
480 lines
16 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cdiisg (ndim, ndmx, nvec, nvecx, buflen, btype, psi, &
ethr, e, notcnv, iter, keep_flag)
! iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
! ( H - e S ) * psi = 0
! where h is a complex hermitean matrix, e is a real scalar,
! and S is a complex hermitean matrix and psi is a complex vector
! Gabriele Cipriani 3/00
#include "machine.h"
use parameters, only : DP
implicit none
logical :: keep_flag
! if to keep the old wfc in the subspac
integer :: ndim, ndmx, nvec, nvecx, buflen
! dimension of the matrix to be
! diagonalized
! leading dimension of matrix psi,
! as declared in the calling pgm unit
! number of sought eigeipairs
! max ""
! wfc buffer lenght
complex(kind=DP) :: psi (ndmx, nvecx)
! wfc
real(kind=DP) :: ethr
! energy threshold for convergence.
! root improvement is stopped, when two
! consecutive estimates of the root dif
! by less than ethr.
integer :: btype (nvecx)
! complex*16 psi ! the first nvec columns contain the
! ! refined estimates of the eigenvectors
real(kind=DP) :: e (nvec)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: et (:)
! energies
! idem
integer :: iter, notcnv
! number of iterations performed.
! number of unconverged (valence) roots
! LOCAL variables
! parameters
integer :: maxter, diis_steps, cbnd_steps
! maximum number of iterations
! maximum number diis refinements
! maximum number diis refinements for co
real(kind=DP) :: pi, min_tstep, max_tstep, small, big, shift, cfact
! minimum diis step lenght
! maximum diis step lenght
! diagonal shift for rmat
! convergence factor for the norm of the
parameter (maxter = 1, diis_steps = 4, cbnd_steps = 2, pi = &
3.14159265359d0, min_tstep = 0.1d0, max_tstep = 1.d0, small = &
1.d-10, big = 1.d10, shift = 1.d-12, cfact = 0.01d0)
integer :: kter
integer, allocatable :: conv (:)
integer ::nc, n, nb, ns, wfoff, &
bufoff, nopt, bufwfc, i, j, ib, nvectot, nbuf, ibuf, jbuf, ipos
integer, allocatable :: buf2wfc (:), wfc2buf (:,:)
! counter on iterations
! conv flag
! bnd type
! counter on wfc buffers
! counter on wfc
! counter on wfc in the buffer
! counter on diis steps
! first wfc of a given buffer
! buffer offset
! number of wfc still to optimize
! number of wfc in the buffer
! dimension of the iterative subspace
! indexing table for the buffe
! idem
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: vc (:,:), vcc (:,:),&
rmat (:,:,:), smat (:,:,:), psip (:,:), psis (:,:), &
pres (:,:), dwfc (:,:), dres (:,:), eau(:), cstep(:)
complex(kind=DP) :: ZDOTC, hh (2, 2), ss (2, 2), hv (2, 2)
! residues matrix
! overlap matrix
! the product of H and
! the product of S and
! preconditioned residu
! iterative space
! residues
! scalar product routin
! auxiliary complex var
! diis trial step leng
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: nrm (:), ew (:), ep (:), np (:), ec (:)
real(kind=DP) :: h (2), tstep
external ZDOTC
! allocate the work arrays
call start_clock ('cdiisg')
allocate (vc( diis_steps , diis_steps))
allocate (vcc( diis_steps , buflen))
allocate (psip( ndmx , buflen))
allocate (psis( ndmx , buflen))
allocate (pres( ndmx , buflen))
allocate (dwfc( ndmx , diis_steps * buflen))
allocate (dres( ndmx , diis_steps * buflen))
allocate (ec( diis_steps))
allocate (ep( nvec))
allocate (ew( buflen))
allocate (et( 2 * nvec))
allocate (np( nvec))
allocate (eau( buflen))
allocate (nrm( buflen))
allocate (rmat( diis_steps, diis_steps, buflen))
allocate (smat( diis_steps, diis_steps, buflen))
allocate (conv( nvec))
allocate (cstep( buflen))
allocate (buf2wfc( buflen * diis_steps))
allocate (wfc2buf( buflen , diis_steps))
