
127 lines
2.4 KiB

input_description -distribution {Quantum Espresso} -program gipaw.x {
toc {}
intro {
Structure of the input data:
namelist INPUTGIPAW {
var job -type CHARACTER {
default { 'nmr' }
info {
select calculation to perform. The possible values are:
'f-sum' check the f-sum rule
'nmr' compute the magnetic suscept. and NMR chemical shifts
'g_tensor' compute the EPR g-tensor
'efg' compute the electric field gradients at the nuclei
var prefix -type CHARACTER {
default { 'prefix' }
info {
prefix of files saved by program pw.x
var tmp_dir -type CHARACTER {
default { './scratch/' }
info {
temporary directory where pw.x files resides
var conv_threshold -type REAL {
default { 1.d-14 }
info {
convergence threshold for the diagonalization and for the Green's
function solver
var isolve -type INTEGER {
default { 0 }
info {
diagonalization method:
0 = Davidson
1 = CG
var q_gipaw -type REAL {
default { 0.01 }
info {
small vector for long wavelength linear response
var iverbosity -type INTEGER {
default { 0 }
info {
if iverbosity > 0 print more information in output
var filcurr -type CHARACTER {
default { '' }
info {
for saving the induced current (valence only)
var filfield -type CHARACTER {
default { '' }
info {
for saving the induced magnetic field (valence only)
var read_recon_in_paratec_fmt -type LOGICAL {
default { .FALSE. }
info {
for reading reconstruction data from Paratec converted
dimension file_reconstruction -start 1 -end ntyp -type CHARACTER {
info {
for each pseudopotential, the file name with reconstruction data
var use_nmr_macroscopic_shape -type LOGICAL {
info {
correct the chemical shift by taking into account the macroscopic
shape of the sample
var nmr_macroscopic_shape(3,3) -type REAL {
default { 2/3 }
info {
tensor for the macroscopic shape correction
var spline_ps -type LOGICAL {
default { .TRUE. }
info {
interpolate pseudopotentials with cubic splines (better accuracy
of the chemical shifts)