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! Copyright (C) 2002-2004 PWSCF-FPMD-CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE mp_global
#if defined (__SHMEM)
USE shmem_include
USE parallel_include
INTEGER :: mpime = 0 ! absolute processor index starting from 0
INTEGER :: root = 0 ! index of the absolute root processor
INTEGER :: nproc = 1 ! absolute number of processor
INTEGER :: group = 0 ! group communicator
INTEGER :: kunit = 1 ! granularity of k-point distribution
! ... indeces ( all starting from 0 !!! )
INTEGER :: me_pool = 0 ! index of the processor within a pool
INTEGER :: me_image = 0 ! index of the processor within an image
INTEGER :: root_pool = 0 ! index of the root processor within a pool
INTEGER :: root_image = 0 ! index of the root processor within an image
INTEGER :: my_pool_id = 0 ! index of my pool
INTEGER :: my_image_id = 0 ! index of my image
INTEGER :: npool = 1 ! number of "k-points"-pools
INTEGER :: nimage = 1 ! number of "path-images"-pools
INTEGER :: nogrp = 1 ! number of "task groups"
INTEGER :: npgrp = 1 ! number of processor withing a "task group"
INTEGER :: nproc_pool = 1 ! number of processor within a pool
INTEGER :: nproc_image = 1 ! number of processor within an image
! ... communicators
INTEGER :: inter_pool_comm = 0 ! inter pool communicator
INTEGER :: intra_pool_comm = 0 ! intra pool communicator
INTEGER :: inter_image_comm = 0 ! inter image communicator
INTEGER :: intra_image_comm = 0 ! intra image communicator
INTEGER :: me_pgrp = 0 ! index of the processor in plane-wave group (task grouping)
INTEGER :: me_ogrp = 0 ! index of the processor in orbital group (task grouping)
SUBROUTINE mp_global_start( root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: root_i, mpime_i, group_i, nproc_i
root = root_i
mpime = mpime_i
group = group_i
nproc = nproc_i
nproc_pool = nproc_i
my_pool_id = 0
my_image_id = 0
me_pool = mpime
me_image = mpime
root_pool = root
root_image = root
inter_pool_comm = group_i
intra_pool_comm = group_i
inter_image_comm = group_i
intra_image_comm = group_i
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_start
SUBROUTINE mp_global_group_start( mep, myp, nprocp, num_of_pools )
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mep, myp, nprocp, num_of_pools
me_pool = mep
my_pool_id = myp
nproc_pool = nprocp
npool = num_of_pools
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_group_start
END MODULE mp_global