if (diis_steps.lt.cbnd_steps) call error ('cdiisg', 'wrong diis_steps', 1)
do n = 1, nvec
conv (n) = 0
ep (n) = 0.d0
np (n) = 0.d0
do n = 1, buflen
ew (n) = 0.d0
do n = 1, 2 * nvec
et (n) = 0.d0
do j = 1, diis_steps
do i = 1, buflen
buf2wfc (i * j) = 0
wfc2buf (i, j) = 0
! number of wfc buffers
nbuf = nvec / buflen
if (mod (nvec, buflen) .ne.0) nbuf = nbuf + 1
do kter = 1, maxter
iter = kter
if (kter.eq.1) nvectot = nvec
call rotate_wfc (ndim, ndmx, nvectot, nvectot, et, psi)
! write(*,'(4f12.6)')(et(n),n=1,nvec)
! save bands
if (keep_flag) then
call ZCOPY (ndmx * nvec, psi (1, 1), 1, psi (1, nvec + 1), &
nvectot = 2 * nvec
nvectot = nvec
! buffers' loop
do nc = 1, nbuf
wfoff = (nc - 1) * buflen + 1
bufwfc = min (nvec - wfoff + 1, buflen)
! starting indexing
nopt = bufwfc
bufoff = 1
ipos = bufwfc
do ib = 1, bufwfc
buf2wfc (ib) = ib
wfc2buf (ib, 1) = ib
! workspaces:
call setv (2 * diis_steps * diis_steps * buflen, 0.d0, rmat, 1)
call setv (2 * diis_steps * diis_steps * buflen, 0.d0, smat, 1)
call setv (2 * ndmx * diis_steps * buflen, 0.d0, dwfc, 1)
call setv (2 * ndmx * diis_steps * buflen, 0.d0, dres, 1)
call setv (2 * ndmx * buflen, 0.d0, psip, 1)
call setv (2 * ndmx * buflen, 0.d0, psis, 1)
call ZCOPY (ndmx * nopt, psi (1, wfoff), 1, dwfc (1, 1), 1)
! diis optimization:
do ns = 1, diis_steps
! residues
call h_psi (ndmx, ndim, nopt, dwfc (1, bufoff), psip, psis)
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nrm (ib) = 0.d0
nrm (ib) = DREAL (ZDOTC (ndim, dwfc (1,ibuf),1,psis (1,ib),1) )
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (nopt, nrm)
! rescale
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nrm (ib) = 1.d0 / dsqrt (nrm (ib) )
call DSCAL (2 * ndmx, nrm (ib), dwfc (1, ibuf), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * ndmx, nrm (ib), psip (1, ib), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * ndmx, nrm (ib), psis (1, ib), 1)
eau (ib) = - ZDOTC (ndim, dwfc (1, ibuf), 1, psip (1, ib),1)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2 * nopt, eau)
! energies
do ib = 1, nopt
ew (ib) = - DREAL (eau (ib) )
! residues
call ZCOPY (ndmx * nopt, psip, 1, dres (1, bufoff), 1)
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
call ZAXPY (ndmx, eau (ib), psis (1,ib),1,dres (1,ibuf),1)
! update rmat/smat
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
do j = 1, ns
jbuf = wfc2buf (nb, j)
rmat (j, ns, nb) = ZDOTC (ndim,dres(1,jbuf),1,dres(1,ibuf),1)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2, rmat (j, ns, nb) )
rmat (ns, j, nb) = conjg (rmat (j, ns, nb) )
if (ns.eq.1) then
smat (ns, ns, nb) = (1.d0, 0.d0)
smat (ns, j, nb) = ZDOTC(ndim,psis(1,ib),1,dwfc(1,jbuf),1)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2, smat (ns, j, nb) )
smat (j, ns, nb) = conjg (smat (ns, j, nb) )
! diagonal shift
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
rmat (ns, ns, nb) = rmat (ns, ns, nb) + shift
smat (ns, ns, nb) = smat (ns, ns, nb) + shift
! dump
! write(6,*)
! do ib=1,nopt
! ibuf = bufoff+ib-1
! nb = buf2wfc(ibuf)
! n = wfoff+nb-1
! write(6,"('n ns rmat ew de ',2i5,3e14.6)")n,ns,
! + DREAL(rmat(ns,ns,nb)),ew(ib),
! + dabs(ew(ib)-ep(n))
! enddo
! write(6,*)
if (ns.eq.1) then
! first iteration
! ep np
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
n = wfoff + nb - 1
ep (n) = ew (ib)
np (n) = rmat (ns, ns, nb)
! preconditioned residue
call ZCOPY (ndmx * nopt, dres (1, 1), 1, pres, 1)
call g_psi (ndmx, ndim, nopt, pres, ew)
! minimize rayleigh quotient
call h_psi (ndmx, ndim, nopt, pres, psip, psis)
if (.true.) then
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
n = wfoff + nb - 1
call setv (8, 0.d0, hh, 1)
