
256 lines
7.4 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine c_bands (iter, ik_, dr2)
! This routine is a driver for the diagonalization routines of the
! total Hamiltonian at each k-point.
! It reads the Hamiltonian and an initial guess of the wavefunctions
! from a file and computes initialization quantities for the
! diagonalization routines.
! There are three types of iterative diagonalization:
! a) Davidson algorithm (all-band)
! b) Conjugate Gradient (band-by-band)
! c) DIIS algorithm
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use g_psi_mod
implicit none
! First the I/O variables
integer :: ik_, iter
! k-point already done
! current iterations
real(kind=DP) :: dr2
! current accuracy of self-consistency
! here the local variables
real(kind=DP) :: avg_iter, cg_iter, v_of_0, dsum, erf
! average number of iterations
! number of iteration in CG
! the average of the potential
! summation function
! error function
integer :: ik, ig, ibnd, ntrt, ntry, notconv
integer, allocatable :: btype(:)
! counter on k points
! counter on G vectors
! counter on bands
! number of iterations in Davidson
! number or repeated call to EGTER
! type of band: conduction (1) or valence
! number of notconverged elements
if (ik_.eq.nks) then
ik_ = 0
call start_clock ('c_bands')
! allocate arrays
allocate (btype( nbnd))
allocate (h_diag( npwx))
allocate (s_diag( npwx))
if (isolve.eq.0) then
if (loverlap) then
write (6, '(" Davidson diagonalization with overlap")')
write (6, '(" Davidson diagonalization")')
elseif (isolve.eq.1) then
write (6, '(" Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization")')
elseif (isolve.eq.2) then
if (.not.loverlap) call error ('c_bands', &
'diis not implemented without overlap', 1)
if (.not.diis_wfc_keep) then
write (6, '(" DIIS style diagonalization")')
write (6, '(" DIIS style diagonalization (keeping old wfc)")')
call error ('c_bands', 'isolve not implemented', 1)
avg_iter = 0.d0
! v_of_0 is (Vloc)(G=0)
v_of_0 = dsum (nrxx, vltot, 1) / float (nr1 * nr2 * nr3)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (1, v_of_0)
if (nks.gt.1) rewind (iunigk)
! For each k point diagonalizes the hamiltonian
do ik = 1, nks
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ik)
! Reads the Hamiltonian and the list k+G <-> G of this k point
if (nks.gt.1) read (iunigk) npw, igk
! do not recalculate k-points if restored from a previous run
if (ik.le.ik_) goto 20
! various initializations
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ik), vkb)
! read in wavefunctions from the previous iteration
if (nks.gt.1.or..not.reduce_io) call davcio(evc,nwordwfc,iunwfc,ik,-1)
! Needed for LDA+U
if (lda_plus_u) call davcio (swfcatom, nwordatwfc, iunat, ik,- 1)
! sets the kinetic energy
do ig = 1, npw
g2kin (ig) = (xk (1, ik) + g (1, igk (ig) ) ) **2 + &
(xk (2, ik) + g (2, igk (ig) ) ) **2 + &
(xk (3, ik) + g (3, igk (ig) ) ) **2
! Put the correct units on the kinetic energy
call DSCAL (npw, tpiba2, g2kin, 1)
! Put the correct units on the kinetic energy
if (qcutz.gt.0.d0) then
do ig = 1, npw
g2kin (ig) = g2kin (ig) + qcutz * (1.d0 + erf ( (g2kin (ig) &
- ecfixed) / q2sigma) )
if (isolve.eq.1) then
! Conjugate-Gradient diagonalization
! h_diag is the precondition matrix
do ig = 1, npw
h_diag (ig) = max (1.d0, g2kin (ig) )
ntry = 0
10 continue
if (iter.ne.1.or.istep.ne.1.or.ntry.gt.0) then
call cinitcgg (npwx, npw, nbnd, nbnd, evc, et (1, ik) )
avg_iter = avg_iter + 1.d0
call ccgdiagg (npwx, npw, nbnd, evc, et (1, ik), h_diag, ethr, &
max_cg_iter, .not.lscf, notconv, cg_iter)
avg_iter = avg_iter + cg_iter
! save wave-functions to be used as input for the iterative
! diagonalization of the next scf iteration and for rho calculation
if (nks.gt.1.or..not.reduce_io) call davcio(evc,nwordwfc,iunwfc,ik,1)
ntry = ntry + 1
if (ntry.le.5.and. ( &
.not.lscf.and.notconv.gt.0.or.lscf.and.notconv.gt.5) ) goto 10
! Davidson or DIIS diagonalization
! h_diag are the diagonal matrix elements of the hamiltonian
! used in g_psi to evaluate the correction to the trial eigenvectors
do ig = 1, npw
h_diag (ig) = g2kin (ig) + v_of_0
call usnldiag (h_diag, s_diag)
ntry = 0
15 continue
if (isolve.eq.0.or. (isolve.eq.2.and.iter.le.diis_start_dav) ) &
call cegterg (npw, npwx, nbnd, nbndx, evc, ethr, loverlap, &
et (1, ik), notconv, ntrt)
! btype
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
btype (ibnd) = 0
if (iter.gt.1) then
if (degauss.gt.0.d0) then
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if (et (ibnd, ik) .gt. (ef + 3.d0 * degauss) ) btype (ibnd) = 1
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if (ibnd.gt.nint (nelec) / 2.d0) btype (ibnd) = 1
! write(*,'(5f12.6)')(et(ibnd,ik),ibnd=1,nbnd)
! write(*,'(20i3)')(btype(ibnd),ibnd=1,nbnd)
call cdiisg (npw, npwx, nbnd, nbndx, diis_buff, btype, evc, &
ethr, et (1, ik), notconv, ntrt, diis_wfc_keep)
avg_iter = avg_iter + ntrt
! save wave-functions to be used as input for the iterative
! diagonalization of the next scf iteration and for rho calculation
if (nks.gt.1.or..not.reduce_io) call davcio(evc,nwordwfc,iunwfc,ik,1)
ntry = ntry + 1
if (ntry.le.5.and. ( &
.not.lscf.and.notconv.gt.0.or.lscf.and.notconv.gt.5) ) goto 15
if (notconv.ne.0) write (6, '(" warning : ",i3," eigenvectors not",&
&" converged after ",i3," attemps")') notconv, ntry
if (notconv.gt.max (5, nbnd / 4) ) stop
20 continue
! save restart information
call save_in_cbands (iter, ik, dr2)
ik_ = 0
#ifdef PARA
call poolreduce (1, avg_iter)
avg_iter = avg_iter / nkstot
write (6, 9000) ethr, avg_iter
! deallocate work space
deallocate (s_diag)
deallocate (h_diag)
deallocate (btype)
call stop_clock ('c_bands')
9000 format(5x,'ethr = ',1pe9.2,', avg # of iterations =',0pf5.1 )
end subroutine c_bands