
782 lines
24 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 FPMD-CPV groups
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine nlsm1 ( n, nspmn, nspmx, eigr, c, becp )
! computes: the array becp
! becp(ia,n,iv,is)=
! = sum_g [(-i)**l beta(g,iv,is) e^(-ig.r_ia)]^* c(g,n)
! = delta_l0 beta(g=0,iv,is) c(g=0,n)
! +sum_g> beta(g,iv,is) 2 re[(i)**l e^(ig.r_ia) c(g,n)]
! routine makes use of c*(g)=c(-g) (g> see routine ggen)
! input : beta(ig,l,is), eigr, c
! output: becp as parameter
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : nproc_image, intra_image_comm
USE ions_base, only : na, nax, nat
USE gvecw, only : ngw
USE uspp, only : nkb, nhtol, beta
USE cvan, only : ish
USE uspp_param, only : nh
USE reciprocal_vectors, ONLY : gstart
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n, nspmn, nspmx
real(DP), intent(in) :: eigr( 2, ngw, nat ), c( 2, ngw, n )
real(DP), intent(out) :: becp( nkb, n )
integer :: isa, ig, is, iv, ia, l, ixr, ixi, inl, i, nhx
real(DP) :: signre, signim, arg
real(DP), allocatable :: becps( :, : )
real(DP), allocatable :: wrk2( :, :, : )
call start_clock( 'nlsm1' )
allocate( wrk2( 2, ngw, nax ) )
isa = 0
do is = 1, nspmn - 1
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
do is = nspmn, nspmx
IF( nh( is ) < 1 ) THEN
isa = isa + na(is)
IF( nproc_image > 1 ) THEN
nhx = nh( is ) * na( is )
IF( MOD( nhx, 2 ) /= 0 ) nhx = nhx + 1
ALLOCATE( becps( nhx, n ) )
becps = 0.0d0
do iv = 1, nh( is )
l = nhtol( iv, is )
if (l == 0) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = 1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
else if (l == 1) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = 1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l == 2) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = -1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l == 3) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = -1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
do ia=1,na(is)
! q = 0 component (with weight 1.0)
if (gstart == 2) then
wrk2( 1, 1, ia ) = signre*beta(1,iv,is)*eigr(ixr,1,ia+isa)
wrk2( 2, 1, ia ) = signim*beta(1,iv,is)*eigr(ixi,1,ia+isa)
end if
! q > 0 components (with weight 2.0)
do ig = gstart, ngw
arg = 2.0d0 * beta(ig,iv,is)
wrk2( 1, ig, ia ) = signre*arg*eigr(ixr,ig,ia+isa)
wrk2( 2, ig, ia ) = signim*arg*eigr(ixi,ig,ia+isa)
end do
end do
IF( nproc_image > 1 ) THEN
! CALL MXMA( wrk2, 2*ngw, 1, c, 1, 2*ngw, becps( inl, 1 ), 1, nhx, na(is), 2*ngw, n )
CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', na(is), n, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, c, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, becps( inl, 1 ), nhx )
! subroutine mxma (a,na,iad,b,nb,ibd,c,nc,icd,nar,nac,nbc)
! call DGEMM(mode1,mode2,nar,nbc,nac,1.d0,a,lda,b,ldb,0.d0,c,icd)
! call MXMA( wrk2, 2*ngw, 1, c, 1, 2*ngw, becp( inl, 1 ), 1, nkb, na(is), 2*ngw, n )
CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', na(is), n, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, c, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, becp( inl, 1 ), nkb )
end do
IF( nproc_image > 1 ) THEN
inl = ish(is) + 1
CALL mp_sum( becps, intra_image_comm )
do i = 1, n
do iv = inl , ( inl + na(is) * nh(is) - 1 )
becp( iv, i ) = becps( iv - inl + 1, i )
end do
end do
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
deallocate( wrk2 )
call stop_clock( 'nlsm1' )
end subroutine nlsm1
subroutine nlsm2( ngw, nkb, n, eigr, c, becdr, tred )
! computes: the array becdr
! becdr(ia,n,iv,is,k)
! =2.0 sum_g> g_k beta(g,iv,is) re[ (i)**(l+1) e^(ig.r_ia) c(g,n)]
! routine makes use of c*(g)=c(-g) (g> see routine ggen)
! input : eigr, c
! output: becdr
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
use ions_base, only : nax, nsp, na, nat
use uspp, only : nhtol, beta !, nkb