call setv (8, 0.d0, ss, 1)
hh (1, 1) = DCMPLX (ew (ib), 0.d0)
hh (1, 2) = ZDOTC (ndim, dwfc (1, ib), 1, psip (1, ib),1)
hh (2, 1) = conjg (hh (1, 2) )
hh (2, 2) = ZDOTC (ndim, pres (1, ib), 1, psip (1, ib),1)
ss (1, 1) = smat (1, 1, ib)
ss (1, 2) = ZDOTC (ndim, dwfc (1, ib), 1, psis (1, ib),1)
ss (2, 1) = conjg (ss (1, 2) )
ss (2, 2) = ZDOTC (ndim, pres (1, ib), 1, psis (1, ib),1)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (8, hh)
call reduce (8, ss)
hh (1, 1) = DCMPLX (ew (ib), 0.d0)
ss (1, 1) = smat (1, 1, ib)
call cdiaghg (2, 2, hh, ss, 2, h, hv)
if (abs (hv (1, 1) ) .lt.small) then
cstep (ib) = DCMPLX(min_tstep, 0.d0)
cstep (ib) = hv (2, 1) / hv (1, 1)
! write(6,*)'cstep0 ',n,cstep(ib)
tstep = abs (cstep (ib) )
cstep (ib) = cstep (ib) / tstep
tstep = max (tstep, min_tstep)
tstep = min (tstep, max_tstep)
cstep (ib) = cstep (ib) * tstep
! write(6,*)'cstep1 ',n,cstep(ib)
do ib = 1, nopt
cstep (ib) = ( - 1.d0, 0.d0)
! next dwfc
if (diis_steps.eq.1) then
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
n = wfoff + nb - 1
call ZCOPY (ndmx, dwfc (1, ib), 1, psi (1, n), 1)
call ZAXPY (ndmx, cstep (ib), pres(1,ib),1,psi (1, n),1)
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
ipos = ipos + 1
call ZCOPY (ndmx, dwfc (1, ib), 1, dwfc (1, ipos), 1)
call ZAXPY (ndmx,cstep(ib),pres(1,ib),1,dwfc(1,ipos),1)
wfc2buf (nb, ns + 1) = ipos
buf2wfc (ipos) = nb
bufoff = bufoff + nopt
nopt = ipos - bufoff + 1
! ns > 1
! check convergence
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
n = wfoff + nb - 1
if (dabs (ew (ib) - ep (n) ) .lt.ethr .or. &
DREAL (rmat (ns, ns, nb) ) .lt.cfact * np (n) .or. &
((btype (n).eq.1) .and. (ns.eq.cbnd_steps)) ) conv(n)=1
ep (n) = ew (ib)
! solve diis eigenproblem
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
call cdiaghg (ns, ns, rmat (1, 1, nb), smat (1, 1, nb), &
diis_steps, ec, vc)
if (ec (1) .lt.0.d0.and. (dabs (ec (1) ) .gt.small) ) then
write ( * , * ) ' *********** ec *********** '
write ( *, * ) (ec (i), i = 1, diis_steps)
call error ('cdiisg', 'ec(1) < 0', 1)
do j = 1, ns
vcc (j, nb) = vc (j, 1)
! new residue
call setv (2 * ndmx * nopt, 0.d0, pres, 1)
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
do j = 1, ns
jbuf = wfc2buf (nb, j)
call ZAXPY (ndmx,vcc(j,nb),dres(1,jbuf),1,pres(1,ib),1)
call g_psi (ndmx, ndim, nopt, pres, ew)
! new wfc
do ib = 1, nopt
ibuf = bufoff + ib - 1
nb = buf2wfc (ibuf)
n = wfoff + nb - 1
if (conv (n) .eq.1.or.ns.eq.diis_steps) then
call setv (2 * ndmx, 0.d0, psi (1, n), 1)
do j = 1, ns
jbuf = wfc2buf (nb, j)
call ZAXPY (ndmx,vcc(j,nb),dwfc(1,jbuf),1,psi(1,n),1)
call ZAXPY (ndmx,cstep(ib),pres(1,ib),1,psi(1,n),1)
ipos = ipos + 1
do j = 1, ns
jbuf = wfc2buf (nb, j)
call ZAXPY (ndmx, vcc(j,nb), dwfc(1,jbuf), 1, &
call ZAXPY (ndmx, cstep (ib), pres (1, ib), 1, &
dwfc (1,ipos), 1)
wfc2buf (nb, ns + 1) = ipos
buf2wfc (ipos) = nb
bufoff = bufoff + nopt
nopt = ipos - bufoff + 1
if (nopt.eq.0) goto 10
! ns loop
10 continue
! nc loop
! update convergence flags
notcnv = 0
do n = 1, nvec
if (btype (n) .eq.0.and.conv (n) .ne.1) notcnv = notcnv + 1
! exit?
if (notcnv.eq.0) goto 100
! kter loop
100 continue
call rotate_wfc (ndim, ndmx, nvectot, nvectot, et, psi)
do n = 1, nvec
e (n) = et (n)
deallocate (wfc2buf)
deallocate (buf2wfc)
deallocate (cstep)
deallocate (conv)
deallocate (smat)
deallocate (rmat)
deallocate (nrm)
deallocate (eau)
deallocate (np)
deallocate (et)
deallocate (ew)
deallocate (ep)
deallocate (ec)
deallocate (dres)
deallocate (dwfc)
deallocate (pres)
deallocate (psis)
deallocate (psip)
deallocate (vcc)
deallocate (vc)
call stop_clock ('cdiisg')
end subroutine cdiisg