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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine setup
! This routine computes the main quantities necessary to describe a
! periodic solid. In particular it sets the following quantities:
! msh the point which correspond to a cut-off of 10 a.u.
! ecutwfc the cut-off of each iteration
! zv the charge of each atomtype
! nelec the total number of electrons
! nbnd the total number of bands
! nbndx the maximum number of bands
! alat the measure of length
! tpiba the measure unit in reciprocal space
! tpiba2 the square of tpiba
! gcutm the cut-off in g space
! gcutms the cut-off in g space for smooth functions
! ethr the convergence limit of iterative diagonalization
! at the direct lattice vectors
! omega the volume of the unit cell
! bg the reciprocal lattice vectors
! g, gg the reciprocal g vectors
! ngm the number of g vectors in reciprocal space
! nl the correspondence between g vectors <--> fft mesh
! s the symmetry matrices in the direct lattice vectors basis
! nsym the total number of symmetry operations
! ftau the fractionary translations
! irt for each atom gives the corresponding symmetric
! invsym if true the system has inversion symmetry
! Furthermore it transforms the BHS parameters to a working form.
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
#ifdef PARA
use para
implicit none
! local variables
! rcut: cut-off radius for radial integrations
real(kind=DP), parameter :: rcut = 10.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
integer :: na, ir, nt, input_nks, nrot, iter, ierr, irot, isym, &
ipol, jpol, tipo
integer, external ::n_atom_wfc
! lchk_tauxk tests that atomic coordinates do not overlap
logical, external :: lchk_tauxk
logical :: minus_q
integer, external :: set_Hubbard_l
do nt = 1, ntyp
do ir = 1, mesh (nt)
if (r (ir, nt) .gt.rcut) then
msh (nt) = ir
goto 5
msh (nt) = mesh (nt)
! force msh to be odd for simpson integration
5 msh (nt) = 2 * ( (msh (nt) + 1) / 2) - 1
! Compute the ionic charge for each atom type
do nt = 1, ntyp
zv (nt) = zp (nt)
! Set the number of electrons equal to the total ionic charge
if (nelec.eq.0.d0) then
do na = 1, nat
nelec = nelec + zv (ityp (na) )
! For metals: check whether Gaussian broadening or Tetrahedron method is
lgauss = degauss.ne.0.d0
! Check: if there is an odd number of electrons, the crystal is a metal
if (lscf.and.abs (nint (nelec / 2.d0) - nelec / 2.d0) &
.gt.1.0d-8.and..not.lgauss.and..not.ltetra) call error ('setup', &
'the crystal is a metal', 1)
! Set the number of occupied bands if not given in input
if (nbnd.eq.0) then
nbnd = nint (nelec) / 2.d0
if (lgauss.or.ltetra) then
! metallic case: add 20% more bands, with a minimum of 4
nbnd = max (nint (1.20d0 * nelec / 2.d0), nbnd+4)
if (nbnd.lt.nint (nelec) / 2.d0.and.lscf) call error ('setup', &
'too few bands', 1)
! Here we set the precision of the diagonalization
if (startingpot=='file') then
! starting potential is expected to be a good one :
! do not spoil it with a lousy first diagonalization
if (imix.ge.0) ethr = 0.1d0 * min (1.d-2, tr2/nelec)
if (imix.lt.0) ethr = 0.1d0 * min (1.0d-6, sqrt (tr2) )
! starting atomic potential is probably far from scf..