use cvan, only : ish
use uspp_param, only : nh
use cell_base, only : tpiba
use mp, only : mp_sum
use mp_global, only : nproc_image, intra_image_comm
use reciprocal_vectors, only: gx, gstart
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ngw, nkb, n
real(DP), intent(in) :: eigr(2,ngw,nat), c(2,ngw,n)
real(DP), intent(out) :: becdr(nkb,n,3)
logical, intent(in) :: tred
real(DP), allocatable :: gk(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: wrk2(:,:,:)
integer :: ig, is, iv, ia, k, l, ixr, ixi, inl, isa, i
real(DP) :: signre, signim, arg
call start_clock( 'nlsm2' )
allocate( gk( ngw ) )
allocate( wrk2( 2, ngw, nax ) )
becdr = 0.d0
do k = 1, 3
do ig=1,ngw
end do
isa = 0
do is=1,nsp
do iv=1,nh(is)
! order of states: s_1 p_x1 p_z1 p_y1 s_2 p_x2 p_z2 p_y2
if (l.eq.0) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = 1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l.eq.1) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = -1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l.eq.2) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = -1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
else if (l == 3) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = 1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
do ia=1,na(is)
! q = 0 component (with weight 1.0)
if (gstart == 2) then
wrk2(1,1,ia) = signre*gk(1)*beta(1,iv,is)*eigr(ixr,1,ia+isa)
wrk2(2,1,ia) = signim*gk(1)*beta(1,iv,is)*eigr(ixi,1,ia+isa)
end if
! q > 0 components (with weight 2.0)
do ig=gstart,ngw
arg = 2.0d0*gk(ig)*beta(ig,iv,is)
wrk2(1,ig,ia) = signre*arg*eigr(ixr,ig,ia+isa)
wrk2(2,ig,ia) = signim*arg*eigr(ixi,ig,ia+isa)
end do
end do
! call MXMA(wrk2,2*ngw,1,c,1,2*ngw,becdr(inl,1,k),1, nkb,na(is),2*ngw,n)
CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', na(is), n, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, c, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, becdr( inl, 1, k ), nkb )
end do
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
IF( tred .AND. ( nproc_image > 1 ) ) THEN
CALL mp_sum( becdr(:,:,k), intra_image_comm )
end do
deallocate( gk )
deallocate( wrk2 )
call stop_clock( 'nlsm2' )
end subroutine nlsm2
real(8) function ennl( rhovan, bec )
! calculation of nonlocal potential energy term
use kinds, only : DP
use cvan, only : ish
use uspp_param, only : nhm, nh
use uspp, only : nkb, dvan
use electrons_base, only : n => nbsp, nspin, ispin, f
use ions_base, only : nsp, nat, na
implicit none
! input
real(DP) :: bec( nkb, n )
real(DP) :: rhovan( nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nat, nspin )
! local
real(DP) :: sum, sums(2)
integer :: is, iv, jv, ijv, inl, jnl, isa, ism, ia, iss, i
ennl = 0.d0
do is = 1, nsp
do iv = 1, nh(is)
do jv = iv, nh(is)
ijv = (jv-1)*jv/2 + iv
isa = 0
do ism = 1, is - 1
isa = isa + na(ism)
end do
do ia = 1, na(is)
inl = ish(is)+(iv-1)*na(is)+ia
jnl = ish(is)+(jv-1)*na(is)+ia
isa = isa+1
sums = 0.d0
do i = 1, n
iss = ispin(i)
sums(iss) = sums(iss) + f(i) * bec(inl,i) * bec(jnl,i)
end do
sum = 0.d0
do iss = 1, nspin
rhovan( ijv, isa, iss ) = sums( iss )
sum = sum + sums( iss )
end do
if( iv .ne. jv ) sum = 2.d0 * sum
ennl = ennl + sum * dvan( jv, iv, is)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end function ennl
subroutine force_nl( fion, bec, becdr )
! contribution to fion due to nonlocal part
use kinds, only : DP
use uspp, only : nkb, dvan, deeq
use uspp_param, only : nhm, nh
use cvan, only : ish, nvb
use ions_base, only : nax, nat, nsp, na
use electrons_base, only : n => nbsp, ispin, f
use gvecw, only : ngw
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: bec( nkb, n ), becdr( nkb, n, 3 )
real(DP), intent(out) :: fion( 3, nat )
integer :: k, is, ia, isa, iss, inl, iv, jv, i
real(DP) :: temp
real(DP) :: tmpbec(nhm,n), tmpdr(nhm,n) ! automatic arrays
