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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
function allowed (nr)
#include "machine.h"
! find if the fft dimension is a good one
! a "bad one" is either not implemented (as on IBM with ESSL)
! or implemented but with awful performances (most other cases)
use parameters
implicit none
integer :: nr
logical :: allowed
integer :: pwr (5)
integer :: mr, i, fac, p, maxpwr
integer :: factors (5)
data factors / 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 /
! find the factors of the fft dimension
mr = nr
do i = 1, 5
pwr (i) = 0
do i = 1, 5
fac = factors (i)
maxpwr = nint (log (float (mr) ) / log (float (fac) ) ) + 1
do p = 1, maxpwr
if (mr.eq.1) goto 10
if (mod (mr, fac) .eq.0) then
mr = mr / fac
pwr (i) = pwr (i) + 1
10 if (nr.ne.mr * 2**pwr (1) * 3**pwr (2) * 5**pwr (3) * 7**pwr (4) &
* 11**pwr (5) ) call error ('allowed', 'what ?!?', 1)
if (mr.ne.1) then
! fft dimension contains factors > 11 : no good in any case
allowed = .false.
#ifdef CERNLIB
! this is for the generic (cernlib) case
allowed = .true.
! specific (machine- and library-dependent cases
#ifdef AIX
! IBM machines with essl libraries
allowed = pwr (1) .ge.1.and.pwr (2) .le.2.and.pwr (3) &
.le.1.and.pwr (4) .le.1.and.pwr (5) .le.1.and. ( (pwr (2) &
.eq.0.and.pwr (3) + pwr (4) + pwr (5) .le.2) .or. (pwr (2) &
.ne.0.and.pwr (3) + pwr (4) + pwr (5) .le.1) )
! fftw and all other cases
allowed = pwr (4) .eq.0.and.pwr (5) .eq.0
end function allowed