! do not waste iterations in the first diagonalizations
if (imix.ge.0) ethr = 1.0d-2
if (imix.lt.0) ethr = 1.0d-5
end if
if (.not.lscf) niter = 1
starting_diag_threshold = ethr
! set number of atomic wavefunctions
natomwfc = n_atom_wfc (nat, npsx, ityp, newpseudo, nchix, nchi, oc, lchi)
! set the maximum number of bands
nbndx = nbnd
if (isolve.eq.0) then
nbndx = david * nbnd
elseif (isolve.eq.2) then
if (diis_start_dav.gt.0) then
nbndx = david * nbnd
if (diis_wfc_keep) then
nbndx = 2 * nbnd
nbndx = nbnd
if (startingwfc.eq.'atomic'.and..not.restart) nbndx = max (natomwfc, nbndx)
! Set the units in real and reciprocal space
tpiba = 2.d0 * pi / alat
tpiba2 = tpiba**2
! Compute the cut-off of the G vectors
gcutm = dual * ecutwfc / tpiba2
doublegrid = dual.gt.4.0d0
if (doublegrid) then
gcutms = 4.d0 * ecutwfc / tpiba2
gcutms = gcutm
! Generate the reciprocal lattice vectors
call recips ( at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
! If lxkcry = .true. , the input k-point components in crystallogra
! units are transformed in cartesian coordinates
if (lxkcry) call cryst_to_cart (nks, xk, bg, 1)
! Test that atomic coordinates are different
if (.not. (lchk_tauxk (nat, tau, bg) ) ) call error ('setup', &
'Wrong atomic coordinates ', 1)
! set dtau_ref for relaxation and dynamics
! this is done here because dtau_ref is updated in cg
dtau_ref = 0.2d0
! calculate dimensions of the FFT grid
call set_fft_dim
! generate transformation matrices for the crystal point group
! First we generate all the symmetry matrices of the Bravais lattice
if (ibrav.eq.4.or.ibrav.eq.5) then
! here the hexagonal or trigonal bravais lattice
call hexsym (at, s, sname, nrot)
tipo = 2
elseif (ibrav.ge.1.and.ibrav.le.14) then
! here for the cubic bravais lattice
call cubicsym (at, s, sname, nrot)
tipo = 1
elseif (ibrav.eq.0) then
if (symm_type.eq.'cubic') then
tipo = 1
call cubicsym (at, s, sname, nrot)
if (symm_type.eq.'hexagonal') then
tipo = 2
call hexsym (at, s, sname, nrot)
call error ('setup', 'wrong ibrav', 1)
! if noinv is true eliminate all symmetries which exchange z with -z
if (noinv) then
irot = 0
do isym = 1, nrot
if (s (1, 3, isym) .eq.0.and.s (3, 1, isym) .eq.0.and.s (2, 3, &
isym) .eq.0.and.s (3, 2, isym) .eq.0.and.s (3, 3, isym) .eq.1) &
irot = irot + 1
do ipol = 1, 3
do jpol = 1, 3
s (ipol, jpol, irot) = s (ipol, jpol, isym)
sname (irot) = sname (isym)
nrot = irot
! If nosym is true do not use any point-group symmetry
if (nosym) nrot = 1
! Automatic generation of k-points (if required)
if (nks.lt.0) then
call setupkpoint (s, nrot, xk, wk, nks, npk, nk1, &
nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, at, bg, tipo)
else if (nks.eq.0) then
call kpoint_grid ( nrot, s, bg, npk, k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, wk)
end if
input_nks = nks
! allocate space for irt
allocate (irt( 48, nat))
! "sgama" eliminates rotations that are not symmetry operations
! Input k-points are assumed to be given in the IBZ of the Bravais
! lattice, with the full point symmetry of the lattice.
! If some symmetries are missing in the crystal, "sgama" computes
! the missing k-points. If nosym is true (see above) we do not use
! any point-group symmetry and leave k-points unchanged.
