
368 lines
12 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine init_gipaw_1
! This routine initialize the variables of the paw projector
! and create the projectors in radial part (paw_betar)
USE kinds , ONLY : dp
USE parameters , ONLY : lqmax , lmaxx
USE grid_paw_variables, ONLY : nbrx
USE cell_base , ONLY : omega
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp
USE constants, ONLY : fpi
USE us, ONLY : dq, nqx, tab, tab_d2y, qrad, spline_ps
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_recon, paw_nkb, paw_lmaxkb
USE splinelib
USE uspp, ONLY : ap, aainit
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid, msh
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
implicit none
! here a few local variables
integer :: nt, ih, jh, nb, l, m, ir, iq, startq
INTEGER :: lastq, na, j, n1, n2, ndm, nrs, nrc, lmaxkb
! various counters
real(DP), allocatable :: aux (:), aux1 (:), besr (:)
! various work space
real(DP) :: prefr, pref, qi, norm
! the prefactor of the q functions
! the prefactor of the beta functions
! the modulus of g for each shell
! q-point grid for interpolation
real(DP), allocatable :: s(:,:), sinv(:,:)
! the spherical harmonics
real(DP) :: vqint
! interpolated value
real(DP) rc,rs,pow
integer :: n_overlap_warnings
real(DP), allocatable :: xdata(:)
real(DP) :: d1, scaling_factor
call start_clock ('init_gipaw_1')
! Initialization of the variables
ndm = MAXVAL ( msh(1:ntyp) )
allocate ( aux(ndm) )
allocate ( aux1(ndm) )
allocate ( besr(ndm) )
paw_lmaxkb = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
lmaxkb = 0
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh = 0
do nb = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(nb)%label%l
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh + 2 * l + 1
lmaxkb = max ( lmaxkb, l )
end do
paw_lmaxkb = max ( paw_lmaxkb, lmaxkb )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh) )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh) )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh) )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab(nqx,nbrx) )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(0:lmaxkb) )
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(0:lmaxkb,paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh) )
! calculate the number of beta functions of the solid
paw_nkb = 0
do na = 1, nat
nt = ityp(na)
paw_nkb = paw_nkb + paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
end do
n_overlap_warnings = 0
prefr = fpi / omega
! For each pseudopotential we initialize the indices nhtol, nhtom,
! indv,
do nt = 1, ntyp
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl = 0
paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh = 0
ih = 1
do nb = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(nb)%label%l
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l) = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l) + 1
paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(l,paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)) = nb
do m = 1, 2 * l + 1
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(ih) = l
paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(ih) = m
paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(ih) = nb
ih = ih + 1
end do
end do
! Rescale the wavefunctions so that int_0^rc f|psi|^2=1
pow = 1.0_dp
do j = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
rc = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%label%rc
!rs = 1.0_dp / 3.0_dp * rc
rs = 2.0_dp / 3.0_dp * rc
nrc = COUNT ( rgrid(nt)%r(1:msh(nt)) <= rc )
nrs = COUNT ( rgrid(nt)%r(1:msh(nt)) <= rs )
write(stdout,*) "ZZZ: ", rc, rs, nrc, nrs
IF ( nrc < 1 .OR. nrc > msh(nt) ) &
CALL errore ( "init_gipaw_1", "impossible value for nrc", 1 )
IF ( nrs < 1 .OR. nrs > msh(nt) ) &
CALL errore ( "init_gipaw_1", "impossible value for nrs", 1 )
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%label%nrc = nrc
paw_recon(nt)%aephi(j)%label%nrc = nrc
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%label%nrs = nrs
paw_recon(nt)%aephi(j)%label%nrs = nrs
scaling_factor = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(j)%psi(nrc) &
/ paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi(nrc)
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi(:) = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi(:) &
* scaling_factor
call step_f ( aux, paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi**2, rgrid(nt)%r(:), &
nrs, nrc, pow, msh(nt) )
call simpson ( msh(nt), aux, rgrid(nt)%rab, norm )
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(j)%psi / sqrt(norm)
paw_recon(nt)%aephi(j)%psi = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(j)%psi / sqrt(norm)
end do
! calculate the overlap matrix
aux = 0.0_dp
do l = 0, ubound(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl,1)
if ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l) > 0 ) then
allocate ( s(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l),paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)) )
allocate ( sinv(paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l),paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)) )
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