do k = 1, 3
do is = 1, nsp
do ia = 1, na(is)
isa = isa + 1
tmpbec = 0.d0
tmpdr = 0.d0
do iv=1,nh(is)
do jv=1,nh(is)
do i=1,n
end do
end do
end do
do iv=1,nh(is)
do i=1,n
tmpdr(iv,i) = f(i) * becdr(inl,i,k)
end do
end do
do i=1,n
do iv=1,nh(is)
end do
end do
fion(k,isa) = fion(k,isa) - 2.0d0 * SUM( tmpdr )
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine force_nl
subroutine calbec (nspmn,nspmx,eigr,c,bec)
! this routine calculates array bec
! < psi_n | beta_i,i > = c_n(0) beta_i,i(0) +
! 2 sum_g> re(c_n*(g) (-i)**l beta_i,i(g) e^-ig.r_i)
! routine makes use of c(-g)=c*(g) and beta(-g)=beta*(g)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
use ions_base, only : na, nat
use io_global, only : stdout
use cvan, only : ish
use electrons_base, only : n => nbsp
use gvecw, only : ngw
use control_flags, only : iprint, iprsta
use uspp_param, only : nh
use uspp, only : nkb
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nspmn, nspmx
real(DP), intent(out) :: bec( nkb, n )
complex(DP), intent(in) :: c( ngw, n ), eigr( ngw,nat )
! local variables
integer :: is, ia, i , iv
call start_clock( 'calbec' )
call nlsm1( n, nspmn, nspmx, eigr, c, bec )
if ( iprsta > 2 ) then
WRITE( stdout,*)
do is=1,nspmx
if(nspmx.gt.1) then
WRITE( stdout,'(33x,a,i4)') ' calbec: bec (is)',is
WRITE( stdout,'(8f9.4)') &
& ((bec(ish(is)+(iv-1)*na(is)+1,i),iv=1,nh(is)),i=1,n)
do ia=1,na(is)
WRITE( stdout,'(33x,a,i4)') ' calbec: bec (ia)',ia
WRITE( stdout,'(8f9.4)') &
& ((bec(ish(is)+(iv-1)*na(is)+ia,i),iv=1,nh(is)),i=1,n)
end do
end if
end do
call stop_clock( 'calbec' )
end subroutine calbec
SUBROUTINE caldbec( ngw, nkb, n, nspmn, nspmx, eigr, c, dbec, tred )
! this routine calculates array dbec, derivative of bec:
! < psi_n | beta_i,i > = c_n(0) beta_i,i(0) +
! 2 sum_g> re(c_n*(g) (-i)**l beta_i,i(g) e^-ig.r_i)
! with respect to cell parameters h
! routine makes use of c(-g)=c*(g) and beta(-g)=beta*(g)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
use mp, only : mp_sum
use mp_global, only : nproc_image, intra_image_comm
use ions_base, only : na, nax, nat
use cvan, only : ish
use cdvan, only : dbeta
use uspp, only : nhtol
use uspp_param, only : nh, nhm
use reciprocal_vectors, only : gstart
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ngw, nkb, n
integer, intent(in) :: nspmn, nspmx
complex(DP), intent(in) :: c(ngw,n)
real(DP), intent(in) :: eigr(2,ngw,nat)
real(DP), intent(out) :: dbec( nkb, n, 3, 3 )
logical, intent(in) :: tred
real(DP), allocatable :: wrk2(:,:,:)
integer :: ig, is, iv, ia, l, ixr, ixi, inl, i, j, ii, isa
real(DP) :: signre, signim, arg
allocate( wrk2( 2, ngw, nax ) )
do j=1,3
do i=1,3
isa = 0
do is = 1, nspmn - 1
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
do is=nspmn,nspmx
do iv=1,nh(is)
if (l == 0) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = 1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
else if (l == 1) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = 1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l == 2) then
ixr = 1
ixi = 2
signre = -1.0d0
signim = -1.0d0
else if (l == 3) then
ixr = 2
ixi = 1
signre = -1.0d0
signim = 1.0d0
CALL errore(' caldbec ', ' l not implemented ', ABS( l ) )
do ia=1,na(is)
if (gstart == 2) then
! q = 0 component (with weight 1.0)
wrk2(1,1,ia)= signre*dbeta(1,iv,is,i,j)*eigr(ixr,1,ia+isa)
wrk2(2,1,ia)= signim*dbeta(1,iv,is,i,j)*eigr(ixi,1,ia+isa)
end if
! q > 0 components (with weight 2.0)
do ig = gstart, ngw
arg = 2.0d0*dbeta(ig,iv,is,i,j)
wrk2(1,ig,ia) = signre*arg*eigr(ixr,ig,ia+isa)
wrk2(2,ig,ia) = signim*arg*eigr(ixi,ig,ia+isa)
end do
end do
! call MXMA(wrk2,2*ngw,1,c,1,2*ngw,dbec(inl,1,i,j),1,nkb,na(is),2*ngw,n)
CALL DGEMM( 'T', 'N', na(is), n, 2*ngw, 1.0d0, wrk2, 2*ngw, c, 2*ngw, 0.0d0, dbec( inl, 1, i, j ), nkb )