call sgama (nrot, nat, s, sname, at, bg, tau, ityp, nsym, nr1, &
nr2, nr3, irt, ftau, npk, nks, xk, wk, invsym, minus_q, xqq, &
iswitch, modenum)
call checkallsym (nsym, s, nat, tau, ityp, at, bg, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
irt, ftau)
! if dynamics is done the system should have no symmetries
! (inversion symmetry alone is allowed)
if (iswitch.gt.2.and. (nsym.eq.2.and..not.invsym.or.nsym.gt.2) &
.and. .not. ( calc.eq.'mm' .or. calc.eq.'nm' ) ) &
call error ('setup', 'Dynamics, you should have no symmetries', -1)
! Automatic generation of k-points
if (ltetra) then
ntetra = 6 * nk1 * nk2 * nk3
allocate (tetra(4,ntetra))
call tetrahedra (nsym,s,minus_q,at,bg,npk,k1,k2,k3, &
nk1,nk2,nk3, nks,xk,wk,ntetra,tetra)
end if
! In a non scf calculation we check if k-points are compatible
! with the symmetry of the crystal but do not change them
if ( iswitch.eq.-1 .and. input_nks.ne.nks .and. .not.ltetra ) then
write (6, '(5x,"Warning: missing inequivalent points")')
nks = input_nks
if (iswitch.le.-2) call set_kplusq (xk, wk, xqq, nks, npk)
if (lsda) then
! LSDA case: two different spin polarizations, each with its own kpoints
nspin = 2
call set_kup_and_kdw (xk, wk, isk, nks, npk)
! LDA case: the two spin polarizations are identical
nspin = 1
current_spin = 1
if (nks.gt.npk) call error ('setup', 'too many k points', nks)
#ifdef PARA
call init_pool
! set the granularity for k-point distribution
if ( (abs (xqq (1) ) .lt.eps.and.abs (xqq (2) ) .lt.eps.and.abs ( &
xqq (3) ) .lt.eps) .or. (iswitch.gt. - 2) ) then
kunit = 1
kunit = 2
! distribute the k-points (and their weights and spin indices)
call divide_et_impera (xk, wk, isk, lsda, nkstot, nks)
! set nkstot which is used to write results for all k-points
nkstot = nks
! allocate memory for G- and R-space fft arrays
call allocate_fft
! generate reciprocal-lattice vectors and fft indices
call ggen
#ifndef PARA
! generates pencils for 3d-fft of psi and related quantities
call set_pencils (nks, xk, ngms, gg, nls, ecutwfc / tpiba2, &
nrx1s, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s)
! For Bachelet-Hamann-Schluter pseudopotentials only
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (.not.tvanp (nt) ) then
if (nlc (nt) .eq.2.and.nnl (nt) .eq.3.and.bhstype (nt) ) call &
bachel (alps (1, 0, nt), aps (1, 0, nt), 1, lmax (nt) )
! okvan = .true. : at least one pseudopotential is US
okvan = .false.
do nt = 1, ntyp
okvan = okvan.or.tvanp (nt)
! initialize parameters for charge density extrapolation during dynamics
alpha0 = 1.d0
beta0 = 0.d0
! Needed for LDA+U
! initialize d1 and d2 to rotate the spherical harmonics
if (lda_plus_u) then
Hubbard_lmax = -1
do nt=1,ntyp
if (Hubbard_U(nt).ne.0.d0 .or. Hubbard_alpha(nt).ne.0.d0) then
Hubbard_l(nt) = set_Hubbard_l( psd(nt) )
Hubbard_lmax = max(Hubbard_lmax,Hubbard_l(nt))
write (6,*) ' HUBBARD L FOR TYPE ',psd(nt),' IS ', Hubbard_l(nt)
end if
end do
write (6,*) ' MAXIMUM HUBBARD L IS ', Hubbard_lmax
if (Hubbard_lmax.eq.-1) &
call error ('setup','lda_plus_u calculation but Hubbard_l not set',1)
call d_matrix (d1, d2, d3)
end if
end subroutine setup
integer function n_atom_wfc (nat, npsx, ityp, newpseudo, nchix, nchi, oc, lchi)
! Find max number of bands needed
use parameters, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: nat, npsx, ityp (nat), nchix, nchi (npsx), lchi (nchix, npsx)
real(kind=DP) :: oc (nchix, npsx)
logical :: newpseudo (npsx)
integer :: na, nt, n
n_atom_wfc = 0
do na = 1, nat
nt = ityp (na)
do n = 1, nchi (nt)
if (oc (n, nt) .gt.0.d0.or..not.newpseudo (nt) ) n_atom_wfc = &
n_atom_wfc + 2 * lchi (n, nt) + 1
end function n_atom_wfc