n1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(l,ih)
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
n2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(l,jh)
nrc = MIN ( paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n1)%label%nrc, &
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n2)%label%nrc )
nrs = MIN ( paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n1)%label%nrs, &
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n2)%label%nrs )
call step_f ( aux, paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n1)%psi(1:msh(nt)) &
* paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n2)%psi(1:msh(nt)), rgrid(nt)%r(:), &
nrs, nrc, pow, msh(nt) )
CALL simpson ( msh(nt), aux, rgrid(nt)%rab, s(ih,jh) )
IF ( ih > jh ) THEN
IF ( ABS ( ABS ( s(ih,jh) ) - 1.0_dp ) < 1.e-5_dp ) THEN
WRITE ( stdout, '(5X,2A,/,5X,A,I3,A,3I2,F12.8)' ) &
"init_gipaw_1: ", &
"projectors linearly dependent:", &
"ntyp =", nt, ", l/n1/n2 = ", l, ih, jh, &
call flush_unit ( stdout )
CALL errore ( "init_gipaw_1", &
"two projectors are linearly dependent", +1 )
ELSE IF ( ABS ( ABS ( s(ih,jh) ) - 1.0_dp ) < 1.e-2_dp ) THEN
IF ( n_overlap_warnings == 0 ) THEN
WRITE ( stdout, '(A)' ) ""
n_overlap_warnings = n_overlap_warnings + 1
WRITE ( stdout, '(5X,2A,/,5X,A,I3,A,3I2,F12.8)' ) &
"init_gipaw_1: ", &
"projectors nearly linearly dependent:", &
"ntyp =", nt, ", l/n1/n2 = ", l, ih, jh, s(ih,jh)
call flush_unit ( stdout )
end do
end do
#if defined ( __DEBUG_MINE_APSI )
IF ( iverbatim > 5 ) THEN
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
do jh = ih, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
write( stdout, '( A, I3, 3I2, F12.7 )' ) &
"PROJ: ", nt, l, ih, jh, s(ih,jh)
end do
end do
call invmat ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l), s, sinv, norm)
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
n1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(l,ih)
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nl(l)
n2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_iltonh(l,jh)
paw_recon(nt)%paw_betar(1:msh(nt),n1) &
= paw_recon(nt)%paw_betar(1:msh(nt),n1) &
+ sinv(ih,jh) * paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n2)%psi(1:msh(nt))
end do
nrc = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n1)%label%nrc
nrs = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(n1)%label%nrs
call step_f ( aux, &
paw_recon(nt)%paw_betar(1:msh(nt),n1),rgrid(nt)%r(:), &
paw_recon(nt)%paw_betar(1:ndm,n1) = aux(1:ndm)
end do
deallocate (sinv)
deallocate (s)
end if
end do
end do
IF ( n_overlap_warnings > 0 ) THEN
WRITE ( stdout, '(A)' ) ""
! Check the orthogonality for projectors
! nt=1
! n1=paw_iltonh(0,1,1)
! n2=paw_iltonh(0,2,1)
! print *,n1,n2,nt
! aux=paw_betar(:,n1,nt)*psphi(nt,n1)%psi
! call simpson(msh (nt), aux, rab (1, nt), norm)
! print *,'11',norm
! aux=paw_betar(:,n1,nt)*psphi(nt,n2)%psi
! call simpson(msh (nt), aux, rab (1, nt), norm)
! print *,'12',norm
! aux=paw_betar(:,n2,nt)*psphi(nt,n2)%psi
! call simpson(msh (nt), aux, rab (1, nt), norm)
! print *,'11',norm
! compute Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
call aainit ( lmaxx+1 )
! fill the interpolation table tab
pref = fpi / sqrt ( omega )
call divide ( nqx, startq, lastq )
do nt = 1, ntyp
paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab (:,:) = 0.0_dp
do nb = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(nb)%label%l
do iq = startq, lastq
qi = ( iq - 1 ) * dq
call sph_bes ( msh(nt), rgrid(nt)%r, qi, l, besr )
do ir = 1, msh(nt)
aux(ir) = paw_recon(nt)%paw_betar(ir,nb) * besr(ir) * rgrid(nt)%r(ir)
end do
call simpson ( msh(nt), aux, rgrid(nt)%rab, vqint )
paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab(iq,nb) = vqint * pref
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce ( nqx * nbrx, paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab )
end do
! initialize spline interpolation
if ( spline_ps ) then
do iq = 1, nqx
xdata(iq) = (iq - 1) * dq
end do
do nt = 1, ntyp
allocate ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab_d2y(nqx,paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta) )
paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab_d2y = 0.0_dp
do nb = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(nb)%label%l
d1 = ( paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab(2,nb) - paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab(1,nb) ) &
/ dq
call spline ( xdata, paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab(:,nb), 0.0_dp, d1, &
paw_recon(nt)%paw_tab_d2y(:,nb) )
end do
end do
deallocate ( xdata )
end if
deallocate (besr)
deallocate (aux1)
deallocate (aux)
call stop_clock ('init_gipaw_1')
end subroutine init_gipaw_1
subroutine step_f(f2,f,r,nrs,nrc,pow,mesh)
use kinds , only : dp
! This routine apply a fonction which go smoothly to zero from rs to rc
implicit none
integer :: mesh
real(DP), Intent(out):: f2(mesh)
real(DP), Intent(in) :: f(mesh), r(mesh)
real(DP), Intent(in) :: pow
integer :: nrs, nrc
Integer :: i
real(DP) :: rcp, rsp
rcp = r(nrc)
rsp = r(nrs)
Do i=1,mesh
If(r(i).Le.rsp) Then
f2(i) = f(i)
If(r(i).Le.rcp) Then
f2(i)=f(i)* (1.d0-3.d0*((r(i)-rsp)/(rcp-rsp))**2+ &
End If
End If
End Do
End subroutine step_f