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! Copyright (C) 2010 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE d3ionq (nat, ntyp, ityp, zv, tau, alat, omega, q, at, &
bg, g, gg, ngm, gcutm, nmodes, u, ug0, npert_1, npert_f, q0mode, &
! This routine computes the contribution of the ions to the third order derivative
! of the total energy. Both the real and reciprocal space terms are included.
! This version of the routine is general, i.e. it can compute D3^ewald(q1,q2,q3) with
! the only condition q1+q2+q3 = 0. Notice however, that only the case q1=q, q2=-q, q3=0
! has been extensively tested.
! Written in February 2010 by L.Paulatto, T.Wassmann and M.Lazzeri
! The exact mechanism of this subroutine is quite complicated, a LaTeX form of all
! implemented formulas is reported here for reference and future extensions.
! Note that unit-of-measure dependent factors are missing (they can be derived from the code).
! \begin{eqnarray*}
! atom1 & = & \{s_{1}(atom\_index),\tau_{s1}(position),Z_{s1}(charge)\}
! perturbation\_\nu_{1} & = & \{\alpha(cartensian\_direction),s_{1}(atom\_displaced)\}\end{eqnarray*}
! \begin{eqnarray*}
! D_{\nu1,\nu2,\nu3}^{3} & = & \delta_{s3,s1}Z_{s1}Z_{s2}F_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(q_{2},\tau_{s1}-\tau_{s2})
! & + & \delta_{s1,s2}Z_{s2}Z_{s3}F_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(q_{3},\tau_{s2}-\tau_{s3})
! & + & \delta_{s2,s3}Z_{s3}Z_{s1}F_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(q_{1},\tau_{s3}-\tau_{s1})
! & - & \delta_{s1,s2,s3}Z_{s3}\sum_{s'}Z_{s'}F_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(0,\tau_{s3}-\tau_{s'})\end{eqnarray*}
! \begin{eqnarray*}
! F_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(q,\tau) & = & \frac{4\pi e^{2}}{\Omega}e^{i(G+q)\tau}
! \sum_{G}i(G+q)_{\alpha}(G+q)_{\beta}(G+q)_{\gamma}\frac{e^{-(G+q)^{2}/4\eta^{2}}}{(G+q)^{2}}
! & & -e^{2}\sum_{R}e^{iqR}\left.\frac{d^{3}f}{dx_{\alpha}dx_{\beta}dx_{\gamma}}\right|_{x=|\tau-R|}\end{eqnarray*}
! \begin{eqnarray*}
! \frac{d^{3}f(x)}{dx_{\alpha}dx_{\beta}dx_{\gamma}} & = &
! (\delta_{\alpha\beta}x_{\gamma}+\delta_{\alpha\gamma}x_{\beta}+\delta_{\beta\gamma}x_{\alpha})f_{1}(x)
! & & +x_{\alpha}x_{\beta}x_{\gamma}f_{3}(x)\end{eqnarray*}
! \begin{eqnarray*}
! f_{1}(x) &=& \frac{3erfc(\eta x)+a(\eta x)(3+2x^{2}\eta^{2})}{x^{5}}
! f_{3}(x) &=& -\frac{15erfc(\eta x)+a(\eta x)(15+10\eta^{2}x^{2}+4\eta^{4}x^{4})}{x^{7}}
! a(\xi) &=& \frac{2\xi}{\sqrt{\pi}}e^{-\xi^{2}}
! \end{eqnarray*}
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE constants, ONLY : e2, tpi, fpi, eps16, eps8
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
! I/O variables
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nat, & ! number of atoms
ntyp, & ! number of types of atoms
ngm, & ! number of G vectors
ityp (nat), & ! type of each atom
nmodes, & ! number of modes
npert_1, & ! only compute perturbations ...
