = sqrt (gl (igl) * tpiba2)
! and here we perform the integral, after multiplying for the |G|
! dependent part
! DV(g)/Dg = Integral of r (Dj_0(gr)/Dg) V(r) dr
do i = 1, msh
aux (i) = aux1 (i) * (r (i) * cos (gx * r (i) ) / gx - sin (gx &
* r (i) ) / gx**2)
call simpson (msh, aux, rab, vlcp)
! DV(g^2)/Dg^2 = (DV(g)/Dg)/2g
vlcp = fpi / omega / 2.0d0 / gx * vlcp
! subtract the long-range term
g2a = gl (igl) * tpiba2 / 4.d0
vlcp = vlcp + fpi / omega * zp * e2 * exp ( - g2a) * (g2a + &
1.d0) / (gl (igl) * tpiba2) **2
dvloc (igl) = vlcp
deallocate (aux1)
deallocate (aux)
end subroutine dvloc_of_g
subroutine dvloc_coul (zp, tpiba2, ngl, gl, omega, dvloc)
! Fourier transform of the Coulomb potential - For all-electron
! calculations, in specific cases only, for testing purposes
USE kinds
USE constants , ONLY : fpi, e2, eps8
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ngl
! the number of shell of G vectors
real(DP), intent(in) :: zp, tpiba2, omega, gl (ngl)
! valence pseudocharge
! 2 pi / alat
! the volume of the unit cell
! the moduli of g vectors for each s
real(DP), intent(out) :: dvloc (ngl)
! fourier transform: dvloc = D Vloc (g^2) / D g^2 = 4pi e^2/omegai /G^4
integer :: igl0
! first shell with g != 0
! the G=0 component is 0
if (gl (1) < eps8) then
dvloc (1) = 0.0d0
igl0 = 2
igl0 = 1
dvloc (igl0:ngl) = fpi * zp * e2 / omega / ( tpiba2 * gl (igl0:ngl) ) ** 2
end subroutine dvloc_coul