
269 lines
7.0 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2010 A. Ferretti
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Simple example to show how to use the QEXML library
! to read data from the .save directory written by QE
! General comments:
! - first init the library
! - for each data required, first get the
! dimensions, then allocate the target array
! and finally read the data with a second call
! to the proper qexml read routine
! (shown below)
! - data that don't need any dynamical allocation
! (scalar or small arrays) can be read directly
! - explicit error handling through the use of IERR arguments
! is required
USE qexml_module
! parameters
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iunit = 10
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: stdout = 6
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP=kind(1.0d0)
! input variables
CHARACTER(256) :: prefix ! used to locate the .save directory
CHARACTER(256) :: work_dir !
INTEGER :: ik ! indexes of the kpt and band wfc
INTEGER :: ib ! to be read
NAMELIST /INPUT/ prefix, work_dir, ik, ib
! local vars
CHARACTER(7) :: subname='example'
REAL(DP) :: avec(3,3), alat
INTEGER :: npw, ngm
CHARACTER(256) :: dirname, filename, str_units
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: igv(:,:), igk(:)
INTEGER :: ierr, ig
! main Body
WRITE(stdout, "(/,'< QEXML example> ')" )
! read stdin
WRITE(stdout, "(/,'Reading input namelist...')" )
ik = 0
ib = 0
prefix = ' '
work_dir = './'
READ( stdin, INPUT, IOSTAT=ierr)
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'reading INPUT namelist',abs(ierr))
! init the qexml library
WRITE(stdout, "(/, 'Init QEXML library...')" )
dirname = trim(work_dir) // '/' // trim(prefix) // '.save/'
CALL qexml_init( iunit, DIR=dirname )
filename = trim(dirname) // "data-file.xml"
CALL qexml_openfile( filename, "read", IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0) CALL errore(subname,'opening dftdata file',abs(ierr))
! read lattice data
! how to read data directly
! units can be read as well
WRITE(stdout, "(/, 'Read direct lattice data...')" )
CALL qexml_read_cell( ALAT=alat, &
A1=avec(:,1), A2=avec(:,2), A3=avec(:,3), &
A_UNITS=str_units, IERR=ierr)
IF (ierr/=0) CALL errore(subname,'reading lattice',abs(ierr))
! reports to stdout
WRITE(stdout, "(2x,' Direct lattice [',a,']')") trim(str_units)
WRITE(stdout, "(2x,' alat: ',f15.9)") alat
WRITE(stdout, "(2x,' a(1): ',3f15.9)") avec(:,1)
WRITE(stdout, "(2x,' a(2): ',3f15.9)") avec(:,2)
WRITE(stdout, "(2x,' a(3): ',3f15.9)") avec(:,3)
! read G grid for the density
! First we read the whole G vectors grid
! For each kpt, a map of the corresponding G-vectors to
! those in the density G grid is then given
! - read the dimensions
! - allocate
! - read the massive data
WRITE(stdout, "(/, 'Read main G grid...')" )
CALL qexml_read_planewaves( NGM=ngm, IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'QEXML reading PW dims',abs(ierr))
ALLOCATE( igv(3,ngm), STAT=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'allocating igv',abs(ierr))
CALL qexml_read_planewaves( IGV=igv, IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'QEXML reading main G grid',abs(ierr))
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' Main grid dim: ',i5)" ) ngm
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' Reporting the first 10 elements (check gvectors.dat)')" )
DO ig = 1, 10
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' ig(',i3, ') : ',3i5 )" ) ig, igv(:,ig)
! now read data specific to a given kpt
WRITE(stdout, "(/, 'Read ik-specific dims...')" )
CALL qexml_read_gk( ik, NPWK=npw, IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'QEXML reading ik dims',abs(ierr))
ALLOCATE( igk(npw), STAT=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'allocating igk',abs(ierr))
! the second dimension is the # of bands to be read
ALLOCATE( wfc(npw,1), STAT=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'allocating wfc',abs(ierr))
CALL qexml_read_gk( ik, index=igk, IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'QEXML reading k-grid map',abs(ierr))
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' ik:',i3,' dim: ',i5)" ) ik, npw
! read wavefunctions
! Here we do not need to get any dimension since
! we already have all we need
WRITE(stdout, "(/, 'Read a given wfc...')" )
CALL qexml_read_wfc( IBNDS=ib, IBNDE=ib, IK=ik, WF=wfc, IERR=ierr)
IF ( ierr/=0 ) CALL errore(subname,'QEXML reading ',abs(ierr))
! report to stdout
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' ik:',i3,' ib: ',i3)" ) ik, ib
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' Reporting the first 10 elements (check evc.dat)')" )
DO ig = 1, 10
WRITE(stdout, "(2x, ' ig(',i3, ') : ',2f15.9 )" ) ig, wfc(ig,1)
! finalize the qexml read
WRITE(stdout, "(/,'Finalize QEXML...')" )
CALL qexml_closefile ( "read", IERR=ierr )
IF ( ierr/=0) CALL errore(subname,'closing dftdata file',abs(ierr))
! local cleanup
DEALLOCATE( igv, igk, wfc)
! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE errore( calling_routine, message, ierr )
! ... This is a simple routine which writes an error message to output:
! ... if ierr <= 0 it does nothing,
! ... if ierr > 0 it stops.
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: calling_routine, message
! the name of the calling calling_routinee
! the output messagee
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ierr
! the error flag
IF ( ierr <= 0 ) RETURN
! ... the error message is written un the "*" unit
WRITE( UNIT = *, FMT = '(/,1X,78("%"))' )
WRITE( UNIT = *, &
FMT = '(5X,"from ",A," : error #",I10)' ) calling_routine, ierr
WRITE( UNIT = *, FMT = '(5X,A)' ) message
WRITE( UNIT = *, FMT = '(1X,78("%"),/)' )
WRITE( *, '(" stopping ...")' )