npert_f ! ... npert_1 < n < npert_f
REAL (DP),INTENT(IN) :: tau (3, nat), & ! positions of the atoms
g (3, ngm), & ! coordinates of g vectors
gg (ngm), & ! modulus of g vectors
zv (ntyp), & ! charge of each type
at (3, 3), & ! direct lattice vectors
bg (3, 3), & ! reciprocal lattice vectors
omega, & ! volume of the unit cell
alat, & ! length scale
gcutm, & ! cut-off of g vectors
q (3) ! q vector of perturbation -> D3(q,-q,0)
COMPLEX (DP), INTENT(IN) :: u (3*nat, nmodes), & ! pattern of the modes
ug0 (3*nat, nmodes) ! pattern of the modes (q=0)
COMPLEX (DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: d3dyn (3*nat, nmodes, 3*nat) ! derivative of the dyn. matrix
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: q0mode (300) ! if .true. this mode is to be computed
! Actually: all the modes between npert_1 and npert_f are always computed,
! but only the ones in q0mode are added to the dynamical matrix
! Local variables
REAL(DP) :: q1(3),q2(3),q3(3) ! three q-vectors of the perturbations
! these will become INPUT parameters in future versions,
! at the moment it is always q1=q, q2=-q, q3=0
REAL(DP),PARAMETER :: gamma(3) = (/ 0._dp, 0._dp, 0._dp /)
INTEGER :: nu_1, nu_2, nu_3, & ! perturbation indexes
a_1, a_2, a_3, & ! xyz indexes
na_1, na_2, na_3, na_p,& ! atom indexes
nc_3cart,na_1cart,nb_2cart! additional indexes for changing to irrep. basis
REAL(DP):: alpha, eta, & ! dumping factor of ewald sum, eta=sqrt(alpha)
upperbound, charge, &! total charge in the cell
dtau(3) ! aux: tau_s1 - tau_s2
INTEGER :: abc(3) ! aux: {\alpha,\beta,\gamma}
REAL (DP), EXTERNAL :: qe_erfc
COMPLEX (DP), ALLOCATABLE :: d3dion (:,:,:), d3dy2 (:,:,:) ! workspace
COMPLEX (DP) :: work ! more workspace
! Undefine the following macros to esclude one of the terms
#define _D3_EWALD_G_SPACE
! Temporary solution: this choice of q1,q2 and q3 reproduces the
! results of the previous code, minus a bug
q1 = 0._dp
q3 = -q
! This alternative choice of q1,q2 and q3 reproduces the "wrong" value of the
! real-space term in the old code (only substantial for alpha < 1.0)
!q1 = q
!q2 = -q ! GOOD FOR R-SPACE
!q3 = 0._dp
charge = SUM(zv(ityp(1:nat)))
! choose alpha in order to have convergence in the sum over G
! upperbound is an estimate of the error in the sum over G
! (empirical trust!)
upperbound = 1._dp
alpha = 2.9_dp
DO WHILE(upperbound > 1.e-9_dp)
alpha = alpha - 0.1d0
IF (alpha <= 0._dp) CALL errore ('d3ion', 'optimal alpha not found', 1)
upperbound = 2 * charge**2 * SQRT(2 * alpha / tpi) &
* qe_erfc( SQRT((tpi/alat)**2 * gcutm / 4 / alpha) )
eta = SQRT(alpha)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Alpha used in Ewald sum = ",f6.2)') alpha
ALLOCATE (d3dion( 3 * nat, nmodes, 3 * nat))
d3dion (:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO na_1 = 1,nat
loop_a : &
DO a_1 = 1,3
nu_1 = a_1 + (na_1-1)*3
! Inefficient but simple way to do only a subset of the perturbations
! (note: when nu_1 > npert_f BREAK would work as well)
IF (nu_1 < npert_1 .or. nu_1 > npert_f) THEN
CYCLE loop_a
DO na_2 = 1,nat
DO a_2 = 1,3
nu_2 = a_2 + (na_2-1)*3
DO na_3 = 1,nat
DO a_3 = 1,3
nu_3 = a_3 + (na_3-1)*3
! abc (read alpha-beta-gamma) is a list of the polarization
! for the three modes involved
abc = (/ a_1,a_2,a_3 /)
! delta_s1,s3
IF (na_1==na_3) THEN
dtau = tau(:,na_2) - tau(:,na_1) ! tau_s2 - tau_s1
work = zv(ityp(na_1)) * zv(ityp(na_2)) & ! z_s1 * z_s2
