
130 lines
3.7 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine gk_sort (k, ngm, g, ecut, ngk, igk, gk)
! sorts k+g in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
! NB: this version will yield the same ordering for different ecut
! and the same ordering in all machines
use parameters
implicit none
! Here the dummy variables
integer :: ngm, ngk, igk(ngk)
! input: the number of g vectors
! output: the number of k+G vectors inside
! output: the correspondence k+G <-> G
real(kind=DP) :: k (3), g (3, ngm), ecut, gk (ngk)
! input: the k point
! input: the coordinates of G vectors
! input: the cut-off energy
! output: the moduli of k+G
! one parameter
real(kind=DP) :: eps
! a small number
parameter (eps = 1.d-8)
! here the local variables
integer :: ng, nk
! counter on G vectors
! counter on k+G vectors
real(kind=DP) :: q, q2x, d (3), dnorm
! |k+G|^2
! upper bound for |G|
! d vector for ordering
! the norm of d
! set the d vector for unique ordering
d (1) = 0.5465246754d0
d (2) = 0.8765365676d0
d (3) = 0.1524654376d0
dnorm = sqrt (d (1) * d (1) + d (2) * d (2) + d (3) * d (3) )
d (1) = d (1) / dnorm
d (2) = d (2) / dnorm
d (3) = d (3) / dnorm
! first we count the number of k+G vectors inside the cut-off sphere
q2x = (sqrt (k (1) **2 + k (2) **2 + k (3) **2) + sqrt (ecut) ) ** &
ngk = 0
do ng = 1, ngm
q = (k (1) + g (1, ng) ) **2 + (k (2) + g (2, ng) ) **2 + (k (3) &
+ g (3, ng) ) **2
! here if |k+G|^2 <= Ecut
if (q.le.ecut) then
ngk = ngk + 1
! gk is a fake quantity giving the same ordering on all machines
if (q.gt.eps) then
gk (ngk) = 1.d4 * q + ( (k (1) + g (1, ng) ) * d (1) &
+ (k (2) + g (2, ng) ) * d (2) + (k (3) + g (3, ng) ) &
* d (3) ) / sqrt (q)
gk (ngk) = 0.d0
! set the initial value of index array
igk (ngk) = ng
! if |G| > |k| + sqrt(Ecut) stop search and order vectors
if (g (1, ng) **2 + g (2, ng) **2 + g (3, ng) **2.gt.q2x) goto &
call error ('gk_sort', 'unexpected exit from do-loop', - 1)
! order vector gk keeping initial position in index
10 call hpsort (ngk, gk, igk)
! now order true |k+G|
do nk = 1, ngk
gk (nk) = (k (1) + g (1, igk (nk) ) ) **2 + (k (2) + g (2, igk ( &
nk) ) ) **2 + (k (3) + g (3, igk (nk) ) ) **2
end subroutine gk_sort
subroutine gk_l2gmap (ngm, ig_l2g, ngk, igk, igk_l2g)
! This subroutine maps local G+k index to the global G vector index
! the mapping is used to collect wavefunctions subsets distributed
! across processors.
! Written by Carlo Cavazzoni
use parameters
implicit none
! Here the dummy variables
integer :: ngm, ngk, igk(ngk), ig_l2g(ngm) ! input
integer :: igk_l2g(ngk) ! output
integer :: nk
! input: mapping between local and global G vector index
do nk = 1, ngk
igk_l2g(nk) = ig_l2g( igk(nk) )
end subroutine gk_l2gmap