
61 lines
1.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine g_psi (lda, n, m, psi, e)
! This routine computes an estimate of the inverse Hamiltonian
! and applies it to m wavefunctions
! first the input variables
use parameters
use g_psi_mod
implicit none
integer :: lda, n, m
! input: the leading dimension of psi
! input: the real dimension of psi
! input: the number of bands
real(kind=DP) :: e (m)
! input: the eigenvectors
complex(kind=DP) :: psi (lda, m)
! inp/out: the psi vector
! One parameter
real(kind=DP) :: eps
! a small number
parameter (eps = 1.0d-4)
! The local variables
real(kind=DP) :: denm ! the denominator
integer :: k, i
! counter on psi functions
! counter on G vectors
call start_clock ('g_psi')
do k = 1, m
do i = 1, n
denm = h_diag (i) - e (k) * s_diag (i)
! denm = g2+v(g=0) - e(k)
if (abs (denm) .lt.eps) denm = sign (eps, denm)
! denm = sign( max( abs(denm),eps ), denm )
psi (i, k) = psi (i, k) / denm
call stop_clock ('g_psi')
end subroutine g_psi