* F_abc(q2,dtau,abc,eta)
d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) = d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) &
+ work
! delta_s1,s2
IF (na_1==na_2) THEN
dtau = tau(:,na_3) - tau(:,na_2) ! tau_s3 - tau_s2
work = zv(ityp(na_2)) * zv(ityp(na_3)) & ! z_s2 * z_s3
* F_abc(q3,dtau,abc,eta)
d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) = d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) &
+ work
! delta_s2,s3
IF (na_2==na_3) THEN
dtau = tau(:,na_1) - tau(:,na_3) ! tau_s1 - tau_s3
work = zv(ityp(na_3)) * zv(ityp(na_1)) & ! z_s3 * z_s1
* F_abc(q1,dtau,abc,eta)
d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) = d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) &
+ work
! delta_s1,s3,s3
IF (na_1==na_2.and.na_2==na_3) THEN
DO na_p = 1,nat
dtau = tau(:,na_3) - tau(:,na_p) ! tau_s3 - tau_sp
work = zv(ityp(na_3)) * zv(ityp(na_p)) & ! z_s3 * z_sp
* F_abc(gamma,dtau,abc,eta)
d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) = d3dion(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3) &
+ work
ENDDO !a_3
ENDDO !na_3
ENDDO !a_2
ENDDO !na_2
ENDDO loop_a !a_1
ENDDO !na_1
#ifdef __PARA
! in the parallel case, recollect the modes
CALL mp_sum( d3dion, intra_pool_comm )
CALL mp_sum( d3dion, inter_pool_comm )
! The dynamical matrix was computed in cartesian axis, now it is
! put on the basis of the modes; d3dy2 used as working array
ALLOCATE(d3dy2( 3*nat, nmodes, 3*nat))
d3dy2 (:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO nu_3 = 1, 3*nat !npert_1, npert_f
IF (q0mode (nu_3) ) THEN
DO nu_1 = 1, 3 * nat
DO nu_2 = 1, 3 * nat
work = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO nc_3cart = 1, 3 * nat
DO na_1cart = 1, 3 * nat
DO nb_2cart = 1, 3 * nat
work = work + ug0 (nc_3cart, nu_3) &
* CONJG(u (na_1cart, nu_1) ) &
* d3dion (nc_3cart, na_1cart, nb_2cart) &
* u (nb_2cart, nu_2)
d3dy2 (nu_3, nu_1, nu_2) = work
#ifdef __PARA
CALL mp_sum ( d3dy2, inter_pool_comm )
! For debugging purposes (to be removed), the Ewald contribution
! can be dumped to file (uncomment the lines that apply).
! 1. using internal debugging subroutine
! CALL writed3dyn_5(d3dy2,'d3qewald',-1)
! 2. using iotk
! CALL iotk_write_dat(1077, 'd3ionq', d3dy2)
! 3. by hand, the old way
! open(unit=1077, file='d3ionq-n.xml', action='write', status='unknown')
! do a_1 = 1,3*nat
! do a_2 = 1,3*nat
! do a_3 = 1,3*nat
! write(1077, '(3i4,2f32.16)') a_1, a_2, a_3, d3dy2(a_1,a_2,a_3)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! close(1077)
! Add the Ewald term to the rest of D3 matrix
d3dyn = d3dyn+d3dy2
DEALLOCATE (d3dion, d3dy2)
! dumping factor of Ewald sum
! 2/sqrt(pi) eta*x exp(-eta**2 x**2)
FUNCTION a_fct(xeta)
USE constants, ONLY : sqrtpm1 ! 1/sqrt(pi)
REAL(DP) :: a_fct
a_fct = 2*sqrtpm1*xeta*exp(-(xeta)**2)
! note: 2*sqrtpm1 == 2/sqrt(pi) == sqrt (8.d0 / tpi) <- from old code
! Used by d3f_abc, it's (related to) the second derivative of erfc function
! f1
FUNCTION d2f_fct(xx, eta)
REAL(DP) :: d2f_fct
REAL(DP),INTENT(IN) :: xx, eta
REAL(DP) :: xeta
REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: qe_erfc
xeta = xx*eta
d2f_fct = 3._dp*qe_erfc(xeta) + a_fct(xeta)*(3._dp + 2*(xeta**2))
d2f_fct = d2f_fct/xx**5
! Used by d3f_abc, it's (related to) the third derivative of erfc function
! f3
FUNCTION d3f_fct(xx, eta)
REAL(DP) :: d3f_fct
