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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine atomic_rho (rhoa, nspina)
! This routine calculates rhoa as the superposition of atomic charges.
! nspina is the number of spin components to be calculated
! if nspina = 1 the total atomic charge density is calculated
! if nspina = 2 the spin up and spin down atomic charge densities are
! calculated assuming an uniform atomic spin-polarization
! equal to starting_magnetization(nt)
! NB: nspina may not be equal to nspin because in some cases (as in upda
! the total charge only could be needed, even in a LSDA calculation.
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
implicit none
integer :: nspina
! the number of spin polarizations
real(kind=DP) :: rhoa (nrxx, nspina), rhoneg, rhorea, rhoima, gx
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: rhocgnt (:), aux (:)
! the output atomic charge
! negative charge
! real charge
! imaginary charge
! the modulus of G
! the value of the integral
! the integrand function
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: rhocg (:,:)
! auxiliary var: charge dens. in G spac
integer :: ir, is, ig, igl, igl0, nt
! counter on mesh points
! counter on spin polarizations
! counter on G vectors
! counter on G vectors shells
! index of first shell with G != 0
! counter on atom types
! superposition of atomic charges contained in the array rho_at and
! already set in readin-readvan
allocate (rhocg( ngm, nspina))
allocate (aux( ndm))
allocate (rhocgnt( ngl))
! psic is the generic work space
call setv (nrxx, 0.d0, rhoa, 1)
call setv (2 * nspina * ngm, 0.d0, rhocg, 1)
do nt = 1, ntyp
! Here we compute the G=0 term
if (gl (1) .lt.1.0d-8) then
do ir = 1, msh (nt)
aux (ir) = rho_at (ir, nt)
call simpson (msh (nt), aux, rab (1, nt), rhocgnt (1) )
igl0 = 2
igl0 = 1
! Here we compute the G<>0 term
do igl = igl0, ngl
gx = sqrt (gl (igl) ) * tpiba
do ir = 1, msh (nt)
if (r (ir, nt) .lt.1.0d-8) then
aux (ir) = rho_at (ir, nt)
aux (ir) = rho_at (ir, nt) * sin (gx * r (ir, nt) ) / (r (ir, &
nt) * gx)
call simpson (msh (nt), aux, rab (1, nt), rhocgnt (igl) )
! we compute the 3D atomic charge in reciprocal space
if (nspina.eq.1) then
do ig = 1, ngm
rhocg (ig, 1) = rhocg (ig, 1) + strf (ig, nt) * rhocgnt ( &
igtongl (ig) ) / omega
do ig = 1, ngm
rhocg (ig, 1) = rhocg (ig, 1) + 0.5d0 * (1.d0 + &
starting_magnetization (nt) ) * strf (ig, nt) * rhocgnt ( &
igtongl (ig) ) / omega
rhocg (ig, 2) = rhocg (ig, 2) + 0.5d0 * (1.d0 - &
starting_magnetization (nt) ) * strf (ig, nt) * rhocgnt ( &
igtongl (ig) ) / omega
deallocate (rhocgnt)
deallocate (aux)
do is = 1, nspina
! and we return to real space
call setv (2 * nrxx, 0.d0, psic, 1)
do ig = 1, ngm
psic (nl (ig) ) = rhocg (ig, is)
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, 1)
! we check that everything is correct
rhoneg = 0.d0
rhoima = 0.d0
do ir = 1, nrxx
rhorea = DREAL (psic (ir) )
rhoneg = rhoneg + min (0.d0, rhorea)
rhoima = rhoima + abs (DIMAG (psic (ir) ) )
rhoa (ir, is) = rhorea
rhoneg = rhoneg / (nr1 * nr2 * nr3)
rhoima = rhoima / (nr1 * nr2 * nr3)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (1, rhoneg)
call reduce (1, rhoima)
if (rhoneg.lt. - 1.0d-4.or.rhoima.gt.1.0d-4) &
write (6,'(/" Warning: negative or imaginary starting charge ",&
&2f12.6,i3)') rhoneg, rhoima, is
deallocate (rhocg)
end subroutine atomic_rho