end do
if( ( nproc_image > 1 ) .AND. tred ) then
do ii=1,n
call mp_sum( dbec( inl : (inl + na(is)*nh(is) - 1), ii,i,j), intra_image_comm )
end do
end if
isa = isa + na(is)
end do
end do
end do
deallocate( wrk2 )
end subroutine caldbec
subroutine dennl( bec, denl )
! compute the contribution of the non local part of the
! pseudopotentials to the derivative of E with respect to h
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
use cvan, only : ish
use uspp_param, only : nh
use uspp, only : nkb, dvan, deeq
use cdvan, ONLY : drhovan, dbec
use ions_base, only : nsp, na
use cell_base, only : h
use io_global, only : stdout
use electrons_base, only : n => nbsp, ispin, f, nspin
use reciprocal_vectors, only : gstart
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: bec( nkb, n )
real(DP), intent(out) :: denl( 3, 3 )
real(DP) :: dsum(3,3),dsums(2,3,3), detmp(3,3)
integer :: is, iv, jv, ijv, inl, jnl, isa, ism, ia, iss, i,j,k
do is=1,nsp
do iv=1,nh(is)
do jv=iv,nh(is)
ijv = (jv-1)*jv/2 + iv
do ism=1,is-1
end do
do ia=1,na(is)
do i=1,n
do k=1,3
do j=1,3
dsums(iss,k,j)=dsums(iss,k,j)+f(i)* &
& (dbec(inl,i,k,j)*bec(jnl,i) &
& + bec(inl,i)*dbec(jnl,i,k,j))
end do
do iss=1,nspin
do k=1,3
do j=1,3
if(iv.ne.jv) dsum=2.d0*dsum
denl = denl + dsum * dvan(jv,iv,is)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! WRITE(6,*) 'DEBUG enl (CP) = '
! detmp = denl
! detmp = MATMUL( detmp(:,:), TRANSPOSE( h ) )
! WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
5555 format(1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/ &
& 1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/ &
& 1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5//)
end subroutine dennl
subroutine nlfq( c, eigr, bec, becdr, fion )
! contribution to fion due to nonlocal part
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
use uspp, only : nkb, dvan, deeq
use uspp_param, only : nhm, nh
use cvan, only : ish, nvb
use ions_base, only : nax, nat, nsp, na
use electrons_base, only : n => nbsp, ispin, f, nspin, iupdwn, nupdwn
use gvecw, only : ngw
use constants, only : pi, fpi
use mp_global, only : me_image, intra_image_comm, nproc_image
use mp, only : mp_sum
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY: nlax, descla, la_proc
USE descriptors, ONLY: nlar_ , nlac_ , ilar_ , ilac_ , lambda_node_ , &
la_myr_ , la_myc_
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: bec( nkb, n ), c( 2, ngw, n )
real(DP), intent(out) :: becdr( nkb, n, 3 )
complex(DP), intent(in) :: eigr( ngw, nat )
real(DP), intent(out) :: fion( 3, nat )
integer :: k, is, ia, isa, iss, inl, iv, jv, i, ir, nr, nss, istart, ioff
real(DP) :: temp
real(DP), allocatable :: tmpbec(:,:), tmpdr(:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: fion_loc(:,:)
call start_clock( 'nlfq' )
! nlsm2 fills becdr
call nlsm2( ngw, nkb, n, eigr, c, becdr, .true. )
allocate ( fion_loc( 3, nat ) )
fion_loc = 0.0d0
allocate ( tmpbec( nhm, nlax ), tmpdr( nhm, nlax ) )
DO k=1,3
DO is=1,nsp
DO ia=1,na(is)
DO iss = 1, nspin
nss = nupdwn( iss )
istart = iupdwn( iss )
IF( la_proc .AND. &
( descla( la_myr_ , iss ) == descla( la_myc_ , iss ) ) ) THEN
! only processors on the diagonal of the square proc grid enter here.
! This is to distribute the load among different multi-core nodes,
! and maximize the memory bandwith per core.
tmpbec = 0.d0
tmpdr = 0.d0
ir = descla( ilar_ , iss )
nr = descla( nlar_ , iss )
ioff = istart-1+ir-1
do iv=1,nh(is)
do jv=1,nh(is)
do i=1,nr
end do
end do
end do
do iv=1,nh(is)
do i=1,nr
end do
end do
do i=1,nr
do iv=1,nh(is)
end do
end do
fion_loc(k,isa) = fion_loc(k,isa)-2.d0*SUM(tmpdr)
CALL mp_sum( fion_loc, intra_image_comm )
fion = fion + fion_loc
! end of x/y/z loop
deallocate ( fion_loc )
deallocate ( tmpbec, tmpdr )
call stop_clock( 'nlfq' )
end subroutine nlfq