REAL(DP),INTENT(IN) :: xx, eta
REAL(DP) :: xeta, xeta2
REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: qe_erfc
xeta = xx*eta
xeta2 = xeta**2
d3f_fct = 15._dp*qe_erfc(xeta) &
+ a_fct(xeta)*(15._dp + 10._dp*xeta2 + 4*(xeta2**2))
d3f_fct = -d3f_fct/xx**7
! Used for real-space term
! d3f(x)/dx_a dx_b dx_c
FUNCTION d3f_abc(x, xx, abc, eta)
REAL(DP) :: d3f_abc
REAL(DP),INTENT(IN) :: x(3), xx, eta
REAL(DP) :: delta3 ! delta_{a,b} x_c + delta_{a,c} x_b + delta_{b,c} x_a
REAL(DP) :: xa_xb_xc ! x_a * x_b * x_c
delta3 = 0._dp
IF(abc(1)==abc(2)) delta3 = delta3 + x(abc(3))
IF(abc(2)==abc(3)) delta3 = delta3 + x(abc(1))
IF(abc(3)==abc(1)) delta3 = delta3 + x(abc(2))
delta3 = delta3*alat
IF( ABS(delta3) > eps16) THEN
d3f_abc = d3f_abc + delta3*d2f_fct(xx, eta)
xa_xb_xc = x(abc(1))*x(abc(2))*x(abc(3))*alat**3
IF( ABS(xa_xb_xc) > eps16) THEN
d3f_abc = d3f_abc + xa_xb_xc*d3f_fct(xx, eta)
FUNCTION F_abc(q,tau,abc,eta)
USE constants, ONLY : tpi, fpi, e2, eps8
USE mp_global, ONLY : nproc_image, me_image, intra_image_comm
COMPLEX(DP) :: F_abc
REAL(DP),INTENT(IN) :: q(3), tau(3), eta
COMPLEX(DP),PARAMETER :: ii = (0._dp, 1._dp), &
zero = (0._dp, 0._dp), &
one = (1._dp, 0._dp)
REAL(DP) :: prefG, facq ! prefactors for G-space term
REAL(DP) :: Gpq_abc
REAL(DP) :: Gpq_tau
INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxr = 100 ! max number of neighbours
REAL(DP) :: r (3,mxr), r2 (mxr) ! shells of neighbours (r and r**2)
REAL(DP) :: rr ! sqrt(r2)*alat
REAL(DP) :: rmax ! radius containg the shells of ngbrs
INTEGER :: nrm, nr ! number of neighbours in teh shell, and their index
INTEGER :: nr_s, nr_e, mykey ! used to parallelize r-space sum
COMPLEX(DP) :: facr
REAL(DP) :: qdr ! q*g
REAL(DP) :: gtq2 ! (g+q)**2 (atomic units)
! First part: the reciprocal space term
F_abc = zero
prefG = fpi * e2 * (tpi/alat)**3 / omega
#ifdef _D3_EWALD_G_SPACE
#warning ****** compiling only g-space term ******
sum_on_G : &
DO ng = 1, ngm
Gpq_abc = ( g(abc(1), ng) + q(abc(1)) ) &
* ( g(abc(2), ng) + q(abc(2)) ) &
* ( g(abc(3), ng) + q(abc(3)) )
! Skip null terms
IF (ABS(Gpq_abc) < eps8) &
CYCLE sum_on_G
gtq2 = ( (g(1, ng) + q(1)) **2 &
+ (g(2, ng) + q(2)) **2 &
+ (g(3, ng) + q(3)) **2 ) * (tpi/alat) **2
facq = Gpq_abc * prefG * EXP( - gtq2 / eta**2 / 4._dp) / gtq2
Gpq_tau = tpi *( ( g(1, ng) + q(1) ) * tau(1) &
+ ( g(2, ng) + q(2) ) * tau(2) &
+ ( g(3, ng) + q(3) ) * tau(3) )
F_abc = F_abc - ii*facq* EXP(ii*Gpq_tau)
ENDDO sum_on_G
! print*, " nrm",nrm
#ifndef _D3_EWALD_G_SPACE
#warning ****** compiling only real-space term ******
! Second part: the real space term
rmax = 5.d0 / eta / alat
CALL rgen (tau, rmax, mxr, at, bg, r, r2, nrm)
! note: r = R - tau : R is a real-space cell vector
! In some cases the real-space term does not include any term
IF( nrm>0 ) THEN
! Parallelize the real space sum, it will hardly give any performance
! improvement, but cannot hurt (alternatively this term must be computed
! by one processor only, i.e. ionode)
CALL block_distribute( nrm, me_image, nproc_image, nr_s, nr_e, mykey )
sum_on_R : &
DO nr = nr_s, nr_e
rr = SQRT(r2(nr)) * alat
qdr = tpi * ( q (1) * (r(1, nr) + tau (1)) &
+ q (2) * (r(2, nr) + tau (2)) &
+ q (3) * (r(3, nr) + tau (3)) )
IF (ABS(qdr) < eps16) THEN
facr = - e2*one
facr = - e2*EXP(ii*qdr) !CMPLX(cos(qdr), sin(qdr), kind=dp)
F_abc = F_abc + facr*d3f_abc(r(1:3,nr),rr,abc,eta)
ENDDO sum_on_R